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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Gyrene

  1. Agh. There goes that idea. Well, make it work Gosh-Darn it! Gyrene
  2. Steve, what I meant was a system in which existing pre-set CM units could be chosen from a scenario editor to make up 1930-ish to 1950-ish sides. During multiplayer games the scenario file would just tell each player's game program what units to place in each side's line up. I agree that allowing players to change behaviours and individual fire power ratings is a bad idea, but having a common pool of units to pick from would be no different than what is in CM now, the only trick would be to tell the TacAI who's in what side. I'm sure you have noticed all the different eras that have been re-created (or attempted) with the existing CMBO set up, all this would do is to make our lives easier by giving us closer approximations of historical units. Gyrene
  3. I'd be glad to have just the units we already have - Just give us the option to line them up as we see fit. Gyrene
  4. I personally think that OS X is the best thing to happen to the Mac. Let's be honest here, OS 9 is old and tired, it's reliability and multitasking sucks, it's memory handling is poor and virtual memory use is bad. I've been using 10.1 as much as possible lately and I've yet to have it take a dump on me and I'm a chronic shareware/update installer (Which caused me a lot of headches in 9 - My current uptime in 10 is 6 days, 12hrs. and that because I installed software that required a reboot - I never had 9 stay up that long.) I like 9; I like the way pre 10 Mac OS's don't do anything behind your back and let you do and put whatever you want wherever you want, but I like 10 better. CM and scanning are the only reasons I ever boot into 9 anymore, and I can't wait for the day when I can be in 10 full time. Blaming RAVE for CM not working in 10 is like blaming the PowerPC architecture for not working with older apps - Time to face the future and adapt. Gyrene
  5. The Soviets had an anti-armor grenade that was designed to be top attack. It had a shaped charge and was attached to a long ribbon that unfurled after the grenade was thrown and was meant to assure the proper orientation to get a penetration. I can't say for sure that it was the reason the Germans uparmored their vehicle tops, but it is worth keeping in mind. Michael</font>
  6. Hello all BTS folks, I realize you all must be fairly sick of us telling you what to do with CM, but I think what I have to say is a worthwhile concept: Release a version of CM which is basically a "box of parts" with which we could make our own OOB's with all the existing CM vehicles, troops & equipment, mix and matching units and gear to our tastes. The range of vehicles & troops available in CMBO and soon CMBB would easily allow the recreation of most conflicts from 1938 to 1953 or so with the addition of a few extra terrain and vehicle types and should require little additional coding. I really do think this idea has merit and I'd be the first to put my money down for a copy. Gyrene [ March 20, 2002, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: Gyrene ]
  7. Brian, Chosin, Inchon or Seoul would do, or any of the "fire brigade" actions around the Pusan Perimeter. US equipment in Korea was virtually identical to late WWII stuff, with Easy 8's, M26's & M24's being very common. German forces could *maybe* work for US and CW units, while PPsh toting Russians are a great stand-in for NKPA & Chinese troops. Michael - I wonder how weird "duck hunter" camo pattern would look on a German helmet Gyrene
  8. A Korean War CM would be great, but would probably never fly. Not enough German tanks in Korea to hold most wargamers' interest. Gyrene
  9. My first puter was a Sinclair ZX-81 with a membrane keyboard. Press "P" for "Print" I think it had 2 or 4k of RAM and wicked monochrome graphics. (50 x30 I think) I wish I had it still, I still have my Apple IIc clone and my Amiga 500. I'm on the hunt for a cheap Mac Color Classic II Gyrene
  10. Feel free to take some extra cake home. Last one out turns off the lights. Lyonel...grumble...grunble...party pooper...grumble Gyrene
  11. Put your best stealth rated CO in charge and use the highest quality troops at your disposal. The ambush marker might help also. Gyrene
  12. Gefingerpoken is not me, but I can't blame him for his fine taste in nicknames! Where's Lyonel anyway? The ice cream is melting. Gyrene
  13. Something like a "Lyonel Challenge Thread"? Gyrene
  14. We're going to scare him off like this. Gyrene
  15. Congratulation Lyonel!! This is truly a historical moment! #8000! W00T! Gefingerpoken! ...Now on to #10000 Gyrene
  16. There's something else going on here that we are all missing. The OpenGL-NVidia drivers that came with the last OS update (9.2.2?) fixed most of the GeForce & CM problems for Quicksilver & before users. It worked in my case, although I still went back to the Radeon, but many others reported success with those drivers. There must be something else in the new iMacs that is causing this problem, maybe something to do with the new screen. I think the idea of partitioning the drives wouldn't hurt, but OS X will still write new extensions to the OS 9 system folder if Classic is envoked in any case. Classic RAVE extension has not caused any problem for me in OS 9. I had Berli try the same exact extension set that I had success with in my DP G4 + GeForce 2 MX in his iMac, but it didn't work. The only other thing I can think of is the Apple Monitor and Monitor preferences files in the System 9 folder. Gyrene
  17. One more left! The temptation to register user Gefingerpoken is overwhelming. Leete: How's the tank coming along? Gyrene
  18. It's a nice round number. I'm really looking forward to 10000 D-roach: The Finnish word you are looking for is cannukiiböollokkii Gyrene
  19. Berli, I'll send you a couple of different sets of NVidia/Open GL extensions other than the ones I have already sent you to see if anything improves. Gyrene
  20. 7 left. I think "Gefingerpoken" is a good name for member #8000. Gyrene
  21. 13 left. Now quit asking dumb questions. Gyrene
  22. 22 left...Get your party hats ready! Gyrene
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