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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. The Nashorn has an 88!? I didn't know that. I've been playing this game since June 2000 and I don't think I've ever run into a Nashorn. I'll have to check out some of these less often used units. In any case it is still pure luck if YOUR troops hit anything at all at any range with any gun. Treeburst155 out.
  2. I agree that if units are locked, the player should not find himself thinking, "I would never have set up this way". There has to be a good reason for the placement and locking of troops, and that reasoning should be presented in the briefings. If this is done there will be no player dissatisfaction with the fixed setup. Treeburst155 out.
  3. I'll have to take a closer look at those Nashorns. It got through the Churchill front armor, eh? Luck, I say. Pure luck! Treeburst155 out.
  4. OK, we have one more slot to fill. 1) redwolf- redwolf@cons.org 2) Cpl Carrot- rjb109@i4free.co.nz 3) a1steaks- gpaull@pacbell.net 4) SGT_Gold- rspilot@nyc.rr.com 5) Cooper- coopermichael1@qwest.net 6) THumpre- aewert@home.com 7) The Commissar- commissar84128@icqmail.com 8) fytinghellfish- keenedder@aol.com 9) Mare Ichthys- bass-a@home.com 10) Strider- Strider@bak.rr.com 11) Dogface21- zippo79@onebox.com 12) ciks- edgars@batesadm.lv 13) Sgt_Kelly- frederic.callewaert@skynet.be 14) White4- god_emperor_lerche@yahoo.com 15) Wreck- leonard@dc.net 16) Ricochet- tramos1@optonline.com 17) Scheer-NONE LISTED 18) Rother- ullr@gci.net 19) Jack Trap- glowbox@pacbell.net 20) Shadow- shadow@jagdtiger.de 21) Mr Johnson- Klevi@qwest.net 22) Massattack- declankerney@aol.com 23) Lopaka- rwinant@fenwick.com 24) If you are on this list PLEASE think carefully about the commitment you are making. Five games in 90 days!! Treeburst155 out.
  5. Regarding the prize wines; WineCape ships wine throughout the world routinely. He would be aware of any problems, regulations, etc. and know how to deal with them. He told me once that the hard stuff presents more problems than wine. He will probably be along to address your concerns soon. As for the setup zone discussion, you've got my wheels turning. If the combination of setup restrictions, time pressure, and mission allows for only one obviously best course of action then the scenario is flawed IMO. There should always be multiple plausible options. There may be only one truly good option, but there should be other tempting ways to proceed. This separates the good player from the mediocre who might not "see" the best course of action for what it is. Locking and/or restricting setup is a good way to force players to deal with specific tactical problems. Units should be locked and setup zones defined with a purpose in mind. The arguments you raise are valid if the scenario is not thoughtfully designed. I don't think you have to worry about that in the case of Wild Bill and Nabla. The scenario I am testing was restricting to a certain extent, but I still have plenty of options. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Yeah, I'm jealous but I deal with it by not taking showers or brushing my teeth. That way I feel all grungy and can pretend I'm wading in The Pool. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Mr Spkr and SuperTed, Although my email appears to be working fine (no error messages and I can send), I guess no incoming mail is getting through. I've not received any email in several hours now that I think about it. Ah well....you'll just have to try again later. It will be working tomorrow I'm sure. I'll call them right now. I've got the number memorized. EDIT: And yes, the address in my profile is current. Treeburst155 out. [ 11-03-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  8. Mr Spkr, Hmmmm....interesting. I heard the opposite from Tincan. He claims it is you who are holding things up. It is really impossible for me to know which is correct unless you both send me the last email you tried to send to each other. Copies of the last few exchanges would even be better. It is even possible you are both to blame. One thing that is certain is that it is not Fangorn, Mike8g, Tankbuster, and Sledge59's fault. To throw out their games with Tincan is to throw out their highest scores. This fix also places the blame squarely on Tincan, which would be fine if I could be sure Tincan was at fault. If so, his games would definitely be thrown out so as not to punish you. Now, if we suppose for a second that you are at least partially to blame for the unfinished game, it would not be right to punish the