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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Alrighty then, I'm only going to bump this one time. Dogface21 is the new Nordic Wannabee commander if I don't hear from either of you by 0200 December 8 (GMT-6). I have the files ready to send. It looks like you may be our man, Dogface21. We'll give 'em eleven more hours or so. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Wild Bill is so old he was gaming WWII before the war. Congratulations on the new addition, Wild Bill! Treeburst155 out.
  3. Yeah, it was a great shock to me several years ago when I found out there was no such thing as artificial intelligence in computer games, only artificial stupidity. That's why I never bother playing against the AS. Having said that, you have to admit some of the Tac AI decisions are quite good. Every once in awhile I find myself rather pleased with some "decision" it made. Treeburst155 out.
  4. News from the front!! CapitalistDogInChina has beaten Ben Galanti, 57-31, in a night battle. This will nudge CDIC's average up a little bit. Congratulations CapDog!! I will update the website within 24 hours...and yes, M. Dorosh, I will let you know what unit types they chose. Treeburst155 out.
  5. The call has been put out to a few who have expressed interest in being replacements for this tournament. One way or another I'll get a replacement before the weekend is out. Now I'll put the replacements' file package together. Fight on!! Treeburst155 out.
  6. We need a replacement in the Nordic Wannabee tournament. You would be able to start all your games from the very beginning. Shadow never started a single game. You only have about 9 weeks to finish five games, but an extension would be granted if necessary. Here is the order in which you three expressed interest in being replacements: 1) Urban Shocker 2) Ligur 3) Dogface21 Post here or email me if you are still interested. If there is more than one of you the highest one on the list gets the job. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Yeah, as long as you keep that battleship under command of a leader with the double stealth bonus it's hard to spot. I agree we should replace Shadow while there's still plenty of time for the new guy. I was thinking in terms of you guys only. I forgot that the new guy will have to play ALL the games in the remaining time. I'll go to work on it that right now. Treeburst155 out.
  8. The wine has been shipped!! Enjoy! Treeburst155 out.
  9. Another idea is to play the semi-final and final scenarios mirrored. One is a fairly small scenario (but requires some micro-managing). Two simultaneous battles, one from each side, the highest total score moving on to the finals. The other scenario is on the large side of the medium category IMO, but it would be best if this one was played twice by the finalists too. This is the "Superbowl" scenario after all. Though there are plenty of units to maneuver, the time frame is only 25 turns. In fact, I've just convinced myself. Barring any strenuous objections the finals will be mirrored games. You might argue that you will lose FOW, but I think it's worth it for fairness. Just think of it as FINALLY being blessed with real good intelligence for once in your wartime career. Besides, you know I've been working on balance so you'll have a fairly good idea of what to expect anyway. Sound good?? Excellent!!!
  10. Hmmmm...still no Shadow, eh? Has he sent a move to anyone yet? We may have to replace him. If people don't start hearing from him by Dec.15 I'll get a replacement. Treeburst155 out.
  11. No wine for you yet, Kingfish. EVEN IF you make it to the finals, you have two grueling battles to win before the wine is yours. Now go fishing or do somefink! You have over seven weeks to wait. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Yes, the Nabla scoring system coupled with the large number of times each scenario was played will most likely give us the four strongest players to advance to the finals. The finals however may not yield the 'best of the best' for the reasons Wreck mentioned; but we've got to determine a winner somehow, eh? SuperTed and I are currently playtesting the second scenario, and MickOZ and I are also having a go at a revised version already. SuperTed will be tormented with repeated replays of the scenario after each tweak. The first scenario has been tested to exhaustion already. Neither SuperTed or I can stand it anymore. We started testing just after this tourney began in hopes of capturing that very elusive scenario characteristic, BALANCE. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Ah yes, I forgot about that. The battle takes place in June '44. Thanks, Fuerte. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Hmmm....what have we here? Could I have gotten lost and wandered into the Mutha Beautiful? It sure smells like it. There's only one way to find out for sure I guess. Here goes: I better git while the gittin's good. Oh, before I go, do DIE A LOT NOW and know that I have crushed Moriarty in The Fatherland (v1.2 I believe)... a very enjoyable and original scenario. I was the Amis. King Treeburst155 out. kniggets...hehe...SCUM
  15. Managing heavy traffic, especially with different experience levels is quite tedious, but very rewarding when you pull it off nicely. You absolutely have to micromanage road movement with traffic. If you get sloppy you get a pile-up every time. All Or Nothing is great for two way road travel, especially for the British. I had a regular freeway going ferrying troops around. The muddy conditions force you to deal with the roads. It was a thing of beauty to watch, but it took an hour to plot every turn. Treeburst155 out. Treeburst155 out.
