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Stalin's Organ

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Everything posted by Stalin's Organ

  1. MD I'm glad you're glad - otherwise your contribution here would have no merit whatsoever........appart from reducing the gene pool by frigtening a few nervous folk to death!!
  2. Page 2?? Which one of you ijits let this fine piece of work drift to page??!!
  3. There as no 10cm ATG. Early in the war the germans often used 105mm artillery to destroy heavy Russian tanks like KV-1's and KV-2's. They weren't AT guns - they were artillery firing over direct sights at short range. I'm not sure if the K18 is in the game - but I'm sure the 105mm howitzer is.
  4. Moa's are extinct - they were quite intelligent birds and knew to run away from the first Aussies to come here. Unfortunately hte Aussies had invented tag, or relay, bird chasing, so the Moa's were always running and didn't get any time to rest or eat or reproduce. So they died out. When the Aussies went back to Aussie they found out that sheep are too stupid to run. Hence Mace. Oh..sorry, you said "moaNers" - nah, they bleat too much.
  5. Not as lazy as you obviously, since I at least read your post and it seems you didn't! Thanks for the info - none of which was in your original post, which you would have known if you'd bothered to read what you wrote! Given the circumstances you outlined I confess to having no idea why your ISU-122 backed off. But it isn't isolated behaviour, not is it combined to Russians or even CMBB - I've seen Shermans refuse to take side shots vs P-4's identified as Tigers in CMBO. Human psychology is a very complicated topic, and no computer model you can fit into a wargame in 2002 is going to do a perfect job reproducing its effects. I guess you encountered an extreme, and as long as it's the only case you've found that bad you can (and I will) write it off as the far end of the bell curve.
  6. Speaking of TA days - I was a baggy (private) in hte recon platon of hte local infantry Bn for a while & as point man I regularly got shot by ppl 5-20m away!! And yes I was bloody cautious!! I remember in basic training our platoon (of trainees, not the recon pln) was put in front of an empty paddock and told to spot the men hiding in it. This was not a flat paddock - it had a few little ridges and things - 6-8" high (15-20cm), clumped grass, a few isolated bushes, etc. We didn't spot any of them. Then they opened fore with a few single shots. WE still didn't spot them! Then they stood up - THEN we saw them, and they were nowhere near the bushes!! Mind you they were fully camed up in gillie suits, but then it wa only grass they were hiding in!! I remmber ambushing a M113 one day - I was extreme flanker on a long ridge & was hiding in an old trench (it was the usual exercise area) - it'd mostly filled in so was more like a shallow crater - perhaps a foot deep & 6 feet in diameter but with no foliage to speak of in it. So htere I was hiding behind the tussock at he edge, with a bit of face paint and my black M-16 with a bright yellow blank fire attachment and this M-113 pulls up about 5 m in front of me, side on, with a full complement of regular infantry sitting on top. I carefully let 2 magazines go on full auto into the careless idiots!! At that range I'd guess even 5.56 rounds will go through aluminium armour. I reckon I got everyone on top, the driver (it was his side facing me and I knew where he was positioned so he got a few rounds through the armour!) and maybe a few ppl inside as well. War is hell!
  7. Mike was Stalin's Organ? What a very odd career choice. Still, Kiwis are all daft, and I imagine being a Russian dictator's dangly bits is still more interesting than being a faux-Australian.</font>
  8. New Socialist Man is looking for a hot-but-deceased old socialist woman??!! [ November 12, 2002, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]
  9. Listen up you snivelling bunch or real world rejects - there's an imposter out there. Some Johny-come-lately (as opposed to ewe Macey) has decided to call himself by my name - sans proppa gramma of course. Accept no imitations - heck you're all to stoopid to even accept the original so I dont' really know whay I bother....no doubt some lackwit will provide a reason. Right - that's all - normal drivel is now restored - go on - shoo - get outta here and go about your normal sloppy business......
  10. Not by me it wasn't!! Hey - what's this?? An <big><big>IMPOSTOR!!!!</big></big> There's a bloody cheek - kids these days just go around picking up the cool names, dumping the correct grammar and giving them 5 numeral member ID's! It's the end of the world I tell 'ee!!
  11. AARRGGGHHH!! :mad: There's only 3 hours of the 19th left - I'm gonna go stir crazy!!
  12. I've seen the Turan, I've seen the Turan, I've seen the Turan!! nyah nyah nyah!! And very nice it was too...even the...oops....nah, can't say that!
  13. AFAIK - as far as I know One of a class of commonly used abbreviations on the 'net, some others being: IMO - in my opinion rofl - roll on the floor laughing wtf - what the f*ck And so on and so forth
  14. For once I was hopeful that the title of the thread might be accurate, but alas
  15. I'm up 'n running - all Allis in DK&C have got their setups, and a return has been received. Most interesting scenarios - hope theyre as much fun to play as they were thinking about "WTF to do with this load of rubbish!!" lol
  16. I like the preview of the early wasr screen shots! Hey it's the 19th here now - why can't I dl the gold demo??!! :eek:
  17. A lot of Russian casualties were also suffered before and AFTER combat, especially after. The standard of care for POW's on both sides left much to be desired, but the Germans captured a lot more prisoners than the Russians, especially in the early stages of the war, so there were a lot more russian POW's exposed to death from starvation, mis-treatment, etc.
  18. I found a link describing the functin of hte USA's Ford Mk 1 fire control computer from the 1930's - it makes a very interesting read: Ford fire control computer.
  19. Naval gunnery computers weer amazing machines by WW2 - they weer primarily mechanical, with some electrics (but no electronics). The guns were mechanilly or electrically actuated to account for the roll and pitch of the ship - I think the systems weer based around mechanical gyroscopes buried deep in the bowels of hte mechanical computers. Awesome stuff really, and a lost science now (big mchanical computers that is).
  20. well 'cos the CMBO ppl never asked ME what ammo loadout they should carry of course!! Basically there's no need for them to anyway - that function is taken over by the 81's that do get smoke. As an aside a well known figure-rule write reckoned that the British 2" mortar was almost exclusively used for smoke and should have the ammo proportions reversed (ie only a few or NO HE rounds). Has anyone else heard of this usage in WW2??
  21. The 50mm was originally issued 2 to each infantry company I think - but was replaced by the 81mm which was a substantially better weapon. It's role WAS exactly the same as the 2"/60mm allied mortars - local HE and smoke support, but the 81mm was better at it.
  22. The 50mm was originally issued 2 to each infantry company I think - but was replaced by the 81mm which was a substantially better weapon. It's role WAS exactly the same as the 2"/60mm allied mortars - local HE and smoke support, but the 81mm was better at it.
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