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Phantom Rocker

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Everything posted by Phantom Rocker

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captain Wacky: None of us were around to see how it really happened in WWII, so who's to know?<hr></blockquote> Ehm, yes, exactly that's what I meant. Stats are nice, but they only give you what you want to take.
  2. I guess accuracy is one of the most and hottest dicussed things on this board. I have no idea if it is really modeled historic or not. Maybe it would be a good idea when the player can 'adjust' things like accuracy before each battle starts...until it 'feels' historic for him. I guess in program terms this could be simply solved with bonus additions/substractions. Maybe that would be also a good idea for some other things, like spotting, penetration.... I know, this wouldn't make the game more historic, bud maybe it would be good for the fun?
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas: You must be an expert in project management, and coding new features into games?<hr></blockquote> Why that? Some people here think that 'only' an exciting feature (from the target command for tanks) must be added to an exciting command. And the realase date can't be before March, because the model contest ends at February 28. I'm not an expert, I can read
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Keith: BTS is going to release the game in this quarter so the chance of getting in new features is exactly 0%<hr></blockquote> It has been stated by BTS in mid December that the game is already 95% completed. Now we know for sure that the game will not show up before March. They needed 'only' 1 year for 95%, now they ave 2 additional month. This sounds to me like a enough time to include several new features.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JigVictor07: Thanks, but Amazon.de sells only the Deutch version. Is English version available at all?<hr></blockquote> Try it at Chips & Bits It's not released yet, but announced for 12/01
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by JigVictor07: Where can I buy that Panzer Elite-Special Edition? <hr></blockquote> You can get it at www.amazon.de Another very interesting experience is spotting. Driving arround with my Panther, and who in the hell is shooting on me? Try to find an enemy tank with closed hatches! Even if my wingman tells me 'Tank, 10 o'clock, 500m' - try to find that damned thing when it's hidden in some trees. Not to mention AT guns!!! I ussually try to spot it when it fires and pump some HE into the wood, hoping it's dead. Will be intersting to see this situation under the new super FOW in CMBB.
  7. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: a] it's a game b] are you trained in tank gunnery?<hr></blockquote> a) This is right, but CM is also a game. Yes, I was. But in a Leopard, of course not in an ancient WWII tank
  8. Just an interesting note. I purchased the re-released Panzer Elite a few days ago - for the unaware, a WWII tank sim. Then I justed wanted to see if I can hit something when I'm on the move (Distance about 400m, me in a Panther). I had small efforts when I was driving very slow on a road. But it's absolutly impossible in any offroad terrain. I was even unable to hold the gun on target, cause the whole tank is rocking'n'rolling. Everyone should give it a try. (Maybe there's a demo somewhere). Then I run some test with CM, a Panther moving through brush terrain, firing on a (moving!) Sherman, also about 400m away. It always needed 5-10 shots, but also was always succesful. This is funny, isn't it?
  9. Ehm, please excuse, but what I hear is 3 times the same sound for small explosions, then 5 times the same sound for medium explosions etc. And they sound very similar to some sounds from...what was his name - Scorpio?
  10. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Ok, my only experiece with real rockets are those fired from Cobra gunships... if they hit anywhere near where they are pointed, its an act of God. I suspect that the spread in CM is very close to reality<hr></blockquote> We shouldn't compare apples and pears. The Cobra is a helicopter, so targeting unguided weapons is like shooting with a gun from a driving car. And the targets for the unguided missiles are buildings, single positions or even vehicels, so targets of relativ small size compared to the target zone of artillery. Use the Cobra for area fire into a square of 100x100m, and the most rockets will hit this area. [ 11-23-2001: Message edited by: Phantom Rocker ]</p>
  11. Great work. But why the US star on the top of an English tank? Shouldn't be a critic, I'm just curious.
  12. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juju: Check your mail, Phantom. It's all wrapped up and ready to go.<hr></blockquote> Ok, I'm ready [ 11-17-2001: Message edited by: Phantom Rocker ]</p>
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Gordon: Puff, I don't have a really good answer to your question right now than "because they're worth having?" All I can say is that I will continue to think about ways to optimize CMMOS both in terms of speed, functionality, ease of use and space useage. <hr></blockquote> They may be worth having, but I still can use only one set of graphics at the same time! Ehm - way don't you include the zip name into the ruleset? Just an idea.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Juju: Phantom rocker, if you don't like searching for stuff, and then go thru the tedious business of deciding what to to keep and what to throw out, I'm willing to mail you my sound mod compilation, if you want. Has a bit of everything (infantry, tanks, guns, rifles, explosions, 'casualty sounds' and whatnot). It's my personal preference of course, but I think these particular sounds are coolest. Only 20 megs. Of course I could split it. Send me a mail if interested.<hr></blockquote> I'm interested, but my mailbox takes only 5 MB. Are they selfmade, or do have them downloaded somewhere? BTW, thanx to Wolfe and Foobar
  15. I've heard that some very nice sound mods should be out there. Someone knows where I can find them? They are not at CMHQ or Manx' site.
