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Posts posted by pktaske

  1. Well, it sure is good to see BTS chime in on this...sounds like we gotta live with what we got..as a help, has anyone tested these vs. 75mm howitzers and the such? I don't have much time myself to pull this off bu I would be interested to see how it plays out...one thing is for sure, a sure way to get these things wacked is to bring em in close (<200m) to infantry and the such...keep em back and they're vitually untouchable.

  2. Glad to see this thread revitalized...I've stopped using the trucks in an effort to give my opponents some chance of winning...or at least making a game of it..problem is that it is much too cheap a purchase...don't know if their combat effectiveness is modelled correctly or not but I tend to think these we're never intended as front line assault vehicles...and the real trick in working these things is to keep them as far back from the action as possible..and moving all the time...in my travels, I have noticed that 75mm+ static guns do counteract them very nicely but the truck has to be moved into their field of fire of course...most exp players won't let that happen...all in all however I'm really beginning to enjoy CM battles more representative of actual historical situations and less in the "I won another!" genre...I've lost to some very good very players and I've beaten some very good players...my ego's been stroked...now I want to really enjoy this game for what it's supposed to be.

  3. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    Still, the old saying that amateurs study tactics while pros study logistics explains much. The landing craft, truck and transport plane probably did more to win the war in Europe than a whole host of Pershings without them would have done.

    Love this quote..I'm a supply chain planner for 2 chemical plants..

  4. Question here...I notice many people looking on with disdain and contempt for US decision to mass produce a tank such as the Sherman..while understanding the deficiencies of the Allied TD design (resulting in allied forces subjected to a more vulnerable position than they should have) , doesn't the Sherm make sense vs. an enemy lacking serious AFV numbers? I hear repeatedly that the lionshare of conflicts on the WTO was comprised mainly of infantry. If this was the case (and I'll assume it was), what's the misstep in the US strategy of fielding a easy to maintain tank that's made to suppress and eliminate the ground troop threat? Sure it was eternally frustrating when encounters with enemy armour left numerous burning hulks (and dead crews) on the battlefield, but it hardly was a great enough occurence to cause serious concern for the general war effort. Granted mass-produced mediocre tanks seem somewhat industrial and unglamorous but hey...

    I'm sure this has been kicked around before but I guess I'm looking for some new insights as to why the Sherm was such a horrible beast...things other than how you can't dominate a CM QB with Shermans, how 1 Panther can hold off 10, etc...heard it. Maybe some un-run of the mill explanation of why fielding this beast almost resulted in us having to say hello starting with a G.

  5. I'm sure the forum has broached this subject before, but aside from (maybe) high-quality tank hunting AFV's, is it really worth forkin' over the xtra points for vet inf squads vs regs? At the end of most games, I find its the guy with the freshest troops in reserve that have the edge...and what better way than to achieve this than to have larger numbers of troops...don't have time to go into too much detail and would like to hear from people a lot smarter than me about this...but as an FYI, in between typing this, I just finished another quick battle vs vets where 1 extra squad ended up taking the objective.

  6. Originally posted by KiwiJoe:

    Ive never had any problems destroying these lame units when playing allies. Any artilery or mortor fire cuts them up badly, and closer in small arms fire rips them.

    Kiwi -Seems like your always talkin' big...if u think that as the allies u have any chance in a Mech battle vs.these flak trucks, you're sorely mistaken...what makes you think an experienced person would keep em still lng enough to get wacked with arty? That's why their so much better than static guns..and I though you only took 'the big stuff' when it comes to arty? If you want to waste your 155's on a 'lil ol 46 pt AA unit, be my guest...

  7. Yeah..the Ost has more ammo but penetration is only about 60% of the 37mm...critical difference for side shots and long range barrages...but I would tend to agree with some of the posts, present and past, that I've read...their most definitely is some sort of glitch that makes soft vehicles harder to knock out than they should (at least ones that return fire)...like I mentioned in my previous post, I had 2 Jacksons at 1000 yards never come close to knocking one of these suckers out while they were returning fire left and right with deadly (and lots of non-deadly) accuracy...IIRC, the 90's were using their AP rounds...which sounds right...but not being able to secure a hit shot after shot with vet TD crews seems unlikely..I've observed several more instances of these AA trucks being impervoius to fire but not enough to be statistically meaningful (although even Demming would find it hard to argue with my success when employing these suckers)...BTS - Tone 'em down in CM2.

