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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Andreas, I just noticed that the Amazon.co.uk site does not list the game as Mac compatible! Dorks! Gyrene
  2. You've read my mind. I've been thinking about this for a while, see my latest topic. Gyrene
  3. The release of CMBB is likely to bring a flood of new forum members and all the good and bad things they'll bring. The good will be possibly a new batch of modders and clever posters along with new opponents. The bad will be that CMBB is likely to attract a lot more of the non-wargaming sect than CMBO did, and we might end up seeing a whole new group of twitch-kids attracted by the improved graphics of CMBB, and they'll bring their K3wL d3Wd attitudes with them. The fact is that CMBB will probably bring more of the latter to the board than wargamer types, because frankly, we are almost all here already. While I'm sure that through some overtime work Madmatt will be able to keep things in line we might as well enjoy the board as we have it today - We are living in the good old days, and even the 7000 series members will be able to look back and refer to the "way it used to be" and feel like salty, CMBO old timers. Of course, those of you that were here before CMBO (Or some like Berli, who came with the website, I think) was released have already lived through a population explosion with all us high-4 digit member numbers mucking up the place. Gyrene
  4. Are you trying to tell me that Iron Chef didn't write all that stuff by himself? He could be JasonC's illegitimate son for all we know! Gyrene
  5. If I'm not mistaken I read somewhere that the German version of CM comes with a Mods CD. What mods are in it? Nothing exclusive I hope. Gyrene
  6. Madmatt is taking lessons from the Steve Jobs School of Presentations. I was expecting a "Oh, there's one more thing..." there at the end. Gyrene
  7. CM is not alone with OS X & Classic woes. My scanner (Umax) will not work in Classic or X, my graphics tablet does not work with every program (Although Painter 7 finnaly supports it) and a few other nags. There are many other things like falsh memory card readers, certain PDA's & other stuff that ony work under a OS 9 boot up. I hope it's all fixed soon enough. I can't wait to go all X. Gyrene
  8. I don't need yet another excuse to pin my poor playing on. Gyrene
  9. The engineer plattoon was an unlucky pick for the AI, and some cheap US units like M3's, Greyhounds and M8's might have evened things up a bit. Gyrene
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The weirdest sound is that of a tank bogging down (don't know why there should be a sound for that in the first place). It sounds like a jet engine starting up and then being cut. <hr></blockquote> I kind of like that sound as it really stands out and let's you know that something has bogged. I've been able to hear opponent's vehicles bogging down before, with is great news if it was a Stug, Hetzer or 251/9.....Easy flank and kill. Gyrene
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Ridgeway is another one - though never played up as much in press, which prefered ascribing everything to the men under him (cf. the airborne corps in the Bulge). It is easy to overlook how much the US airborne achieved and how new that level of achievement was. Each also had quite talented subordinates - Wood and Abrams under Patton, MacAuliffe and Gavin under Ridgeway, for example. <hr></blockquote> Ridgeway has to rank among the best "Soldier's Generals" in this Century. His most telling accomplishment was how he turned the US Army in Korea from a very ineffective and demoralized force into a very efficient and aggressive one, which was from early 1951-on able to meet, counter and push back the Chinese Army that had so humiliated it in 1950. The Army was the same, only the leadership changed. He was very popular with his troops, even the Marines loved him. Gyrene
  12. Nice tip Kurtz. I followed the link on your sig and I had to make some Combaiku of my own: Diesel smell fills the hold Spray white and sharp over the sides The ramp will drop soon Helmet bounces and harness jingles Angry bees buzz overhead Almost to the wall Yesterday was calm The new guys said they were bored They changed their minds Gyrene
  13. Very nice work Andrew, I'll be using that mod for sure! Gyrene
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Why that? A ruined building doesn't loose so much cover as you might think. The total destruction of Stalingrad helped the defenders more then the attackers. Similar the Monte Cassino battle. AFAIK, the abbey was completly destroyed by the Allies, but never taken. <hr></blockquote> ? I'm talking about small light buildings in CM, not huge, 1000 year old Monasteries or concrete city blocks. Light Buildings. As in made of wood. Wood does a very very poor job at stopping .50 rounds. Gyrene
  15. We'll be here. Good luck with XP Henk. Gyrene
  16. AA vs Troops was common in WWII, but in small quantities. Some players pick huge amounts of AA in QB's and that is gamey. Gyrene
  17. Schrullenhaft : That PC is PCI only. wwb_99: I forgot about TNT cards...Those might be the way to go price-wise. That Cyrix 300 might be slow, but so far the price is right: About $30 total for a new 56k modem and 128mb of RAM, the rest was free. Thanks for the replies. Gyrene
