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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Manx_CM

  1. COMBAT MISSIONS will be back sometime later today hopefully. I just need to sort a few things out, then i can start FTP'ing files over to the new server.
  2. No this doesn't surprise me!. Another thing to remember Clubfoot, is the fact that you will be hosting a complete modification of CM, rather than individual mods. I would hate to think of the size of d/l that it will take to get it. btw - I have reached an agreement with the server hosts of COMBAT MISSIONS and normal service with be resumed shortly.
  3. Are you attempting to spam this board?. Why ask these questions in 1 post when you can ask them in 7 !
  4. Thanks guys...this is the first time i have had chance to access the board today. Also, i am unable to access any e-mail sent via the COMBAT MISSIONS e-mail addresses (they have been suspended as well). One more thing...It ain't dead yet!...it's currently undergoing a life-saving operation...it's touch & go whether the old girl will make it, but she might just pull through! ps - Madmatt, Kwazy - is there anyway to reset my old username?. Somehow the p/w has got screw-up. [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 02-28-2001).]
  5. I was in England...never felt a thing!. I was lucky really.
  6. 16...or maybe i should only count as 15 1/2 because of my demotion to the status of a mere forum newbie. Over 600 posts down the drain!. FKA - Manx [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 02-28-2001).]
  7. Madmatt - Best of luck with the site move... i and many others are looking forward to a new, better, and yes, MEANER looking CMHQ. ps - sorry about the delay in getting back to you - you have mail. Manx
  8. Well, i've got a day or so (i think) to try and sort something out before the site becomes inaccessible. I'll see what can be done. I've gotta get some sleep (too many late nights spent trying to satisfy MODSLUTS!)...so goodnite folks and thanks for the messages & e-mails of support. Appreciated!
  9. I think he's probably had enough volunteers by now
  10. Tiger - They add up ALL site bandwidth in that figure. Page/graphic loads, downloads, uploads, everything. The 20GB approx. figure i was given, is since Feb 4th, so it works out at less than 1GB, but 1GB is still the site limit for the whole month.
  11. The site is generating 1GB of bandwidth per day (the initial bandwidth limit i am paying for per month!). It has reached 20GB since February 4th. It would cost me a fortune to keep it running on that basis. Believe me...i don't want it to close, but it's obvious that with those sorts of figures, an any independent non-profit making site would find it impossible to continue. BTW - My username is screwed up. Won't accept my password so i have had to start over again. Not my day! P-( ------------------
  12. It is with deep regret that i have to inform you that within the next 24 hours COMBAT MISSIONS will have to close. I have been informed today by the site hosts that COMBAT MISSIONS has exceeded it's MONTHLY bandwidth quota in the space of just 1 DAY!!. The site has notched up the biggest amount of traffic within the past 20 days or so than any other site they have EVER hosted before...and that includes well known multi-national companies and famous pop/rock groups!. In fact, they wanted to know what the hell i was doing to generate that much traffic!. I have spoken to the host admin over the phone and i am currently trying to sweet-talk the bastards into giving the site a stay of execution but it doesn't look promising. I will tell you the figures:- to run the site at it's present capacity (20GB PM) will cost £580 per year with that figure rising if this is exceeded. Now there is no way i can afford to pay out that sum of money for a site that doesn't make a penny in return so unless i can reach some sort of compromise with them then site will have to close. I have put in many, many hours of hard work into the site and i will do all in my power to make sure it isn't wasted. ------------------ [This message has been edited by Manx_CM (edited 02-27-2001).]
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