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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I'm glad you are enjoying the tournament White4. Now get back to your Wannabee thread. And now I am officially relieving Ghost Dog of his command. He will be replaced by "Fate" who can be reached at kirkw@island.net. I doubt he lives in a Nordic country so time zones may slow you guys down a bit, but you should still be able to exchange a file or two each day. So, you now have an outlander looking to claim the Nordic Championship. He will be available to start battle on December 30th. Resend the last file you sent to GhostDog to Fate before the 30th. I will send Fate all his briefings and passwords. If you are the Allies against Fate(GhostDog) and have not received even the initial setup file from him let me know ASAP, otherwise Fate will simply be waiting for you to send him a file. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  2. It's simply different strokes for different folks. I'm glad we are not all the same. The world would be a boring place that way. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Sgt. Gold, I'll put you on the list with a1Steaks and Bertram. You are only eligible for the Wild Bill tournament, like a1Steaks. Thanks for volunteering. Frenchy, Unless you can keep up quite a turnaround rate when you're home, the eleven days you will be gone in January could slow you down too much. I'll put you on the list, but you might want to think about it some more. Thanks for volunteering for combat duty. To all, I think I have enough volunteers at this point. Feel free to post if you would like to be on the replacement list however. Who knows what the future holds. I will be preparing transfer orders (to the front) for some of you later tonight. All leaves and R&R are cancelled until that time. Treeburst155 out.
  4. I used the converter at WarfareHQ with no problem. The Sounds Of Death are great IMO! Thanks Scipio! Treeburst155 out.
  5. pixelmaster, You're number four on the list. I may not need that many, but I will let you know one way or the other within 48 hours. If I don't have an opening you will be high on the list for future openings if you so desire. Thanks for volunteering for combat duty!! Treeburst155 out.
  6. Bertram, I'll put you on the list with a1Steaks of current tourney participants who are willing to fill in if need be. I've got three people now. That MAY be enough, but you never know what the next couple weeks may bring. Thanks for volunteering. Treeburst155 out.
  7. gibsonm, It is more likely that you and your side arm will arrive at an embattled CP. Try to scrounge up a Thompson with plenty of ammo and write a letter to your Mom. Chances are you will be going to the hottest part of the front very soon. Thanks for volunteering!! Treeburst155 out.
  8. Although I thoroughly enjoy purchasing my own forces, I just don't like the computer generated maps for the most part. Scenarios are the way to go. If fairness and competition is your goal, play the scenarios mirrored, and simultaneously. There's nothing more even than that. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Xerxes, My second confirmed opening is yours. I'm giving the MIAs until late this evening (GMT -6)to respond to emails I've sent them. However, I'm almost positive I will be able to transfer you to the front shortly. I'll be in touch. Thanks!! A1steaks, You are only eligible to play in the Wild Bill tournament since the Nordic Championship is identical to the tourney you are in. I'll call you up if I don't get enough response here. Thanks for volunteering!! Treeburst155 out. [ 12-26-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  10. TabPub, Worry not about MIAs. They will be replaced, and the battle will continue right where it left off. You cannot be forced into a TCP/IP match. If necessary, the deadline will be extended. In fact, I've yet to run a tourney where the deadline did NOT have to be extended. There is always one or two who hold things up. This is inevitable, but we shall adapt and overcome. Those who quit tourneys without informing their opponents and/or myself, thereby forcing us all to wait and wonder, will be blacklisted from all future tournaments I hold. It's OK to withdraw because of Real Life, but it's only common courtesy to inform your opponents of your inability to continue. Inconsiderate officers will not be tolerated. Treeburst155 out.
  11. Fate, December 30th is fine. You get the first confirmed opening I have. I'll be in touch. Thanks!! Treeburst155 out.
  12. Hi Michael, No, the Invitational is not dead in the water. There are ten people still involved and several games going on right now. It does move at a very slow pace however. This "no hurry" feature was a part of the tourney description. Players have passed the halfway point on average, with several very near finishing. The prize for the Invitational is some of WineCape's best wines. At least one has won a major award. It's about time for me to write to players to assess their plans regarding the Invitational. I think a few may have gone completely inactive. I'm a little surprised at this because of the nice prize and the zero time pressure.
