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Posts posted by Agua

  1. Yeah, it's confusing, BUT if you issue a movement order you can select any waypoint in that order and check LOS by choosing "target" from that waypoint. The odd thing is that the "target" line will graphically originate from the unit, but it is checking LOS from the waypoint selected.

  2. This has been my experience, only, and I'm speaking VERY generally here, but it is the rule, rather than the exception that the maps just don't allow enough room and/or, given advancing troops, time, for my spotters to be of any use. The small mortars which are organic to a squad, they'll follow along, but with the bigger stuff I take a use it or lose it approach with preplanned barrages on whatever looks to be likely defensive lines. I'm speaking very generally here.

  3. The pioneers being in the third or fourth echelon and not having arty available for prep barrages are indeed very poor features of the scenario (The entire campaign doesn't at any point give you enough arty at T-time for a preparatory barrage that might level a few buildings - you are always being monged into combat unprepared, off-balance and without adequate support, and sometimes without enough ammo). Major Sneider is a doofus. Really. Why'd he even bother putting the M10s in the column? They'd be safer laagered up a mile back and would do as much damn good. As it is, they're just buckets full of artillerymen waiting for stray mortar rounds to land in them.

    Col. Wyche is a !@#$ing halfwit as well. He must have a son in law in K Coy. It always arrives 20+ minutes late and, adding insult to injury, rode in on deuce & a halfs in bumper cars. I've really come to resent K Coy. I may have something special for them in Razorback.

  4. Blackhand:

    Are you trying to run the tanks through the swamp? I'm at a loss as to why you are having such complete cluster!@#$ with those tanks. Long move orders from wherever you start them with one waypoint on this side of the bridge (on the road), then one more waypoint on the other side of the bridge (on the road), then one more hard to the right to clear the road for all the follow on tanks.

    When plotting these moves, I played in real time and gave the complete set of waypoints to each tank individually so as to allow them ample time / space to clear the bridge. There wasn't anything funky happening with the pathing, it was just as if it were a road.

  5. Players with pre-conditions. I heard of them.

    Your play rate is exceptional. I thought I was doing well but had to join a club that had a place to register games to keep a proper record. Finishing a game every 3 days for 10 years - whew !! Is it fun?

    tcp/ip wego only (I did play 1 pbem - too slow - destest it). On weekends, at least 2 each day, typical probably 3, then at least 1 probably 3-4 nights during the work week. Whatever that adds up to, over 3 -4 years.

    [Edited to include the following: Actually, I can remember playing 2-3 pbem. I think JuJu administered the first arsewhooping. I believe I played Scipio in one, but that may have been tcp/ip, and started one with MrSpkr, but don't think that one ever finished for some reason). Had basically two partners who I played hundreds of games with. One had an ID of MAXX. He was from Colorado and started selling prints of his hand sketches. I sent him $200 for a very attractive Churchill drawing and never received it. Got quite a few assurances of "I haven't got around to it; its in the mail.. etc.". Never heard from again. Other one's name was Jake, but don't remember what his ID was on here. Picked up quite a few games on the old opponent finder forum and seems like there was a chat thing associated with the BTS site at one time as well.

  6. Is the facing of the trench actually a factor in CMBN? If someone is firing end-on into a trench, and a trench which is sloped down to the firing unit, does that somewhat negate the protective effects of the trench?

    If I'm understanding the situation you're describing, my experience is that that is, and should be, the case. Is this what you're describing? (squad) ______(enemy)_____ where the assaulting unit is firing lengthwise down the trench at what would be, sort of, the "flank" of the trench?

  7. I don't see it as gamey because it does not give you any benefit that an individual unit would not have in reality and simply speeds up the tedium of giving bogus movement orders then checking a target line from that point. No, a battalion or company commander is not going to be able to say "just over the hill, there's a ridge that will expose you only to that depleted german rifle section and from there you can approach the HMG from 16 meters away", but you're doing that anyway in this game, just you're having to do it the hard way. On the ground, the unit would immediately be able to see these little depressions or rises which escape the player despite eye-straining study of the terrain. So no, I don't see it as gamey in the least, but rather a time saving convenience.

  8. A LOS function feature where any action spot could be selected and all action spots with LOS to that location would be highlighted.

    Don't know if this has been mentioned in this thread, but I have seen it suggested somewhere before, and I remember this from the old Campaign Series. Since the game calculates LOS anyway, it would seem that it would not be a great leap to include such a function.

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