innocent four to your benefit by having their top scores removed. The fix I came up with does not really punish anyone except you and Tincan who don't get the luxury of having your worst score removed. IOW, only the potentially guilty are punished. With your fix, the obvious innocents are punished to the benefit of the possibly guilty (you). I would need to have some sort of proof (or admission) that Tincan was soley at fault in order to throw out all his games. If I had this proof I would not hesitate to throw his games out to be fair to you. If you have the last few emails you sent to Tincan forward them to me. I will ask him to do the same. The Mr Spkr/Tankbuster game has been recorded. I will update the standings within 24 hours. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Very interesting, Rune. Thanks! I've been doing fairly well with the 21.83 drivers and Win Me, but I still have to escape and return occasionally. I'm off to the land of Nvidia. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Shadow 1st Hussars, Does that mean you want to play in this tournament? I put you on the list. 1) redwolf- redwolf@cons.org 2) Cpl Carrot- rjb109@i4free.co.nz 3) a1steaks- gpaull@pacbell.net 4) SGT_Gold- rspilot@nyc.rr.com 5) Cooper- coopermichael1@qwest.net 6) THumpre- aewert@home.com 7) The Commissar- commissar84128@icqmail.com 8) fytinghellfish- keenedder@aol.com 9) Mare Ichthys- bass-a@home.com 10) Strider- Strider@bak.rr.com 11) Dogface21- lovelett437@hotmail.com 12) ciks- edgars@batesadm.lv 13) Sgt_Kelly- frederic.callewaert@skynet.be 14) White4- god_emperor_lerche@yahoo.com 15) Wreck- leonard@dc.net 16) Ricochet- tramos1@optonline.com 17) Scheer-NONE LISTED 18) Rother- ullr@gci.net 19) Jack Trap- glowbox@pacbell.net 20) Shadow- shadow@jagdtiger.de 21) 22) 23) 24) Treeburst155 out. [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  11. But Commissar, You are in the Nordic Wannabee tournament. It uses the same scenarios as this one, the same scoring system, everything is the same, just different people. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Lt Data and Krazh, There are still openings in the "Nordic Wannabee" tournament if you hurry. It is exactly the same tourney with the same scenarios. I started it because demand for this one was so high. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Very interesting, Tero. I would think that even if EVERY unit was locked, there would still be choices for players to make once the game starts. A completely locked setup wouldn't automatically dictate a single correct way to proceed. Lots would depend on how your opponent proceeds. Besides, I know the scenario I am testing for this tournament has no locked units. It does have fairly restricted setup zones however. I think it would be more accurate to describe the setups as "restricted", rather than locked up tight; although I've only seen one scenario. In that scenario you are "free" within the setup zones. Nothing is locked in place. Treeburst155 out. [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  14. Maybe Jarmo isn't lucky at all. It could be that Lady Luck is just pissed off at The Pool and all who claim to be members thereof. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Now it is time for my lecture on gamey play. There are no rules concerning such play because every situation is different. What might be gamey in one situation might be perfectly OK in another. There is also disagreement on what is or isn't gamey. There are however some tactics that are generally considered gamey. If you use such tactics you may detract from your opponents' enjoyment of the game. Below is a list of tactics generally accepted as gamey. Discuss this list with your opponents. You should know how he feels about the list. Gamey tactics aren't nearly as effective if you KNOW your opponent is going to use them. If you know he intends to use some of these tactics you can defend against the tactics or use them yourself. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of coming to an understanding with your opponents concerning this list. Be truthful with your opponents if you intend to use any of the tactics below. POTENTIALLY Gamey Tactics-Use at your own risk. Your opponent may not like it if he sees these things. 1) Setting fire to "squares" or buildings unoccupied by enemy troops, ESPECIALLY to deny a VL or covered access to one. 2) Advancing large formations along the map edge. 3) Scouting with AT teams, crews of knocked out vehicles or guns, MG teams, and anybody who is "low" on ammo. 4) Recon with light (cheap) vehicles well into enemy territory. 