  18. This one is entertaining and educational. Gyrene
  19. Tactics The "plays" you use in the field to be in a better position than your opponents and to keep your butt alive. Strategy The plans that high ranking officers make for your future that you have no input in and little real knowledge of. Logistics Marvelling at how they moved so much junk so far and so quickly, and at how much gear you need to play war. Logistics also involve the difference between MRE's again or a hot meal. Tactical The word you don't like to hear new Lieutenants use. Hope that by the time you need them all your Tactical moves have long been well rehearsed. Strategic If you get to hear this word, it means you are going on a very long trip somewhere and you'll have some serious packing in your near future along with a lot of hurry up and wait. Gyrene
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> by PawBroon: Don't be ridiculous. Hype is a bloody Playmobil game.<hr></blockquote> I don't believe the hype. If I did it'd be <FONT color = "blue" Size=6 >BUMPING</FONT> this to the top. Gyrene Edited, cuz this UBB code is kicking my ass. [ 01-25-2002: Message edited by: Gyrene ]</p>
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> By tar: My take on the 0.50 caliber is that it is perhaps a bit too effective against troops in the open or with minimal cover, and maybe not as effective as it should be against those in good cover. That is likely to be the effect of having anti-personnell firepower reduced to a single number. I'm not sure, but I expect that the firepower numbers are based to some extent at least on weight of fire. A gun with heavier rounds would get a weight of fire bonus, but unless there is some armor or cover involved, it may just be overkill relative to rifle caliber weapons. For troops in the open, I would expect that .30 caliber bullets would be almost as deadly as .50 ones if they hit. And since the rate of fire is a bit higher for the lighter MGs, I would expect the chance of getting hit to be higher. On the other hand, being in a building should afford less protection against the heavier rounds. <hr></blockquote> Tar, I mostly agree with you comments, esp. the effect of .50's in CM being reverse the real life norm, with .50's having a lesser impact on troops in the open. Having fired thousands of .50 cal rounds at various types of targets, I was pretty disappointed at it's performance in CM, a couple of .50's should be able to dismantle a small light building in CM in 4 to 6 turns, not to mention trees. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> By Chupacabra In a hotseat game against PeterNZ about a year ago, I had a scout car take out a wooden bunker with a few bursts of .50. Although for what it's worth, the driver of the scout car was a certain Corporal Moylan <hr></blockquote> Hehe, it's the hidden CM cheat...Make sure at least one of your troops is in the BTS payroll. Gyrene
  22. OS memory partitions are usually maxed out as they are dynamic. I'd zap the PRAM (Reboot, hold opt+cmd+p+r and let it chime 2 or 3 times, this may that a while longer on newer G4's than older macs) and see if that solves your problem. If that still does not help and you are experiencing other odd behaviour, then I'd rebuild the desktop to, by holding cmd+opt at startup. Gyrene
  23. My cousin has a low-buck Cyrix II 300mhz PCI only PC, Win 98SE with (soon to be) 160MB of RAM and the 8MB Rage card in it isn't doing the trick (Sluggish performance at 800x600 like when shooting LOS's in TCP/IP) What would be a good choice for a low-buck video card? Are Kyro II cards pretty decent? Would GeForce 2 based cards be overkill for this system? I guess it's really down to those two. I figured that 300mhz and an 8mb card would be plenty as my Rev D iMac is only 333mhz with a 6mb Rage slower than my cousin's and it runs very smoothly at the same rez. Thanks in advance Gyrene
  24. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> I suspect - based on my experience with Macs since 1984 - that this will mean CM1 & 2 probably won't be running on Macs introduced in 12-18 months time. I think it's unlikely that computer products that far in the future will be friendly with an OS roughly 24 months older than the hardware. <hr></blockquote> Actually I found macs to be surprisingly old-program friendly. I've ran some positively ancient stuff in my OS 9 iMac, that I was surprised it ran. (Dark Castle and The Colony, for instance) Booting up in 9 is a small price to pay for CMBB. But yes, a pain in the ass still. Gyrene
  25. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>By Dirtweasle: I also have a private IP scheme (some combination of NAT and DHCP) with my DSL set-up from my ISP. I have heard there is a way to change the settings on my DSL router/modem, to let the public IP address be usable, for lack of a better word, but have not figured out how or if it is advisable. To date I have not had a problem joining TCP/IP games as you say, but am wondering too when I will play someoene that has the same issues, what to do. This might be a better topic on the "Tech Support" section, but if anyone has any ideas let me know please. <hr></blockquote> Dw, what you need to do is forward port # 7023 to the internal IP of whatever computer you play CM in, this is accomplished via the SUA/NAT function of your router. Gyrene
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