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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by StellarRat

  1. My favorite is when you guess where the enemy is massing and blow the hell out of them before they even start moving forward. Very satisfying.
  2. OK, here's a question, if the round can barely make it through the armor in the first place does it have enough energy to knock the tank out? It seems to me that a peneration with no UMMMPH behind would probably be far less dangerous than a round that goes through both sides of a tank. 1. I guess an explosive burster would make a real difference in this case. 2. Does CMBB take the post peneration energy of AP rounds into account? [ April 19, 2003, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  3. Played a couple games with the latest patch and everything seems cool. Overall, I think CMBB is in good shape and only three patches! Way better than CMBO with 12! HE! HE! I guess having a good code base to start with helps. Seriously though, you guys have done a great job.
  4. He's not going to sympathetic since he is just a brain floating in liquid nutrients and doesn't even have a body.
  5. Most of the problems I've seen with not being able to maneuver are due to trying to move too quickly in the open or maybe I should say too soon. You have get a good base of fire going and pin down or destroy whatever it is that is stopping your men from moving. MG's can be suppressed to the point where you can move across open ground. Tanks are another story. But they can be smoked, killed, or buttoned and may not see your guys quickly enough to shoot them before they get to cover.
  6. OK, here's my take (mind you I haven't done any research) I've read about WWII on and off for most of my life and played a lot of wargames and I'd never heard of the Pupchen until CMBO. This leads me to believe they were pretty rare.
  7. True enough, however, the deck is very thin. I imagine some of the larger HE rounds will penetrate just from the explosion (like the 152mm.) [ January 29, 2003, 01:12 AM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  8. MG is obviously practicing to take over for R. Lee Ermey when he retires from Mail Call...
  9. Oh, that brings up another question! Why doesn't smalls arms fire eventually destroy light buildings? Or start a fire? Seems like there should be a chance for enough bullets to eventually break some beams and have the roof come down or a wall collapse. I could easily see this happening with MG fire. Tracers could light a wooden building on fire.
  10. I think the Borg spotting can be delt with by just chaining the spotting results up the chain of command to whatever level in the chain BTS decides the player is at. During the time it takes for the spotting results to reach the player's level only the TacAI of the units that have spotted (or been informed of the location of) the target should be allowed to engage the target. For example: Say infantry unit A spots enemy AT gun B in some bushes. The TacAI decides unit A will fire at unit B (assuming A's current orders allow that) and a message is sent to A's HQ with whatever delay is appropiate. The next turn A's HQ sends a message to next higher HQ (the player) and also sends message to all of the units under it's command (with appropiate delay again) to begin firing at unit B (again all under control of the TacAI.) The next turn the spotted message has reached the player and he sees unit B on his map and can issue orders accordingly, these orders go down the chain (again with delays) and are executed. The only downside to this scheme is that the player may only find out what has happened after some engagements are already over. Maybe not too much fun sometimes, but very realistic. Also, the general in the game confusion level will rise and the players control will fall, but again this is very realistic. This will definitely make a good battle plan very important. Once the action has started your forces will be much more committed than in the current version of the game. Radios and good CC will become much more of an advantage.
  11. Well, you can look at it this way. As velocity increases solids start to act more like atomic particles and the results of impacts and such become more predictable. A HEAT explosion is just a bunch of high speed gas particles focused on a certain point. A marshmellow moving at very high velocity (like in space) would produce the same type of damage as piece of iron weighing the same amount at the same velocity. One of the shuttles was damaged by a paint flake it looked like bullet hit. I don't know a better way to describe it, but I think you can make that leap intutively.
  12. If your whole battle plan relies on one or two tanks to win you need to think about the units you are choosing at setup time. Maybe you should take a bunch more infantry or some more artillery. Neither of these bog down.
  13. I actually play blindfolded and use only the Force to guide my actions...
  14. They provide some concealment when burning (like a smokescreen), but really they don't do anything as far as protecting infantry.
  15. Well, my reading tells me every German tank was a Tiger to American soliders . I don't know about the other nicknames. There must have been some you would think.
  16. I think they're just eye candy unless the LOS tool shows them as "crater". They have to be fairly large to do anything.
  17. I saw a video of a 2000 lb. bomb falling about 500 - 1000 yds. from the cameraman (in Afganistan) that was better than any "Hollywood" explosion I've ever seen. That will definitely get your attention. Even though there wasn't any hokey Hollywood fireball the explosion sent black dust into the air hundreds of feet. It was way bigger than any Hollywood bomb explosion I've ever seen. Makes you understand why they are lethal out to 300 yds. The guys that were interviewed were 300 yds. from the blast and they had their eardrums burst and several casualities. [ December 31, 2002, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  18. I suppose there could be something wrong with BFC's miss routines. If they didn't remember to take the lower level of the gun into account it's possible the random factor they use to make HE fire slightly variable is poughing all the shots into the ground. This is only a problem with HE fire right? Maybe BFC would care to comment on this, but I have a feeling they aren't working this week.
  19. The more I think about it more possible it seems that you couldn't hit a position that is slightly back from the crest of a hill, not from below anyway. This might not be a bug, but a realistic outcome when firing flat trajectory weapons uphill at a target. Most of the shells would hit short or go right over the top of the position. Another thought, what if the gun of your vehicle can't elevate high enough hit something up on the hill? If you were too close to the base of the hill this could happen. [ December 26, 2002, 04:57 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  20. Actually this could be correct depending on the context. If he's talking about putting your mortar in a good SITE, i.e. a good position, then it would be correct. If he's talking about making sure of a good line of SIGHT, then obviously you would be correct. Joe</font>
  21. OK, I get it now. There is no intervening terrain. Definitely sounds like a bug. I don't know if BFC takes the shell arc into account, but that could cause a problem if you are trying to shoot uphill. In theory there is a dead zone behind the top of a hill that certain weapons could never hit. [ December 26, 2002, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  22. I might be missing something here, but shouldn't you check the LOS after the tank has positioned itself hulldown? Then move up to the next hump in the ground if it's blocked relative to your desired field of fire. I don't remember reading anywhere that the field of fire was guaranteed to be clear only that the tank would be hull down in the direction that you selected. So is there another hump between your tanks and the target that is blocking LOF? Or are you guys trying to say that the firing unit itself is having problems firing correctly once it is hull down and that it should be able to hit the target but can't? [ December 26, 2002, 12:28 PM: Message edited by: StellarRat ]
  23. Looks like I'll have to buy a guide now! Just when I thought my money was safe from BFC!
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