5) Exposing AT teams and FOs SOLEY for the purpose of drawing enemy fire. 6) Ordering vehicle and gun crews to participate in an attack or hunt down enemy teams or spotters. 7) Rushing infantry straight at a known enemy position (especially through cover) WHILE TARGETING THEM with the running units, and with no supporting/suppressive fire. 8) Rushing the flag(s) in the last turn or two when you would have no hope of surviving were the game to go another turn or two. Avoid these tactics and you are safe. Use them and you have stepped into the risky gray area of "Potentially Gamey Tactics". GOLDEN RULES: Protect your AT teams until they have a target. Use half squads and spare HQs for scouting/recon. Keep your vehicle/gun crews alive. Ask yourself the following questions while giving orders: 1) Would the order be given in real life? 2) Would the order be obeyed in real life? 3) Will the results of that order affect the battle in a realistic way or will you be exploiting imperfections of the game engine? Treeburst155 out. [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  16. Here is your schedule. The Allied player is always on the left. You will play either 3 games as Allies or 2 games as Allies. Your attack/defend duties are not taken into consideration. You may be on the attack in all five scenarios or vise versa. You never know what the fortunes of war may require of you. The scenarios are unbalanced and unfair, just like the real thing. The tournament is still very fair because of Nabla's scoring system. Scenario imbalance is not a problem!! If you get wiped out, there is a good chance the eleven other people who played that scenario from the same side will also do poorly. It is possible to lose 80-20 and still get more "tourney points" for that scenario than your opponent. Do not get discouraged by a bad score. You won't really know what a good or bad score is until the very end. If you look at Section One/Scenario One you will notice that Juha will have his score compared to Topi and Heibis for that scenario. If you continue down, looking at Juha's schedule, you will see that his scores will be compared against everyone else in his section two times. This is true for everyone and is very important for fairness. This is much more important than who attacks or defends. Attack/defend duties do not matter at all except for giving the players some variety. Chances are you will not do one or the other exclusively. If you have questions about the scoring system check Nabla's link at the top of this thread. All is explained for those who are interested. However, it is not necessary to understand the scoring system. Just fight your war as best you can. Since you will not have knowledge of any game results except your own there is no way to plan a strategy around the scoring system anyway. You are completely in the dark, even the UberFinns are blind as to the war around them. EDIT: The schedule has been deleted due to leaks in the Nordic Wannabee tournament. You true Nordics have been fine, but it's better not to take chances. [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ] [ 12-13-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  17. Here are your section assignments: SECTION ONE Juha Ahoniemi (Finland) Ari Maenpaa (Finland) Topi (Finland) Heibis (Norway) vskalex (Sweden) Ghost Dog (Sweden) SECTION TWO Tuomas (Finland) Jarmo (Finland) Sesam (Finland) Dr Alimantado (Sweden) Patrik (Sweden) Dragoon19 (Denmark) SECTION THREE tero (Finland) tss (Finland) Juha Keratar (Finland) Stefan Fredrikson (Sweden) Von Heinrich (Sweden) Loke (Norway) SECTION FOUR PasiN (Finland) Pixie (Finland) AS (?) Mattias (Sweden) Romeoman (Sweden) Joseph Porta (Norway) [ 11-02-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  18. Thank you WineCape! You've been so generous in the past I'm afraid to ask you anymore, especially since we already have a WineCape sponsored CMBB tournament in the works. It appears from Nabla's post above that his scenarios are carefully thought out. He may be joining the ranks of our Uberdesigners after this tournament, eh? So you have a nice prize, Wild Bill scenarios, Nabla scenarios, an excellent scoring system by Nabla, an excellent scheduling program by Nabla, and a dedicated tourney manager. In return for this all you need to do is complete your games by the deadline. Ultimately, the success of the tournament depends on the participants doing just that. I am putting together the sections and generating schedules now. I will post all this later today. It's gonna be good!! Treeburst155 out.
