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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by grunt_GI

  1. I find the QB AI had gotten steadily better as the CM2 series has developed.  I think the CMFB AI is really good...in both defense, offense, and meeting engagement.


    Are you having this crash problem in CMBN?  I just loaded a US/Ger Army Armor Only QB automatic selection with an automatic map and it loaded just fine...are  you using CMBN 3.12?  I remember this bug and I thought 3.12 fixed it....

  2. Mike

    Okay, just started playing Valley of the Wolves (Mission 2)...really, really outstanding...the map and weather makes FULL use of the CMBS Winter Mods :D and are very well done.  Another HUGE battle to manage..and lots of toys to play with...

    Great chance to exercise Russian combined arms...I have a new appreciation for the BMP...what an awesome weapon to wipe out terrorists!  I haven't had to dismount my infantry...yet, and am enjoying the relaxed ROE to just blast hell out of everything in my path with those T-90s.  :rolleyes:

    Seriously though, the OOB for this is really great to showoff what a well managed Russian force can do...I am smart enough to know that nasty surprises await in the towns, but now that I have my mortars in place, should have enough indirect fire support to win this one.  

    I am ALWAYS leary of taking MBTs into urban terrain...now will have to figure out when to dismount my infantry and how best to support them.  Definitely will need EVERY minute of this scenario.

    REALLY, really well done fun scenario....

  3. 3 hours ago, dragonwynn said:

    Kevin I am currently working on a campaign featuring you guys mod. Mainly doing it to show off the awesome mod. I did add a few things such as some late summer foliage and some additional terrain to add a bit more diversity but all the credit will go to the work you guys have done and hopefully will draw some additional interest to this great work.  I used a modified German TOE that hopefully removes all the panzerfausts and schreks to give a more authentic period German force. I'll let you know when it is ready. 

    :D Oh, man...can't wait...

  4. 9 hours ago, Mishga said:

    Its made me go all warm and fuzzy to see the old stuff get a little airing again.....If you could submit it and give me a little credit for it that would be really great, thanks @Grunt_GI

    Hey Mark Great to see you still kicking around :) 



    So apparently Booty also pillaged (more officially than me) the old Repository...I PM'd him and he is still uploading CMSF to the new Depot.

    I am also happy to see CMSF content getting kicked around and used a little more.

  5. Ok, downloaded very zippily...very nice.  Just my $.02, but after having some major mod conflicts between Stalingrad and Last Panzer, I scrapped my usual Zmod and just put  these mods in...with of course JuJu's excellent UI mod and everything loaded just fine.  Of course my CMBN seemed a little rusty, haven't played it in weeks. :blink:

    So, quick question, the very first battle is for what purpose?

    I uploaded the screenshot as I cannot figure out what the heck I was supposed to do besides blast the truck with my Sherman tanks?  It's been a long crappy week, so I reread the brief, but can't figure this one out...so went to cease-fire, got a tactical victory (?) and then loaded the first scenario.

    NOW this scenario was classic dragonwynn...outstanding and very treacherous looking map, huge ORBAT for both sides and of course, crappy weather and night combat.  C'mon man, can't we get some sunny weather and hard ground?  :P 

    I cannot even begin to wrap my brain around this battle...just looking at those Flail tanks makes my head hurt as I have never played with those...excellent use of all the modules though...I can tell there's gonna be some fun toys to play with.

    Your campaign briefing and first scenario briefing, were, as always, detailed and full of good information.  SO, depending on how the rest of my week goes, may have a chance to dive into the first scenario.  

    YOU KNOW, of course that I have three of your campaigns going at once...LAST PANZER, MOUNTAINS OF ALLAH, and this one...DAMN, man, you're taking up all my CM time.




    Screen Shot 2016-08-04 at 8.16.50 PM.png

  6. Hi Mike,

    So, I can handle a 500MB download without TOO much problem.  I would be happy to blunder through a few scenarios, HOWEVER, to be honest, it won't be for a couple weeks when the wife is out of town :D and I can grab my beer and pretzels.

    I am of course, STILL trying to play your CMBS Russian campaign 2nd mission, I am so far behind the CM playing curve it may take until Xmas to catch up.

    A campaign that uses ALL the CMBN content would be awesome..I know there isn't a lot of content that uses all the modules.


  7. Ok, finally finished the first mission with a TACTICAL VICTORY...oyyy, took too many casualties (as usual) but secured all the hill top objectives.  Did not secure village or go on any further search and destroy missions.  Figured would cause more casualties than I inflicted.


    Overall Mission:  Very doable.  Of course, it would be awesome to be the Americans and just pound the crap out of everything with artillery and air, but that's just not realistic.  I think overall the mission objectives were manageable and realistic.  

    Force balance:  Clearly the furthest hills had the most firepower.  However, I couldn't tell how well the OPFOR used their mortars and ATGMs.  Clearly they used their damn machine guns pretty well.  I was endless frustrated at how freakin' long it too to call down my awesome mortars and air support, and actually felt the ATK HELOs didn't do a whole lot.  But overall, with enough fire, maneuver, and more fire, I was able to sweep the hills.

    Overall playability:  A very fun scenario.  Like I said I never play the Russians, but this is pretty darn good.  I almost felt like I needed vodka to celebrate my victory.

    I am now heading into the Valley of the Wolves....hmmm tanks and APCs...fun...

  8. 2 hours ago, dragonwynn said:

    Thanks for the AAR so far. I made the hill tops touch objectives so you would not need to occupy and you can continue to move all available forces to the next objectives But the points are important. 

    Ha,excellent, good to know.  I have encountered some weird VP situations playing the Stalingrad Mod (which is also AWESOME) where I occupied, most but not ALL the parts of an objective and got no points.  So, touch VP works very well for this scenario I think.

