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Everything posted by Clubfoot

  1. Fuerte, No, I don't think the list is bad. But the direct links would be. And I think Manx already has that resource (and a damn fine resource it is). And I didn't intend to dog Madmatt, just explain my own position. [ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  2. Fuerte, My main point was not one of legality, but courtesy. Those of us who work hard on these mods and websites often stipulate that there availability be limited to a certain site. This is to promote the perusal of the hard work of our friends and colleagues. Manx recieves exclusive mods from certain artists that are offered ONLY at his site by the mod's creators request. The purpose? Manx has a great site and was very cool to many people in the early days of mods. So those individuals want to not only promote their mods, but Manx's site as well. The same goes for Madmatt, Old Dog, Dragoon (and his predecessor Kump) and many other webmasters. The compilation of everyone's work in one place would kill these sites. There would be no real need to visit them. And yea verily that would suck a goat's ass. I'll now be real honest about the "good of the community". First, it lies in it's expansion, not it's paring down at the hands of all-inclusive super sights. Second, deep in our heart of hearts, artists and scenario creators have hungry egos which must be fed. And that's really why me make this stuff. Having all the mods or scenarios in the known universe available in one file would prevent the need for the individual download, use of, and comments on our mods and scenarios. Since we're fragile creatures, this would bruise our egos and result in a stemming of the tide of quality mods and scenarios. From that point on, your typical mega-pack would consist of pocket lint, dust mites, and vacuum.
  3. Fuerte, Well, you'll almost certainly never see that happen. Providing links directly to downloadable files is rude because that site's webmaster wants you to come in through the 'front door' and experience his/her site fully . By the same logic, downloading everybody else's content and tossing it up all over your own site is akin to pillaging (it would take a whole lota' HD space too!). Although these issues have been discussed before (recently), I couldn't locate the thread. I'd suggest a search but I think 'search' is still nonfunctional. But, since the other webmasters I've dealt with tend to be in agreement, any hopes for a 'Mega-mod pack' or 'Mega-scenario pack' can probably be put to bed.
  4. And there just may be a little somethin' on the DFDR rack from Marco & Gordon at the Sidewalk Sale...
  5. Micheal, Sorry for the mix-up. I've contacted our webmaster and you'll be credited for your uniforms asap. Maximus, Most new content additions are on hold until after SuperTed's Sidewalk Sale is complete. Then the alternate Brit uniforms will appear. And, not trying to be confrontational, but please refrain from posting news items about the future content of the site.
  6. Since the Sidewalk sale is such a splendid idea, and since SuperTed looks so damn fetching in hotpants.... bump.
  7. Well no, actually, ModManager mods do not need images to be MM compatible.
  8. hmmmmm......... Well, anyway. As Gordon has correctly stated, both systems have their merits. Someone recently commented in another thread (don't remember who) that the comparison is akin to scrutinizing "forks vs. spoons".
  9. Maximus, I guess all I can say is it's a damn good thing that Whitney, Ford, Guttenberg and the caveman who invented the wheel didn't buy into the "simpler is worse" axiom. quote:"Sounds like a personal problem to me. They are really not that hard to setup an use. You said you can do a copy and paste. That's all you have to do with batch files. Copy and paste the batch files into the CMBO root directory instead of the BMP folder. And then you setup shortcuts to the batch files for easy access from your desktop. You do know how to create shortcuts don't you? What's so hard? Changing the icon? That's pretty simple too once you do it once. Oh I get it, you have a problem with double-clicking on an icon, right? Or is it that you can't follow the instructions that come with batch file mods? Like I said, sounds like a personal problem to me." So you're arguing for the simplicity of batch files but condemning the simplicity of ModManager? In quite a rude fashion I might add. hmmmmm. seems silly. quote:"You see, Gordon has made American and British versions of some Desert vehicles that share some textures, so a batch file system is kinda needed to switch between these two variants. Besides saves on disk space for just a couple of mods. Kinda silly to create multiple BMP folders to change just one or two mods, don't you think?" Yes. That's why I suggest ModManager and it's simple and functional "extras" and "options" features that would solve these problems for you and clean your desktop of that cadre of batch icons. Skorpion, the only real problems I've seen anyone have with the ModManager after v1.0g is due to inattention to the docs included with it. TwoSheds, take heart my friend. This small sampling of posts is not indicative of the general response I've recieved about the ModManager. In the last 3 weeks it's been downloaded more than 90 times from the DFDR site, and gets an average of 5 retrievals a day. [ 04-14-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  10. I'm still baffled by the apparent distaste some have for the ModManager. It's a brilliantly easy to use front end, and all mods can be placed in .zip files and activated with a click. Custom mods of your favorite textures with multiple options available at a click are simple and straightforward to create in a point&click environment. It's earlier foibles have been hashed out with version 1.0g. Does anyone actually dislike this tool simply because it's too simple.
