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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I get absolutely marvelous performance with the 7.78 WHQL drivers. Anti-aliasing works well in CM and they're almost as fast as the 21.83 on 3DMark2000. I think the graphics are a bit better looking than the 21.8X series too. I'm running all the default settings except for the AA which I have at 2X. I'm using DirectX 8.1 also. I'll leave the 21.XX series to the GForce3 people. I believe that's the card those drivers are really optimized for anyway. Treeburst155 out.
  2. LOL! Very entertaining, Commissar. BTW, Play green troops. They're the secret to realism. Treeburst155 out.
  3. So the Newbie Tournament is a reality. That's great news, SuperTed. I'll help you playtest a scenario or two for the tourney if you want. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Hehehe...I like it. I'm not even so sure it's gamey. You'd have to be able to get an MG to the hulk fairly quickly. What about the different sounds the various MGs make? That could give you away. Treeburst155 out.
  5. Chad, There will be plenty of tournaments after CMBB comes out. On the first come/ first serve ones you have to be fast. Check the forum every day once CMBB comes out. Stoffel, Yes, I found my Tacops CD. I've also got a TacOps map I was working on. It's rather good I think, but it's unfinished. I still need to assign the terrain values. If only there was more time. I love TacOps. I will buy the Major's new version as soon as it comes out. I've also got his field manual CD. There's some very interesting stuff in there. OK, back on topic. So SuperTed, are the newbies having a tournament? Treeburst155 out.
  6. I like the triple blind idea. That's an original twist. Stoffel's suggestion is great too for keeping things real simple. No scoring problems, no gamey problems, etc.. I played in Iron Duke's second tournament and had a blast. Anything goes with tactics, and crazy maps. It was a lot of fun. The knockout tourney type is not as good a measure of player skill relative to the others, but it's just as fun. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Good question, Fuerte. WineCape will be along to answer it, I'm sure. I've been doing a load of tourney work today and I thought this might be a good time to update everyone on the games they have yet to complete. Some of these may already be started. Michael Dorosh: Ari Maenpaa John Kettler Jarmo Ben Galanti Ari Maenpaa: Michael Dorosh MickOZ John Kettler Jarmo Ben Galanti Fuerte: John Kettler Ben Galanti Shandorf: Finished MickOZ: Ari Maenpaa John Kettler Ben Galanti CapitalistDog: Texas Toast Ben Galanti John Kettler: Michael Dorosh Ari Maenpaa Fuerte MickOZ Texas Toast Jarmo: Michael Dorosh Ari Maenpaa Ben Galanti Texas Toast: CapitalistDog John Kettler Ben Galanti Ben Galanti Michael Dorosh Ari Maenpaa Fuerte MickOZ CapitalistDog Jarmo Texas Toast There is no hurry on these games. I just want everyone to know where they stand. As you can see from the standings page we have a fairly good race going for the "World's #1 Red Blend" plus five more fine wines. Some of you may not remember, but WineCape put up some of his BEST wines for this tourney's winner. It would appear the London International Wine and Spirit judges agree with him on what is "best". Have fun! Treeburst155 out. [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  8. The most important thing is not to require too many games be played by each player. I think five games is the best. More than that and the last players won't finish until July 4th. Five games in 90 days seems quite doable for people. What's triple blind? Treeburst155 out.
  9. Yeah, SuperTed! You could run a "Newbie Tournament". Nobody with member numbers under 6000 allowed. If you don't do it I just might have to break down for poor Chad. EDIT: Oh, I forgot. Thanks, Seanachai. I appreciate the compliment and have always thought the same of you. Long live the Mutha Beautiful Thread!! Treeburst155 out. [ 12-01-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  10. Seanachai wrote: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The most vile display of taunting in the Peng Challenge Thread simply doesn't hold a candle to 'tournament whores' niggling over every little detail of their obsessive need to 'win'. <hr></blockquote> I agree completely. Fortunately, by removing force purchasing from tournaments through the use of designed scenarios that problem is negligible now. It should also be noted that the remaining Invitational players are getting along nicely. I'll run a tournament for Chad Harrison this spring. You're already in, Chad! I'd start one now but I'm up to my ears in tournaments for the next couple months. Treeburst155 out.
  11. Very interesting, WineCape.....the best red blend in the world, eh?! I sure am glad Kiwi Joe isn't in this tourney to desecrate that fine bottle of vino. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Don't forget to send me the Holien/Tom final score. If you already did I never received it. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  13. I review the scenarios I play, but I don't really like the scoring system. I would rather rate the scenario as a whole with one number (1-10), and deal with the various individual aspects in a paragraph or two. Treeburst155 out.
