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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Congratulations, Fangorn! The game has been recorded and the standings updated. It's between Sledge59 and Fangorn now. Mike8g was taken out of the running by Fangorn's victory. One game left to go, with Mr Spkr as the spoiler. Treeburst155 out. [ 11-14-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  2. Try my "Flag Rush Hill" at the Scenario Depot. It's even with lots of tactical choices for both players. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Kanonier Reichmann, There is no way to see the briefings in-game because they are not part of the original secured scenario file the game was started with. This was done for security reasons. You'll just have to print the briefings or escape out of the game to view them. ciks, The deadline is Valentine's Day, February 14th. Mr. Johnson, Thanks for the compliment. No, I'm not an efficiency expert. I just have lots of time and stay extremely organized. I will be pleasantly surprised if I didn't send out at least one wrong file to the wrong person. Treeburst155 out. No spoilers to the thread!!
  4. Scenarios 1-3 are Nabla's work, and scenarios 4 and 5 belong to Wild Bill. I just pass 'em out and record your scores. Treeburst155 out.
  5. I've passed out ALL the scenarios/briefings to everyone. The LOSERS should send the battle results to me. Make sure both your's and your opponent's forum nicknames are mentioned. Good Luck, gentlemen; and have fun! Remember, NO spoilers to this thread!! Treeburst155
  6. I've passed out ALL the scenarios/briefings to everyone. The LOSERS should send the battle results to me. Make sure both your's and your opponent's forum nicknames are mentioned. Good Luck, gentlemen; and have fun! Remember, NO spoilers to this thread!! Treeburst155
  7. My email is up!! Evidently Mick is hurting for turns from his opponents. He writes: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>twas another day off and poor Aussie Mick.. Was wasting his day feeling lonesome and sick... No grunts to shoot at, no tanks to pot... The files were outgoing.. the incoming were not... All of his squads and all of his men Were frozen in cyber-space until god knows when.. His opponents muttered something about crap ISP's... Or time zones or sweethearts or pruning their trees, Mick's family was heartless, they sneered at his pout, "Get a life you sad mongrel and take the rubbish out!" But Mick's thoughts had drifted, he was back on the field.. the arty was booming and his men wouldn't yield.. The hell with opponents, he'd just had enough.. It was time to do battle and that AI could be rough!<hr></blockquote> Treeburst155 out.
  8. Dragoon19, All email to you is bouncing back to me. Here's the address I have for you: tbrath@e-mail.dk Treeburst155 out.
  9. The German player must place the .cmb file into his Saved Game or Scenario folder. He then starts the game normally, as he would start any other PBEM game, using the password I have assigned to him. Do not try to load the game as a PBEM file when starting a game. This has caused confusion in the past, and definitely won't work. If you receive a .cmb file from me just treat it like any other scenario you would download. My email is STILL down, but I'm ready when my ISP is. Treeburst155 out.
  10. The German player must place the .cmb file into his Saved Game or Scenario folder. He then starts the game normally, as he would start any other PBEM game, using the password I have assigned to him. Do not try to load the game as a PBEM file when starting a game. This has caused confusion in the past, and definitely won't work. If you receive a .cmb file from me just treat it like any other scenario you would download. My email is STILL down, but I'm ready when my ISP is. Treeburst155 ot.
  11. My email is down again :mad: I can receive but I cannot send. My ISP has been notified. Treeburst155 out.
  12. My email is down again. :mad: I can receive, but I cannot send. I have some game requests I will process when I'm back up again. My ISP has been notified. Treeburst155 out.
  13. A QB without the BER is like a plane without wings. It won't fly. Treeburst155 out.
  14. OK, it is 0930 (GMT-6). I have 36 games ready to send out, but I am unable to do so. I have notified my ISP of the problem. Hopefully they can get me going soon. The final two scenarios are now finished and in my hands. All I need to do is go through the somewhat tedious process of making them secure. I will do this now along with continued processing of more game requests. Loose lips sink ships!! Treeburst155 out.
  15. OK, it is 0930 (GMT-6). I have 36 games ready to send out, but I am unable to do so. I have notified my ISP of the problem. Hopefully they can get me going soon. The final two scenarios are now finished and in my hands. All I need to do is go through the somewhat tedious process of making them secure. I will do this now along with continued processing of more game requests. Loose lips sink ships!! Treeburst155 out.
  16. I've received so many scenario requests that I've decided to send them all out in an assembly line fasion. However, right now my outgoing email is not working. I can receive but I can't send. While I wait for the email to work I'm putting together the files and getting the letters ready. Treeburst155 out.
  17. It appears my outgoing mail is down. I can receive and I can surf the web, but I can't send mail. I have 17 games ready to send when my mail comes up. I've received so many game requests I decided to set up an assembly line situation. I'll be passing out all 36 games (the first 3 scenarios) as soon as I can. In the meantime I'm putting the stuff together. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Kanonier, The scheduling has been optimized for fairness as it relates to the scoring system. Believe it or not Nabla and a mathematician friend of his worked on the scheduling using a university computer for an entire afternoon. For details on how the scoring system evolved see the "Balanced and Unbalanced Tournament Scoring" thread. They tried to split the Axis/Allies duties evenly but it worked out to be mathematically impossible to do while still retaining the other more important scheduling criteria. Treeburst155 out.
