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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I just want to let you know my email is down again for the time being. Treeburst155 out.
  2. It appears my email is unreliable at best for now. Leonard Dickens, The mail I've been trying to send you was simply a confirmation that I received your AAR and that I now have three of them on record for you. From now on I am going to do this with AARs so people can correct me if I lose one somehow. I'm organized and careful so I shouldn't mess anything up but I will admit that once, in 1979, I made a mistake. Treeburst155 out.
  3. I may be wrong, but I don't think tungsten is less effective against extremely sloped armor as compared to AP. It's just that some of the armor thickness and slope combinations can withstand even tungsten. I've bounced quite a bit of tungsten off Panthers in the past. Treeburst155 out. [ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  4. OK then, CapDogInChina will take up for his fallen commanding officer, Colonel Stixx. Redwolf will be given first shot at any further openings, followed by White4. Thank you Redwolf and White4 for volunteering for combat command. To the six of you who were playing Stixx: Send/resend your latest "Stixx" file to CapDogInChina. I will send him everything he needs within a couple hours. Welcome aboard CapitalistDogInChina! Treeburst155 out. [ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. The standings have been updated. It's a tight race. Hopefully somebody will stop Shandorf before he gets too close to the top. Treeburst155 out.
  6. White4, There will be more tournaments and they are constantly improving as WineCape and I learn from our mistakes. Treeburst155 out.
  7. IIRC from old threads the answers to your questions are "yes" and "yes". Your chance of penetrating the front armor of a vehicle is better if you are straight on rather than at an angle. Compound angles are taken into account. Firing at armor on the front side of a slope does decrease the effective slope of the armor. Treeburst155 out.
  8. I'm intrigued by Wilhammer's Hetzer story. This leads me to believe that how the unit is identified may be more important than how many tungsten rounds are available. Still, it's been my experience that AP is ALWAYS (until last night)fired first. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Thanks, Redwolf!! I'll let you know within 48 hours or so. I have to give CapitalistDog a chance to respond since he is our last remaining official replacement. I've emailed him. If you do take over you will not have to hurry. You have plenty of time to get oriented and complete the games. I will send you all the briefings and passwords you need along with your list of opponents. Thanks again! EDIT: In order to keep things moving along I think Redwolf should get the job if CapDog does not respond. No others need apply. Treeburst155 out. [ 10-15-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  10. I've never seen it before tonight but it finally happened. A Sherman 76 with 30 rounds of AP and 15 rounds of tungsten fired first round tungsten at a target identified as a Panther(?). The enemy AFV was indeed a Panther. The Panther was knocked out six seconds after being spotted by the veteran Sherman crew, a first shot tungsten kill at approximately 500 meters. What caused the Sherman to fire tungsten first? Was it simply the fact that I gave him 15 rounds of the stuff? Or was it because the Sherman identified the target as a Panther(?) rather than something else? Whatever caused it I like it. Treeburst155 out.
  11. We have more news from the front! Shandorf hammered Ben Galanti 78-22. Congratulations, Shandorf! Shandorf has been steadily improving his average and is now breathing down the neck of #5 ranked Jarmo. He has six games completed, the most so far. This was Ben Galanti's first completed game. At this point all active players have completed at least one game. I believe there are eleven of you active including Fionn, who I haven't heard from in awhile. I will update the standings tomorrow. Treeburst155 out.
  12. My guess is that people don't really want to jump into six games in progress all at once. That's quite a PBEM load, although they could just put a few on hold and still have time to finish. It could also be that nobody wants to start in the middle of the games. I think it would be interesting and different to take up where somebody else left off. It's only been about twelve hours since I announced the opening. We've a good chance someone will be interested. Keep your fingers crossed. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Hmmm...I'm not getting a great response on Stix's replacement. Panzer Leader declined and I'm still waiting to hear from CDIC who is very busy this next coming week. We'll give it a couple weeks. If no replacement is found we will simply have to drop the eighth player from Section II. This would mean the Section II people will each play a slightly different set of scenarios than their brethren in the section. This is not especially good, but it's the best we can do if no replacement can be found. I'll keep trying to draft somebody. Treeburst155 out.
  14. That's OK, Stixx. I know how real life can be at times. We will find a replacement for you. He will inherit your battles and take up where you left off. I gather he might inherit some rather nice positions too. Good luck to you, Stix! Hey PanzerLeader and CDIC!! Would either of you guys be interested in jumping into six games currently in progress? You two are our official remaining replacements so you get first shot at it. Apparently you will be inheriting some decent situations in these battles. Feedback from players indicates Stixx is quite competent. I will send you your briefings and passwords, notify your opponents, and they will send you the latest file. You will be the first to take command in the middle of a CM firefight! It would be an interesting challenge. If you are interested post here. If you are both interested, WineCape will have his daughter choose out of a hat. Anyone else who is interested in taking up for Stixx feel free to post here too. CDIC and PanzerLeader have first shot at it, but if they decline we will let WineCape's daughter choose from anyone else who expresses interest using the "names in a hat" thing. Please think about it first. You will have to complete six games already in progress, and also play a seventh from the beginning. This must all be done by January 31st. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  15. I see no reason why each scenario couldn't be released as soon as all the games involving that scenario are finished (or very nearly so). I will let Wild Bill know promptly when this becomes the case with a scenario. I also see no problem with releasing the scores for a scenario once all games with that scenario are finished. Treeburst155 out.
  16. John is right. He really hasn't used rockets all that much to my knowledge. It's just that when he does, things get exciting and sometimes quite hilarious. Thanks, John, for the entertainment and the chance for some levity. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Very nice, Nabla! I especially like how the scores can just be put into the schedule.txt file and then run through the scoring program. Very convenient. I just realized that using your programs means I really don't even need a spreadsheet anymore. All I have to do is update the schedule.txt file with game results, run the file through the scoring program at the end and add whatever AAR points the player earned. No more spreadsheets!! Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  18. Mick hates "big fat British tanks" but he sure likes 'em when he's the Allies. Those Churchhills are nothing, Mick. Just drop a few rockets on them. Mr. Kettler would be glad to teach you how. He's fired hundreds of them!! Treeburst155 out.
  19. My first ever double post!!! I'm appalled! Treeburst155 out. [ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  20. Latest News from the front!! I'm sorry, everything is classified. Carry on. Treeburst155 out.
  21. News from the front! Kettler's firing rockets!! Woohooo!. I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading for the basement. Let me know when he's done. LOL! Treeburst155 out.
  22. Big news from the front! Jarmo has managed a respectable victory over CapDogInChina. The final was 65-35. Congratulations, Jarmo! This tightens the standings quite a bit. The page has been updated. Check it out! While doing the update I noticed that Texas Toast's stats were wrong. That error has been corrected. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Georges vs Holien will be sent out within two hours. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Could not the commander of a reinforced company (for example)be ordered to probe the enemy to his front; and if sufficient weakness is found, conduct a general attack, with "sufficient weakness" being a judgment call of the company commander? Treeburst155 out.
  25. Should Stix, or anyone else, not be able to continue they will be considered casualties of war and replaced by another officer. Naturally this officer would assume his new duties right where his fallen comrade left off. This means completing any unfinished games. Hmmmm.... that could be quite interesting....taking over for somebody else right in the middle of several games. The new commander will also inherit the fallen leader's final game scores. Restarting games would not be fair to the new player and could cause players to not make the January 31st deadline. Using different scenarios would mess with the integrity of the scoring system. The only good way is to have someone step right into the shoes of the fallen commander. We'll cross that bridge when and IF we come to it. Treeburst155 out.
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