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Everything posted by eeyore

  1. Just a quickie. Someone suggested Finns wielding logs were highly effective in combat. Are these tree logs or Christmas chocolate logs? Can't find a result searching past posts. And IF they were to abandon their logs, does CMBB model them returning to their weapons? Yeknod
  2. Have you ever underestimated the fighting potential of Finnish combatants? -5 Yeknod
  3. LOL.. SlapDragon, I'll leave you to respond to this one! Cripes what a duo, SlapDragon and Yeknod... must admit to nicking his motif and plagarism, SlapDragon gets the royalties, LOL Yeknod [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: eeyore ]</p>
  4. Dear Mr BTS, As a customer of your fine and spiffing product I want to thank you whole-heartedly for your creativity, wisdom and, well, general niceness for all sorts of things, least not when it comes to requests, especially from down-at-heel waifs, such as myself. I was wondering, since it's coming up to Christmas where the festive spirit of good will and giving is among us, that I might just press my face against the bright and dazzling light of the BTS shop window, to see what fantastic new things might be going on? Ooooh, ahhhhhh, there's much activity in the back.... hmmm, yes everyone's busy, but I'm so cold out here that I thought just a teeny-weeny peep at CM:BB might just warm me poor... (cough, cough)... pneumonia ridden (cough, wheeze) body.. Oh, pleaaaaaaaase, just a little bone for the doggy.... woof, woof.... I'll roll over and do tricks... look, it'll just be our secret and I won't tell anyone.... pleaaaaaase? Yeknod [ 12-09-2001: Message edited by: eeyore ]</p>
  5. No, absolutely NOT an anti-mine dog or mouse launcher. This is just silly. Its pretty obvious that its a parasol to keep the sun off. Yeknod
  6. no, no I hate to disappoint, its obviously Finnish - I demand we get them in CM:BB. Yeknod
  7. yeh, and I want to see Finnish arm-pit hairs swaying from a nearby blast Yeknod
  8. Fantastic! You modders are the best. Of course, with dirty / non-dirty mods its only going to be a matter of time before people want Ardennes mud or Normandy sand.... Thanks again Yeknod
  9. Have to say that the use of "UberFinn" needs to be avoided on the grounds of tautology.... "Finn" will surfice. They've no need for axes, their teeth will do just fine Yeknod
  10. Joshik Way back in the dimmer parts of my memory I remember a history teacher refering to this salute (not fully fledged "Heil Hitler" salute, not military salute but forearm raised to show open palm at shoulder level) used by superior officers/politicos to their underlings... not able to verify whether this is fact or fiction Yeknod
  11. Agreed! Good point! Just played a scenario where platoon was composed of 3x squads (veteran, regualar and green) - it makes a difference to tactics. Yeknod
  12. Ah, good news! Finnish TO&E only on paper, eh? Come to think of it, isn't Father Christmas Finnish, too? I scent a conspiracy of gargantuan proportions centered on Helsinki - I refuse to believe anything until I have the CD in me grubby hands. Yeknod
  13. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr> Originally posted by Big Time Software: One other thing that is not in CM is vehicle morale. Allied tankers were not very thrilled about going up against German tanks. Why? Because odds were decent that they wouldn't survive the encounter. Sure, it varied greatly from situation to situation, but I am talking about generalities here. CMBB now has Vehicle Morale as an optional feature, and it does make a huge difference. Those CS tanks wouldn't be so thrilled about going up against a KT because the chances of getting a hit before dying is probably slim. That is, of course, assuming that the Germans actually get a King Tiger (Rarity) and that they are not using correct tank tactics (keeping your distance, firing from superior positions, etc.). [/QB]<hr></blockquote> Oh, boy, can't wait for this! Wanted to ask but daren't. I guess, in relative terms, modelling the game physics (granted the data and information) is one thing, but modelling whether a Cromwell with 95mm gun (sic) retreats on the sight of, for instance, a King Tiger is going to cause a bit of rumpus hee, hee can't wait to see some threads: "oh, how'd those green Sherman take our my veteran Panther? Aren't they supposed to rout?" or "no! an Elite Tiger doesn't turn tail when faced with ....etc, etc" Nevertheless, looking forward to this development... perhaps the German ubertank was more to do with psychology than armour penetration tables so if this development comes off, they might be worth the points [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: eeyore ] [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: eeyore ]</p>
  14. Thanks Steve Interesting debate. Yes, I'd support you and BTS in your priorities and I wouldn't want BTS to be distracted. But as you're beavering away the debate is still legitimate and valuable at least to inform innocents like myself about the complexity and depth of the simulation... a sort of education... I believe its a good reflection on BTS that informed contributors are given the opportunity to thrash these issues around even if they are repeated. Yeknod
  15. Can I broaden this out a bit? A question for BTS: Is CMBO a simulation or are allowances made for creating a balanced game? In other words, if there was such a thing as an invincable ubertank, would it modelled as such or are allowances made in the interest of a balanced game? I ask because there's always going to be a tension between creating a simulation and creating an enjoyable game (perhaps exagerated with the need to create balanced encounters via Quick Battle option). I don't mean to imply that each is mutually exclusive; just that it might be hard to reconcile both aims satisfactorily. If the KT was as impervious to bazooka and heat as some suggest (I wouldn't know and I certainly don't have any evidence one way or the other) then perhaps other factors can be modelled (cheaper allied aircraft, greater use of "bogging down" to simulate lack of fuel or breakdowns where crew abandon tank). I know, too late for CMBO but something to consider for future? Yeknod [ 11-10-2001: Message edited by: eeyore ]</p>
  16. What? No Scratch 'N' Sniff .pong files? I'm sorry but me Finnish yaks CANNOT be odourless... I demand yaks, horses, bicycles, badgers, elks, reindeer and multiple-firing turreted AFVs in CMBB. Yeknod
  17. mike8g Cripes, never knew this! I've now redesignated all me tanks and AFVs as M0.5A0NB (Mortality 30 seconds, actually dies instantly, no bleedin chance of hit) Yeknod
  18. mod announcement... in anticipation of THE BIG NEWS I've modded the Scratch 'n' Sniff .pong files... Canadians gets moose smells, Brits badgers, US elk, Axis reindeer (both SS and Wehrmacht variants, the former is quite good due to the eau de Cologne used) and, of course, Finnish get the yaks (hasty cammo smells an option)....
  19. .....can't wait to get a whiff of those Finnish arm pits mixed with odour of cordite and yak dung... boy what a game!
  20. .... I know, I know it's not THE SCREENSHOTS or THE DEMO or THE TEE-SHIRT but the SCRATCH 'N' SNIFF BATTLESMELLS .pong FILES - for our nasal delight and fully modifiable Yeknod [ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: eeyore ]</p>
  21. Apalling that some people want to thieve others' work for profit when the same work is offered and shared with little reward other than admiration and thanks... I want to thank all modders for their skill and generosity... you deserve better than this and I hope someone sues their Germanic butts Yeknod
  22. Great mod. Zimmerit? er, yes, cooking instruction? Don't boil but, zimmerit. Okay, okay, I'm ignorant but what is this stuff and what's it supposed to achieve - didn't allies have it too? Yeknod
  23. Gamey stuff is usually related to cherry-picking favourite units. Build in option to supply core OOB by computer, add percentage of points for favourites and a lot of "gamey" stuff will disappear. Yeknod
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