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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Shatter

  1. I cannot get HBO without updateing our cable boxes. So could a kind soul record Band of Brothers for me. I would pay for the videos and shipping and handling, to send it my way, plus any addition price for doing me such a great favor. I am desperate here, I have called everyone I know and I have struck out. I would appreciate this greatly. Please somebody help me out. Shatter
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Commander: I just experienced my first use of 8 inch artillery. Oh my God!! My 400 watt Klipsch speakers let me feel the power. I started a QB and literally leveled a village. If this game models real life, how the heck did anyone ever survive getting shelled by 8 inch howitzers? I blew up a three story building with one hit! With one hit! I am so impressed!! With the 8 inchers and the nuclear bombs in the basement the village was gone in a matter of minutes. No survivors.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ------------------------------------------------- You think the 8 inch arty is a nice, try out the 240mm arty, or for a real bang the 14 inch artillery(only available in June and July 44 & August). One shell from a 14 inch will take out several of the heavy buildings. Trust me I have been on the recieving end, when these monsters come down. Plus shelled some opponent of mine will these bad boys.
  3. I just got this months issue of CGW and the release date for CM2, was listed as fall this year. But who know they could be behind on the info. [ 09-06-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  4. Well I probably should have been a little clearer about the Geforce video card. I just had problems with one card. I was tired of messing around with installing cards after 3 trips to store, so I just went to the Voodoo. I do have several friends who are very happy with their Geforece cards. Eventually when the Geforce 3 goes down in price, I will pick one up, since the support for Voodoo will be dead. I have not seen a Geforce 3 yet, but I think the Voodoo 5500 AGP looks better than the Geforce 2 GTS.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76: It has do be some software/hardware settings on your PC that led to this, the GeForce2 itself is a good gfx card.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Ya, after going to school and getting a degree in computer networking. I think I know when something is just a software or hardware or a setting related problem. I installed the Geforece into my other PC and the same thing happend. I think it was probably just a bad card. Anyways I like the look of Voodoo 5500 better anyway. [ 08-23-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus: Hey kid, don't be pushin' that out-o-date stuff on my poor ol' Mickey ther ya see. Just cuz yuz got sucka'd inta buyin' bad crack don't mean Mickey has to bite. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- I went through this very same thing, when I got a new card. First I bought a Voodoo 5500 AGP no real problems except some games don't like the OpenGL option and different anitalaising options, but all games will play, you just have to figure out the correct settings for the game. 95% of games will play on any setting. CM the only thing is when using 4X anti-alaising,then you hit ESC to go to desktop then back to CM the interface is wacky and miscolored. Fine on single on all other settings, but 4X anti-alaising gives best graphics a look. Honestly, CM very nice looking on 4X anti-alaising. So since their was a few problems (but nothing major), I decided to go get a Geforce 2 GTS. Nothing but problems, was not impressed at all with the card. Although it was nice looking graphics wise, I think the Voodoo 5500 AGP is better. Plus damn thing made games flicker,crash,sound was all screwed up. For instance background sounds in games would skip really bad. Now I know it was not my sound card because had Voodoo had no problems with sounds. So I went back again and got the Voodoo 5500 AGP back and have been happy with it ever since. Although while playing CM I had to learn not to go to the desktop. So if you wanted to take a pick of CM with 4X anti-alaising on you have to hit print screen, save game, then exit CM, paste pic, then start CM again to play. Not that big of a deal. So that my 2 cents Shatter
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars: Let's see your biggest kill counts for a single unit!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In a TCP/IP against a friend about a month ago I was defending as germans, he was US. The battle was huge absolutely huge. Basically infantry only. He had 3 Battalions plus weapons company. I had 1 Battalion and another understrength battalion, plus heavy weapons company. We agreed that I should be able to have several crack platoons since, I was out numbered so badly. So to answer your question I had a crack Volksgrenadier SMG squad that racked up 104 casulaties and another crack Sturmgruppe squad that racked up 89 casulaties. I have this little battle saved on my HD as a constant reminder of the best battle I ever had, well and also to rub it in my friends face from time to time. I figure if I set up the same battle against the AI, I am sure I could get even a higher kill count. Shatter [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tom: Andrew & Maximus , yep....I did an alternative leather upholstery for the Kuebelwagen ( and the prime mover ) some months ago ( I still use it , but never published it ). Should I change my opinion ? Cheers Tom <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Hey Tom definatly make this able to download, I am not really big on the white seat. It stands out to much. I sure do like that leather seat look. I want it. Please put it on your site Thanks Shatter
  9. Well guys I just the locked the 2 Engineer platoons with their HQ, so that they would have C&C and they did not run off the map. I tested it 10 times and all 10 times they stay on the map. I guess it was just the wacky AI and the way it places units. Thanks for the input
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer76: Originally posted by Shatter: I for one think it is great that BTS thinks about the gamers who cannot afford a top of the line PC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by Panzer76: Me too! ------------------------------------- Originally posted by Panzer76: I don't want to have to settle with worse graphics just because some people insist CM shoould be playable on an 4 year old machine. Sorry, but then its really about time to get a new machine! Panzer<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- I guess I misinterpreted your statement, about getting a new machine with the Exclamation at the end.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Desdichado: Thank you.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- No problem, happy to help out.
