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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "...we will simply charge everybody $100 per base game and offer 3 or 4 Upgrades at no extra cost." +2 to that. You get more money upfront and save time and energy from not having to deal with online orders and CC fees etc that add up at later dates. And more satisfied happy customers who have the illusion of getting upgrades for free.
  2. Yes JRMC, I want BF to answer my question. Some of us like hard copies. That's why we bought the "metal" can disk holders for CMBN and CMFI. I just don't want to pay $30 for hard copy and d/l now, only to find that I get a hard copy with the MG game. If that is the case then of course the $10 download is worth it now. However, so far, no one seems to have the definitive answer to this. And BF hasn't responded to the question.
  3. Not sure what happened as everything was ok yesterday. Then I did a routine AVG update and scan. And today, the game launches, but there is NATO module. I have the game patched to 1.32. Should I run the NATO installation again, or will that take me back to an earlier patch? Any other actions? Thanks...
  4. Yes, if you want a d/l plus disk with the 2.0 upgrade it will cost not $10, but $30, which seems a bit steep. However, if the v2.0 will be included in the MG disk, then the $10 for the dowload 2.0 (only) would be worth it.
  5. My main concern is that I like to have hard copy disks of games and upgrades that include disks, and that will cost NOT $10 (which is reasonable), but $30(!) incl s&h which I think rather a lot for an upgrade. Now, if MG will include a disk that has the v2.0 upgrade, that will make me happy and I will simply get the $10 download now and wait for the MG disk that includes the v2.0 upgrade. But, there seems to be confusions as to exactly what MG will include. Will there be a disk with MG that includes the v2.0 upgrade?? Would someone who actually know what they are talking about plz confirm/deny?
  6. ww2steel: You are clearly a very talented and hardworking dude. The metalworking projects alone are impressive. But to be a commerical pilot as well(!)... There was a time when US entrapreneurial business/free eneterprise was built by folks like you. Am shocked at the travails you are experiencing. Sign of the times I regret to say when Wall St brokers and bankers who produce nothing but who manipulate markets and financial rules (that they themselves wrote to permit their amoral shennanigans that would be illegal if you or I attempted them), and make multi millions on the backs of ordinary hard-working folks while true entrepreneuers like yourself struggle..
  7. +1 I liked the way you could bulldoze wrecks with heavier tanks in CM1. Another great feature that for some strange reason was cut in CM2.
  8. "order the upgrade DL only now for $10 then order a hard copy with the bundle with MG. That would only increase your cost by $5 (the bundled price) as you will be paying shipping on MG anyway." If that is the way it will work, that's a good idea sburke. Can BF confirm...? (However, is there a manual with the 2.0 patch if one gets the disk mailed?) I'd rather not pay $30 now and then get it all with MG anyway. It's not as if I have played all the CMSF, CMA, CMBN and CMFI scenarios and campaigns yet lol. And I am not one of those folks who just has to have the latest and greatest anything purely for its own sake.
  9. Hmm, if one likes to have a disk and d/l, the 2.0 update with s&h costs US$30(!). Sounds a bit pricy considering one gets the 2.0 update with the MG module (is that correct?).
  10. If you are at 1920x1200 and higher resolutions (unless you have a large monitor) there is the same readability problem with the entire onscreen interface and mission briefings. I am fine when on my main 30", but when traveling, it's very hard to read using a 15". And since it's been mentioned a few times before with no relief, it's probably hard coded so no mod is possible.
  11. Any ideas why the Hellcat was so much superior? Only things I can think of was very fast turret and its own speed.
  12. +1 A simple outline of the set up zone (as in CM1) would work great. Why was it even changed?
  13. C'mon guys... conversion is easy: 100F = (100-32)/180 x 100 = 37.8C approx. Or: http://www.csgnetwork.com/tempconvjava.html
  14. Good idea. Also since those are consumer electronics, unlikely to survive hard treatment or hostile environments for long. Um... How can we contact them with our helpful ideas?
  15. I see no reason why there should not be such a button. However, the good news is that making that sort of error diminishes with experience and I can't recall the last time I made that error.
  16. Probably better to unzip into a separate folder called "Euro Z" or somesuch, and then all you have to do is swap out one's existing Syrian Mods Z folder (and rename "Euro Z" to "Z") and you can ensure you don't lose anything.
  17. Some very dramatic footage there. But, it's impossible to figure out how anyone can see what they are shooting at.
  18. I feel a bit bad for you, Egger. Seems like just as soon as you do a mod, Aris is right behind you with the same mod.
  19. Where's the handprint on the top by the cupola?? I thought that would be like your signature graphic.
  20. Yes thanks, I already d/l'd from CMMODS. (I check there as well as here every day when I am in town.) Looks great. However, I also like Lt Smash's WW2 era icon mod. So not sure which I will use the most. (Actually, if you ever consider doing a WW2 era type icon mod...)
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