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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Klink

  1. Well, a years worth of mods shot! I do have DSL, but don't have the time to D/L a years worth of mods. If anyone knows where I can get a CD...please let me know. Thanks! Rick Klein P.S. I still have my Photoshop 6, it could have been worse.
  2. Looks good! Now all I need to do, is get the final version. I deleted or can't find the U.S. version of the truck...DOH!! Rick Klein a.k.a. Klink
  3. I sent Maximus the final touches! I hope he can upload it for you guys soon. I enhanced the side vents, and reworked the upper wood slats. Maximus did a really nice job with the truck bed and rear. This was a good team effort. He mentioned he was doing a desert version, I'm sure it will look great. Klink :cool:
  4. rick.klein@verizon.net I can't thank you enough! Korps :cool:
  5. I tried the search, but it seems to be broken. I've searched about 10 CM related sites, but still can't find this mod. I might be looking in the wrong place. Any help would be appreciated. Klink :cool:
  6. Can you host my mods. I did the victory pak flags and panzer division ones...remember?
  7. I've been out of town for a few months. I noticed the new patch and mods galore. I wanted to know: 1. Did anyone make a hi res street mod yet. 2. Is CM2 a rumor or is it in the works. 3. Is Russian Front mod a rumor. 4. Any really important info I miss? I searched the boards for the street mod, in doing so, questions 2 & 3 kept poping up. Thanks, Klink
  8. Hey people, been MIA for a bit. Notice some really impressive mods since last time I was here..wtg mod guys.
  9. I just completed a mod for this tank, I need a few people to test it out for me.
  10. Because of the panhandlers, from the T.
  11. Thanks Manx, I can finally play "A Walk In Paris", and have it look top-rate. I got a little confused with Fernando's Pz V mods, I finally figured it out. With MDMP1 & 2, DD's Total Foliage, Panzertruppen's Buildings, Magua's Bridge & Pavement, Tigers Weathered Mods, with a little dose of Marco Bergman, I'm ready to go kick some ass. The bmp. list will come in good for tweaking in my own unit labels, thank again.
  12. Since so many of the vehicles use the same textures, has anyone compiled a list of what actually changes what? A nice list with the numbers and what vehicles use that particular bmp. would be great. It's almost a must, to properly install these mods. Any help would be appreciated. TIA.
  13. Small world Pvt. Ryan, my friend used to work there too, maybe you know him Walter Pietrzak. He was from Meffa, Mapleleaf St. I believe. I grew up on Powderhouse Blvd.
  14. Wow, 1 from Cambridge, 1 from Somerville. I lived in Cambridge for 5 years 73-78, and in Somerville for 17 years 78-95. Now I live in Southie, Somerville didn't have enough pubs....heh. It's good to know that some local guys, are playing CM. Would be funny if I knew you guys, you never know...right? Buckshyesh, my mother lives on Highland Ave, I'm over there quite a bit, maybe we can work something out. This would be a huge favor. I'd give you first crack at my mods...lol.
  15. I was wondering if anyone planed to create a disc, with all the units, textures, etc. There are so many good mods, it will take me a week full-time to d/l them. I'd rather pay someone to do it. I know it would probably be difficult, because of the different mod makers involved, and why should someone profit off of someone else's hard work. Maybe the money could go to a non-profit org. Maybe send it to get that WWII monument, built in D.C., just a thought. PS: Is there anyone from the Boston area, or NE who can help me out? Can you believe cable modem isn't even an option, in Boston yet? [This message has been edited by Klink (edited 12-18-2000).]
  16. WTFG Tom, this is what I'm talking about. Actual division arm patches, the game keeps getting more accurate by the day.
  17. I was just curious what the recommended setting was, I use 1024 X 768 with no problems at all. The manual never really stated, what BTS thought should be recommended.
  18. Oh, yeah, right. Preview. Let me know what you think people, should I continue the work?
  19. I would like to thank MantaRay, for posting my flags on his site. He has the complete final version with the 12. SS-Pz fix. Here is a sample of what to expect. This replaces the "?" victory location flag. What are you still doing here? Go to http://members.nbci.com/cm_army/index.htm
  20. Ok, it seems I made a mistake on the 12. SS Panzer Division flag. That would be the flag with the sword on it. In reality that symbol belonged to the 13. SS Pz.Div. I have made the correction. I want to thank SS Peiper for pointing this out to me, for his effort, he now has the correct flag which I sent him. As for everyone else, I'm sorry, but that would mean sending out over 100 emails to correct the problem..I did that once already...hehe. I'm doing everything I can to get these up on a site, as fast as posible. MantaRay said he put the old set on his website, but when I hit the mods section nothing happens. I'll let you people know what happens.
  21. These guys obviously didn't do there homework. They probably followed some 8 yr. old into the store and saw what he was begging his parents to buy him."Red Alert meets Bigbird". Maybe we should send them a Christmas present, a yr. subscription of Computer Games, or better yet a pound of Starbucks coffee. I bet if the Wright Brothers flew by, they would miss that too. --------------------------------------------- That's pretty much what I put on their message board.
  22. I say we start voting on them, let them come here and see how we ranked them. We can be like Hustler, have Gamespy win Asshole of the month. I'm curious did they even get a copy of this game? Obviously not. Double done!
  23. Thanks everyone, for the fan mail..hehe. I should have these up on a site real soon. So, nobody has a request?..hmm. Well if they ever make a Russian Front mod, I'm ready. Back to work on the American units now.
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