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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Here it is guys, an exact duplicate of the Nordic Championship tourney; but you don't have to be a resident of a Nordic country. So come on you Germans, Estonians, and Chicagoans. This one is for you! The tourney features two new scenarios by Wild Bill, three new scenarios by Nabla, and an excellent scoring system by Nabla. You also get me. I'm here to hassle you if you don't finish your games by the deadline. Treeburst155 out. [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  2. Geier, LMAO!! Long live the fetid Pool!! OK, the 24 players are listed below. If you are on the list PLEASE think about what you are committing to. You will need to finish five games in ninety days. Post here if you decide you cannot play after you think about it. To the non-Nordics If you don't mind my being a bit slow in handing out scenarios I'll start another tournament for you guys. I pride myself in passing out the secured scenarios within 24 hours. If I start another one it will take me longer to fill scenaro requests. The Nordic Championship would have priority as far as my time is concerned. I need twelve people minimum for the scoring system to work well. I will start a new thread called "Nordic Wannabee Tournament". Post there if you want to play. Here's the player list for the Nordic Championship: 1)Heibis- jens.heiberg@jbv.no (Norway) 2)vskalex- vskalex@hotmail.com (Sweden) 3)Juha Ahoniemi- juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi (Finland) 4)Joseph Porta- Hackett@online.no (Norway) 5)Ari Maenpaa- ari.maenpaa@tietoenator.com (Finland) 6)Mattias- schuertzen@hotmail.com (Sweden) 7)Topi- tmikkola@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 8)A.S.- ali.salo@tietoenator.com 9)DrAlimantado- jeschko-edberg@home.se (Sweden?) 10)Patrik- patrik@kramgo.com (Sweden) 11)Tuomas- tnummela@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 12)Loke- pgkeihl@chello.no (Norway) 13)tero- is tero.leppanen@pp2.inet.fi (Finland) 14)tss- tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi (Finland) 15)Juha Keratar- lunael@hotmail.com (Finland) 16)Sesam- matti_vesanen@hotmail.com (Finland) 17)Ghost Dog- ted.malmquist@telia.com (Sweden) 18)Pixie- not listed (Finland) 19)Romeoman- romeoman772000@yahoo.com (Sweden) 20)Von Heinrich- henrikohlin@hotmail.com (Sweden) 21)Dragoon19- tbrath@e-mail.dk (Denmark) 22)Stefan Fredrikson- stefan.fredrik@telia.com (Sweden) 23)Jarmo- jarmo.laakso@kesko.fi (Finland) 24)PasiN- Pasi_Nyman@hotmail.com (Finland) Treeburst155 out. [ 11-04-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  3. The setup zones and whether or not units are locked for setup is up to the scenario designers. Treeburst155 out.
  4. I've been in touch with Mr Spkr and/or his opponents. It appears he will be able to make good progress in three of his four games. His game with Tincan lags far behind however. We could give Tincan an automatic 70-30 victory or wipe all Mr Spkr's games from the record and end the tourney now. It's up to you guys, especially the three of you up near the top. The one thing I don't want to do is wait for the Mr. Spkr/Tincan game which has not seen a file exchanged in quite some time. Speak up or forever hold your peace with my decision. Treeburst155 out.
  5. Here are the first 22 participants: 1)Heibis-jens.heiberg@jbv.no (Norway) 2)vskalex-vskalex@hotmail.com (Sweden) HOTMAIL 3)Juha Ahoniemi-juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi (Finland) 4)Joseph Porta-Hackett@online.no (Norway) 5)Ari Maenpaa-ari.maenpaa@tietoenator.com (Finland) 6)Mattias-schuertzen@hotmail.com (Sweden) HOTMAIL 7)Topi-tmikkola@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 8)A.S.-not listed 9)DrAlimantado-jeschko-edberg@home.se (Sweden?) 10)Patrik-patrik@kramgo.com (Sweden) 11)Tuomas-tnummela@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 12)Loke-pgkeihl@chello.no (Norway) 13)tero-is tero.leppanen@pp2.inet.fi (Finland) 14)tss-tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi (Finland) 15)Juha Keratar-: lunael@hotmail.com (Finland) 16)Sesam-matti_vesanen@hotmail.com (Finland) 17)Ghost Dog-ted.malmquist@telia.com (Sweden) 18)Pixie-not listed (Finland) 19)Romeoman-romeoman772000@yahoo.com (Sweden) 20)Von Heinrich-henrikohlin@hotmail.com (Sweden) 21)Dragoon19-tbrath@e-mail.dk (Denmark) 22)Stefan Fredrikson-stefan.fredrik@telia.com (Sweden) We can take only two more. I'm really surprised, and pleased, at the response. I wish I could handle more people. Treeburst155 out.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Nabla: This is something we'll have to think about later on. In theory, we could use the highly competitive rule in the playoffs. That is, for four players and three scenarios, in each scenario you get one point if you play better than the other guy playing for the same side. But we have a lot of time to consider what is the best way to arrange the playoffs.