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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by StellarRat

  1. I sent in a small ant colony and they are sending me over 100 copies of CMBB plus a copy of every other game and book they sell...
  2. The Gainward GeForce4 Ti200 card will support 1600x1200 at 120 hz. I just read it off the side of the box.
  3. If you can't take "heavy" weapons into the sewer does that include demo charges?
  4. I'm running 1.2 gig Athlon, Win 2000, 784 megs DDR 2100 and a Geforce 3 Ti200. Calculates just fine for me. No delays that are vexing...
  5. Actually, what happened was that the KV destroyed an entire Panzer Division that tried to assault the road junction it was guarding. The KV held on doggedly and was finally dislodged three months later when the Germans managed to bring up and assemble Thor just outside the KV's main gun range. After two days of fire the Germans got lucky and scored a direct hit on the turret top. This injured the commander and despite the commander's begging the crew to fight on they left the tank and snuck back to the Russian lines, so their beloved leader could get medical attention. On the way, they sabotaged and destroyed two German supply depots. That's the real story.
  6. OK, it is hard. I wouldn't have thought that, but I can accept it. No use crying about unavailable milk. Next time. I guess one of reasons it bothers me is that I set the unit sizes to realistic and turn off the bases when I play so it is already difficult to find them sometimes. Still I do think this is an excellent idea.
  7. I noticed this problem the other day too. Unless you have memorized the location of all your units it is difficult to find a certain one. Now that we are going to have swarms of Russian units and bigger maps this is going to take even longer. That's about the only compliant I have with the interface. Doesn't seem like this would be a big deal to program either, all the info is already there all we need is a button or hot key and a simple clickable list.
  8. From a programmers stand point there could be a ton of reasons for this, too many to even hazard a guess, but it is quite possible. Steve or Charles could answer this, but hopefully they are off relaxing somewhere for a few days now that the project is finished. That's what I'd be doing. [ September 05, 2002, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  9. What are you trying to say here? 32 km would be an over the horizon shot. Do you mean 3.2 KM? I might believe that one.
  10. My reading tells me that the crew will usually bail in a tank vs. tank battle, but might very well stay in the tank if there is a lot infantry fighting going on, preferring to take their chances rather than be shot upon leaving the tank. One should also remember that prisoners from either side were almost as good as dead on the Eastern Front hence far more chances of fighting until the bitter end.
  11. It's also possible that you have some hardware problems with your computer that are just now showing up. You may have a some bad memory in your machine that is screwing up the extraction process. If you know someone else with a PC take the file to their house (you'll have to burn it onto a CD) and see if it works on their computer. Or you could have someone with a broadband connection download it for you, test it, then give it to you on CD. Either way, you will find out if the problem is your equipment or the file itself.
  12. True, but if they don't break at least you can keep them moving towards the objective or firing and then you have a chance to win instead of just being a target.
  13. I'm so not sure that they will be the wonder weapons they are now against veteran troops.
  14. Without feedback there is no improvement. It is a GREAT game, but man is never happy with the status quo...Should Columbus have been happy with staying in Europe? Einstein with Newtonian physics? BFC's next game will be better than CMBB and that will partially because people add their knowledge, wisdom and bitching.
  15. Yeah, it's an interesting field. Most people don't know that one explosive is different than another. There are even different types of dynamite. Some for uprooting trees, others for shattering rocks. For military explosives they almost always go for the highest velocity though.
  16. You are correct, modern explosives are faster than TNT and would produce a stronger shockwave. Most people don't realize that the effectiveness of even simple weapons, like bombs, has greatly improved since WW II. Not only have the explosives become more powerful, but the casings are designed to burst with a much more uniform and deadly fragmentation pattern. This includes standard artillery shells too. Mind you, not all countries have taken the pains Western powers have with these low tech weapons.
  17. Actually, a puff of dust is all you really see. As someone who has been very close to a HE blast I can testify to this. So, I vote for a dust cloud immediately following the explosion and no shockwave (even then you wouldn't have a dust cloud unless it was dry outside.) [ September 03, 2002, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  18. He looks like the un-invited vice-principal after he tangled with Ferris Bueller's rottweiler....</font>
  19. Don't forget that the CMBB maps are much larger than the CMBO maps. It could mean light defensive coverage over a large area which would certainly make it easier for the attacker to out-manuever fixed defenses. If I remember correctly the Germans (in particular) were often forced to hold huge frontages with very few troops. This is going to require new tactics on both defense and offense.
  20. Hello all you "I get disconnected when downloading overnight" whiners. There is a shareware program called "Get Right" that will automatically redial and start downloading again if you get disconnected. If the server supports restart it will pick up where it left off instead starting from the beginning again. You have to set the options correctly to do this, but it's not hard. http://www.getright.com/ I've downloaded many a monster file with my lousy 56K connection using this program while I was busy sleeping. [ August 28, 2002, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  21. Hello all you "I get disconnected when downloading overnight" whiners. There is a shareware program called "Get Right" that will automatically redial and start downloading again if you get disconnected. If the server supports restart it will pick up where it left off instead starting from the beginning again. You have to set the options correctly to do this, but it's not hard. http://www.getright.com/ I've downloaded many a monster file with my lousy 56K connection using this program while I was busy sleeping. [ August 28, 2002, 04:48 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
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