  13. It is VERY possible I will need several officers to replace their fallen comrades at the front in the Wild Bill Tourney, the Nordic Championship, and the Nordic Wannabee Tournament. Your task will be daunting. You will immediately take up anywhere from five to seven PBEM battles. You will take command at the point your predecessor was killed, captured, or determined to be MIA. In most cases this is about 1/4 into the battle. Do you have what it takes to assume command in the heat of combat? The ideal candidate will have a nice chunk of time he can devote to CM PBEM each day. Anybody can volunteer for combat duty. Newbies are welcome. If you are interested post here. Be sure you provide a valid email address if your profile does not include same. Before you volunteer for combat duty ask yourself if you have the time to process one turn per day for each of FIVE battles. This is a rather large commitment. Think about it first, please. If you have what it takes (TIME), post here. Volunteers will be accepted in the order of their post to this thread. Do not email me or you will not get your "number". You will be transported to your line unit within 48 hours, after a full briefing by me. Take this opportunity to go where the Iron Crosses grow!! Treeburst155 out.
  14. Actually, Kanonier, it IS blown way out of proportion. He just described a rocket attack several months ago that was not overly successful; and the way he, and later his opponent, described it was hilarious. Some of us haven't been able to let go of that image. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Ooooo! A bunch of your guys just 'sploded, Uncle John! Does the computer have rockets too? Uh....no.....uh...I just miscalculated a bit. OK, let me play a battle with you, Uncle John. You can have all the rockets you want. Merry Christmas, John! Treeburst155 out.
  16. I emailed Ghost Dog to see about his status. If I do not hear from him in 24 hours I will replace him. Gotta keep things moving along, you know. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Rother has been sent email regarding his tourney status. If I don't hear from him by tomorrow night I will replace him. Gotta keep things moving along, ya know. Treeburst155 out.
  18. All games are supposed to be completed by January 31st. I've written to Ted Sullivan inquiring about his status. Tomorrow night I will replace him if I haven't heard from him. All his games have been started, but none have been completed. Treeburst155 out.
  19. No news on the Ted front. I've decided to wait until the 26th before I hunt him down and drag him in for Court Martial. I have one MIA in each tournament (3) to deal with. I will devote the 26th to establishing status and/or finding replacements for all three. Holien, I do have several more game reports to log on the sheet. This I will also take care of on the 26th. Once updated I will send you the scoresheet. You'll get it by the evening of the 26th. Happy Holidays to All !! Treeburst155 out.
  20. Redwolf, 2MB for AAR file is fine. I was just thinking about Rother. I'm trying to decide whether to wait until after Christmas to replace him. It might be hard to do right now with the holidays. Lots of people will be unavailable. We'll still have about 7 weeks after Christmas. I'll start looking around for somebody now. Treeburst155 out.
  21. I think this is an excellent idea! I can help substantially with part two of the plan by plugging my Wild Bill results into the next formula. I assume I will be able to change the variable for the "a" parameter as in the earlier formula? As far as sufficient incentives to make big victories bigger, maybe the best we can do there is punish the loser. The big winner might not gain many more points, but he at least knows he's punishing the loser as his degree of victory increases still further. OK then, you go back to your study and come up with the new asymmetrical formula. When it's ready I'll start running hypothetical tourneys (and real ones) through the formula and play with the "a" parameter. Then we will meet here and discuss. It's gonna be good!! Treeburst155 out.
  22. I'll wait until December 26 before I take action on the Ghost Dog situation. At that point there will still be about 7 weeks remaining until the deadline. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Battlefront loses control as soon as the merchandise reaches the packers (erroneously referred to as the "shipper" in earlier posts). The best they can do is force the packers to work on priority orders first by giving them nothing else to process. We are all at the mercy of the shippers (UPS, Fed Ex USPS, etc). Getting the orders through the packers to the shippers is the key since that is the most likely bottleneck. I don't care if the USPS takes 7-10 days. I just don't want my CD to be sitting on the packing table at the bottom of a huge stack for 3 weeks. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Pvt. Ryan, Your case against the desireability or necessity of "priority orders" is very compelling. The one possible reservation I would have is that you are putting a great deal of faith in Battlefront's ability to streamline their system to process a huge number of orders quickly and efficiently. I believe there are others involved in the processing INBETWEEN Battlefront and UPS (for example). There is, I think, a packing element involved. Steve and Madmatt are not going to personally prepare thousands of orders for shipping. A half dozen minimum wage workers will handle this. These workers will not be Battlefront employees. This is where the bottleneck is likely to occur; not at the Post Office, not at the ordering computer, but in the preparation phase. I could be dead wrong about this, but I'd have to hear different from Battlefront to be convinced. To beat this bottleneck one has to be the first one through it. That's what I'm willing to pay for. I've had great luck with the USPS over the years. If they get my merchandise promptly to the USPS I'd be really appreciative. Treeburst155 out.
  25. John, You only have seven games total in the Wild Bill tournament. All yours are completed or underway at this time. Treeburst155 out.
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