<hr></blockquote> I like this idea a lot. The scenarios do not have to be balanced. Each scenario will be played twice (4 people, 3 scenarios, 6 games, two instances of each side). If you outscore the one participant who played a scenario from the same side you did you get a point. Good thinking Nabla. Very good thinking, actually. As far as playing people from other countries,all we have to do is make sure the 4 sections contain an even distribution of the nationalities as far as is possible. Here is the updated list of players: 1)Heibis-jens.heiberg@jbv.no (Norway) 2)vskalex-vskalex@hotmail.com (Sweden) HOTMAIL 3)Juha Ahoniemi-juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi (Finland) 4)Joseph Porta-not listed (Norway) 5)Ari Maenpaa-ari.maenpaa@tietoenator.com (Finland) 6)Mattias-schuertzen@hotmail.com (Sweden) HOTMAIL 7)Topi-tmikkola@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 8)A.S.-not listed 9)DrAlimantado-jeschko-edberg@home.se (Sweden?) 10)Patrik-patrik@kramgo.com (Sweden) 11)Tuomas-tnummela@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 12)Loke-pgkeihl@chello.no (Norway) 13)tero-not listed (Finland) 14)tss-tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi (Finland) 15)Juha Keratar-: lunael@hotmail.com (Finland) 16)Sesam-matti_vesanen@hotmail.com (Finland) 17)Ghost Dog-ted.malmquist@telia.com (Sweden) 18)Pixie-not listed (Finland) Tero, I think my email is down. Treeburst155
  7. There are eight slots still available to Nordic commanders. Let's talk about AARs for a minute. There will be extra points awarded to your final tournament score for AARs. To get full credit you need to write at least a couple good pages. Short AARs will receive less credit. You can submit AARs for all, some, or none of your games. It is entirely up to you. AARs alone will not win the tournament for you, but they could put you over the top in a close race. It is unlikely that the winner will be someone who does not submit AARS. You should submit all AARs and game results to me. I will forward them to Nabla and Wild Bill. The AARS will be made public when the tournament is over. This tournament will be played under full fog of war. Do not post AARs or updates to this thread. You will spoil the scenarios for others. You will not know how your opponents are doing until the end when all is revealed. At this point there is no prize for this tournament other than the thrill of victory over the UberFinns. (I have no umlaut) If you are an UberFinn the prize is that you get to prove, once and for all, your superiority over neighboring nations. Treeburst155 out.
  8. We have fourteen players so far, not including the "outlanders". I'm recording the email addresses from your profiles. If this is no longer a valid address, or you do not have one listed, I need an address for you. Here's the first fourteen: 1)Heibis-jens.heiberg@jbv.no (Norway) 2)vskalex-vskalex@hotmail.com (Sweden) 3)Juha Ahoniemi-juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi (Finland) 4)Joseph Porta-not listed (Norway) 5)Ari Maenpaa-ari.maenpaa@tietoenator.com (Finland) 6)Mattias-schuertzen@hotmail.com (Sweden) 7)Topi-tmikkola@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 8)A.S.-not listed 9)DrAlimantado-jeschko-edberg@home.se (Sweden?) 10)Patrik-combat_mission@kramgo.com (Sweden) 11)Tuomas-tnummela@cc.hut.fi (Finland) 12)Loke-pgkeihl@chello.no (Norway) 13)tero-not listed (Finland) 14)tss-tommi.syrjanen@hut.fi (Finland) Treeburst155 out. [ 10-31-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  9. Well now, it seems Nabla has things well under control here. I'm monitoring the thread now and also writing down IN ORDER the people who posted above. We will take the first 24 people from Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland who express interest. If we do not get 24 people the non-Nordic people will be admitted in the order of their posting to this thread. The tourney will be organized into 4 sections of 6 players each. This means you will have to play 5 games. The four section winners will have a playoff at the end using ultra-balanced, custom meeting engagements designed by me, unless Nabla wishes to create them. This is because Nabla's brilliant scoring system will not work well in the playoffs due to the limited number of games. IOW, we need accurate median scores for the system to work. You will have 90 days from the official start of the tournament to play your five games. It's been my experience with previous tourneys that this is a reasonable amount of time for five games. I noticed that many of you who posted above are also playing in other ongoing tournaments. This is fine, but be sure you have the time. I'll post more later today when I get the time. I will let you know when the slots are filled and who has filled them. Treeburst155 out. [ 10-31-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  10. TEST NINE Regular Jumbo 76 (two tungsten) vs Regular Panther VG(late) at 310 meters. Tested 400 times. Panther cost: 199 Jumbo cost: 202 Jumbo survival rate: 41% Panther survival rate: 51% Mutual destruction: 8% Note: There were five instances where both tanks survived the minute with working guns. These were counted as survivors for both sides. This situation occurred 1.25% of the time so I consider it interesting, but insignificant. Survival/Cost ratio for Panther: .256 Survival/Cost ratio for Jumbo: .203 (Higher is better) Even the mighty Jumbo has problems with the Panther(late) at common CMBO ranges. _________________________________________________ I've come to the conclusion that tests should be done at several different ranges for all matchups. I've already found that results can change dramatically with the Jackson/Panther matchup by changing the original range from 550 to 850 meters. Treeburst155 out.
