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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Do what you can, Stix. If worse comes to worse we'll get CapitalistDogInChina or PanzerLeader to take up where you leave off. You still have 3 1/2 months to finish your games. You have six games going right now. You could put three of them on hold until the other three are finished. You would have time to do that I think. Anyway, good luck with real life. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Thanks for the update, Mike8g. This could be a very exciting finish. It is pretty much up in the air right now. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Good going, Sledge. Thanks! What's the status of that Fangorn/Mike8g game? I thought you guys were almost done. Treeburst155 out.
  4. We now have enough completed games to make the standings somewhat interesting. We're actually making some headway. Thanks guys! Here are some interesting battles that are underway now, based on the standings: Ari Maenpaa vs Texas Toast Ari Maenpaa vs CapDogInChina CapDog vs Jarmo Shandorf vs everybody who remains active. Ben Galanti will probably be on the charts soon as he has several games going with active players. Thanks again, guys, for moving this tournament along. Treeburst155 out.
  5. He's not supposed to if I remember the manual correctly. That's the whole point of the dynamic flags. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Well, I'm getting a little glitch with the new drivers. Every once in awhile I get really weird graphics corruption when the game first shows the battlefield. Simply escaping and re-entering the game fixes it every time so I'm not too worried about it. This happens with 2x2 FSAA on. Treeburst155 out.
  7. This feature really should be used more often in attack/defend scenarios IMO. I don't suppose it works for meeting engagements. Treeburst155 out.
  8. There are 45 games in progress and 10 already completed. That leaves only 29 games yet to be started. You guys are really making great time! It's only been six weeks since this tournament started IIRC. Thanks a bunch, guys!! Treeburst155 out.
  9. More news from the front!! Texas Toast did a real number on Michael Dorosh. The final score was 90-10!! Congratulations, Texas Toast! This drops Michael to the cellar and raises TT's average to 61.00, closing the gap between himself and that Dog In China fella. The standings link has been updated. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Dynamic Victory flags are a partial answer to this. Does anybody know of even ONE scenarios that uses them? Treeburst155 out.
  11. The Shandorf/Fuerte game has been recorded. Congratulations, Shandorf!! The standings have been updated. Treeburst155 out.
  12. I tried the new 20.81 (?) drivers again today just for the heck of it and did not suffer the huge performance hit I spoke of earlier. Go figure. I must have botched the install somehow. In fact, this latest attempt shows 3DMark2001 up 200 and 3DMark 2000 remained the same. I also have no trouble with FSAA in CM with the new drivers. It does appear that 2x2 FSAA isn't quite as good as it used to be, but may be a bit faster. The targeting/movement lines seem to snap to the cursor a little quicker than before. Win ME, DX8, 32MB Asus 7700 Geforce2 GTS Treeburst155 out.
  13. There are five players who have not yet completed a game. The only one of these five who appears to be active is Ben Galanti. The others have not sent word that they wish to withdraw, but it's fairly safe to assume they have at this point. I'll keep them on the books just in case. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Here's how you beat edge hugging. Add 2-300 meters to each side of the map. If you want a 1k battlefield make the map 1,400-1,600 meters wide. Place a row of hedges (not bocage or walls) on both sides to mark off the "real" battlefield. No units are allowed to cross these hedges. Inside the hedges leave at least a 20 meter strip of clear terrain the length of the map. Outside the hedge boundary, in foxholes in woods in the corners, you set up elite heavy guns, lots of them, both HE and AT. You would do this in all four corners of the map. You then play with elevations and terrain until you have it where the guns can only see the central 1/3 of the "real map" edge to a depth of no more than 50 meters beyond the border hedge. This will be the trickiest part, I think. You also need to make sure the guns can't see their counterparts directly across the map. These guns are not allowed to be given orders. They fire only at things they spot themselves. At any point in the game if one of these guns fires then you have an "edge hugging" violation that is automatically punished severely. Hehe...Oh, and don't forget to have all the "Enforcer Guns" under command of an HQ with double morale bonus just in case the violating unit(s) fight back. Treeburst155, always at war with gamey play.
  15. The Standings for John. Fionn............309...4...77.25 Ari Maenpaa......141...2...70.50 CapDog...........269...4...67.25 Texas Toast......215...4...53.75 Jarmo............152...3...50.67 Jshandorf........176...4...44.00 M. Dorosh........60....2...30.00 Fuerte...........79....3...26.33 MickOZ...........105...4...26.25 John Kettler.....101...4...25.25 Treeburst155 out.
