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Phillies Phan

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Everything posted by Phillies Phan

  1. ...the gentleman with the numerical username who could not comprehend that the nickname for "Phillies Phan" would be "Phan". Perhaps another reminder was needed. Maybe a swift kick to the posterior was in order. ******************************************** The forest stank of fear and misery. Its sole inhabitant was the source of the stench. MRPeng rose to his frightening height and meandered over to his prey. A small white... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  2. Hey Joe, where ya going with the Peng thread in your hand? ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  3. ...the one with the numerical username would be able to figure out that the nickname for "Phillies Phan" would be "Phan". Perhaps the obvious is not evident for those who aren't looking (write that one down). ************************************* In the dark forest a beast roamed about and grumbled to himself. He was unhappy that his small, white... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  4. Please pardon my impudent tone, MRPeng. I cannot afford more than one "incarnation" All of us here in South Jersey still think of you as a demigod and wonder when you will become the Master of all that you survey. I am truly sorry that you thought I was using another username to convey my message. I shall find a large, fat lady to verbally and physically abuse me for 2 hours per your instructions this October last. Knowing that I am simply not worthy to converse with you, you may disregard this post and any other you see from "Phillies Phan". If you do decide to bless me with verbal castigation, you can use my nickname "Phan" or "brainless piece of excrement" This worthless piece of trash is fully repentent of any arrogance shown in the past and begs forgiveness of the pedophile known as MRPeng. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  5. Thanks for the help gentlemen. I've already downloaded and installed the drivers from the SiS webpage before posting here. Its somewhat disheartening to find out that my onboard video is not compatible with Combat Mission. FYI...I have Windows 98 SR2, 128 MB RAM, 32 of that is allocated to Video. I printed out this page and will follow the directions. Thanks again! ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  6. I have a SiS 630 onboard AGP video with 32 MB RAM allocated to it. The video drivers are up to date as of January this year. Combat Mission can hardly run at all with this card. (its not really a card but nevermind). I have DirectX 8.0a The sypmtoms are very slow unit selection and little blocks appear and dissapear when I move my mouse. Its not playable. Please help. thanks ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  7. ...went the booty. It was prone to do that with the magnificent thumping sound. Two frightened eyes looked up at the Australian gentleman. Four cloven hooves turned to flee. "The Gangster of the Outback" had found entertainment for the evening and it was so very fluffy. All he needed was... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  8. Solid Snake, Try the Tech Support Forum. Don't delete anything just yet. Post something on that forum that describes your problem with your operating system, and your video card. yet another .02 for the greater good ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  9. your sycophantic mewlings make me retch. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  10. Kitty, that is 1000 times better than the emoticons you used to display. I thoroughly enjoyed that post. Thank you. You brought a chuckle to my sad frame. that was damn good stuff. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  11. Speaking of etiquette: I changed usernames and stopped all of my PBEM's. What if I were to continue one PBEM? Considering that I have committed the "unpardonable sin" of not continuing the other PBEMs, what do I need to do be forgiven? I know that I have been cast out of the group I was never welcome in. Find the conundrum. Do I strive for acceptance? Not really. I know I'll never meet most of you in person during this lifetime. Still, I am so drawn to this gathering of grunts and scratches on the walls of communication. Tufts of hair sit upon my floor becaue I cannot rid myself of this message board and the game that is so attached to it. You thought of me as a persistant gnat that would not leave you be until you played me. Then I plagued you with bad jokes via email. Now I am a memory of a wafting remnant of a flatulant emission. Sometimes, when I think nobody is looking, I sneak in a ten minute game of me being British and sadly losing. "Bastards" is the most common word during that time. Combat Mission is my weakness and my record shows it. Suggestions? If I know you, I might reply. If I don't, you are welcome to shut your "piehole". ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  12. ...one who once was and still is but does not as often but does it better although somewhat sloppily. His was and is a sad story. Owning a hairy back, a balding scalp, and a propensity to flatulate at inopportune times, MRPeng wandered over to his... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  13. Yowza, Mr. Scout. We all know that your name has much clout. We also know that you can be a clear-headed individual when you try to be. Considering this tread is lock-bait. Let me excrete my opinion. I don't like the board response to what Max-Daddy wrote. I respect his opinion. Can you do the same? The whole idea of the KKK brings about strong emotions in most Americans. I know this because I spent some time down south and read about them. I was upset when I move to Ohio and saw them there too. Maybe you are using those three letters to prove a point that I'm not getting. (its possible) Before you discredit my opinion as being a "newbie's", understand that I used to be Hiram Sedai during my caterpillar stage. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  14. ...trepidation. What if he was caught with a woolly "one night stand" when his furry feline friend was a callin'? Were his nocturnal goings on a secret? Icredibly bored minds want to know. Meanwhile, back at the ranch. The numerical user-kid plays a rousing game of concentration and picks his nose again. He won't stop til... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/ [This message has been edited by Phillies Phan (edited 03-15-2001).]
  15. ...verbal bludgeoning of the the sad little child with the numerical username. His was an unhappy fate coupled with an equally sad disposition. Feces were constantly flung at him on a daily basis. He knew no other way except to gather them in piles and attempt to sell them. He call it providing... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  16. ...strive to be more like me with my numerical username and sloping forehead. Granted, I only have one eyebrow and my knuckles scrape the ground when I walk. Still I know that there is hope for... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  17. Let me take this opportunity to make water on another sad excuse for a Peng thread. A copy of a copy of a copy. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  18. ...Croda, who was and is a sniveling, sad excuse for a human being. His friends and family think of him as "monkey boy" because of his hirsute dispostion and his propensity to hurl..l. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  19. I, for one, am glad that I am no longer playing Germanboy because the inevitable outcome would be him handing me my hindquarters in a little basket. His tactics are beyond reproach and his application of the same are quite fearsome. I would recommend him purchasing a PC, but that would be inapropriate and would lead to this thread being locked. So, I would like to contribute a hearty and heartfelt "Hi Mom" to this thread. PS Patton rocks!! ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  20. Threads may come and threads may go but my everlasting love for my sweet Naomi lives on. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  21. ....same old stuff again. Marching down the avenue.... ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  22. Dude, are you blind? ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
  23. I've always been a fan of the Old Firm although I acknowledge that the Old Firm doesn't need either fans or acknowledgement. I was noticed once by the Old Firm a couple of months ago for a few seconds but then was dismissed as a pest. Much like a CM Masonic lodge that requires a secret handshake coupled with the ring, the Old Firm has had me enthralled for some time now. I am now as I once was; so forgettable. Think of this as the post that never happened. ------------------ http://www.derkessel.com/
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