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Posts posted by Stixx

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer:

    Stixx, an Australian

    chap who wandered in here by mistake

    a while back. It would appear his Krauts

    are advancing cautiously, so we're making


    Little does he know that my men have been working over time behind enemy lines to spike his imports of tea with LSD.

    [ 08-13-2001: Message edited by: Stixx ]

  2. Not really. German SMG squads are a good pick but are often called "Gamey" if you choose to many of them. Alot of people tend to steer away from them now.

    Other than that everthing is very equal. In other words you get what you pay for. If the map is open expect Rifle squads. If it has alot of trees or buildings etc that expect Airborne and mountain troops.

    Every player has his favourite but there are no all round favourites if ya catch my drift.

  3. 1 The 75mm has a blast of 39 where the 81mm only has a blast of 18.

    2 As mentioned above they named Mortar or Artillery because they ARE mortars or artillery. Just because you buy it from the "Artillery" section doesn't mean it has to be field guns. It can be mortars (as in the us 81's) or it could be Naval (as in the 14").

    3 If you are wondering how effective VT is do a test. Put an infantry platoon or 2 in a patch of woods and target it with 155 VT rounds. They are devastional, in the open they will rout even crack troops.

  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Sorry, I don't kill people... I wait until they are already dead<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yeah well thats great. Sit back and let your team maaa... uhm.. mates? do all the work. Then when the battle is over pull out your Ivory handled .45 and put a few rounds into the dead & cold bodies.

    Great commander you are i'm sure your troops would throw there lives on the line for you.

    **Only in fear that if they didn't you would shoot them again and again after they where dead**

    I don't think you command troops better than an old drugged up Sloth trampled to within an inch of it's life by German Razorbacks.

    Care to prove otherwise?

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Have you chosen an opponent (and you will have to get down on hands an knees to look your peers in the eye), taunted him, and challenged to a game? I think not.

    Have you sounded off like you have a pair, and more than half a brain? Well, you've sounded off a little bit, but mainly about how grand Australia is, and I don't think you're the one the rest would choose as their spoke's creature. As to half a brain? Well, you've reposted at great length a somewhat reworked and extremely dog-eared copy of the 'the various armed services deal with a snake' post. Ahaha. Quite droll. We shall put you down as a quarter wit with aspirations below your station.


    I thank you for your kind words of advise Sir Seanachai. You have been inspirational to me in the way no other anthropoglot could be. You have shown to posess more than nyblle of a brain and for that you should be commended.

    Must i earn the right to post in this thread? I guess so. Must i get down on my hands and knees like a azzy? I think not.

    Sorry mate but if you had to get down on your hands and knees to "Earn the right" like a pettifogger to post in this thread i truly feel sorry for you.

  6. Upon encountering a snake in the Area of Operation (AO):

    - Leg: Runs screaming away from the snake.

    - Paratrooper: Kills the snake.

    - Armor: Runs over snake, giggles, and looks for more snakes.

    - Infantry: "Look, a putty cat. Come 'ere kitty....Ouch! Hey, that's not a kitty cat."

    - Infantry (alt): Ugh! Me See Snake. Me Like Snake. Ouch! Me No like Snake.

    - Army Aviation: Has GPS grid to snake. Kills snake, eats snake, sends out observation helos to find more snakes, invites twenty-five other aviators along with lots of alcohol, gets drunk, throws up in snakes house, has sex with the snakes underage snakes. Ends up saving others from bites by doing a last minute air rescue. Then back to base for crew rest and a manicure (more beer).

    - Ranger: Plays with the snake, then it eats him.

    - Ranger (alt): Assaults the snake's home and secures it for use by friendly snakes.

    - Seal: Expends all ammunition, several grenades and calls for naval gunfire in a failed attempt to kill the snake. The snake bites the SEAL then retreats to safety.

    - Corps Artillery: Kills snake, but in the process kills several hundred civilians with a massive TOT with three FA BDEs in support. Mission is considered a success and all participants are awarded Silver Stars. (Cooks, Mechanics, Legal Clerks etc.)

    - Marine Recon: Follows the snake and gets lost.

    - Combat Controller: Guides the snake elsewhere.

    - Para-rescue: Wounds the snake in first encounter, then feverishly works to save the snakes life.

    - Engineer: Studies snake. Prepares in-depth doctrinal thesis in obscure 5 series FM about how to defeat snake using counter-mobility assets. Complains that maneuver forces don't understand how to properly conduct doctrinal counter snake operations. (Engineer School tries to hide the fact that M9 ACE proves ineffective against snake)

    - Special Forces: Makes contact with the snake, builds rapport, wins its heart and mind, then trains it to kill other snakes, snake turns on SF trainer because of ineffective brainwashing, bites the SF Trainer, gets strange disease of the reproductive organs and ends up biting more people for revenge.

    - USAF: Authorizes a Rand Corp study to determine threat posed by snake, following two year Rand study goes to Congress with definitive proof that snake is dangerous, Congress authorizes five year development of strategic bomber to attack snake. Following cost overruns and problems with the offensive electronic countermeasures suite, first trial flight of the bomber is conducted ten years later, after successful test flight, Congress authorizes 25 strategic snake bombers at $1 billion per airframe (note: components for the bomber are produced in 80% of all congressional districts).

    - CINCSTRAT: Develops air campaign plan to eradicate snake, other services are not included since Air Power is decisive force. After briefings to JCS and National Command Authority, CINCSTRAT campaign plan is approved and execution order is issued. CINCSTRAT issues execute order, followed by a delay order bowing to inclement weather...snake strategic bomber is not rain proof.

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dalem:

    What's an "Australia"?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    An Australia is a collective term used to define the place in the Cosmos that everything revolves around.

    It has been proven to hold all of the intelligence and talent that is in that Cosmos.

    In some instances (as in Earths case) Humans actually populate the Australia. In these few rare cases it produces people that are of a much higher class. The rest of the Cosmos actually looks upto these people as if they where gods.

    It's just a pity Earth only has one Australia.

  8. For quiet a while now i've been seeing that the use of Infantry support weapons i.e. Mortars, MG's & Zook/Shreaks is an extremely important part & possibly overlooked part of CM.

    I've noticed myself that more times or not it comes down to how effectively i use these weapons and it shows in the result.

    I was just wondering how everyone deploys there light (60mm/2") Mortars. Does everyone group them in a battery with a HQ as a spotter?

    Do some people advance them along side there Infantry and other support weapons?

    Does anyone keep them singular and let them attack their own targets that have a LOS of?

    Do you mainly use them for surpresing fire and try to save ammo?

    Do you wait for juicy target and then open up with the lot?

    I'm still playing around with these weapons and was interested in how other people used them.


  9. Howdy Pilgrim. (John Wayne said that once or twice didn't he :D:D:D )

    First shot kills from that range are not what i'd call the norm but do happen.

    Don't right off the armoured side of CM give it some time. You'll soon get the "feel" for it. The armour penetration tables and hit percentages are done extremely well. You will get freak shots and things that run against the norm in CM occasionally just as they do in real life.

    Welcome to the community Pilgrim.

  10. Muzzle velocity is not the only the only factor that gives you penetration.

    The weight of the projectile is very important as is the sectional density of the projectile.

    Barrel rifling and rate of twist are important factors to stabilise the projectile in flight. If a projectile isn't stabilised before it leaves the barrel it may start rotating inside it's own axis. It may at worst even start "Keyholing". Any of these factors will greatly reduce the penetration of a projectile.

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