  14. The "War Room" mod is the hands down best for seeing every nook and cranny from view 4. It's a big help with keyhole LOS too. Hull down is no problem, even from view 4. Do you want to assess terrain quickly and accurately? Get the "War Room" terrain mod. It ain't pretty, but it's good. WARNING: Use of the "War Room" terrain mod for more than two weeks results in an inability to return to the pretty mods. You will be doomed to stare at it forever because you won't like the lack of easily accessible terrain info you get with the pretty mods. I'm not plugging my mod. I'm just bumping this for Gyrene. Treeburst155 out. [ 11-29-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  15. Just get your people off the map any way possible. If you surrender, all your guys on the map are captured by him, thus giving him big points. If running is suicide for some troops then have those unfortunate souls stand and fight. Slow moving MGs often find themselves in this position. They can hold off the enemy while the rest of your people withdraw. It's better to be killed than captured when it comes to points. Don't be taken alive!! It's a helluva war, eh? Treeburst155 out.
  16. I'm back online now, my computer problems solved. I will be posting Fangorn's name permanently on my website as the winner of WineCape II. If he and Kiwi Joe should get together for a playoff I would be happy to provide a balanced meeting engagement for that game, if they so desire, and the winner would again be recognized on my page. Thanks again to all of you who completed the tournament. I really appreciate it. There will be more tourneys after CMBB comes out. Treeburst155 out.
  17. I'm back online!! Sgt. Kelly, The standings link in my sig is ONLY for the Invitational Tourney and the WineCape Tourneys. There will never be any info there regarding this tournament until it is over. I will try to remember to disable my sig when I post here. Treeburst155 out
  18. I'm back online with a stable machine!! Thank you, Nabla, for taking care of things here. Nabla has it right. You need the best possible CM score you can achieve. Surrender is very bad for your score. Withdraw as many forces as possible if your situation is dire. If you withdraw enough of them the game will auto-surrender for you. Make a game out of the withdrawal process. I rather enjoy it, and it can be difficult. Treeburst155 out.
  19. I'm back online!! It's good to see y'all are enjoying yourselves. I am too, now that I have a stable, smooth running machine again. Life is good, and my CM framerate is fabulous! Treeburst155 out.
  20. Congratulations, Jarmo!! That's a very large victory and will help your average substantially I would think. The results have been recorded and I'll update the standings page within a day or two. My computer has been down so I have lots of catching up to do. Treeburst155 out.
  21. More major computer problems here! Apparently my hard drive troubles were only the beginning, and maybe the result of, a failing motherboard. My machine is totally whacked, and crashes every twenty minutes. I've tried everything. Soooo, I'll be offline for few days replacing motherboards, hard drives, sound cards, whatever it takes. I'll meet up with yall later this week. Treeburst155 out.
  22. More major computer problems here! Apparently my hard drive troubles were only the beginning, and maybe the result of, a failing motherboard. My machine is totally whacked, and crashes every twenty minutes. I've tried everything. Soooo, I'll be offline for few days replacing motherboards, hard drives, sound cards, whatever it takes. I'll meet up with yall later this week. Treeburst155 out.
  23. More major computer problems here! Apparently my hard drive troubles were only the beginning, and maybe the result of, a failing motherboard. My machine is totally whacked, and crashes every twenty minutes. I've tried everything. Soooo, I'll be offline for a few days replacing motherboards, hard drives, sound cards, whatever it takes. I have all the latest mail sent to me, anything you send now will be safely waiting for me in cyber-space. I'll meet up with yall later this week. Treeburst155 out.
  24. More major computer problems here! Apparently my hard drive troubles were only the beginning, and maybe the result of, a failing motherboard. My machine is totally whacked, and crashes every twenty minutes. I've tried everything. Soooo, I'll be offline for few days replacing motherboards, hard drives, sound cards, whatever it takes. I'll meet up with yall later this week. Treeburst155 out.
  25. Congratulations, Fangorn!! It was a great race! Thanks to all you guys for finishing the tournament. I was a bit worried for awhile there. Kiwi Joe, the winner of WineCape One, has expressed interest in playing the winner of this tournament. Unfortunately, he is having trouble running CM with his new Windows XP. If you are interested, Fangorn, you should email him. Maybe he's got it going now. I will be offline for a few days. I have to replace a motherboard and a few other components that were destroyed by it. Treeburst155 out.
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