  11. I'll have to agree w/ Panzer BoxB, My droogs and I typically play Assault/Defend QB's of at least 40 turns. This allows the attacker to recon, probe and attempt to employ feint tactics without feeling hampered by a need to rush. Much more challenging to defend against.
  12. I is available in one zip at the site right here: DFDR Mod single file v1.1 It's got a big header that reads "DFDR Mod single file v1.1" The only things not included in the .zip are the scenarios and the vehicles. These can be find in the downloads section of the site as well and will find there way into the larger zip when I find time to inlcude them. The single zip file contains: The interface conversion and incidental artwork, deep desert/coastal terrain set, Tunisian terrain and shrubbery option, Audace's Italians Attack! force conversion option, DAK uniforms by Geoff Marchiori, Desert Rats tank textures by Gordon Molek & Marco Bergman, sky textures by Tiger, unit portraits by Alla Keefek, and a nifty scenario editor terrain palette by 66cubalibre. Version 1.1 of the mod is TwoSheds Mod Manager Compatible. Hope this helps. [ 04-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ] [ 04-13-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]
  13. I've had success once or twice with setting up my main lines of resistance in positions that flank the main objective flag cluster (when there is one, usually in village defense)as opposed to sitting on top of it. Then an attempt is made to force the fight's location. Decide where you want your stand to take place (preferably between two equal, flanking defensive forces) and then attempt to manipulate the fight to that position. As has been said already, falling back from initial lines of defense is very tricky. But when handled correctly (be it by skill, luck, or both), the perception of a "soft spot" or "crumbling" defense can influence the direction of your opponents assault. Smoke. It's not just for the attacker. If you can gauge the general tempo of the fight, smoke can be called to cover your withdrawal from the front line of defense. This will save some of your men, cover the exact destination of your retreat, and hopefully provide a screen which the attacker believes he can "make use of" to exploit your "crumbling" defensive line. It's often hard to pass up exploiting "free" smoke. TRP's. They're pretty cheap and help immensely with both the retreating behind smoke trick, and covering anticipated avenues of advance. Place your mines and wire creatively. As was stated above, experienced players will expect mined and wired areas to be covering soft spots. Every once in a while, slap some down in front of a hard spot. If the coverage of these static defenses isn't too dense and appears to be located in a relatively "cold" area, your opponent may be inclined to attempt a breach in these areas. I'll close by saying this: What a GREAT thread. It's nice to open a topic and really learn something!
  14. Chuckle, Alright, found the "attacker chooses" relevant info. Thanks fellas.... but... Start up a scenario with dynamic flags where the computer chooses the flag to capture. I think you'll find the comp. will always choose the same flag. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  15. Come on fellas, has nobody else tried to use these? Do they work? ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  16. Thanks for the nod about Halfaya Pass, fellas. It was as fun to make as it is to play! ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  17. I understand how they are supposed to function, but have never been able to make them work. Even on Drop to Destiny, the computer consistently chooses the same flag every time. If dynamic flags are inserted in a level with the option of 'Attacker chooses', not only does the attacker not get to choose, but again the computer consistently chooses the same flag for you again and again. Has anyone had a more positive experience with these? Test them out and see if you can get them to work. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  18. Well, I tested Drop to Destiny, and the computer did indeed choose the same flag again and again and again... I'll be honest. I don't think Dynamic flags even remotely function in the way their supposed to. I believe this may be a BIG and widely overlooked bug. Anybody ever get these to work? Take a minute to go try it out and see if you get the same results. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  19. Michael, For the fastest turnaround time on submitted goodies, send them to rakmaster@home.com As we're all quite new at big mod's, websites and such, it's entirely possible that your uniforms got lost in the shuffle. I do recall a credit from MikeT to you in the .doc for some uniform work and playtesting, but don't recall having seen the uniforms. Ship 'em out again to the above e-mail, and we'll get them up this weekend. Thanks. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  20. Well, after taking a couple of days off from this mod stuff, the following should appear at the site shortly: Updated installation instructions and design doc's for DFDR. Updated unit availability lists for desert scenario creation. Version 1.0g of TwoShed's ModManager. Vehicles (hopefully). As is the wont of CM site's, we ran headfirst into those most annoying bandwidth barriers. Sorry for the updating delays. ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  21. I'm curious. I wonder if they work at all? I've not ever seen a functioning example of dynamic flag use. hmmmmm.... Anyone at BTS know??? ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
  22. Nobody knows how to make these work?!? ------------------ Clubfoot. melton1911@aol.com Do it in the desert at www.dfdr.net
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