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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. News from the front!! I have a big victory to report. MickOZ, in his final tournament game, has demolished John Kettler 81-19. Congratulations, MickOZ!! This may move Mick up a notch or two in the standings. I will update the page within 24 hours. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  2. Sgt. Gold, Are you saying that you're only on turn two with Fytinghellfish? Has he disappeared too? How about the rest of Section One? Are you guys getting turns from Fytinghellfish? Treeburst155 out.
  3. Terve! We will no doubt have to extend the deadline for some of you due to vacations, business trips, and the several replacements. Just do the best you can and we'll see where we stand on February 14. Treeburst155 out.
  4. The call is out for a replacement for gibsonm in Section One. I'd still like to know the status of these games. Since this will be the second replacement in this slot, I'm assuming none of the games have progressed very far. Treeburst155 out.
  5. There is an opening in the Nordic Wannabee tournament. You would take up five PBEM games in-progress. All the games are at the early stages. Some you may even get to start from the beginning. If you're interested email me or post here. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Peter, Thanks for volunteering on the AARs. I'll make sure you have all of them when this is over. They're still coming in. Treeburst155 out.
  7. I have an opening in the Nordic Wannabee tournament if anyone is interested. You would be replacing a replacement. IOW, these games have barely started as far as I can tell. You would be taking on five PBEM games. Post here or email me if you're interested. Treeburst155 out.
  8. OK,if you're in Section One let me know what turn you are on in your game with Rother/gibsonm. This is so I can inform the new replacement of the status of the games he would be taking on. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Terry, 6.5 MB of AARs are on the way to you. Right now I have the AARs separated not by scenario, but by player. IOW, a folder for each participant. This is for scoring purposes. Later I will group them by scenario. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Unfinished games to date: "We Can't Wait" Bertram vs Warren Miron PixelMaster vs Wade Moore "Sounds In The Night" Pixelmaster vs Scot Johnson C. Rohde vs TabPub "The High Cost Of Real Estate" PixelMaster vs Bertram "Crisis At Kommerscheidt" TabPub vs A. Gaspari Warren Miron vs Pixelmaster I think in fairness to PixelMaster we need to extend the deadline at least three weeks to February 21. He's working on four games simultaneously. So, the new tentative deadline is 2/21 for AARs and game completion. Treeburst155 out.
  11. OK, Redwolf, I'll try to contact gibsonm. I'm starting to lose track of who is replacing who. I'm filling up a spreadsheet with this stuff. What was that about phone numbers? Treeburst155 out.
  12. The standings have been updated. There was actually very little change after adding in the latest game result mentioned above. Players now have enough games completed that radical average changes are much less likely. Fight on!! Treeburst155 out.
  13. How are we doing with our Australian firefighter, "gibsonm", who replaced Rother? Is he sending turns yet? Treeburst155 out.
  14. It is a bit dicey with us using the actual tourney scores to decide on the formula parameters. It raises the question of me possibly manipulating the parameters to achieve a certain desired outcome in the Wild Bill tourney. I don't think I want this question popping up in the participants' heads. For this reason I will use the original Nabla curve I spelled out in detail on the WBW Tourney thread early on. The one fairly recent change I will implement is the splitting of points for contested VLs. Players will be more at ease with the results if the scoring method used was in place before the results were known. Let's continue work on the assymetrical curve using the WBW results (nothing beats actual results). We can use the new curve for the Nordic Championship, Nordic Wannabee, and future tournaments. This also gives us more time. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Desertor, The prize is six bottles of fine South African wine shipped free of charge to the winner's home. Each bottle is a different wine. Treeburst155 out.
  16. Spoken like a true drill sargeant. Stay after 'em Sgt. Gold! February 14th is not that far away guys. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Games yet to be completed: Section One Warren Miron vs PixelMaster Warren Miron vs Bertram Wade Moore vs PixelMaster Scot Johnson vs PixelMaster Bertram vs PixelMaster Section Two All games complete!! Section Three Chuck Rohde vs TabPub Juha Ahoniemi vs A. Gaspari Juha Ahoniemi vs TabPub A. Gaspari vs TabPub Treeburst155 out.
  18. Nabla, You actually have at least a week to come up with the final scoring program. PixelMaster still has four games to complete so we'll probably have to extend the deadline into February. He is a replacement, and has been doing a great job cranking out turns since we took him on board. I will send you the current results sheet for this tourney so you have more data to work with. The AAR deadline will be the same date as the deadline for game completion. What I need to try to determine is how much time Pixelmaster and his remaining opponents need so I can set a new deadline. I don't want to rush Pixelmaster since it's not his fault he's behind. WineCape, I will gather the info you requested and post it here. Treeburst155 out.