  11. I will probably always be running tests. It's just a matter of finding the time. I'll do a Jumbo/Panther and Jumbo/Tiger test next. Treeburst155 out.
  12. I swap hardware in and out of my machine and reload the OS constantly. There's no way I could handle the XP hassle. I'll stay with my Win ME for as long as possible. Treeburst155 out.
  13. I'll list the unit costs from now on. I'm not quite sure I know what you mean by a cost/survival ratio. I could divide the survival percentage (x 100) by the cost. This would mean the higher the quotient the better. Treeburst155 out.
  14. News from the front! John Kettler and Ben Galanti have fought to a draw. The final was 53-47 in favor of Ben. Both players improved their averages. Congratulations, guys! Standings will be updated shortly. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Fangorn, According to my records you still have to complete your game with Mr Spkr. If you do well in it you could quite possibly win. So, it appears Mr Spkr is still with us but moving very slowly. How about an update from the four of you still playing Mr Spkr? What turn are you on? Treeburst155 out.
  16. Yes folks, it's true. The Ambassador of Peng has viciously seized 3rd place from CapitalistDog! Congratulations, Shandorf!! May you Die-A-Lot now!! Only Ari Maenpaa hangs in close to Fionn, although there is still plenty of time for others to climb. Rumor has it that Ari is stalking Fionn throughout Ireland as we speak. Where is Fionn? Is he hiding in ambush, or is he just hiding? Only time will tell. The standings page has been updated. Treeburs155 out.
  17. I'll be gone until Saturday evening (GMT -6). When I get home I'll take care of any tournament related stuff first thing. Have a great weekend, except Shandorf; and don't let Kettler's rockets scare you. Treeburst155 out.
  18. I'll be offline until Saturday evening (GMT -6). I'll process scenario requests as soon as I get home. Have a great weekend, except for Shandorf; and hit the dirt if Kettler starts firing rockets. Treeburst155 out.
  19. The standings are updated and it is tight!! Mike8g has a BIG ace in the hole however. He took a beating in his game with Mr Spkr. It's very possible that Mr Spkr could be disqualified. This would raise Mike8g's average considerably. We shall see. The only games still not completed are four games involving Mr Spkr. If you've played him already, you are finished. How about a status report on the Mr Spkr games? Is he back online? Treeburst155 out. [ 10-26-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  20. Congratulations, Fangorn! I'll recalculate and update the standings page now. Treeburst155 out.
  21. Warren, I've got two game results from you so far for your games against Jukka-Pekka and Jon Sowden. If you've sent more I didn't get them. Treeburst155 out.
  22. The_Capt, I'm having trouble sending files to Warren Miron. Is that you? If so, be informed the files keep bouncing back to me. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Hmmm...too bad about Mr. Spkr. If he's having bad ISP problems we might have to wait on him for a bit. Not too long however. Sledge59 has defeated Fangorn 58-27. This really tightens up the standings. Congratulations, Sledge59!! The standings page has been updated.
  24. TEST EIGHT VETERAN M4A3 76(W) vs REGULAR Panther VG(late) at 304 meters. Tested 400 times!! Sherman survival rate: 97/400 or 24% (including 8 immobilized) Panther survival rate: 255/400 or 64% (including 19 immobilized) Mutual destruction: 12% Treeburst155 out.
  25. OK, M10 vs Panther next, then Sherman 76m W against Panther. Both of these Allied vehicles will not do well. I'll make the Allies veterans and the Panthers regular. The Allies will still take a beating I think. Treeburst155 out.
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