  16. My flight leaves in 8 hours from Dallas to LA to Honolulu to Shanghai. I'll be the guy beating you in a hotseat game at the Shanghai bar. You'll be the guy buying WAY more than two beers for me. See ya soon! Treeburst155 out.
  17. John, I don't have the final map, just a jpg of the score screen. From the posts above it appears choosing forces without prior knowledge of the map was a significant factor in your loss. Still, 37 points is hardly a wipe out. It improved your average too. Hang tough, and in the name of all that is righteous and good in the world, PLEASE fire those rockets!! Treeburst155 out. [ 10-03-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  18. The most AARs I could receive would be 168. :eek: Peter Svensson has expressed interest in setting up a site for them. They are quite interesting to read. I'm not really grading AARs. As long as it is a fairly detailed account of the battle it gets 1/2 point. If it is too brief, then it will get 1/4 point. Write a few good pages detailing the highlights of the battle and your thinking and you'll get full credit. If you send in an AAR that is way to brief, I'll let you know that you need to expound a bit more to get any credit. One reason for encouraging AARs is to provide entertainment and feedback to Wild Bill and his testers, WineCape, and myself. Another is that the AARs can be very instructive to all CM enthusiasts. Players of lesser skill can get inside the minds of those who do well and learn to play better. It looks like full blackout will be a reality. You are now cutoff from HQ. You are alone with your battles. You have little knowledge of the progress of the war that rages around you. Do your job, and pray the friendlies on your flanks will do their's too. At the end all will be revealed. Final ranking, individual game scores, the median score for each side of every scenario, AAR points earned, the works. In the meantime, enjoy the fog. Treeburst155 out.
  19. 11-5 in favor of full information blackout It looks like we'll be going with a total blackout. If you want battle results info you'd better cast a vote. How about the AAR scoring? No gripes? Treeburst155 out.
  20. The latest news from the front! John Kettler's forces have fallen to Shadorf's troopers, 63-37. Congratulations Shandorf!! The standings have been updated. Treeburst155 out.
  21. I'm sorry, I can't make it to this gathering. I live too far away. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Mr Spkr says, "You are out of communication with Shandorf and complaining about it?" LOL!! Speaking of Shandorf, he beat up on John Kettler's troops 63-37. Congratulations, Shandorf!! Hang in there, John. More rockets is the key. LOL! I've updated the standings. EDIT: Oooops, this was supposed to go on the tourney thread. Treeburst155 out. [ 10-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. 10-5 in favor of full information blackout. Cast your vote today!! Treeburst155 out.
  24. Get some sleep, Shandorf. You're losin' it. :eek: Treeburst155 out.
  25. Nabla has written a DOS program that will calculate final tourney results from the raw CM scores. It's a great time saver for me and anyone else who wants to manage a tourney using the Nabla system. One thing it does that is different than my scoring explanation is that at the end, after totalling all the Nabla scores for a given player it then gives the players' average. IOW, final results will be posted as an average of all your Nabla scenario scores. This changes nothing. The ranking of players remains the same. The average of the highest score is still the highest and so on. At the end, final scores for the entire tourney will most likely range from -12 to 12. IOW, the winners of each section will likely average approximately 12 points per scenario. This estimation is based on running hypothetical tourneys using typical game results through the scoring program several times. Having now a fairly good idea of what the winners' scores will be I can assign a sensible number of bonus points for AARs. These AAR points will be added to your final tourney score after the program does its thing. Each AAR will be worth 1/4 to 1/2 of a point. If you turn in 7 decent AARs your final tourney score will be increased 3.5 points. This represents about 30% of the winner's likely score (not including his AARs) and is ample reward for taking the time to write AARs IMO. If your final tourney score is 8.00, but you write 7 decent AARs your final score will automatically become 11.50. AARs are well worth writing. I doubt the winner will be anyone who doesn't write at least a few decent AARs. Does this AAR plan sound good? Too much AAR bonus, perhaps? Not enough? Does anybody see any problems with it I didn't think about? 9-5 for information blackout. Cast your vote!! Treeburst155 out. [ 10-01-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
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