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Everything posted by Cameron

  1. When the quake hit I was watching Das Boot and playing CM at the same time. I said, crap, thats an eartquake and i'm on the bottom floor of a 3 story apartment building so I ran outside into the middle of the parking lot and watched the trees shake. Then I realized I had no shoes or socks on and it was cold... so I went back in and finished my game.
  2. Couple of Marine jokes for you: This guy sits down next to 3 men at a bar and turns to the one nearest to him and says: "Hey, wanna hear a good jarhead joke?" The first man turns to him and says "Buddy, I'm 5'11" 185 pounds and I have 3 black belts and I'm a Marine. My friend here is 6'2", 225 pounds and was a tri-state wrestling champion and all american football player, and he's a Marine. My other friend here is 6'5" 310 pounds and can bench 3 times his own body weight and he's a Marine. Now you still wanna tell a jarhead joke buddy?" the man replies "Nah, I wouldn't want to have to explain it 3 times." ___________________ and a scottish joke: Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? Cuz sheep can hear a zipper a mile away. Why do Scotsmen have sex with sheep on the edge of a cliff. So they push back harder.
  3. I would definatly like to participate. I will play as any unit, but perfer a British unit such as the 51st Highland Divsion or the 79th Armored. Cameron
  4. I could be wrong, but I distinctly remember reading about the scene in question. It seems that no one is allowed to film actual gravestones at a US War cemetery so they filmed a head stone and digitally altered it. The scary thing for me was I had just come back from Europe when I saw the movie. I remember the exact spot they were at in the graveyard because it is by one of the few clumps of trees actually by the stones but away from the paths. Absolutely a great movie.
  5. I would be very intrested in playtesting, please send me a copy.
  6. You have to add Stalingrad to any list of great war movies. If your looking for a great WWI movie you really need to rent a British film that I saw in Edinburgh, but its recently come out in the states. It has the blond guy from Trainspotting as well as Vincent Price (I think, basicly about Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon (the british wwi poets) and the horrors of war (and shell shock). Very realistic view of the trenches and the effects of a brutal war on a person's mental state. Can anyone remember the name of this movie?
  7. I wanted to add my two cents to this discussion. I have not played v 1.1 (although I have downloaded it) so I will not add anything about how it effects the game. I would like to add a little bit about tank tactics as pulled from the modern US Army FM 17-15 Chapter 3: "Action drill with enemy contact. Following a contact report alerting the platoon that enemy contact involves antitank weapon systems, the platoon leader can direct an action drill to orient his platoon's frontal armor toward the antitank fire while moving to cover and concealment. If the platoon cannot reach a covered and concealed position or achieve weapon standoff, the platoon leader directs 36 through 3-38, illustrate examples of action drills in reaction to enemy contact." The following illustrations show each platoon element orienting their hulls directly on line with the perceived threat. Clearly the best protection for any tank is the frontal armor. Although I am not a tanker, I would think that it would be better to orient my frontal armor to the perceived threat than to orient to the possible threat that might be downrange in the enemy area, even though I know the general area the enemy is coming from. If its good enough for the Modern US Army I'm pretty confident that the Germans could figure it out in WWII. I can also imagine what it must have been like as a German (or allied) gunner to spot one target and have the TC screaming at me (or kicking me as often was the case) telling me that he now sees another target. I'm sure they waffled in the heat of battle trying to decide what target was the greater threat. Lastly, is thier any possibility in CBM2 to have platoons of tanks and have those platoons be issued formation orders for movement, ie a wedge formation would have tank 1 turreted faced to the left 45 degrees tank 2 and 3 would be straight on and tank 4 would be turreted faced to the right 45 degrees (assuming we are counting from left to right)??? (mb that is another topic) Great game and thanks for the hours of fun.
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