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Posts posted by Stixx

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

    I and many other posters know and have said here that generally an SLR is better, but your over-the-top adoration of the M1 is just as pathetic as those who thnik that every Brit infantryman with an SMLE or derivative is a sniper.


    True. They might not all of been snipers but...All of the regular infantry could place 20 rounds in a 1 foot square target at 100 yards. It was known as the mad minute.

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

    Could it have been boat-tailing the shells? I know it helps bullets out but I don't know if that would apply to artillery.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Boat tailed bullets do not increase range all that much. They have better wind-bucking ability and are generally more accurate.

    The BC (ballistic Co-effecient) of the round does affect range but this is based more on the bullet type and weight i.e. Spitzer, Round Nose, Hollow Point etc.

    Again that is for firearms munitions only not Arty.

  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Well of course not, SSN's are a pretty incompetent lot.


    Oh sir mighty Joey Boy you hang around this place like a bad smell that lingers and contaminates everything it touches.


    However "Incompetant" uss SSN's may be there still remains the problem of getting rid of us.

    As mentioned in your previous post you are still not man enough to accept a challenge and rid the world of one of these spawn of Satin. Instead you wish to hide behind your big words andlongspeechesthatrabbleonaboutnothing!!! instead of actually putting your money where your mouth is/was.

    You should accept your fate as an old, try hard, wannabe, let someone throw your other leg in grave, for you already have 1 in there and walk towards the light which is your hell.

  4. Kepp them alive and a use will come for them.

    As mentioned they can tow light guns and are great for moving FO's.

    Using them as scouts is acceptable in my book, aslong as they are not 1,000 meters in front of you main line of attack or somefink.

    I would consider it very wise to use a Jeep to scout a crossroad rather than a Sherman.

    They are not battle winners but they do fit into the grand scheme of "Combined Arms".

    Don't waste them foolishly and use them when you need them.

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Ah a challenge, how nice.... Unfortunately you seem to be taking this too seriously and that doesn't make for a fun game.


    Their you go again. You've got no idea what i'm like do ya?

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMPlayer:

    Wait! I got a game with Stixx...he's an

    Aussie, and he's an SSN I believe, and

    he is really good about sending back

    turns. Thing is, he seems an alright bloke

    and I wouldn't want to put him down....

    erggh...that's not the right attitude

    to have around here is it...

    So to be accepted I gotta say nasty things

    about STixx? the only guy who was ever

    nice to me?????



    Poor Joey boy still has a few screws loose i think.

    [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Stixx ]

  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>

    Now the attempt was better, posting the photo had the beginnings of a good idea and of course using an age reference was well within the bounds ... but then you ruined it.


    Who are you? <----- **Go on quote that i know you want to** the self proclaimed dictor of this evil place that canno't be named.

    I must admit though you have class somethink I lack. You do carry on a bit like a drongo though but i suppose that can be expected from someone as old as you **Oh no i've referred to your age 2 posts in a row, quick slap me on the wrists quote my post and tell me once again that i'm an unworthy SSN**

    Still in the Grand Scheme of things Joey boy your no great god that people get down on their hands and knees to worship. You may believe that the world revolves around your very presence on this MBT, well sorry to burst your bubble bud but it does not.

    Give me all the s%!t you want for i prolly deserve it being a SSN and all but don't talk me as if you where better than me.

    Or if you wish to proove that you are better than me i would take great pleasure in prooving you wrong.

    The SSN from Hell Stix

  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I normally don't point out spelling and gramatical errors but in this case I must: It's not "To" it's "Do" and the "i" should be capitalized donchaknow.

    () The use of colloquial language is a well accepted literary technique and is especially effective when used in juxtaposition (sit DOWN Bauhaus) with proper construction.

    In short, you once again have failed the test. I'm beginning to despair, my lad, next time you post ... make it worthwhile.

    You know I really should CHARGE for this, my squires didn't get this kind of knowledge for free. Of course the THOUGHT of Sickxx as a squire for ANYONE ...


    Jeez who forgot to take their heart medication this morning? Take a chill pill before you have a coronary dude.



    Is this really you?

    What are you holdin in ya hand there M8?

    Snot Rag? Tampon? Dunny paper? Birth Certificate? nah your too old it would of decomposed by now.

  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Now look, this simply won't DO! The above ... twaddell ... is NOT up to CessPool standards ... in fact it's not up to 6th grade standards. I suggest that young Sickxx either improve or SOD OFF!


    and what.

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I done 'splaned this oncet before and I ain't a gonna 'splain it again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Is up to standards?

    To i have to downgrade my posts from a "Grade 6" level to a grade 3 standard such as your own?

    [ 08-20-2001: Message edited by: Stixx ]

  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Tell me, Stixx, how do you pronounce that "double X"? Are there any other words in the English Language with a double X, or ANY language for that matter? Are you named after a fagot, or bundle of sticks? Are you named after the "Arena-rock" band Styx? Why not go ahead and use the 'Y', you've already got two 'x's...


    Do you want the truth? Nah you don't want the truth thats while i give it to ya.

    It's pronounced Sticks. I was given the nickname at work for being skinny. Someone somewhere once spelt it as Stix. I was registered with the name Stix but the last time the board broke down i was unable to retrieve that name so i added a X.


    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Man I tell ya, it seems like each SSN has a name worse, less imaginative, and closer to L33T DUUDZ than the last.


    Well Sir Panzer Leader is your name all that imaginative? Can you actually LEAD Panzers?.

    I bet you couldn't lead a Company on Panzers thru a valley of AT guns & Infantry.

  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    All we can await, in our infinite displeasure, is the evolution of this Stixx SSN into something more advanced and worthy of something larger than these few scant moments of attention.


    Hey i got a few scant moments of attention?


    Herr OberstIt is obvious by your post that you "Displeasure" my company to some extent. This alarms me in a way only known by a "youngling who knows nothing but his mothers petticoats to hide behind".

    I hope only to be disliked by others but not by you. I wish to be despised by you, that you would detest me being able to draw oxygen from the air with my lungs. That you would Loathe me for who i am not what i am.

    A SSN

  11. Has anyone got any HUGE scenarios laying around? I've played all the ones i could find from many a different places. I've been thru the scenario depot and downloaded and played everything was downloadable.

    If anyone has any sitting on their harddrive that hasn't been put into main stream i'd really appreciate you sending me a copy too.


    Anything and everything but City maps. I don't enjoy playing in 2sq Km of city.


  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMPlayer:

    Wait! I got a game with Stixx...he's an

    Aussie, and he's an SSN I believe, and

    he is really good about sending back

    turns. Thing is, he seems an alright bloke

    and I wouldn't want to put him down....

    erggh...that's not the right attitude

    to have around here is it...

    So to be accepted I gotta say nasty things

    about STixx? the only guy who was ever

    nice to me?????

    --Rett <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Fook Rett keep it down would ya.

    It's hard enough for us SSN's (Superbly stupendous Newbies) to crack into this market without you goin around sayin i'm nice.


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