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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. If a guy has five PBEM games going at once, sends one file per day per game, and his opponents do likewise, all games would be completed in 45 days. Chances are one or two of these files that must be dealt with each day would just be "movie only" phases. I think it's reasonable to say that a player could easily process five turns per day in 90 minutes of CM time. With a time period of 90 days to work with, the player could deal with many Real Life obligations, vacations, etc. and still make the deadline. People should not sign up for these tourneys if they are not prepared to spend 60-90 minutes every other day (on average)for 3 months processing turns. These tourneys are a commitment of a significant chunk of your recreational time. I just don't think people take the time to think about what they are getting into when they sign on. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Than YOU, Pixie, for completing all your games within the time frame. You will be looked upon favorably should you request entry into any future WineCape tournaments. BTW, all future WineCape tournaments will require an application process. We did this with the Wild Bill tournament and had noticeably fewer dropouts. We think there is a connection there. Treeburst155 out.
  3. I agree Mr. Johnson. A tournament structure and scoring system such as this one makes drop outs a major problem to deal with. My best luck has been in the Wild Bill tournament where we required players to complete applications to get in. I only lost three players in ninety days, and two of them resigned because of Real Life issues. Only one guy dropped out of sight completely, and he was griping about his reinforcements getting shot up just prior to his disappearance. Because of the large amount of work I have to go through to replace drop outs I will not be holding any more first come first serve tournaments. Applications will be required from here on out. This keeps people from signing up for a tourney without thinking about the time commitment first. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Ben, Interesting...do you recall what level of victory the game gave Mick? I'm curious. Treeburst155out.
  5. Bertram, AARs are not required for good standing. They just help your score. Your English does not have to be perfect either. It's the effort that counts. Just do the best you can with any AARs you choose to write. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Hi ciks! If you have a turn from Dogface21 that you have not processed yet then you should take your turn and send the resulting file to the replacement. If you are waiting for a file from Dogface21, (most probably the case) you should send the last file you generated to the replacement. IOW, forward to the replacement the last file you sent to Dogface21. Now, back to finding that replacement. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Well, I made the maps so even that some players seem to be unwilling to go all out for the enemy OR the VLs. MickOz and Ben Galanti just finished a game in which both of them lost. LOL!! The final score was Mick 32, Ben 24. The VLs must have been a complete no-man's land. I'll have to check on how others did on that map. It's an interesting outcome, that's for sure. Congratulations, ....uh, .....hmmmm....Carry On! I will update the standings within 24 hours. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Dogface21 is hereby relieved of his command. It is further ordered that he spend the rest of his natural life in the Military Confinement Facility at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas as punishment for his cowardice in the face of the enemy. The replacement procedures are underway. Treeburst155 out.
  9. John, Perhaps I need to zip the file before I send it to Kingfish? I'll try that. If that doesn't work I'll start the PBEM game, immediately save it while in your setup phase, a give you the password along with the saved game file. Treeburst155 out.
  10. No problem, Stefan. The carnage will be waiting for you when you get back. Thanks fo letting us know. Treeburst155 out.
  11. Fuerte's situation is unknown to me at this time. Last I heard he was going on a vacation, but that was awhile ago. John, I will run your file through our middleman Kingfish again. I knew he was good for something. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Don't shoot me fellas, but I forgot to get that letter off to Dogface21. I'm doing that the instant I finish posting this message. In 24 hours he gets relieved of command and replaced. I promise. As for our new man from Australia, Gibsonm, we'll give him a little time to fight his fires. He seemed very interested in the tourney when I signed him on. Now, I'm off to hunt down Dogface21. Fight On. Treeburst out.
  13. John, The .cmb file I sent you for your game with MickOZ works fine on my end. How did we fix this problem before? I'm asking here so I know where to find the answer the next time. Treeburst155 out.
  14. As WineCape mentioned, we have plans for another tournament as soon as people get acclimated to CMBB. It will be just like this one except we will have 4 sections of 6 players instead of the 3/8 we have now. This way players will only have to squeeze five games into their busy lives. I think most, if not all, of you will find it rather easy to get into the WineCape CMBB tournament if you so wish. You've proven yourselves to be a reliable bunch who follow through with committments. By doing so, it makes me feel like all the effort I put into a tournament is appreciated and indeed worth it. It won't be long now and all will be revealed. The three section winners and the highest scoring second place finisher will go on to the semi-finals. This will be a one game do or die playoff; and then, the final battle for the South African wines. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  15. Yes, this has been a very good group. I think the application process they went through is the reason. It was well worth the extra work IMO. Wouldn't you agree, WineCape? Treeburst155 out.
  16. Don't fret over the deadline too much fellas. When people disappear the works tend to get gummed up quite a bit. I will say however that if you are only managing two turns per week you are going to fall way behind. We're almost into the last month now so it's time to pick it up a bit if you've been lagging. I'll send a letter to Dogface21. If I don't hear from him in 24 hours I will replace him. Please continue to post here anytime a couple weeks goes by without a response from an opponent. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  17. Yes, Enoch, I have the final results. I have not processed it yet, but I have received it. Results are coming in hot and heavy now. This tourney may even make the Jan. 31 deadline. You guys have been great!! We only lost three players and two of them were kind enough to inform us rather than disappear. Those two will be welcome in future CMBB tournaments I put together. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Joseph, You may not have done a poorly as you think. It's possible that you played the more difficult side in most, if not all, the scenarios. We won't really know until all the results are in. Treeburst155 out.
  19. Attention Section II !! Mattias will be taking over for Patrik. He can be reached here: lannfelt@gbg.bonet.se He has been sent all his briefings. If you are the Allies against Patrik (Mattias), and never received the initial setup turn from him, please let Mattias know he needs to start the game; otherwise he is waiting on files from all of you. Welcome to the Nordic Championship, Mattias!! Treeburst155 out.
  20. Attention Section 3!! Torbhen (Torbjorn) will be taking over for TSS. He can be reached at tbh@sensewave.com. Please send the last file you sent to TSS to Torbhen. I will send him all his briefings and passwords within the hour. Welcome Torbhen!! Treeburst155 out.
  21. Well now, it appears the threat of long stays in a US Military Confinement Facility is working. Patrik and TSS are hereby relieved of command. They are to be transferred to the USMCF at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas for the remainder of their natural lives as punishment for cowardice in the face of the enemy. I really enjoyed writing that last paragraph. Now I will hunt for replacements. Treeburst155 out.
  22. OK, it looks like so far we're still missing Patrik, TSS, and Loke. Less than ten hours to go until I send them to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas to do some hard time. LOL!! They just want to get away from the combat zone, but little do they know what awaits them at Fort Leavenworth. That's a US military prison in case you didn't know. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Patrik's email is bouncing with "permanent fatal errors". This is definitely not a good sign. This is the address I have for him: patrik@kramgo.com Is anyone using a different one? Treeburst155 out.
  24. I'm writng letters now to the following people. I Section 2 Patrik Section 3 TSS, Loke, Cogust Section 4 PasiN I will give them until 1200hrs (GMT -6) on Saturday to respond. At that time I will immediately start the replacement procedures if I don't hear from them. Treeburst155 out.
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