  19. THE NORDIC WAR IS ON!! I'm ready to pass out scenarios 1-3 now; and will begin doing so immediately. Scenarios 4 and 5 are not ready yet, but we have enough to get started. Arrange your games, send me an email with your FORUM name and your opponent's FORUM name to get the scenarios. The tourney officially begins now. All AARs and final game results are due no later than Valentine's Day (February 14th). Someone asked about AAR scoring. AARs are worth either 1/4 or 1/2 of a tourney point depending on how thorough and complete it is. Two or three good pages will get you a half point. I figure the winner will score about 12 tourney points. If you write five good AARs you will get 2.5 points tacked on to the end of your final tourney score, a nice little bonus. We found an exploitable flaw in our scoring system which has an easy fix. Here's the new twist: For games that do not add up to 100 points the difference will be split between the players. For example: A final score of 60-30 will be recorded as 65-35. If you can figure out why we are doing this then you have a devious and gamey mind. Let the war begin!! Treeburst155 out.
  20. Kanonier, These scenarios are not balanced so it really doesn't matter which side you play. Cpl. Carrot, I've never thought about this. I always play with detailed armor hits ON. For this tourney I think you should too since there is no way of making sure your opponent does not. I'm ready to pass out scenarios 1-3 now; and will begin doing so immediately. Scenarios 4 and 5 are not ready yet, but we have enough to get started. Arrange your games, send me an email with your FORUM name and your opponents FORUM name to get the scenarios. The tourney officially begins now. All AARs and final game results are due no later than Valentine's Day (February 14th). Someone asked about AAR scoring. AARs are worth either 1/4 or 1/2 of a tourney point depending on how thorough and complete it is. Two or three good pages will get you a half point. I figure the winner will score about 12 tourney points. If you write five good AARs you will get 2.5 points tacked on to the end of your final tourney score, a nice little bonus. We found an exploitable flaw in our scoring system which has an easy fix. Here's the new twist: For games that do not add up to 100 points the difference will be split between the players. For example: A final score of 60-30 will be recorded as 65-35. If you can figure out why we are doing this then you have a devious and gamey mind. Let the war begin!! Treeburst155 out.
  21. Here's the schedule again. It may be a bit difficult to read because it is set up in the format required by the scoring program, but you can figure it out. The Allied player is ALWAYS on the left. #ScenarioOne redwolf Rother Mare_Ichthys fytinghellfish SGT_Gold Cooper THumpre Ricochet Massattack Jack_Trap White4 a1steaks Cpl_Carrot The_Commissar Kanonier Lopaka Warhammer Wreck Mr_Johnson Shadow Scheer Strider Sgt_Kelly ciks #ScenarioTwo Mare_Ichthys redwolf Rother SGT_Gold fytinghellfish Cooper Massattack THumpre Ricochet White4 Jack_Trap a1steaks Kanonier Cpl_Carrot The_Commissar Warhammer Lopaka Wreck Scheer Mr_Johnson Shadow Sgt_Kelly Strider ciks #ScenarioThree redwolf SGT_Gold Cooper Mare_Ichthys fytinghellfish Rother THumpre White4 a1steaks Massattack Jack_Trap Ricochet Cpl_Carrot Warhammer Wreck Kanonier Lopaka The_Commissar Mr_Johnson Sgt_Kelly ciks Scheer Strider Shadow #ScenarioFour Cooper redwolf SGT_Gold fytinghellfish Mare_Ichthys Rother a1steaks THumpre White4 Jack_Trap Massattack Ricochet Wreck Cpl_Carrot Warhammer Lopaka Kanonier The_Commissar ciks Mr_Johnson Sgt_Kelly Strider Scheer Shadow #ScenarioFive redwolf fytinghellfish Rother Cooper Mare_Ichthys SGT_Gold THumpre Jack_Trap Ricochet a1steaks Massattack White4 Cpl_Carrot Lopaka The_Commissar Wreck Kanonier Warhammer Mr_Johnson Strider Shadow ciks Scheer Sgt_Kelly Treeburst155 out. [ 11-11-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  22. Well John, Ben Galanti and Ari Maenpaa are still behind you in games completed in this tourney so I don't see why you can't take a little time off from this one. Michael Dorosh, Yeah, I noticed your average actually went down after removing Fionn's games. I was surprised too. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Here we go, gentlemen. This should be the last thread necessary for this tournament. How are we doing Mr Spkr? Treeburst155 out.
  24. I think you're absolutely right JPS! That's very easy for me to implement, and involves no work for Nabla. I'm just correcting the input to his scoring program. Good thinking! How about it, Nabla? Do you see any flaws in JPS's thinking? Treeburst155 out.
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