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Admiral Keth

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Posts posted by Admiral Keth

  1. PanzerLeader,

    Apologies for the delay. I had to get some webwork done for an English client over the weekend.

    Received in good condition and posted. I also uploaded the screenshots. Thanks.


    Also uploaded 3 new scenarios this morning.

    Mr. Dorosh,

    Apparently there is a minor bug I need to look into with regards to the length of the submission for the Author's Comments field. The field is identified as a blob, but seems to only take 12 bytes. At any rate I posted your fine scenario, "GD440502 Romanian Defence".

  2. Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

    Could I jump in for just a second to ask a quick question? Thanks. Where can I host my QB Maps? I'd like to put them at Scenario Depot, but I need to have the hosting link, could someone clear this up for me?


    I can accomodate hosting for you. My web server has 2GB of free space left. Submit the map parameters to the database, then zip up the maps and email them to me. I'd be happy to post and host them

  3. Originally posted by Ken Talley:

    What I have noticed is that each reviewer seems to have different criteria on how to rate a scenario. For example, some will take an average scenario and use 5 as representing average. Others will take the same average scenario and use a 7 or 8 as average. The numbers aren't really tied to average or excellent or anything beyond what the reviewer wishes to use.

    I think it would help if there was a brief guide describing how the numbers should be used to ensure coherent results. If this guide were at the top of the review form, everyone would start from the same point.

    I sometimes think a poor, average, good, excellent system might work better than a pure number system.


    Your statement is fairly true. Most people have a highly subjective view of each of the parameters. Therefore any rating system has to be taken with a grain of salt.

    There is a guide which was meant to give some direction to reviewers, but it seems as if everyone has missed it:


    Reviewers should click on the "Review Tips" button for guidelines on what the various ratings mean. While this page may not be up to date, it still gives some idea on what to do.

    A short while back I requested a volunteer to write a "How to Review" guide based on author suggestions and feedback, and alas I received no takers. The job is still open for anyone willing to help out a beleagered developer.

    In regards to changing the rating system from numerical to textual...that might be significantly more painful than creating a comprehensive guide upon which everyone agrees to utilize.

  4. Michael,

    An excellent suggestion regarding the authorial disablement of specific non-applicable rating categories. Let me do some investigation as to the degree of difficulty to implement this. If I get distracted and you don't hear back from me regarding this topic after a couple of weeks, send me a mnemonic device. As for the Author feedback - it's been on my To Do list for a while, along with several other tasks. It's 85% complete, I just need to finish testing and put it into place.

    My day job has been remarkably brutal of late (10 to 12 hours+ per day), thus sapping energy which would otherwise be spent adding features to The Scenario Depot. I also have several web-based clients whom I am attempting to wean off by the end of this year.

    All of this means that by the beginning of 2003, I will be able to dedicate a significant amount of time to enhancing The Scenario Depot. The next month or so will find me tying up loose ends, but after that a large portion of my off hours will be consumed behind the keyboard.

    I am absolutely open to any and all suggestions from the authors and players on specific improvements to The Scenario Depot, the rating system, the feedback system, or any other aspect.

    [ November 22, 2002, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]

  5. Originally posted by wwb_99:

    I would take care of your "honey-do" list first, we like you alive and in one piece, not to mention living in a home instead of a roach-ridden efficeny.

    Did you get the note I sent last week?



    Yeah, the HD list is impressive, but I've managed to get one of my own tasks on there...upgrading my homebrew system to 100 quarts. Yep, 25 gallons of homebrew goodness each batch. Kinda makes some incentive to get any preceding tasks finished.

    **shuffles through papers**Got it! I read it at about 1am one morning and intended to respond the next day. I'll reply tonight. Apologies for the delay.

    [ November 18, 2002, 12:02 PM: Message edited by: Admiral Keth ]

  6. Originally posted by wwb_99:

    Regarding the scenario DB, how about a scenarios in testing DB. There really needs to be a place for it, as beta scenarios should not be at the depot but people are putting them there anyhow. This would cover a gap nicely.



    I'm currently divesting myself of a number of clients who consume more time for which I don't get adequately compensated. After the beginning of the year I'll be able to devote a greater amount of time to enhancing and correcting issues at The Scenario Depot, including adding a seperate "Self-Service" beta scenario section. I have the design for this feature all layed out, I just need the time and energy to put it together.

    I also have a super long list of things that needs to be attended to (actually there's two lists - the "HoneyDo" list and the Depot's list), but RL job demands necessarily come first.

  7. Originally posted by flyingcursor:

    BTW, though it's probably here somewhere (No I didn't search), where will we be able to upload our scenarios?

    I haven't written any new ones in a long time. The last ones I wrote a few months ago for CMBO were trashed when my hard drive died. No backups.


    Try The Scenario Depot for all of your CMBO/CMBB battle, operation, and map needs. As it says in the SIG...

  8. flamingknives,

    The Scenario Depot provides complete hosting of CMBO and CMBB battles, operations, and maps. Along with hosting the file itself, we provide you with a download counter for each file, as well as peer-submitted reviews and AAR's for each scenario.

