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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I started the original Jeep Recon thread, the first major gamey discussion, AFAIK ! :cool: Treeburst155 out.
  2. BTS doesn't seem to like giving up the "inner calculations" in the game. Remember, we had to figure out the scoring calculations ourselves. The more people know of these inner workings the more prone they are to gamey play IMO. I think it's enough to know that I need to have combat capable forces very near the VL with as few enemy as possible within 80m or so. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Actually, Warhammer, once you've started the PBEM game you don't need the original scenario file. I'm assuming you sent your setup to Wreck already. I'll dig up the files I sent you for the game if you want them, but you shouldn't need them. Treeburst155 out.
  4. I'm afraid it does for quite a few people, Commissar. Right now I'm splitting my time between the computer and relatives. It will be Sunday night before I'm in full swing again. Treeburst155 out.
  5. I lost a hard drive about 24 hours ago. Any email sent to me since then was lost. I'm up and running again with no data loss (daily backup) other than the last few emails I received. I saw them, but did not get around to reading them before the catastrophe. So, if you've written in the last 24 hours you need to resend. Thanks!! Treeburst155 out.
  6. I lost a hard drive about 24 hours ago. Any email sent to me since then was lost. I'm up and running again with no data loss (daily backup) other than the last few emails I received. I saw them, but did not get around to reading them before the catastrophe. So, if you've written in the last 24 hours you need to resend. Thanks!! Treeburst155 out.
  7. Thanks, Cogust!! OK, I have an idea here. All you guys in Section 3 contact Cogust and let him know how far your game with Von Heinrich has progressed. Cogust can then decide whether he would prefer to start over completely or continue with the last file you sent to Von Heinrich. This will allow Cogust to start fresh if a game has not progressed very far. You are still on your honor to inform Cogust of the true status of your game with Von Heinrich so he can make a wise decision concerning a restart. Does this sound like a workable plan? I will get together all the .cmb files and briefings Cogust needs to get oriented. Cogust email: connyf94@acc.umu.se EDIT: Stefan wrote: "When a game is finished the loser sends the result to Treeburst155 and Nabla, with copy to the winner? - Winner and loser then each sends their AAR separately to Treeburst155 and Nabla." This is perfect! Keeping AARs separate from final score emails is very helpful to me. Also, don't forget to mention both forum nicknames in final score reports. Treeburst155 out. [ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ] [ 11-22-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  8. Good luck with your new job Von Heinrich! I hate to lose you, but I understand. To Von Heinrich's section, If it is Von Heinrich's turn in your game with him then you will resend that file to your new opponent. If it your turn you must take your turn and hold the resulting file until I let you know who to send it to. You are on your honor here. I'm trusting you as the honorable officers and gentlemen you all are. I expect you to uphold the finest of military traditions here, and that is honor. Ugbash, There are a few people who posted to this thread expressing a desire to be a replacement before you (page 4). The first one, "Cogust", has been contacted. I will wait a couple days for him to respond, then I will offer the slot to LtData, then Krazh, and then you. Treeburst155 out.
  9. I'm with Philippe How do I make the copyright symbol "c" with the circle around it? Treeburst155 out.
  10. Vanir, I will not sue you only because I have enjoyed your posts over the many months and almost always agree with you. I first noticed you on the old "Jeep Recon" thread many moons ago; which BTW,I started back when I was "Smoker". Treeburst155 out. @copyright
  11. The only copyright notice I have ever seen is on the MDMP mods. Thanks for the education. Treeburst155 out. © copyright
  12. Shadow needs only to finish his games by February 14th. I won't put pressure on him until we're down to about eight weeks. This leaves ample time to PBEM these scenarios. Beyond that time frame he would be forcing players to do TCP/IP so he could finish on time. This would not be acceptable and he would be replaced at that point. I'll keep an eye on the situation. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Scipio, I'm not too familiar with the "mods on CD" issue, but I do remember seeing the thread. Unless there was money involved in some way, I don't see the problem there either. I will admit I'm ignorant of all this copyright type stuff, but I see no need to protect anybody's rights to work they GAVE AWAY. It's all just petty grade school crap unless there is money changing hands IMO. Treeburst155 out.