  8. Gus - I thought the same...but the only small arms fire that seems to matter are stand alone .50's...HT's and light AFV's with em are toasted quickly..and any other type of small caliber weapons have to be pretty darn close to be effective..I just set up an allied attack vs. 2 flakwagons..they ripped up the Stuarts and HT's and then started picking the infantry apart at 400 yards..after numerous casualties, my ammo was almost out and I went in ..got cut up at 20 yards by a US squad..given it was vs a lame AI but I was just hitting Go most of the game...immobile guns could never do that...and besides, guns are usually sitting ducks for HE and mortars..if they were half the cost, I'd agree with ya......maybe ;)

  9. Does this thing rip or what? 48 points for ammo-rich, HROF, infantry-stompin', TD plinking, fighter-bomber wackin', scootin' and shootin' long-range mobile killing-machine. I routinely grab these in my battles in lieu of AT guns...they were immobilizing and penetrating (side)Sherms left and right at 1000 yards...trying to hit these suckers at that range with 90mm Jacksons proved fruitless...try closing in on 'em with Hounds or HT's...forget it..best bet would be arty...if they stood still long enough..sure they they can be had...but I've yet to see a unit with more BFYB than these suckers...I'd definitely take one of these with me as my luxury item...try voting me off...n e 1 else agree?

  10. Well, if u really want to know...I always use the same password and it a few simple quick keystrokes...this time however I must have slipped and hit another key out of my sequence...in trying to log back I tried to mimic my mistake by hitting the keys really fast and hitting enter...after about 50 times, I must have hit the right combination and it let me in...however, I don't feel like repeating this everytime I log into a game...hence the PW change.

  11. Unfortunately, Kurt Warner is proving to be another one-season wonder ala Randall 'Comeback' Cunningham (incidentally, I've been a Rams fan since the days of Lawrence McCutcheon)...don't blame everything on the Ram defense (just most)..he's a solid QB with big play capability but he's not the second coming of Dan Fouts...there was a reason he was stocking shelves..BTW - isn't it funny how superbowls are always boring if your team doesn't make it?...I couldn't;t think of more boring games that the SF and Dallas blowouts...lack of competition make it boring..not defense my friend..

    PK (who's been able to resist chiming in on all the CM-flavoured circular, opinion-driven and beaten to death topics but succumbed to this..I beg your forgiveness..!!)

  12. First wargame (and it hooked me) was AH's Submarine...ever since I've always favored games with a tactical flavor.

    First PC game was something called Lords of Conquest (Apple version) which had us up till the sunrise many Friday's and Saturdays.

    And does anyone remember the AH title that eliminated luck from gameplay? It was an awful game...simple...and you played it with cards instead of dice...Kriegspiel?

  13. Having absolutely no knowledge of the subject matter, I wanted to pose a question to the community: How is a gun's velocity achieved? I say this in relation to how does one 75mm from the next gain significant ft/s improvements?

    From a totally ignorant point of view, I can't seem to figure how the length or specific construction of the tube has much of an impact aside from accuracy. It would seem that the amount of propellent (explosive) in the shell would be the main determinant of how fast it travels. Is it that the engineering of the tube itself dictates how 'explosive' a shell it can handle? How much does ordinance have to do with it? Is it the construction of the gun as a whole that provides greater compression and inertia?

    What is it that I know I'm missing?

  14. Thanks for all the quick responses..I also wrote MS but since they admitted it was a limitation, I wont persue it anymore..this is actually a 'new feature' of HM...not all that is new is better I guess....excluding CM 1.1, of course!! I think I'm going to try to set it up via Outlook..or get a real email...!!

  15. Aside from zipping the file up, has anyone figured out a way to extract the attachment from the email? Hotmail always wants to open up the file for viewing. I've tried renaming and sending but it still sees it as text..I'm sure this has been encountered before and I hate having to tell my PBEM partners to keep zipping up files (specially those <10k ones)..figured I'd give the forum a try before I et a new email address with someone else..Tx

  16. I'm really surprised that this has become a point of contention. I find employing the 'run fast for the flag' paintball-like tactic all the time only works vs inexperienced players or someone who has fielded a relatively unbalanced force. First to the flag a good portion of the time equates to 'first to eat fire from 105's' not to mention giving away position. Generally, I've found stealth and patience wins the day. The situations where I find myself in a mad dash to the center is when the ME generator has dealt me unusually open and flat terrain on my half of the map. Otherwise I take the Old Bull strategy:

    An old bull and a young bull were on a hill overlooking a meadow full of cows. The young bull tells the old bull "Hey, lets run down there and f*ck one of those cows". The old bull tells the young bull "Lets walk down and f*ck em all".

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