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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by ribster

  1. Hi, I haven't played this in ages, as I figured I would wait for a number of patches.

    Anyway, I have the battlefront version of the game, and patched to 1.08. I can load and start a game fine, sometimes even finish, although more often than not it locks up half way through (just stops responding), only way to exit is via end program or end task.

    Processor AMD Athlon 64 x2 dual core 2.21Ghz

    Memory 1Gb

    Graphics Nvidia Geforce 7800 GTX (latest drivers installed).

    OS XP Pro

    Any ideas please, I've only just reinstalled the game, so not keen on doing that again.

    Cheers, Steve.

  2. Hi, I haven't played this in ages, as I figured I would wait for a number of patches.

    Anyway, I have the battlefront version of the game, and patched to 1.08. I can load and start a game fine, sometimes even finish, although more often than not it locks up half way through (just stops responding), only way to exit is via end program or end task.

    Processor AMD Athlon 64 x2 dual core 2.21Ghz

    Memory 1Gb

    Graphics Nvidia Geforce 7800 GTX (latest drivers installed).

    OS XP Pro

    Any ideas please, I've only just reinstalled the game, so not keen on doing that again.

    Cheers, Steve.

  3. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />And Steve, are you suggesting for one minute that if one person complains that a game was released too early, you will do something about it?

    Yes, I would think that obvious to anybody that has been around as long as you have. We're perfectionists to the point that we fix things that we feel are broken even when nobody complains about them. So it doesn't take 500 people being abusive to get us working on a particular problem, it only takes one polite person to point out something we didn't know and we'll get right on it if we weren't already.

    Would be refreshing if you put your hands up and said, sorry guys, we screwed up, but we are putting it right (which I know you are).
    That's my point. I already have done that to a large degree, though you obviously missed it so I'll recap. The game went out the door earlier than we wanted, but later than our contract called for. There are things in need of repair, and we are now fixing them. We've barely slowed our work pace since the game came out because we know that you expect fixes and soon. The game has been out for just about 4 weeks now and most of the things that were "incomplete" are now fixed (you guys will get v1.03 very soon).

    As for being sorry about it... sure we're sorry. Do you think we like being in this position? However, life isn't perfect and therefore we keep things in perspective. We're in this for the long haul and a couple of weeks of turmoil isn't the worst thing I can think of happening.

    Having said all that, there are a lot of complaints about this or that design feature that we will continue to disagree on. Some people want nothing less than CMx1 warmed over. Not gonig to happen. Some people want RealTime ripped out because they don't like it. Not gonig to happen. Some people feel that we made a huge mistake doing subject matter they personally don't care for. So on and so forth.

    There are, of course, legitimate issues with the way things are and how they can be improved. We do listen and improvements will happen. But these improvements won't be the result of rude and unproductive behavior, rather through rational discussion. The game is too new, the bugs not quite ironed out yet, so we'll have that discussion later on when people aren't so reactionary and aren't confused by technical issues that exist today but won't tomorrow.

    Steve </font>

  4. Originally posted by Petrus58:

    Wasn't it PC Zone? PC Gamer are usually pretty fair with their strategy/wargame reviews. PC Zone on the other hand a)rarely bother, and b)when they do, seem to use someone with the attention span of a gnat.

    Nope, it was PC gamer, pushed through my door every month. Their biggest issue was the fact that the game was not finished, regardless of what hogwash someone tries to feed you. I dare say the issues will be fixed, but a not insignificant amount of damage has been done....

    And Steve, are you suggesting for one minute that if one person complains that a game was released too early, you will do something about it? Even though 500 people might be entirely happy with it? Of course a 50th, 51st etc person makes a difference, especially when taken as a ratio of happy v pissed off customers.

    Would be refreshing if you put your hands up and said, sorry guys, we screwed up, but we are putting it right (which I know you are).

    [ August 27, 2007, 12:44 PM: Message edited by: ribster ]

  5. 60%, and whatever anyone says it's a very fair review. Described as the most incomplete game to hit their desks in some time, and that battlefront have lost a lot of credibility. From a magazine that sang the praises of the previous 3 games, and even viewed battlefront as a 'hero developer'.

    I can't disagree with anything in the review, in fact I'm inclined to ask for a refund - or at least until several problems are fixed, this is going to be gathering dust.....

  6. Originally posted by Xanthos581:

    I've had invisible troops. You can see the move line changing as the troops move but the figures are invisible. Anyone else with problem? Haven't seen it in the forums.

    Hi, not seen this myself, but I don't doubt that you have seen it. Another thing I noticed is that once an enemy unit has been spotted, if you click on that enemy unit it then reveals practically all of the enemy forces, even though you have no line of sight to them - kind of negates the reason to be stealthy!
  7. Originally posted by Knac:

    Wow, rare stuff didn't have that never. I've noticed that a lot of bugs are dependent on how much proccesing power your cpu has related to map and force size, if your computer can barelly move the game or it's chunky rare stuff happen often.

    The above is nothing to do with my PC, both processor and graphics are more than adequate. It runs very smoothly. Just had it happen again, ran straight across from one 2 storey roof to another, definitely a problem.

    Cheers, rib.

  8. Hi, a few things I've notcied:

    Troops running from a 5 storey building to the roof of a two storey building directly, i.e. across mid air on a diagonal path.

    ATGM team depoying in mid air, about 4 storeys up and then getting stuck there.

    Walls/buildings not blocking line of sight.

    If defending as Syrians, americans barely advance, on the whole they sit in their deployment zone.

    Have yet to see the BMP firing it's AT missiles against a vehicle, the only time one fired was when I targeted a blank area.

    How is it that 5 defenders in a building firing at an american crawling along open ground 30m away cannot be hit? Yet as soon as he fires back, a Syrian is nailed?

    Why is the at man always the first to be killed, while I can accept this with an ATGM, as it's easier to spot, but when rpgs housed in a building as part of a squad, and at considerable distance - seems a bit far fetched that he buys it first all the time. Often they don't even get chance to fire - what are they supposed to be doing, the rpg would already be loaded and good to go, all he has to do is turn and shoot.

    Thats it for now, sorry if these have already been raised.

    Thanks, rib.

  9. I think the review is pretty fair. If this was a business software they would be nailed to the wall. It's clearly far from finished. It just won't have the longevity of the other games, unless of course they sort it out. I've been playing cmbo, cmbb and cmak since release. At the moment I can't see myself playing this more than another 2 weeks.

  10. Don't go judging what people have played and what they haven't I've got all 3 CM games, and had each of them on release date and been playing ever since. I've also played COH it does have similarities, although I don't deny for one minute that CMSF is a far superior. I have played all of the scenarios though and in some of them the ai (particularly the syrians) just sit there at their entry point barely moving to engage. The BMPs hardly ever fire, and have an ATGM slammed into them before they get chance to do anything. I know it's early days, and the problems will be fixed. I have been around the BF community ever since and have been playing for 6 years (I also served in the military for 13), but lets keep things in perspective and not have some kind of BF love in.

  11. Didn't know where to put this, but I suppose it's appropriate here.

    I like what I see so far, and it plays rather well. However, I'm not sure that the game is a step in the 'right' direction. Feels a bit too much like company of heroes or similar to me, rather than the CM style game that has differentiated BF from everyone else.

    The bugs I can live with, as they will be fixed, but there doesn't appear to be that many unit types and only a handful of scenarios. Presumably both will be addressed by community developers and the release of patches/add ons? Would definitely like to see some british units in there - are these likely to be forthcoming?

    Sorry if I have mentioned anything already answered elsewhere - there are alot of threads!

    Cheers, rib.

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