  19. News from the front! Texas Toast beat CapitalistDogInChina 49-39. This brings the average of both players down some, and is good news for everybody else actually. CapitalistDog has finished the tournament now. Can Ben Galanti catch him with four games yet to complete? I will update the standings as soon as I get a chance. I'm tied up right now with the Wild Bill tourney at present. The rankings will not change, but Texas Toast and especially CDIC are now more accessible to the lower half. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  20. All players can get AARs for games they have completed from here on out. Send me an email requesting such so I can simply "reply" and attach the documents. A few are very large. If you have a 56k modem, let me know and I will strip the bmps out of them or send them in small groups. Eventually I will get around to converting the .bmps to jpg files. EDIT: All the AARs come to a 6.38 MB download after stripping out the numerous .bmps from Jon Sowden's and Warren Miron's AARs. I will get these .bmps converted ASAP, but I have lots of work that is more important at present. Treeburst155 out. [ 01-24-2002: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]</p>
  21. AARs received to date: CapitalistDog: 4 Enoch: 6 Holien: 7 Jon Sowden: 7 Juha Ahoniemi: 1 John Kettler: 6 Kingfish: 4 L. Dickens: 7 Warren Miron: 2 Greg Redeker: 5 Chuck Rohde: 4 Peter Svensson: 7 Tom: 3 Wade Moore: 2 (half credit for both) Tom Travisano: 2 Tony Zalewski: 7 (half credit for all) Email me if you think I lost an AAR from you so we can sort it out. Treeburst155 out.
  22. All of the scenarios for this tournament were created by Wild Bill Wilder. I'm currently working on AARs. I will post the number of AARs I have from each player. If you feel you have sent in more than I've given you credit for, email me. This will happen shortly. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Apparently I have incorrect email addresses for some of you who have finished the tournament. If you have finished, and did not receive an updated results sheet this is why. Email me. If you cannot open the spreadsheet due to the .wks format, email me and I'll send you a .txt version of the file. It ain't pretty, but it works. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Wild Bill, You want a hint? What sort of hint? A hint about what? To All, There are a few scenarios that have been completed by all 24 participants. The raw CM scores for these scenarios are listed below. The Allied player is listed on the left. Duel At Dompaire Warren Miron 69, Wade Moore 18 Bertram 28, Jukka-Pekka 71 Scot Johnson 37, Jon Sowden 63 Pixelmaster 44, Greg Redeker 52 Kingfish 47, CapitalistDog 53 Holien 72, Tom 28 Georges (Mick) 46, John Kettler 44 P. Svensson 63, von Lucke 27 T. Zalewski 45, Chuck Rohde 51 TabPub 31, T. Travisano 64 A. Gaspari 29, L. Dickens 71 Juha Ahoniemi 41, Enoch 59 Resolve At Ranville Warren Miron 53, Scot Johnson 38 Jukka-Pekka 85, Pixelmaster 15 Wade Moore 21, Greg Redeker 79 Jon Sowden 46, Bertram 54 Kingfish 65, Georges (Mick) 27 Tom 50, P. Svensson 41 CapitalistDog 39, von Lucke 51 John Kettler 42, Holien 58 T. Zalewski 37, A. Gaspari 54 T. Travisano 35, Juha Ahoniemi 56 C. Rohde 18, Enoch 82 L. Dickens 84, TabPub 16 Real Guts Jukka-Pekka 32, Warren Miron 49 Wade Moore 13, Scot Johnson 78 Jon Sowden 66, Pixelmaster 34 Greg Redeker 70, Bertram 30 Tom 31, Kingfish 69 CapitlistDog 75, Georges (Mick) 25 John Kettler 26, P Svensson 74 von Lucke 61, Holien 39 T. Travisano 27, T. Zalewski 63 C. Rohde 37, A Gaspari 51 L. Dickens 71, Juha Ahoniemi 29 Enoch 57, TabPub 43 Feel free to discuss these three scenarios. You may want to give spoiler warnings before your posts so the general CM public doesn't learn more than they want to. Wild Bill, You are free to release these three scenarios whenever you are ready. I will be sending you several more AARs within hours. Treeburst155 out.
  25. Combined Arms, Just do the best you can without feeling rushed. The deadline is February 14th, but we will extend it for you. TCP/IP is completely optional. Treeburst155 out.
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