    If you would like for you scenarios to be hosted by The Scenario Depot, you can fill out the Submit a Battle or Submit an Operation forms, then send the unzipped .CMB, .CMC, .CME, or .CMF files to admketh@dragonlair.net.

    If you have any questions, I can answer them on this forum, or you can contact me offline at the above address.

  9. yapma,

    That's very odd browser behavior. I've successfully tested the site using IE 5.0, IE 5.5, Communicator 4.7, and Communicator 6.0. Do you have Javascripts disabled? The file download uses some creative Javascripting to increment download counters and redirect to the file.

    Is anyone else experiencing similar issues? If so, please give explicit details on browser behavior or error messages.

  10. Originally posted by TSword:

    I've tried to contact you via e-mail already several times and always the mail could not be delivered.


    Try the follwoing addresses:



    The addresses are still good. Just checked the mailbox and I am receiving messages from various authors as of this morning, so it must be working. Note that if you are attempting to send a message with an attachment larger than 1.5 megs (e.g., a scenarios with large screenshots and detailed README), it definitely will bounce. Try sending small pieces.

    Originally posted by TSword:

    Also with the current version of the submitpage i'm unable to submit scenarios for CMBB. I'm running IE 5.5 with security low for that session.

    What particular error is being displayed? I thoroughly test using NS4.7, NS6.0, IE 5.0, and IE 5.5.

    Originally posted by TSword:

    A suggestion for the submitpage: Force types can also be mixed

    Good suggestion. I'll implement this in the next round of changes.
  11. Depot Feature! - Zero-value Reviews as Comments

    Now people can post reviews with zero values in all of the categories. This will not affect any of the individual ratings, or the Overall Rating.

    It still qualifies as a review for the Top 10 Over 3 lists.

    Please note that this code has only been applied to the CMBB Battles pages (Index and Synopsis). I'll be retrofitting the CMBB Operations pages, as well as the CMBO Battles and Operations pages as time permits.

  12. Originally posted by jwxspoon:

    Hey Keth, any word on when the system will stop counting "0" in the overall calculation? I did an all "0" review for Approach to Stalingrad to point out hte incorrect dating and inadvertently destroyed his review numbers when my 0's were averaged in.


    The Overall Rating went from 6 to 3 due to the zero Overall Rating being averaged into the 6, but all of the other ratings still appear to be calculating correctly. I thought I had taken into account the possibility of an Overall Rating of zero, but apparently not. Gimme a day or two to look into it.
  13. Henri,

    Oddly enough, the Contact page is I managed to miss creating when I added the CMBB section to the site.

    I can always be reached at:


    Changing one's comments and rating values after submitting the review is still a task upon which I am working. The most significant issue is how can the system identify a particular person as the review owner?

    Until such time that I can design such code as to ensure the security of reviews, you can always send me an email with the desired changes.

  14. Originally posted by Zitadelle:

    Your enhancement looks great; thanks for incorporating the change!!! And, I wasn't really trying to be too much of a pain in the ass.

    No worries. Some coding can be done quickly, while other coding takes time. The quick tasks I can whip out while I'm at work <looks around for approaching boss>.

    Originally posted by Zitadelle:

    Sounds like it has received great reviews

    It's good, but still not perfect. A tad too sweet. A couple more mL's of champagne yeast ought to correct that.

    Originally posted by Zitadelle:

    As for the T-34 stout, damn man, you tempt me more and more. I wonder if I could make you a deal that you couldn't refuse....

    My current batch has 4 more months of conditioning to go. It'll be ready at the end of February. Drop me a line then.

    Originally posted by Zitadelle:

    (BTW, I have had the Stone Brewing IPA, Stout, and Bastard Ale- as well as the Storm King Stout).

    Stone's regular IPA is really good, but Ruination...well, the name says it all. Taking a day trip down to San Marcos this weekend to refill my 3 liter Double Bastard (10%ABV) growler. This amazing brew is seductive, yet sneaks up on you with a club. try it if you can find it.
  15. <sotto voce>Hmmm, I get the feeling this is eventually going to get moved to the General Discussion forum</sotto voce>

    I named Old T-34 a couple years back. Here's a couple of links to the label I have designed.

    Old T-34 Front Label

    Old T-34 Back Label

    If you like bitter beers, Stone Brewing (San Marcos, CA) makes an IPA called Ruination. Ruination has 100+ IBU's, making it one of the bitterest beers on the planet. I highly recommend anything from Stone Brewing, including their Russian Imperial Stout, Smoked Porter, and Arrogant Bastard ale.

    Another excellent Russian Imperial Stout is Storm King.

    At some point, if I can find sufficient funding, I'm indending to open a microbrewery. Thus, everyone may get a chance to try Old T-34.

    True story...I took a pint of Old T-34 to a Stone Brewery tasting and shared it with other people that showed up to taste. Everyone (including the Stone representative) agreed that Old T-34 was tastier than Stone's Imperial Stout.

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