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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by Panzer76

  1. Just wondering how you guys see yourself playing SF, what kinda missions/forces etc.

    Myself, I think I'll mostly play as Syrians, simply because Ive always been a underdog kinda guy. And I guess mostly in city/rural maps.

    My goal would be to try to inflict more pain than I recive, prob with lots of ambushes and IEDs.

  2. So, Im just casually interested in this game, which I guess many potential buyers are. And here is my experience with the demo.

    Downloaded and installed, started up. Start training mission one, try to move the camera. Response is VERY sluggish and delayed by a few seconds, makes it impossible to move around or even have a clear view of my troops. Camera control not very intuative (may be connected to sluggishness). Nothing impressive. Exit the demo, forget about the game.

    Now, there is nothing wrong with my PC, it is high-middel end, and runs far more rescource heavy games than this, smoothly.

    Now, I guess there is a way to fix this if I was interested enough to go trouble shooting, browse the forum etc, but frankly, there are many games out there, and I dont feel like wasting time looking for a fix for a demo, that should have worked when I started it up. For me it tells me its shoddy work, and I loose interest.

    Im not saying this as if its a " ah, woo is BTS, they loose a customer", but more as a reminder that there are many like me, and they may wantto look into their demo they release as to give potetial customers a better impression of their game.

    Good luck.

  3. Originally posted by unsobill:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Splinty:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by unsobill:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sergei:

    Take this unsobill character, for instance. He's obviously some sort of anti-semite or anti-something. Mentioning Israel just passingly makes him hyperventilate. Everything he posts is either creepy (like that cartoon) or idiotic, like that "don't deserve" comment. How do you call that correct of any kind?

    right word is anti-zionist - look it up Serega. i, like most of us have jewish friends - only they are orthodox jews - not zionists... great brave people by the way. </font>
  4. Originally posted by Sgt.Joch:

    I also want to know why one of the (if not the) most effective army in the world in the past 100 years, does'nt "deserve" to be in a wargame.

    I think you'll see that the IDF recent performance is nowhere near it's heydays. Kinda overrated now if you ask me, just like the SS division myths (bad political comparinson, thinking military speaking)
  5. Originally posted by Flanker15:

    Well CM:BO had unbalanced tanks as well, the US tanks were no match for the German tanks but you could still beat them. It's not how good you tech is but how you use it. At the start of WW2 French tanks were superior to German but the combined blitzkrieg tactics defeated the French defensive line very effectively.

    It's all about the tactics!

    Not the same. Now its all about "if I see you, your dead". Even with the "unbalanced" tanks, the Allies generally had more of them, to counter the Axis tanks and the terrain often invited to flanking moves etc.

    Now we get rather open, sterile environments, with mostly urban areas as cover.

    And what I see as the biggest concern, as Syrian player, you are expected to loose, and loose big, when it comes to casualties etc. The only way you can "win", is by some pre scenario made parameter bonuses.

    Its like playing CMBB in 41 on steppes, as the Soviets, except you only have BT-2's and the German player has Tigers.

    Anyways, its just a concern I have, and I will be buying this game no matter what (almost) to support BTS. I think its gonna be good, but yeah..

  6. Well, from what Ive read, the "balance" lies in the scenario parameters. For instance, the US force needs to destroy 75% of Syrian Forces while the Syrian only have to destroy 2 Strykers to win.

    While you may say that this is "balanced" from a Win/Loose POV, it sure doesnt seem very balanced when it comes to actually playing the game, fighting, and having fun.

    Imagine playing as the Syrian side. You always have to sneak around, always play on the defensive, always try to ambush, and be happy if your able to get a 1-10 kill ratio. Yeah, that seems like fun!...

  7. Originally posted by Sergei:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by KG_Leopard:

    Same for SC2, which has been descriped for example as "Commando Sleep - War of the slide rules".

    Depends on the magazines that you read - in Finland's biggest gaming journal SC2 got over 90% and editor's recommendation ('top of art' rating). But it's a magazine that has several competent wargaming editors. I can only assume that the magazines you read are of different class.</font>
  8. Originally posted by Salkin:

    I've even seen screenshots of games looking a lot like the CM series.


    *sigh* And how many YEARS after CM did that happen? Im sure your referring to Panzer Command which will be a CM lite anyways. There is nothing to protect against industrial "spying" here now, the game is too far ahead in the dev schedule to make any impact.
  9. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    As a consequence of those and other factors, BFC now have to play their cards closer to their chests to avoid getting ripped off by third-rate wannabes. Sad but true. Welcome to the capitalist system.


    I don't think that line of argument holds any water at all. Companies all over have developer diaries and exactly *what* do you think other companies could steal from a dev diary of SF? "Omg, they are finished doing the ATGM modeling, lets.. umm.. well.. do something about it fast!!!!"
  10. Well then, perhaps we can figure out hwo far away it is from completion by Moons comments:

    Originally posted by Moon:

    The result of this is that there is very little to show to the outside world, until we get to the last 10-20%.Martin

    So, being optemistic, lets say its 75% done now. Combined with:

    Originally posted by Moon:

    It's going to be very much like that, Peter, especially because we're not only building a single game (for now nearly 3 years!)Martin

    So, it took almost 3 years to get it 75% done.

    Noe, you figure out how long the remaining 25% will take.. seems we will be lucky if CMx2 will come out in 2006.

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