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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by FormerNuke

  1. Several days ago I discovered this web site and now I can say I finally feel at home. I even ordered TO 3.0 and CM. Thanks!

    I think a point that some are missing in this discussion is that as long as it still takes the grunt with his own two feet to take and hold anything, that grunt is going to want the biggest weapon he can bring along. In what form it will eventually take is really dependent on the world situation. And when that grunt needs to or has to move he wants that weapon to come with him, JEEP-LAV-TANK-(HOVER TANK?), in the end the exact form won't really matter. What will matter to the man holding that hill or building is where is that "really big gun?" Why isn't it here next to me? And the big question, will it survive long enough to get my rear-end out of trouble or as soon as it gets here will I have to risk my rear-end to protect it?

    Answering these questions will give you the right mix of maneuverability vs survivability. Because a tank may look pretty in the rear area, but if it can't go where that grunt is then the whole thing is useless and a gross waste of money.

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