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Everything posted by MC

  1. I am getting my new system today. My video card is an Albatron w/ GeForce Ti 4200 128 Megs. Which drivers should I install to make CM look the best, and where should I find them? Thanks
  2. OK, I am looking up this geForce 4200 Ti, and it looks like there are a ton of manufacturers who make a card with this chipset. Am I right in assuming that the chipset is the key, or does it matter who actually makes the card?
  3. Thanks for the info Jarmo. I just read that ati is a no-fog card, so that is not a good option. Anyone else have any opinions?
  4. OK, this isn't really a problem, but I figure it would be locked up in the regular CMBB forum... I am getting a new system built, and I would like some info on the current video cards. I guess the most important thing is what would be a bad card not to buy due to a lot of difficulties with CMBB. Anyone have any opinions? (Like I need to ask that on this BB ) Any help in this matter would be appreciated.
  5. SSI's Panzer General series is a great introduction to these kind of games. PG 1 and PG 2 are probably the most popular. You can probably get them pretty cheap now. PG3 is a little different as far as game play but I like it as well. In fact, about all I played was a hell of a lot of the PG Series until I got CM. I fully understand the Strategy games, but I am still learning how to apply this knowledge into CM, on a much smaller scale. The combined arms theories are relatively easy to learn in strategy games, and easy to employ after you learn how to use them correctly. Email me or follow up if you have any more questions. [ 04-09-2001: Message edited by: MC ]
  6. Nice day here in Columbus, Ohio.
  7. Just bookmark the main page of the forum and you don't have to worry about opening a new window when you go to the Battlefront main site.
  8. I have learned playing this game: 1) Assume nothing. Just because a Stug 'should' kill a Stuart, doesn't mean it's gonna happen. Plans get messed up. 2) Have a backup plan, as in, 'in case things don't go well over there with my Stug, I will not expose the flank of my Panther until I am sure it is covered' I have learned this lesson the hard way too. If you waited and faced the Stuart with the Panther's armor facing it, you would be laughing as the Stuart's shells bounced off and broke up on the front armor, while your Panther brewed up the Stuart quite nicely. The only way to learn is from experience. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  9. I was just wondering... Is April Fools Day 'celebrated' around the world? ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  10. You might chalk the Stug up to bad luck, but a Panther has good armor frontally, the sides and rear are relatively weak, at least weak enough for a Stuart to knock one out. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  11. I think since the 'unrestricted' setting came into effect the German players who are ahistorical tend to have an advantage. My friend and I have been playing and for some time we always selected unrestricted, and he has been kicking my ass. ut the last time we played, we chose a combined arms game, which I believe levels the playing field somewhat. Not that my buddy picks KT's and SMG squads all the time, but I know some of those players out there probably would not know what to do with all those extra purchase points in the other categories if forced to play a combined arms game. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  12. I gave it a manual target order. Each turn I moved it out to where it had LOS but it did not target. Flank shots, the Mk IV was busy pounding my infantry in buildings. It didn't even see my tank. The manual targeting stuck. For about 4 turns in a row I ordered it to move from behind the building to where it had a clean LOS to the Mk IV, and each turn it did this without action. It seemed confused a few times, turning about 'looking' for something, rotating around before retreating back into safety at the end of the turn. It was a flank shot, when LOS would be established, the Mk IV was at about 11:00 and it would be facing 6:00, if this makes any sense to you. Finally after 4 or 5 turns it spotted me and killed me instantly, on a flank shot, while my tank had rotated in another direction. While it is true that the tank driver didn't know that there were any other tanks on the map, a clean flank shot without being spotted (and the Mk IV was buttoned) at about 100 m would be worthy of an expenditure of a C round, especially since it had 10 of them. Or at least fire an HE round before going back to cover. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  13. It had both. A lot of HE, and 10 C shells. Hell, I would have been happy if it shot HE at the damn thing. I think that if it hit it would at least immobilized it. Now I was playing a QB last night, and I had a M8 HMC that used up all of it's HE, then fired all of it's C shells at soft targets, infantry and MG's. Why carry the C shells if it's not going to use them when needed, in a situation like this one? ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  14. I had the same thing happen to me. I was in a ME, and all my Hellcats were dead, but my opponent still had a couple PZ 70's left. So I crested a hill with my Priest and Sherm 105, to take out what I could. The Priest (of all things) took out a Gun Tractor, a halftrack, and one of the Pz 70's before getting killed by the other one. That is a trade I will take any day of the year, so then I had the 105 vs the other Pz 70 and guess what, the 105 didn't fire. And I thought the Priest would get clobbered fast but it was the other way around. Must be the way the TacAI handles the 105's, I don't know. Maybe the Priest has a more accurate gun and isn't afraid to fire first? ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  15. Why would they be loaded out with 10 'C' shells? I know that it is not a designated tank killer, but it was my last resort. It didn't shoot smoke at it, but I wonder why it just didn't pop off a shot and run to safety. It's not like I tried to park it on top of a hill and trade punches. Oh well, I guess I should have been more careful with my other tank killing assets. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  16. The range in my situation was probably 150 m or so, and a flank shot and cover was really close. I could see if it was a head on shot or whatever, but not this situation. Has this ever been addressed to BTS? I wonder what they would think about this one, and the experiment mentioned above. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  17. bump ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  18. Last night, I was playing a QB online. It was a ME, and both of us were down to 1 tank. My opponent had a Mk IV, and I had a Sherman 105. I had my 105 in a hidden position behind a building, and was trying to take out the Mk IV. (I know it is an Assault Howitzer tank, but my Hellcat, Stuart, and Zook were all wasted by then.) I looked at the ammo load, it had 10 'C' shells. About 4 turns in a row I moved it out just enough to get the Mark Iv is sight (and yes, it did have a clean line of sight) and had targeted it in the orders turn. Every time it would move out, but it would not target it up and fire, even when nothing else was around. We are talking flank shots, good position (nothing else firing at it) and it was not taking fire from the Mk IV. (the Mk IV didnt even see it as it was pounding my infantry in other buildings) Finally after the 4th try of doing this, my Sherman had turned to the side (to look at what I have no idea) and finally the Mk IV took me out. (This was the difference in the battle) Is there something I could have done different to make this shoot at the Mk IV? I could see maybe 1 turn but 4 in a row? And the Sherman was opened up, and the target line stuck to the MK IV every time during orders. And it had 10 'C' shells. Anyone had this happen before? Will they immediately look for soft targets even though the most threating thing around was a tank? I was really frustrated......... ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  19. Occasionally the red transfer bar will pause at the end for a while, but usually it kicks to the end after a minute or so. I have been booted once in a while. I have a cable modem so naturally I blame all problems on my opponent's 'Damn AOL'. One of my other opponents also has a cable modem and we never have this happen. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  20. The instance I am thinking of was a situation where I had 4 on-board mortars firing at a mobile flak unit. All my tanks were dead, so my opponent backed up his flak truck and parked it to keep it away from my rifle grenades and halftracks. Our map had a rigeline in the middle and my mortars were on the backside of the ridge, with LOS being provided by a HQ unit in a building on top of the hill. The very next turn I opened up all 4 mortars on this SOB flak truck, and finally about 45 sec. into the turn one of them hit the lucky spot and killed the flak. Now, my opponent surrendered the very next turn and I was able to look at my mortars during the AAR. The flak kill showed up under one of the mortars along with the infantry casualty for the crew (this was the only thing these mortars fired on the whole battle). Without line of sight, how in the heck would that guy be able to tell that it was his shell that hit the flak when 4 crews were shooting a whole mess of shells? So, I think the computer won't tell you kills during a battle if you can't tell for sure (like my 4 mortars) but when it's over it will tell you which one hit, or how many guys they killed over the course of the battle. Iv'e never gone back and added everything up, but from what I've seen this seems to be the case. Anyone know for sure? ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  21. I was playing online with a friend, and it seemed that after the game totals were given for casualties caused by artillery spotters, mortars, etc... is this incorrect? ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  22. This is kind of strange, but... I work for the athletic dept. at Ohio State University, and we have contact at Nike in Portland, Oregon. One of my co-workers was on the phone with him when the quake hit, he kept saying 'dude... my chair is shaking...this is crazy'... that was kind of wild....
  23. I'm 31 years old as of today. 2 of my friends who have the game but don't look at this or at least post on it are 31 also, if I am allowed to speak for them. So that is 3 more times 31 years. I'm going out to eat with my family for my birthday and then coming home to finish up a battle online with one of them. ------------------ Don't shoot...let 'em burn! - from opening scene, SPR
  24. If you light prisoners on fire, will they run?
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