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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I'm not sure how the final round will work yet. Once this war is ignited Nabla and I will be working on that. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Here's the updated Contact List. Sorry about the delay. I was forced to re-install Windows last night after fixing things that weren't broken. Section One redwolf- redwolf@cons.org Rother- ullr@gci.net Mare Ichthys- bass-a@home.com SGT_Gold- rspilot@nyc.rr.com Cooper- coopermichael1@qwest.net fytinghellfish- keenedder@aol.com Section Two THumpre- aewert@home.com Ricochet- tramos1@optonline.com Massattack- declankerney@aol.com White4-christian.p.lerche@saic.com; god_emperor_lerche@yahoo.com a1steaks- gpaull@pacbell.net Jack Trap- glowbox@pacbell.net Section Three Cpl Carrot- rjb109@i4free.co.nz The Commissar- commissar84128@icqmail.com Kanonier Reichmann- jimbo@picknowl.com.au Warhammer-kurtlindquist@hotmail.com; kurt155kurt@netscape.net Wreck- leonard@dc.net Lopaka- rwinant@fenwick.com Section Four Mr Johnson- Klevi@qwest.net Shadow- shadow@jagdtiger.de Scheer- soenke.nommensen@kielnet.net Sgt_Kelly- frederic.callewaert@skynet.be ciks- edgars@batesadm.lv Strider- Strider@bak.rr.com Treeburst155 out. [ 11-10-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  3. I'm proud to announce that Master HTML programmer, Treeburst155 has fixed the problem some of you were having with the standings page! After several months of hard work and study I have learned to remove spaces from file names. Redwolf deserves no credit for this brilliant discovery of mine. Treeburst155 out.
  4. The url to the Invitational page that I see does not have any spaces. There is a "%20" inserted automatically. Hey, maybe I can fix this! I've got an idea. Thanks Redwolf! Treeburst155 out.
  5. Lopaka, You think just like I do. The primary purpose of the AARs is to provide feedback to the scenario designers; so they should be truthful. All AARs are due by the same day all games must be completed (the tourney end date). You will not know how you are doing in the tourney since no game results will be revealed until the end. This means you will not be in a position to decide to write AARs because you "need" the points. Treeburst155 out.
  6. The MickOZ/Fuerte battle has come to an end. Mick outscored Fuerte 42-31 using the German forces. Congratulations, MickOZ!! Redwolf, Here is how Ben Galanti works around problems with the standings page: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>John, as for the scores, I've had some trouble too with the pages. I don't know what problem you are having specifically, but I know I have to replace the spaces between the words in the page name with a "%20" (without the quotes) for it to work on my browser.<hr></blockquote> Treeburst155 out.
  7. You send AARs to me. They will be made available to all after the tourney is over. Treeburst155 out.
  8. The "Nordic Wannabees" are just more impatient than you TRUE Nordics. Treeburst155 out.
  9. I know you're all ready to go. I think Nabla needs the weekend to tweak his scenarios a bit more and then we can begin the war. BTW, somebody asked about AARs. You will get extra tourney points for AARs. If you write a fairly detailed AAR (2-3 good pages) you will get 1/2 tourney point. If you right a brief AAR you will get a 1/4 tourney point. This means the most you could get would be 2.5 AAR points for the five scenarios. This should help you out if it turns out to be a tight race. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Ricochet, "Wow, Sarge! They just torched that building Harry's team went into! I don't think they'll be coming out. What do we do?" "Well, son, I think we know where to put that 105VT now." Treeburst155 out.
  11. OK, I'm putting Kanonier Reichmann in Dogface21's slot in Section 3. I'll post an updated Contact List soon. Treeburst155 out.
  12. I've flushed out a lot of AT teams and MGs by hammering suspected enemy positions (buildings) with direct fire HE. Property damage is nothing compared to the lives of my men, even if I have to go against orders. Who is to say when it is "necessary" to blow buildings? On defense I try to stay out of buildings until my opponent blows them up. Then I take up positions in the nice rubble. Treeburst155 out.
