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Spanish Bombs

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Posts posted by Spanish Bombs

  1. OK, I've started a huge Rune scenario called "Assault on St. Vith", 7000 pts which is by far the most I've ever played with in a PBEM match.

    Looking forward to the Hurtgen stuff, Shadow, if you need a playtester for something (relatively) small, drop me a line, I'd be happy to help. Lane, I was the Germans in WCW, but didn't save the tournament saved file. I suspect the battle will be released soon, and heartily recommend it.

    One added note: in doing the setup for the St Vith scenario the other night, my wife was in the computer room and I showed her the map and said, that's a pretty cool-looking map, isn't it. Her response: "Yes, but it'd look better on a bigger screen." If I'm able to land a 21" monitor from Tom's work, then he just went from hero to superhero in my book.

  2. Having just downloaded the excellent Ardennes terrain stuff from Tom (and a great job it is), I'm wondering if there are any favorite Bulge scenarios out there.

    I can say that the best one I've played is the recently released Wild Bill scenario We Can't Wait which portrays the American attack through a shell-torn Assenois late in the campaign. Lots of fun toys on each side, a vivid map that portrays what must have been a horrible place to be on all sides, and a sense of urgency for attackers and defenders that ensures a slug-fest.

  3. Originally posted by Treeburst155:

    Remember, the highest second place finisher goes to the finals with the section winners.

    Treeburst155 out.

    Sure, sure. But when are you going to post the "loser's bracket"? This is a double elimination tourney, right? All of us who squandered armor and pointlessly sacrificed squads of infantry still have a way to work our ways back into the finals, right? ;)
  4. Originally posted by Farnz:

    Do they have big open doors ?

    Can we park tanks in them ?

    Can we have a LOS thru them ?

    Because they are made of seperate tiles I assume they can be collapsed tile by tile - does this mean that rubbling one hex could lead to damage/rubbling of an adjacent hex ?

    You know, I think these are pretty good questions, and factories are one of the new toys that intrigue me most about CMBB, so here's a hopeful "bump".
  5. As the German player in WCW and Duel at Dompiere, I can say that the planes definitely took a toll, not on tanks but certainly on the light armor. As far as counterbalances for the Germans, however, I think the multitude of flak vehicles were a pretty fair addition. At least I never had to worry about them shooting my own troops or not showing up at all...

    One other Air-power related point, though - I did shoot down a plane in Dompiere. Among many other firsts for me in this tournament, and I couldn't tell until the AAR was available, but pretty cool nonetheless.

    [ February 06, 2002, 03:37 PM: Message edited by: Spanish Bombs ]

  6. I guess I'm in the middle of the pack as far as the Croc goes. W/in the first 30 seconds it did take out a 75 pillbox, but shortly thereafter it was shocked by a MG pillbox, which I recall it eliminating in a turn or two. It sure felt nekkid hanging out there all alone on my right flank, though, and I was sure that Wild Bill had something in store for it, so I tried to get a squad over there for some support/spotting, and just started moving it up the hill in the middle, figuring it would be better to lose it on the move and hunting for something to roast than let it set there as a sitting duck. Of course it got drilled by a side shot by a StuG from my far right flank shortly thereafter.

    I suppose I was relatively successful in eliminating the pillboxes relatively quickly, but my Shermans and the Kangaroos kept on finding 'schreck teams hidden up those hills. It was sure tough to work for a decent shot on the reinforcing PzIV's and Assault Guns? because of the goofy terrain. Our game ended with the Germans in control of the flag to the far left (as the Allies advanced), and ?'s on the other two flags. I was very close to holding the flag on my far right, but I left too far to move to get to that flag with the terrain and the time I had left. The area around the flag in the center was truly a killing ground that sucked my infantry into it, hunkering down in small hiding places while the German armor pounded away, hoping to get off a Piat round or two. Actually, the game may have turned when the one Piat round hit I had was a "Gun Hit" on the Assault gun, but not the good type, only the type that gets your hopes up only to crush them like so many peanut shells...

  7. "We Can't Wait" was probably my favorite scenario, perhaps in part because it was the first one I played, but also perhaps in part because it was a real see-saw affair. I had the Germans, and I really thought the Americans were never going to run out of tanks or infantry. I also thought that the map was quite well done - the smoke effects and the snow made me cold just looking at it - this is how the Bulge looked in my mind.

    My personal "best team of the tourney" was a recoilless rifle that took out 4 Halftracks and caused some infantry casualties as well, it was keyholed on my left, somewhat behind the buildings, and survived a fair amount of artillery when stouter defenders fell all around. When the two JgPzIVs showed up, I felt pretty good, but they were literally thrown into combat from the first second. One took a gun hit right away and was dead w/in 30 seconds, the other lasted one more turn and took out one Sherman (or was it a TD?) before getting drilled. At that point, I thought I was in real trouble, but then the JgPanther shows up with its Wirbelwind escort. Again, confidence soars until I hear the fighter above.