  12. 48: Beavis & Butthead in Virtual Stupidity What the F%#$ Anyone who even bought this game ought to be shot. Sorry if I am offending anyone, but come on Beavis and Buthead. LOL LOL
  13. 48: Beavis & Butthead in Virtual Stupidity What the F%#$ Anyone who even bought this game ought to be shot. Sorry if I am offending anyone, but come on Beavis and Buthead. LOL LOL
  14. Pentium 4 1.7 Ghz 256 MB Ram Vodoo 5500 AGP Video Card Second PC Pentium 3 877 Mhz 128 MB Ram Vodoo 5500 PCI Video Card I am one of the lucky individuals in this world who was left a somewhat sizeable inherentance from my Grandparents. As time goes on I see more and more people who do not have the means to give their children and themselves the things they want. Not everyone can afford a top of the line PC or do not want to go through the hassle of updating their PC. I am a student in College who already has a degree in PC networking and in 2 more weeks, a degree in electronics. I have an PC that is 2 years old, but I got tired of updating it. So last month I went out and bought a new PC that I will not have to update at least for a year, maybe 2. I for one think it is great that BTS thinks about the gamers who cannot afford a top of the line PC.I do have a lot of games mostly WWII related, but a lot of us here to not play the FPS and super graphics games. I also believe CM is the greatest game ever, even though it may not be the best graphics game out there. All I can say is I have over 40 games and none before CM have stayed on my HD for year and half now. Let alone burn 2 backup copies for myself, out fear of being with out. Nor have I stay on a message board for this amount of time even though I had to change handles and e-mail address because a member was sending me viruses. I like this board and all the members (well for the most part). The members here have loads of useful info about many things of importance to CM and WWII. You also should watch your strong oppionions on the board. A lot us here do not take kindly to newbie coming here a voicing his oppinion about our beloved CM and the GREAT individuals who developed it.
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Desdichado: What are the most popular CM related websites?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Try this out for the link to the CM sites. http://nav.webring.org/cgi-bin/navcgi?ring=combatmission;list If the link doesn't work, go to Combat Mission.com and at the bottom of the page is the CM web ring [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kingfish: Just curious, do any of these units start off in a modified state (Pinned, shaken, weary, etc)? Were they out of C&C? Were they given any orders during those turns?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- No all are OK. Thats why I can't figure it out. When I get home from school tonight I will send to anyone who wants to take a look. Side note, 2 more weeks of College and I got a degree. THANK GOD! Just thought of something, I will try locking them in place so they have C&C, because when the AI places the units they are not in C&C. Also only the Squads of 2 platoons run of the map while the 2 Hq continue on to fight. [ 08-20-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ] [ 08-21-2001: Message edited by: Shatter ]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by russellmz: at the least, try reversing the friendly map edges. maybe they will appear massively agressive instead of running off the map.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Ya this a possability, but I have done this before, and its kinda strange to have retreating forces retreating in the direction of the oposing forces.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Derfel: Shatter; it just gets weirder, doesn't it... I'll try something similar and see what results I get... BTW has this happened in any other scen? PL: Nope, that ain't it, I tried placing the units right on top of the VL and the little b*stards took off AWAY from the flags to get at the enemy... Curioser and curioser, no?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Yes this has occured in several scenarios I have made. I am not using VL flags. When I get home from school tonight, if you want I will send 2 of the battles I am referring to so you can check them out.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Could it have something to do with no flags? Without flags in a scenario, the computer would have no objectives, so might just say "f*ck it" and leave. As for the defender, if they were placed in the editor, but the AI moved them on turn 1, it must be because "Use scenario default" was set, but the AI felt it wasn't close enough to the flags to defend them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- Panzer Leader, thanks for the input. Yes I do have flags in the scenario. This only occurs when I set up an Attack, and the attacking force is what is running of the map on the first turns.
  20. Finally download complete Mission Accomplished Thanks for the suggestion Tanks
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Derfel: All I can suggest is that the "Exit" edge of the map might have something to do with it... which isn't all that helpful... what was the status of the units that scampered off? (Green, Regular etc) -Derfel<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> --------------------------------------------- The 2 engineer platoons that ran off before any contact were, 1 Reg platoon, 1 Vet platoon.
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