  13. This just in from the front! MickOZ scored a Major Victory over Michael Dorosh, 83-17. Congratulations, MickOZ!! The standings have been updated. Treeburst155 out.
  14. I don't know Ricochet. If I spotted an isolated burning building near what could be an excellent ambush position, I would be very careful. IOW, your intentional torching would make me real suspicious. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Warhammer, Your address change back to Hotmail has been noted. The original section list on page two is correct. Kanonier Reichmann, If I do not hear from Dogface21 in twenty four hours you are in. Treeburst155 out.
  16. Great minds at work.....I love following it. NOw what are you trying to do to my scoring program?! :eek: I don't understand the problem with it. I can adjust the max possible score, and therefore the flatness of the curve simply by changing the value of "a". Where's the problem? Treeburst155 out.
  17. Excellent, gentlemen! Thank you for finishing that one up. I will update the standings now. I neglected to do that after the Mr Spkr/Tankbuster results were reported. Sorry about that. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Shandorf, You will be finished as soon as you complete your game with Jarmo! Then you can begin the long wait for the others to finish. You're hoping they can bring down Ari Maenpaa and also chop each other up real good, leaving you on top. Ari still has seven games to complete. Treeburst155 out.
  19. These are all head to head frontal armor showdowns. Why? Because 80% of the armor duels I find myself engaged in are head-on or nearly so. I don't think more tungsten would make much of a difference against the Panther. Penetration of tungsten is actually worse than AP against the heavily sloped hull armor. Tungsten may help against the Panther turret however. In normal play I have bounced many a tungsten round off Panther fronts. The Panther is just one tough tank. I'd rather fight Tigers any day. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Nabla and a mathematician friend of his have decided the schedule is optimized as much as possible. They had a computer running for hours testing different schedules. So, your schedules will remain as previously posted. I have no idea of the size of three of the scenarios. The two I have seen are medium. I think November 8th may be a bit optimistic for a start date, although I'm not sure. As soon as I get the scenarios and create the secured versions we can begin. Everything else is ready. Dogface, are you out there?! Should I hold your slot for awhile? Treeburst155 out.
  21. I'm amazed at the effort you are putting into this! Thank you, and thank your mathematician friend too. I will go buy a 2.0 Ghz CPU right now so I can use the program. LOL!! Seriously, all tournaments I run from now on will use 6 players per section. Considering the speed at which players complete their games this is the optimal size IMO. I will also run a minimum of 4 sections to minimize the issue of multiple comparisons between the same players in a section. This is a minor issue with 4 sections of 6 IMO. Thanks for your hardwork! Treeburst155 out
  22. News from the front!! Fionn has decided that his last year of medical school is more important than the Invitational tournament. I think he needs to get his priorities straight myself. This new development puts Shandorf in 2nd place. I find this somewhat depressing. The standings have been updated. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Dogface21, You still have awhile before the tourney begins. If you can get back up and running within 2-3 weeks you'll still have plenty of time to finish your games. Do you want me to hold your slot for awhile? Treeburst155 out.
  24. Colonel Kettler cannot come to the battle right now. He has been called to Berlin to report on the effectiveness of the 210mm German rocket artillery. Treeburst155 out.
  25. It would probably be better if you hold off on game requests until I give the word. I might lose the emails if I have to hang on to them too long. Remember, the scenarios aren't even ready yet. When you do send in your game requests, be sure you give your forum nickname. This is the only way I really know who you are. Otherwise, I have to go by your email address which doesn't always work and requires an extra step for me. This applies to game results too. I always need your forum name somewhere in the email. Also, make sure you have touched base with your prospective opponent before requesting a game. He may not be ready to start a game with you yet. If this happens the files sit on his drive for a month and he loses them. Then I have to resend. Finally, we have discovered a scheduling glitch. This means the game schedules will most likely change. Your section assignments will remain the same however. Everybody sit tight and be patient.
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