    The fighter actually made a pretty good run at the Wirbelwind and JgPanther (and its strafing later cost me an Ostwind and a HT or two), and its bomb-load landed very close, causing a casualty and shocking each. The effects of the loss of the TCs was to be felt later, when I had trouble getting the Wirbelwind to concentrate on bazooka teams coming through the woods on that side. I eventually lost both to close in shots from bazookas, but the blow was softened somewhat when my JagdPanther took out 3 Shermans in the 45 seconds before I lost it. As great as getting a JagdPanther as a reinforcement is - losing it is an equivalent bummer.

  8. Originally posted by Mord:

    The Show is called Combat Missions.

    My brother picked up a couple of matchbooks at a bar somewhere that are promos for the Combat Missions show. There's a sillhouette of a couple of soldiers in modern equipment on the back cover, but for a second at a glance they look like Tommies, maybe. When I first saw the matchbook, I thought, maybe, but, nahhhh....
  9. Originally posted by Chad Harrison:

    But alas, the great bald one has not shown his powers by releasing more tidbits about CMBB

    I hear you, I look/hope every day for the CMBB is being released soon thread, too.

    But, on the other hand, take a look around. BTS has been very responsive to specific questions about CMBB in just about every thread that asks specific questions about CMBB recently. The days of virtual black-out re: information appear to be over, and I see a bone thrown almost every day it seems. Look at the Captured KV-1 thread, or the Tactical Problems on the eastern front thread, or the Telephone Pole Doodad thread, or the Model contest thread for examples. While it is clear that the product is not ready yet, there are new bits of info out there all the time....

  10. OK, then, what will Doodads be used for? I'm trying to picture in my mind the type of item/feature that might be crying out for such treatment, as I understand it: randomly placed, organic to the terrain type, have an effect on gameplay (is there such a thing as a big doodad or a little doodad re: cover, etc.?)

    Anyhow, guessing that perhaps this point was what Hoopenfaust was getting at in starting this thread, then, are there any guesses at what things would/could be a doodad feature? Madmatt?

    Heres one guess: how about factory machinery in the "build your own" factory complexes?

  11. I split the baby - sent one into town, and tried to keep one out by the tree line. The one out by the tree line took some long range MG fire and was knocked out without firing a shot while unlimbering. The one I sent into town actually got there, near the crossroads on the outskirts and got set up, but when the Flame HT started on my infantry in the buildings and they started skeedadling to the outer ring, the 6 lber got left without much support. It was set up and ready to fire when some targets moved into range, but was all panicky and never got a shot off.

    Obviously, this is what not to do in this scenario.

  12. Very interesting indeed. And, Enoch, if you are talking about the same guy I think you are talking about, he has at least one other butt-whupping out there that wasn't reported yet.

    Now, as the one with the lowest Ranville Allied score in the whole damn tournament, I'm wondering if I can get the real setup sent to me, and not the experimental extra-German favored game that I apparently had to play with. Seriously, I am looking forward to reading the AARs of the guys who triumphed as the Brits in that one, because it was clearly beyond me at the time I was playing it. Although I will say that the turn in which I lost all hope cost me a full nights sleep, literally.

  13. From the Perpetuum Unlimber thread:

    "There is a new status display timer for heavy and crew served weapons such as this which displays the SETUP time for the weapon. This tells the player how long the weapon team/crew needs to get the weapon setup and ready to fire."



    Is it just me, or is there a notable upswing on the responsiveness to questions posted on the board? Everytime I check, some tasty new tidbit is there...

  14. I also consider myself out of the running for the finals, but I will say that 15 turns does not sound too unfair to me, especially since everybody going into it know the limits, the goals and the risk/benefit for each minute.

    I will also say that I recently started my first "Byte Battle" PBEM match, and have found it to be thoroughly engaging and challenging, and it is 15 turns long, and my opinion is certainly colored by that experience.

  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JonS:


    Jukka-Pekka and I continue to grope our way through the dark, slaughtering everything in sight, and a few things that aren't. I fear this will be a case of last man standing wins the pot. 9 turns or so of unabashed bloodshed to go.


    I now understand of what you speak. In the aforementioned match, Tabpub and I have apparently decided to lick our respective wounds for a turn or two, before the wholesale slaughter begins anew. There are 13 turns to go in this game, and accordingly 13 turns to go in the tournament for me, if only this particular match lasts another 13 turns.

    [ 01-03-2002: Message edited by: Spanish Bombs ]</p>

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