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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Right Ali, the results will be the same. The program doesn't know to quit when you've exited all your troops. You both need to declare a Cease Fire. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Hi guys! I don't think you have to be overly concerned about the deadline since we will probably have to wait on Pixelmaster a bit anyway. I have a dozen AARs and 10 game results that have come in very recently. Believe it or not this will take a couple hours of work to process. I will do this tomorrow afternoon. I will then send the updated results sheet to all that have finished their games. Some have asked about the format for AARs. Text or .doc files are the best rather than the body of the email, especially if you use illustrations. PDF files are actually the best way to send illustrated AARs. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Hi guys! Don't worry too much about your PixelMaster games. Just do the best you can. I know these games got way behind schedule. We don't want to put undue pressure on PixelMaster since it's not his fault the games sat idle for months. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Sgt. Kelly, I'll email Combined Arms. I've been having email problems myself the past couple days. I was blaming everybody else's ISP, but it was mine. Maybe Combined Arms is doing the same thing. It sure sounds like it. I'll see if I can get through to him. Treeburst155 out.
  5. I'll let Wild Bill release the scenarios when he's ready. He may want to tweak them based on the AARs you guys have written. Only a couple more weeks to go and all will be revealed. Treeburst155 out.
  6. This needed a bump from the bottom of page 4. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  7. This is the latest edition of the Invitational Tourney thread. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  8. The new Invitational Tourney thread has been created. Look for part III. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Der Kriegsherr, To switch drivers I just install the standard VGA driver, reboot so it takes affect, then install the driver I want. I always go back to the VGA driver and reboot before I install another one. I've never had any problems doing it this way, but I don't make a habit of changing drivers either. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Our tourney sponsor has spoken! The WBW Rumblings group will have first opportunity to sign up for the WineCape CMBB tourney. Following you guys will be the proven reliables from the other tournaments. Like this tourney, I anticipate very few dropouts in the next one. Treeburst155 out.
  11. The standings have been updated. Ari is being pressed hard by Jarmo for the lead, while Shandorf stands by helplessly watching from third place with no more games to play. Treeburst155 out.
  12. I'm running WinMe and a GF2 Pro so my problem is just using FSAA without getting the font corruption. I will NEVER upgrade to XP because of the gaming problems and because I shuffle hardware too much. I'd spend half my life on the phone with M$. Nothing since 7.78 allows for perfect CM FSAA on my machine. Eventually I will want to upgrade when the latest drivers are actually noticeably faster on my GF2. That's why I'm curious about Nvidia's latest. People are liking these drivers. Treeburst155 out. [ 01-17-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  13. I'm reading great things about these drivers. Supposedly they are faster and prettier than anything they've given us yet. I wonder if they will finally allow us to use FSAA in CM without corruption? No Nvidia driver has done that since 7.78, which I still use. If anybody tries these drivers please let us know what you think. I'm not going to risk it myself since everything is running so well for me right now. Treeburst155 out.
  14. I don't understand. 66 games completed minus the two draws leaves 64 games. You only posted statistics for 31 games. Am I being dense here? Treeburst155 out.
  15. Redeker, The spreadsheet is on the way. It is an MS Works file (.wks). I hope that works for you. I can change it to straight text fairly easily, but the columns get messed up making it much more difficult to read. Treeburst155 out.
  16. The Peng thread should always have Peng in its title. It was Peng who lost his name, not the MBT itself. The sanctity of the MBT must be preserved. Peng will eventually get his name back anyway. In the meantime, Gates-slut is kinda funny, and the former Mr. Peng does a good job as such. Besides, Microsoft needs the publicity so they become competitive in the marketplace. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Alrighty then, Kingfish will take Loke's place. Please forward your latest Loke file to Kingfish. He can be reached at: SC112565@aol.com Thanks Kingfish!! Welcome to the Nordic Championships! I will be forwarding 5 emails to you that were originally sent to Loke. There is one email for each of the five games. Your briefings and passwords for each game are attached. You will also receive some .cmb files in games where you are the Germans. Since all the games are in progress you will not need these, but may want to look them over anyway. Thanks again! Now I'll dig up the files for you. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Vskalex, Your battle with Juha A (Enough is Enough) has been recorded. I've got some more bad news, guys. Loke is being forced to resign his commission as he will have to put in a great deal of overtime at the hospital where he works due to an outbreak of a nasty flu bug. Hospital staff is getting sick, along with the already ill patients. I will start looking for a replacement immmediately. Good luck with the epidemic, Loke. Get plenty of rest to keep your resistance up! Treeburst155 out.
