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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Rocky Balboa

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Everything posted by Rocky Balboa

  1. I really like terrain and the sounds effects are awesome. Like others here I'm surprised how easy it is for infantry to knock out tanks with grenades...
  2. Oh yeah!!! Starting midnight of the 21st this dude's going to be wearing out that Ctrl+R button ...
  3. No date other than late April has been announced and as far as I'm concerned, no news is good news. So they have up to April 30th to release and the closer we get to that date the more confident I am that this wont be delayed any longer...
  4. Lots of DRM schemes use fingerprinting to determine if you are the original purchaser of the software. The software isn't tracking how many times you upgrade system nor does it care. It just identifies your system by the type of components it has in it. As long as you don't change one of those components then you can reinstall as much as you like. If you do change a major component then you will need to use another of your activations. IMO this is a much better arrangement than the old e-license scheme where you had to remember to uninstall before you made a major change. Under the old system if you had a HD crash and had to re-load windows then guess what? You just lost your install and you only had 2 of those in total ...
  5. My understanding is that you will be able to install/reinstall as many times as you want to but you will have to reactivate if you make a major change to your system. A major change would be adding a new HD, replacing the CPU or possibly a new video card or reinstalling windows. Making a major upgrade like this would require you to use an activation of which you get 4 originally and 1 additional each year.
  6. We'll spoken and this just highlights the fact that just like CMBO and its descendants wasn't for everyone, CMBN won't be either. As Steve has mentioned on many occasions, BF will never be able to make a game that will please 100% of the players 100% of the time. There will always be other games that might fit your style better and that's Ok. I personally think everyone should give the demo a try before writing it off completely but no one is forcing anyone to buy and play this game.
  7. No!!! :eek: Say it ain't so Joe! Say it ain't so!!
  8. Yes, I was hoping we would get a bone this week. Another AAR would be nice or even another series of screen shots, but some videos would keep me going for another week or so.
  9. Forget about fighting Nazi’s, Ninja’s, Zombies or Dinosaurs, I just saw this leaked BattleFront press release on the internets. The next major title using the CMx2 engine will be set in a parallel universe: It is Mar. of 1944 and the allies are planning the Normandy landings to liberate France, but a strange twist of fate will bring Fascist, Communists and the forces for Democracy together to oppose a single foe. A crustacean so terrible that the very existence of mankind hangs in the balance. Can humanity come together to meet this challenge? You’ll find out when “SPACE LOBSTERS from Epsilon V” land in your front yard. Coming Dec of 2012
  10. Agreed, I think everyone concerned about this needs to step back and take a deep breath. Then think carefully about how this new OAS will work. Personally after careful consideration I can see the advantages of this over the old e-license system. Also the fact that BF is a small publisher they can give more personalized customer service so any rare problems that might crop up should be able to be resolved.
  11. Moon, I hope you guys rethink this aspect of your DRM. Now that this is out, the first time someone starts experiencing erratic problems with the software whether real or imagined, they will blame the drm and BF. If your new DRM works well enough then putting stuff like this in your game isn't necessary and IMO is just asking for problems and bad PR .....
  12. Of course not!! Who would want to put shiny new Ram Dimms in an old outdated system, I know I wouldnt. ... Human justification is the route of all evil ...
  13. Just noticed that this thread has exceeded the post count of the previous AAR's by a wide margin and just recently has exceeded the view count, making this thread the new leader. In the process we have not managed to bring the forum software to its knees, so I'm impressed.
  14. Bill you mentioned earlier in the AAR that you gave the Capt some pointers on how to achieve a good hull down position. Do you suppose you could give us that same lesson complete with pictures? I'm sure it would be very informative and enjoyable ...
  15. Rushing his Shermans or M10's forward to the woods might have ended badly if you had Infantry in your force. As I recall early on he suspected that you did indeed purchased infantry, so in light of that I understand why he didn't press forward to that extent. No doubt his lack of situational awareness was his #1 sin. Using those M20's on AA1 or AA2 could have told him early on that you had a tank heavy force.
  16. Choosing to purchase Infantry did not lose this battle for the Capt. However, not having the game its hard for me to say how quickly that infantry element could have moved though those woods but had they gotten to the objective sooner, before Bills 2nd Plt made their move to flank AA3, that could have been enough to slow down or delay Bills 2nd Plt from catching the US Tanks in a cross fire. This alone might have give the US tanks enough time to pull back and find some good defensive terrain. As been mentioned by others, better use of the M20 AC's could have also distracted or delayed Bills Tanks from focusing so much fire on a single route of advance. Of course It's easy to look at what went wrong after the fact and not so easy to correct mistakes during the heat of battle. All in all, this was a very enjoyable and informative AAR many thanks to all who participated.
  17. Ok so this brings up another question ... If you dismount your vehicle crew first then it gets destroyed, is it still considered "gamey" to use the crew for recon?
  18. I heard Charles once counted to infinity twice!! :eek:
  19. Ha! everyone knows that the brain in a jar doesn't speak. You must lay hands upon his jar and he mind melds with you ...
  20. Yes they need those head phones so that can radio back and tell the other tanks what they saw on their little recon mission "gamey b%#^&%d" indeed !! Does this mean using crews for recon has become an officially sanctioned CMx2 tactic?
  21. Thanks for the clarification, I always thought buddy aid could take a wounded/Incapacitated soldier in some circumstances (not in ever case) and change his status to minor wounded. I stand corrected...
  22. If a soldier is wounded, buddy aid can return him to partial health or evac him from the game. he then shows up as WIA on the AAR. Of course buddy aid can't resurrect the dead ....
  23. Capt, Your decision to purchase Infantry was not a bad one, if you look at the terrain, Bill's side of the map is more suited to armor especially the light woods that allowed his tanks to react and move under cover up to the objective. A good pregame terrain analysis might have given an indication that he would deploy more armor because of the light woods on his side of the objective. Your side of the objective was thickly wooded so Infantry was the only tool you could use to get in close. In hindsight 2 Plts might have been too much but I don't think so. Your initial contact went well and even though Bill had you outnumbered in tanks by 12 to 8 you quickly evened the odds by taking out 4 of his. At the range of this engagement, it appeared that his return fire was ineffective. Your Major sin was believing in your invulnerability and you became over confident and continued to push forward. I think in your eagerness to destroy his armor, you lost sight of the objective and you continued to push down AA3 and as you moved in closer his fire became more effective. Its difficult for me to see the terrain relief from the the screen shots but if you had sought some good defensive ground with your armor(hull down position especially with the M10's) after the initial engagement and continued to push toward the objective with your infantry. This might have been a much different battle. Of course we(the viewers) are all Monday morning quarterbacks and its easy to see your mistakes after the fact so don't feel discouraged. I can't tell you the number of times I have lost battles because I was sloppy in the pre-planning stage and I can't stress the importance of good terrain analysis.
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