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Posts posted by Panzer76

  1. Originally posted by slysniper:

    How does a unit close assault from the second floor of a building 30 meters away, they should at least be on ground level before a dash could happen.

    Hey, I didn't make the game! smile.gif It's what it represents, you may not agree, as Im sure many wouldn't, but there you have it. All part of the abstractions in the game.
  2. Originally posted by slysniper:

    Then my moment of glory, A half squad that was 30 meters from the tank hiding in the second story of a light bldg, tosses a hand grenade and

    destoys this t34 tank, the tank was buttoned up before this happened, it was shown as a normal grenade from a normal squad, this was no bundle. Now how did this possible destroy a tank and a couple of the crew, I love the results, but that is just crazy luck.

    Dontcha know that CM is full of abstrations? smile.gif

    When a unit throws a normal grenade it simulates the unit performing a close assault on the enemy tank.

  3. Originally posted by Code13:

    You on the other hand think it is a library where all form of communication other than obsequious requests for information from our betters is forbidden.

    No, not at all. I simply point out to you that the information is there if you want it. And discussions are always best when one has something new to add ;)

    As I said, seems you just want to chat about the Tiger and that's fine. A more pertinent point in this context would perhaps be to ask if the cost of the Tiger reflects it's battlefield abilitiues and if the cost scheme shoudl be altered. This has also been discussed before ( :D ), but on this point every Joe Doe can have a brilliant new idea smile.gif

  4. Originally posted by Code13:

    If and when you might go to a pub, bar or cafe with your friends do you tell them they cant talk about xy or z subject, but instead must refer to a previous conversation on the matter?

    Well, you are not talking to your mates on this BBS. My point here is:

    What you are discussing here had been discussed before by very knowledgeable people. You want information? Its right there in front of it, use it.

    Seems rather you just want want to chit chat (as with your mates on the pub). That's fine but don't expect to get much useful information as most people that has contributed to this subject before are tired of rehashing the arguments, ok?

  5. Originally posted by Code13:

    Trafling back through archives to find out if and when an old topic may or may not have been discussed is a complete an utter waste of time.

    I am a bit taken aback of this arrogant attitude. If you do a search fot "Tiger" you get over 50 hits. Condidering that people that have authored books on the subject has contributed in these threads, I find it strange, to say the least, that you find it a utter waste of time.

    Originally posted by Code13:

    I am not advocating the starting of multiple threads on the same topic, but if a particular topic isnt easily findable then chances are it was some time since it was last discussed, and on a DISCUSSION board it seems a bit counterproductive to try and stifle that discussion.

    But IT IS easily findable. What is the point of "discussing" something that has been answered many times over if you do not supply some new sources/evidence on the matter? Do you, or anyone for that matter, anything NEW to add to this discussion, or is it just the same old stuff over again?

    Originally posted by Code13:

    I liked this thread, I had things to say (even if it was a petulant grumble at my latest game) but there is no way I would have trawled back throuh ancient threads on the offchance one was about the topic I wanted to pass a comment.

    Offchance? Hardly. And you've had your comment, and I pointed out that you can read all about it in the multiple discussions on this board. I hope you value information over posting just for the sake of posting.
  6. Originally posted by slysniper:

    But I hope you learned a lession with unit placement from it. That is terrible losses for one plane coming on the map. You must of had a slew of units almost on top of each other to take that kind of losses or am I reading something into this that is not what really happened.

    Not much of a leasson to learn form it, was just really unlucky. They were bunched toghter because it was turn 1, and they were out of enemy LOS, heading for the objectives. Just one of those unforseeble things that can happen.
  7. You want war stories, I will give you war stories! You can't handle war stories...err.. well, anyway..

    Playing a TCP QB match, 1500 pts vs, I can't remember. Anyhow, I was the ruskies, and on turn 1 a Stuka delivered it's payload IN THE MIDDLE OF ALL MY FORCES. It eliminated 2/3rds of my inf and armour.

    Well, I thought it was lost, but I couln't very well surrender on turn one, now could I? So I fought on. I got to the objectives before my opponent due to him being overly careful.

    Having hunkered down, I proceeded to kille some of his armour with my T34. After approx 10 turns, he decleared it impossible to take the objectives and surrendered! He thought all the contacts he saw (sqd's with 1-4 men) were full strenght sqds, and he would be masacared if he tried to push on. So, what started as a disaster, ended up in Total Vic! smile.gif

  8. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    "...or else a lot of people will be dissapointed"

    Eh, I figure people have been fantacizing about CMx2 for so long that some are guaranteed be disappointed no matter WHAT the final product looks like - like meeting Pamela Anderson in person and realizing she's just another short woman in her late 30s with bleached hair. Nobody could live up to that fantasy. ;)

    I get your point, but Im not talking about fantasies. From what Steve said, the gfx should be better than this, and Im sure it will be.
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