  19. Here's the list so far. Make sure the email I have for you is correct. There is room for nine more people. 1) redwolf- redwolf@cons.org 2) Cpl Carrot- rjb109@i4free.co.nz 3) a1steaks- gpaull@pacbell.net 4) SGT_Gold- rspilot@nyc.rr.com 5) Cooper- coopermichael1@qwest.net 6) THumpre- aewert@home.com 7) The Commissar- commissar84128@icqmail.com 8) fytinghellfish- keenedder@aol.com 9) Mare Ichthys- bass-a@home.com 10) Strider- Strider@bak.rr.com 11) Dogface21- lovelett437@hotmail.com 12) ciks- edgars@batesadm.lv 13) Sgt_Kelly- frederic.callewaert@skynet.be 14) White4- god_emperor_lerche@yahoo.com 15) Wreck- leonard@dc.net Treeburst155 out.
  20. The standings have been updated to show Shandorf's lucky win over Michael Dorosh. Congratulations, Shandorf! You are solidly in 3rd place. Shandorf has only one more game to play if Fionn withdraws from the tourney. Most all of you are past the halfway mark now. Treeburst155 out.
  21. OK, I've got the solution. Mr Spkr and Tincan will have played one game less than everyone else. It is essential that all players play the same number of games so they have an equal number of opportunities to score points. So, I will throw out the low score from each player's column except for Mr Spkr and Tincan. That will give everyone five games that count and boost everyone's average too. Nobody has to have a nice win thrown out. To Mr Spkr and his three remaining opponents, Continue your games and keep us posted. Since you are nearing the end of these games I'll not set a deadline. Just remember we are waiting on you. Since only Mike8g and StuG III have finished all their games, they are the only one's I can remove the low score from at this point. I'll hold off on this until the end. It's anybody's guess who will win now. Treeburst155 out.
  22. OK, we've got eight guys already. If you are unfamiliar with how the tourney will work, take some time to read over the Wild Bill thread and the Nordic Championship thread. Everything you might want or need to know is in those threads. You have a week or more to read them. The main thing to remember is not to post AARs to this or any other thread. You will know nothing except your own game results until the end, when all will be revealed. You will have to play five games in 90 days. TCP/IP is fine IF your opponent agrees to it. No one can be forced into a TCP/IP game. This is primarily a PBEM tournament. Please be sure you can commit to five games in 90 days. Ultimately, the tourney's success depends on you guys getting your games played by the deadline(yet to be established). That's it for now. Dismissed!! Treeburst155 out.
  23. Welcome, Redwolf! I'm wondering if I should use the scores from the Nordic tournament and vise versa to give an even more accurate median score for the scenarios. I think I will. If this tourney fills up that would mean each scenario will be played 24 times between the two tourneys. That would be excellent for the scoring of both tournaments. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Yes, my email appears to have gone out yesterday. Mick, I have M. Dorosh's purchases. You should have my latest turn. My email appears to be working now. John, try using Ben Galanti's method to access the standings. If it doesn't work for you I will post them here. Give it a try first. I have contacted the inactive players to verify their withdrawal. All have indeed withdrawn except maybe Fionn. I'm writing to him now. Treeburst155 out.
  25. I count 11 Finns, 8 Swedes, 3 Norwegians, 1 Dane, and one unknown. I will spread the nationalities among the sections as much as possible. As soon as I am sure nobody changes their mind about the tournament I will put together the sections and generate the schedules using another of Nabla's ingenious programs. Your schedule and opponent contact list will be posted to this thread. Highlight and copy it for your convenience. It is up to you to arrange your games with your opponents. Once you have agreed to play, one of you must email me and I will send out the secured scenarios and briefings with passwords and instructions. Remember, don't post spoilers to this thread!! Treeburst155 out.
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