  19. The battle is fairly small and has been tested many times. It takes only four turns for the players to reach the ridge with carefully plotted orders to avoid traffic jams. I'm certain the players will find 15 turns sufficient, and they may even get 20 turns. There will be no security in this one. The players with the highest tourney scores in the regular games will get to choose which side they want. Both players will receive a regular tourney saved .cmb file. This will be more of a "military chess" competition game. It's fun, and quite different IMO. Treeburst1155 out.
  20. Redwolf, You do not have to do TCP/IP if you don't want. The deadline will probably be extended anyway. IOW, you will not be the only one who has trouble making the deadline. This is due to the several replacements we have had to recruit and Real Life like the fires in Australia. To all, Speaking of replacements, Combined Arms will be taking over for Dogface21. Please send your latest files intended for Dogface21 to Combined Arms at: ttravisano@stny.rr.com I will get him his briefings and passwords within a couple hours. If you are the Allies against Combined Arms (Dogface21) and have not received even a setup turn, let him know. Othewise, he is waiting on turns from all of you. Welcome to the Wannabee tourney, Combined Arms! Thanks for helping us out. Treeburst155 out.
  21. Hmmm....this really doesn't solve the flag rush at all if you think about it. Players could just rush the ridgeline in the last turn anyway. We will use the Badco endgame randomizer. To make sure it is done properly I will handle it. This means I will not be one of the judges. We will still use the judges however. The game will go from 15 to 20 COMPLETE turns. The Allied player will find himself moving right into the turn 16 orders phase at the end of the turn 15 movie if the Germans start the game. (Don't ask how I know that.) At this point he will stop play and contact me. If I say the game is over the Allied player will issue ceasefire orders only, and the German player will be instructed to do likewise. If the battle does not end, the Allied player will give his normal turn 16 orders and send the file to ME. From this point on I will be the middleman on all turns sent. This is to keep players from forgetting to contact me for a BER check. I have no need or desire for the players' passwords. By moving the files through me I can stop the flow for a BER check at the appropriate times should a player forget. Treeburst155 out. [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  22. All game results will be revealed. You will know everything as soon as every game is completed. Treeburst155 out.
  23. The First Round Playoff Game The first round, do or die playoff game will be a struggle for control of a ridgeline. It will be a chance meeting engagement in which both forces just happen to have orders to occupy an empty ridge at the same time. This may not have ever happened, but it is a plausible situation. To prevent the flag rush tactic there will be no flags. Victory will be determined by a panel of 7 judges who will have no knowledge of who played which side. These judges will be WineCape, SuperTed, Treeburst155, and four other respected members of the CM community yet to be named. The judges will cast a vote for the winner based on casualties inflicted, and degree of control of the ridge. There will be no draws. Each judge will cast a vote one way or the other no matter how close the outcome. I'm expecting a very close game due to the balanced nature of the scenario. Whoever gets the majority of the judges' votes moves on to the final battle. You will fight for twenty minutes. After that it is assumed the tactical situation changes radically due to the introduction of reinforcements for both sides. You are no longer a major player in the engagement. It is what you do while it is your little battle that will be evaluated. How's that for an answer to the flag rush? EDIT: How any individual judge voted will not be revealed. Treeburst155 out. [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  24. I need a replacement for the Nordic Wannabee tournament. You would be required to take over five games in progress. If you are finished or nearing completion in this tourney, and you are interested, email me. Treeburst155 out.
  25. That's an interesting idea, Redwolf, and I can see how it would work. I think I would only request a phone number from people who have never participated in one of my tournaments before. Anyone who successfully completes a tourney will have priority in all future tourneys I hold. There are 72 people involved in three tournaments right now (Invitational not included). In that group is a fairly large pool of reliable tourney players to fill new tourneys, and they would probably be interested too. Sign ups would be opened to this group first, with any remaining slots filled with untested people. Perhaps I will limit the application (with phone number) process to the unknown tournament newbies. The only way to handle tourneys full of untested participants is with an elimination type tourney. If your opponent doesn't show, you win the match and move on. It's as simple as that. Perhaps, if SuperTed continues running newbie tournaments, I will require new people to play in one of his tournaments first before they are allowed in mine. I believe his tourney structure is more dropout proof than mine. In any case, I don't think there will be much of a dropout problem in future tournaments since I have so many proven reliables now who will probably jump on the chance to play in the next tourney. These are the people the tourneys are meant to be for. It is no longer necessary to open up a 24 player tourney to the whole CM community. Hmmm....I like that realization. Treeburst155 out.
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