  16. What has happened to our big surprise? Have I missed something?
  17. Freeware is of course protected by the copyright law, and AFAIK it's not allowed to press it on a CD and sell it. Especially not without the permission of the authors. I propose if they don't stop, we send them a mail. Evryone. 100 times a day. And we order copys to non excisting addresses.
  18. Propellant charges are not Dynamite. The shells of the modern German 120mm 'Tampella' mortar are filled with 2-4-6-Trinitrotoluol (TNT). The propellant charges for most guns and mortars is usually Nitrocellulose (or based on it). Like blackpowder, Nitrocellulose does NOT tend to explode unless it's compressed or packed in a small room. It also can be burned like black powder. A close explosion can ignite propellant charges, and the darting flame can hurt (very) close infantry, especially the gun crew. But I guess that's a secondary effect, cause the incoming shell would cause more damage. High explosives like TNT, DNB, Picrinacid or Hexogen are very save to use and must be ignited with a detonator like Mercury-Fulminate or Tetrazen. Remember the many duds - they hit the ground with very high energy, but when the detonator doesn't work, they don't explode. BUT an incoming shell can rupture and then ignite gun ammo - in this case, the explosion of the incomming shell works as detonator. But it really must be a direct or very very close hit. For a pile of shells it is possible that a few shells explode, but the most of them will fly around without big damage. It's a different thing in a (burning) tank - a tank is a small, closed room. Heat can bring the propellant charges to burn. In a tank, the darting flame can't escape and cause a big concentration of heat, this may cause a chain reaction and bring other propellant charges to explosion, and in the small room of the tank, it's possible that this will also ignite the HE charge - but even without that, the explosion of the propellant charges would be enough to blow the tank. AFAIK, this has destroyed the 'Arizona' in Pearl Harbor. Of course this can also happen with some delay. That's a reason why a bailed tankcrew don't returns to their abandoned tank to fast. So, both JonS and Scipio are partially right and wrong. IMO, the explosion of fieldgun ammo can be neglected - even if it's modeled, you wouldn't notice it in the game, cause all you see is the (incomming) shells explosion. The delayed explosion of a tank is something that should be considered. It's realistic, it's likly enough to be modeled, it's noticeable as an independent event - and yes, it would be a very nice effect! [ 10-24-2001: Message edited by: Phantom Rocker ]</p>
  19. I've found this on WarfareHQ forum : <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I think the only real drawback that CM currently has is its scope. I don't mean its scale, that's a completely separate issue. Of course a tactical wargame isn't going to be able to handle large battles very well. That's not what it's designed to do. When I say CM has limited scope, I mean it models only a very limited range of vehicles, infantry and terrain types. Once this limitation is removed, either by sequels and/or add-on packs, I think CM will come into its own. Right now it's in its infancy. A very promising beginning, but a beginning nonetheless. Here is what worries me. CM has been out for quite some time. CM2 is going to use the same basic game engine, albeit with new vehicles, and some enhanced combat modes. If it is going to take 18 months to 2 years to create a sequel using the same basic engine, how long is it going to take to create CM3 which is supposed to use a brand new engine? 3 years? That means gamers will be waiting four, five or even six years before we have what can be called a true wargame system. Sooner or later BTS is going to face some competition, and I hope they're up to it. So far they have had the 3D tactical area to themselves, but if Operation Flashpoint is even a glimmer of what lies in the future, BTS better kick into overdrive. As I said before, I would hate for them to be remembered as the company who had all the right ideas, but was a day late and a dollar short. BTS deserves better. What if someone gets the bright idea of turning the Operation Flashpoint engine toward WWII? For those CM players who have not tried OFP, don't underestimate what a good wargame that could be. Slightly smaller scale than even CM, but they might be competing for the same audience. I'm rambling now, but you get the point. (by Maddog) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
  20. How about this: I lost my Grandfather in a KZ. He broke his neck when he felt drunken from the watching tower. Sorry, I couldn't resist. ------------------ I turn around and admire my turds. Ah, so many of them!!! What a great man I must really be to be so full of ****!?! Charles Bukowski [This message has been edited by Phantom Rocker (edited 02-21-2001).]
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