    Really enjoying this...

  9. OK, FINALLY had a chance to start playing this.  So I am about 20 minutes into the first scenario.  May be some minor spoilers, but certainly don't look to me for any brilliant tactical insights. ;)

    Map:  Awesome map.  Love the little fortified hills which makes LOS, defilades, and such definitely a factor.  OH, and I have to say, I don't know if you intended to make the wolf howl, but very nice touch. :D  OUTSTANDING use of Mods.  And of course, you love that stinkin' night combat.  Not sure if it favors the Russians or not, but always a challenge.  Interesting it appears these are TOUCH objectives?  If so, that doesn't mean much as you pretty much have to overrun those positions and kill all the terrorists in them anyways...but I guess it does help on VPs.

    Balance:  The play seems very well balanced.  In regard to the mortars, yea, they help, but with the Russian (and UKR) military, you could have an entire BN of mortars and you are still limited to the fact that only FO can call mortars.  I used all my FOs to loose an opening barrage before I hit GO to pound hill B and E, but once that happens your FOs are limited by mobility and LOS and you will inevitably have to use your infantry to seize the hilltop positions.  Which will suck for casualties.  I secured Hill A and am working on B, C, and E.  Not pretty but by using fire, maneuver and a LOT of suppressing fire I should be able to secure my objectives.  AND of course, once you get  your guys going up the hills, mortars become of less use as you don't want to drop them on your own guys (something I have some experience at :unsure:)

    Overall, I am liking this a lot.  With the size of the battle and the map, of course  battle management is a problem as I love to watch the battle develop on a hill (seeing my brave Russian lads overrun the heinous terrorists) and tend to forget everything else. 

    Very nicely done, waiting to see how things go.  

  10. On June 10, 2016 at 2:04 PM, kinophile said:

    Update 1.5.3

    Lots of various little tweaks to various small icons, graphic files, etc
    Locked in the Command Interrupt buttons, I think. Although the PAUSE button still feels weak...
    Tweaked the UNIT INFO panel, @far left
    Tweaked some Editor buttons


    Finally got a chance to play dragonwynns Mountains of Allah with your UI.....it is awesome.  Very nicely done.  All the buttons are fairly easy to see, even with night battles.  Very clean and simple UI.

    Thanks very much for continuing to tweak this.

  11. 3 hours ago, Combatintman said:

    Ok folks ... Predator imagery just in ...

    Mullah Fayyad Pred Image.jpg

    This mission is semi-historical inspired by an article I saw in a recent issue of Modern War Magazine and deals with TF 4-31 Infantry's actions in Iraq 2006.  More details to follow and mission release should be some time this week.

    Outstanding...I also get Modern War Magazine...great publication!

  12. 55 minutes ago, Michael Emrys said:

    I read that several decades ago and really liked it. Come to think of it, I can't recall any book by Blumenson that failed to entertain and inform me. He may require correction now and then from more recent research on some minor point, but by and large I think he gets it right again and again.


    Yea shoulda recommended a copy. I have an old paperback I found at a used bookstore

  13. 39 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    @grunt_GI  Jerry, I looked at that page in Army at Dawn and that was December 42. Sounded juicy to make somebody a nice scenario. But I am now way too tight on time. I will stick with the Kern's Crossroads story for now.

    Oops, sorry, I just looked up KERN in the index and that was all I found..my bad..should have checked the date. :wub:

    Don't know it would make much of a scenario..the American's got the ass handed to them.  Have you got a copy of Martin Blumenson's Kasserine Pass?  That is probably the best single volume study of the battle.

  14. Outstanding picture...

    In Rick Atkinson's "An Army at Dawn" it describes an attack by the 10th Panzer Div, specifically saying Kern's Bn and Battery C of the 27th Armored Field Arty Bat...apparently with half-track mounted guns (I assume the 75s mounted on half-tracks) were also involved in a fight with about 20 panzers and German paratroopers (pg 227)..sorry doesn't give strength on the paras.

    it does mention motorcycles as well...again no OOB.  It also mentions that a combined force of General Lee tanks, reinforced by five Shermans counterattacked to support Kern and were pretty much wiped out.


    Sorry, no specific  OOB for the battle...surprised the Green Books didn't have more detail.

  15. 5 hours ago, dragonwynn said:

    It's progressing well. 8 scenarios completed so far. I tried to upload some more screens last night but says I am at the limit. What is the deal on screen shots anyway? I am making this in CMBN because I needed the British forces who took part in this campaign as well as the vehicle pack for some of the specialized armor.

    However I did import some terrain features as well as some of Worgherns terrain mod from CMFB.

    Hopefully it will be ready for testing in the near future. It's a huge campaign that will cover every major engagement of the operation. The map making is what's time consuming as I tend to add a lot of little details in for immersion. Thanks for inquiring. 

    Michael (dragonwynn) 

    Those screenshots are awesome...BTW, just so you know, I have all the CMBN modules, including the vehicle pack, if you need a tester.


    Just saying'.   Your stuff is always awesome...still playing Last Panzer and hoping to get to The Mountains of Allah.

  16. Ok, finally got a chance to give this a spin...really gorgeous...if that's the right word to use :D ...I actually like the buttons...nicely done, I know that was a pain to play around with...of course my old eyes love the white text more than the black text but not a huge deal...I do love the ranges for the crew served weapons...not sure how much use I will get out of it..but HEY, at least the info is there for me....I particularly like the text color differentiation for the DEPLOY WEAPON button...that is always a sticky point for me to know whether I selected that or not.

    Although I am a HUGE fan of JuJus UI for the WW2 titles...this is very modern and clean and goes nicely with CMBS....

    Thanks very much for your effort on this...I know sometimes us players are a picky and needy bunch....


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