  14. No scenario is anywhere near being completed by all players. I have 5-7 game results for each scenario, so we're at the halfway point. Treeburst155 out.
  15. The fact this issue has come up is unfathomable to my blue collar, uneducated way of thinking. If you don't want your "art" spread around, DON'T release it! Once your work hits any hard disk other than your own you have lost control of it. What, now BTS, webmasters, and modders need to sign agreements and such?! What about scenario designers? Are they next? I don't get it. There's no MONEY involved here! Hey, why don't we all start sueing each other over CM? Wouldn't that be great fun. Geez!! This issue disgusts me thoroughly. Whoever pulled this crap on Manx is a petty little BABY. I hope I don't have any of his mods on my drive. I almost can't bare the thought that I may be staring at this clown's doodles every day. He needs to take his marbles and go home. We should all boycott anything he produced or produces. It's not like we don't have other choices. Who is it anyway? Geez, I don't really want to know. End rant. Treeburst155 out.
  16. Mattias, Release of the scenarios after the tournament is entirely up to the designers. I know Wild Bill is releasing all the scenarios from the Wild Bill tournament after that one is over. I think it is safe to assume the Nordic Championship scenarios will be available to the community after the tourney is over. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Tell ya what, Fangorn.....If you and Sledge59 don't need the scenario for a playoff I'll be happy to PBEM it with you if you want. A scenario can never be playtested too much, especially a "superbowl" scenario. I would send you the .cmb file so you could look both sides over in the editor and choose your side. That way we are on equal footing since I know both players' forces. I'm hoping for a draw in this tourney so you and Sledge59 can test it blind for me. Treeburst155 out.
  18. In the case of a draw I have an extensively playtested BALANCED scenario for you. SuperTed and I have PBEMed it twice and I've also played it with MickOZ. I'm considering using it for the "Superbowl" scenario in the Wild Bill tournament. I hope you and Sledge59 do end up tied. EDIT: At one time, Kiwi Joe, the winner of WineCape One, expressed a desire to take on the winner of this tournament. If he still wants to, and the winner of this tourney also wants to, I would be willing to use my Superbowl scenario for the match. I will contact Kiwi and see if he's still interested. Treeburst155 out. [ 11-20-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  19. Alrighty then, everything seems to be going well with my Nordic friends. Keep up the carnage and try to stay warm up there. Treeburst155 out.
  20. OK, Mr Spkr, time to send off some turns. Treeburst155 out.
  21. I see all goes well here. Excellent! Carry on. Treeburst155 out.
  22. I think the mirrored game is the way to go if you want to be sure you're on equal footing. In that case the scenarios don't have to be balanced at all, really. A scenario balanced using the point system can very easily be unbalanced, as others have noted. Extensive playtesting is the only way to know you're close with regard to balance. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Germanboy wrote: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>An add-on: balancing a scenario for multi-player involves something else than equal purchase points. To do it well you actually have to think a bit, and the real unbalancing effect is a case of PEBKAS. I.e. I can do what I want to balance a scenario, if the players are not evenly matched, it won't play well-balanced.<hr></blockquote> He makes two very important points here. If you're on the hunt for balanced scenarios, either the design of them or to play them, you should keep these two points in mind. Treeburst155 ot.
  24. News from the front! Ari Maenpaa has defeated CapitalistDog with the British forces. The final score was 43-28. Congratulations, Ari! The standings have been updated. Treeburst155 out.
  25. I have two scenarios at the Depot. Both are designed strictly with balanced PBEM in mind. I don't bother with the AI at all, when playing or designing. Treeburst155 out.
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