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Everything posted by dor

  1. Thanks for the info.I guess it's a little bit better than in CMBO isn't it?
  2. but how much does YOUR air power affect YOUR troops? Because in CMBO I had several times about half of my panzers knoked out by my own air force.And it's a little weird to spend say 50% of your points on an air force wich kills your other 50% ground troops.That's why I never bought planes in CMBO. My question is is that possible in CMBB to end a battle without a loss inflicted by your own air power? If you stay away from the enemy lines is still possible that your pilots to confound your troops?
  3. Is it more acurate in CMBB than in CMBO,or is as dangerous for you as it is for the enemy? Thanks!
  4. How many guns do you think a spotter is supposed to be representing?A battery,a division? I want to simulate a naval bombardment and don't know how many spotters to get.
  5. I have an S3 Trio 3D/2X Rev C.Software version 4.0 8MB memory.But I must say I was using the same for CMBO (wich I assume does not require a 16 MB card)and having the same problems.Is any other possibility to play a normal CMBB with my 8 MB video card?
  6. thanks,Michael.In fact I have a 8 Megs Video card,and I thought that if I reset the resolution,the game'll run better,but it won't allow a lower resolution.Even with this 8 Meg card it runs pretty well(except some ground features are mirrored in the sky,and the soldiers looks like they wear the uniform inside out). I overheared that this deficiency can be solved even if I have an 8 MB Video card,but I don't know how! I would appreciate an answer that could bring me the real graphics of CM.
  7. how can I reset the resolution settings.It seems I am stuck with the default one. Thanks in advance!
  8. Thanks.Joe...it would have been a nice thing!
  9. Is this possible? For ex. if the enemy has some sturmoviks can I take a few Me-109 to clear them off the sky?
  10. Can anyone tell me pls,how can I remove the turret skirt for Pz IV? I hate it!Is this something about 3109 bmp? Thanks for any answer!
  11. Yes,it did help,thanks,but it seems there is no way to make both sides to have more than 1000 pts.For ex.:germans 1500 and allies 1500.What do you think?
  12. Is it possible to make a quick battle with more than 1000 points in CMBO?Or to give to one side 1000 and to the other 2000 points?I ask this cos it seems not to be possible to have 2 elite king tigers and others several tanks along with infantry and support in a quick battle.Not to mention a few jabos...this'll exceed by far the 1000 points allowed. Thank you in advance!
  13. hohohoho....Great idea!To fight one of that bloody battles which eat thousands of men,to fire a 80 guns battery upon some infantry squares charged by cavalry,cuirassiers breaking infantry lines,light cavalry in pursuit.Nice also to have the reserve columns falling on the enemy rear,the mass column hitting the center of his line etc. A napoleonic tactical game with a full editor...much awayted by the comunity.
  14. Yes,thanks Reichmann,I guess this must be the reason.
  15. I play sort of campaign with my friends and when calculating the loses,the men remaining in most of the cases are not enough to fill a squad,so we thought we could replace the every 2 men left with a light MG 42.But now there is another problem:the 42 LMG is not fast enough despite the fact now it is carried by 2 men,and when is inserted in a squad just one man carry it. How can be possible the same weapon to be more difficult to transport by two men than just one? Thanks in advance!
  16. hallo,guys! Does anybody knows where can I find a squad editor for CMBO,to modify the number of men,and the weapons load they carry? For example how to make a Wehrmacht 44 squad of 8 men armed with 8 rifles. Thanks,I'll appreciate any answer!
  17. They are not allowed to use SS runes,the Waffen SS denomination,the real 3rd Reich simbols (using instead the reichswehr marks)! Wake up people,this is history,not politics!!! Maybe tommorow will be forbidden the Old Guard Grenadier style bearskins because Napoleon will be declared arbitrarly a "war criminal"! On the other hand the soviet emblem wave up proudly on their flag.Of course it is not forbidden But why am I not surprised?!
  18. Do you think they'll release it on sept.20,sharp,without any "accidentaly" delay...let's say christmas?
  19. What does it mean? I saw this feature somewere,and do not understand it very well.Is it a kind of grand tactical map 24 square kilometers,developing into tactical battles on 9 s/kilo? If so,this is great,meaning we can fight on both,tactical and grand tactical levels. So...what about this 24 s/k map? Thank you in advance!
  20. They also had a factory at Brasov to produce their own planes. The I.A.R.'s were good enough to challenge the Soviet air force,especially I.A.R.-64 and I.A.R.-80 models.
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