  16. I've been giving some thought to the finals for this tournament. In the interest of time I think we will go with a knockout system rather than the round robin thing. The three section winners and the highest second place finisher(the Wild Card)will do battle using a BALANCED scenario I have created and playtested extensively with SuperTed and once with MickOZ. The highest scoring section leader will play the lowest scoring of the other three. The two winners of this fight will then proceed to the final showdown, again featuring a heavily PBEM playtested BALANCED battle by yours truly. These are not historical battles. The emphasis is on BALANCE and an abundance of tactical options. Both scenarios include what I believe to be unique ideas, or facets, if you will. What say you all? Does anyone have any aversion to the championship and the South African wine riding on a Treeburst155 set of scenarios PBEM playtested with SuperTed? Treeburst155 out.
  17. Yes, Schrullenhaft is our resident hardware guru and he does keep the good stuff coming in the technical forum. I've learned a lot from him about setting up hardware for gaming over the months (years?). Thanks, Schrullenhaft. Know that you are appreciated. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Yes, you can trade AARs with people you KNOW have finished those games. Nobody has that info unless they themselves have finished the tourney and requested such from me. Double check who you send AARs to and what AAR you are sending. Treeburst155 out.
  19. So Fuerte is the real sporting type. Wonderful!! OK then, John buys the Germans and Fuerte buys the Allies. When I get the purchases I'll put them on the map assigned for the Kettler/Fuerte game. At that point I will toss a coin to decide sides. Once decided I will send the file to the German player who will begin the game in the setup phase. Remember, 1,500 pts total. It's gonna be good! Treeburst155 out.
  20. I love that idea, always have. Whaddaya say, Fuerte. It's a gutsy way to set up a game. Treeburst155 out.
  21. SuperTed, Give 'em lots of heavy arty and rockets with green spotters and poor visibility. It would be hilarious, don't you think? Treeburst155 out.
  22. WineCape, Fuerte and I still want to know if a "red blend" is the same thing as "rose". Treeburst155 out.
  23. I think many of you will find the final scores on these scenarios very interesting. If you have finished ALL your games I will send you the results to date if you email me requesting such. The score sheet is in Microsoft Works (.wks) format, but I can change it to .txt fairly quickly if need be. We have less than eight weeks to go now so those of you who have battles not yet begun should start thinking seriously about getting those games going. Remember, nobody can be forced into a last minute TCP/IP game except John Kettler. LOL!! (I'm kidding, John, really I am.) I count ten games not yet started. BTW, there are four people who have finished the tournament already. Well, that's enough nagging from me for now. There will be more as the deadline draws closer. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Robert, The players were given 90 days to finish five PBEM games. They have to keep at it, but they don't have to kill themselves. Treeburst155 out.
  25. It won't get completely lost. I have it in my favorites folder. I can always dig it out. The Mad One will have us start another thread soon. I have several game results in now. As soon as I get the time I will record them and forward them to Nabla, Wild Bill, and WineCape. There may be some AARs attached, but I haven't looked yet. I'll get to this within 48 hours. This past weekend has been a busy tourney weekend so I got a bit behind. Treeburst155 out.
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