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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. The latest from the front! Ben Galanti is making a roaring comeback! His Fallschirmjaegers defeated Jarmo's Canadians 74-26. This moves Shandorf into second place and Ben up to fourth place with Jarmo inbetween. The standings page has been updated. Treeburst155 out.
  2. I ran into a small glitch while getting the input file ready for the scoring program (a dry run since all input is case sensitive, spelling, spaces, etc.). It seems the program only accepts whole numbers for scores. This means when I split the points for contested VLs I have to drop the .5 fractions so that some scores will only total to 99 points. The impact of this should be next to nothing as near as I can figure. Even if a player had a half dozen of these fractions dropped (highly unlikely) it would only amount to 3 CM points spread over the seven games. Also, his opponents in those games will have also lost the .5 fraction. Conversion to the Nabla score reduces even further any impact these lost fractions might have. Is there any objections to dropping these .5 fractions? There's no good way around it unless I use the latest Nabla formula (developed a short time ago) or forgo splitting the contested VL points. ____________________________ We have only three games left to complete, two Kommerscheidt and one Sounds In The Night. When they are done I will post the input file for the program here. Although I've checked and rechecked the scores it is still possible I made some mistake. It would be wise to look your games over in the file just to make sure I've entered the correct scores. These scores will reflect the splitting of VL points (if there's no objection to the above) and should always total 99 or 100 points. Treeburst155 out.
  3. fytinghellfish and Redwolf, One of you needs to send me the results for your game. I have updated my results sheet. A quick glance tells me there are five or six of you who have finished all five games. If you are one of these people, and would like the updated results sheet sent to you in .wks or .txt format, email me. Please specify the format you need. Don't ask for the results if you haven't finished the tourney. I'll be double-checking before I send you the final scores. Treeburst155 out.
  4. All continuances are granted. We've had several replacements so the February 14 deadline is just not possible. We'll shoot for March 7-14 now. It's good to hear Torbhen made it back to friendly lines. Treeburst155 out.
  5. I will updating my scoresheet tomorrow morning (twelve hours or so). At that time, if there are any players who have completed all their games I will make the scoresheet available to those players. I have five game results to record in my Wannabee email at this time. When a scenario has been completed by all the players in the tournament (not just the section), the results for that scenario will be posted to this thread. All these results I'm talking about will be raw CM scores. Tourney scores cannot be calculated until everyone has finished all their games.l Treeburst155 out.
  6. Very entertaining, John and Fuerte. Thanks for taking the time to write. I wonder what the end effect of John's big indirect fire attack was? Only Fuerte knows for sure at this point. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Kanonier, I chose the handle Treeburst155 because I was just earlier devastated by treebursts from 155mm arty. I'll never forget that game. I lost the better part of a company to the AI on that one in just a couple minutes. I learned a big lesson there. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Damn....I'm beginning to suspect people just join the tourneys out of curiosity about the scenarios and disappear once they get them. If that's the case they should know they will NEVER again be allowed into a tourney I manage. The problem of the disappearing officers will not happen in future tournaments. I will only allow those who have a good tourney record to compete. My list of reliable tourney players is plenty long now. The general population will no longer waste my time or yours. Keep me informed on the Torbhen situation. He may just find his way back to the friendly lines. Fight ON!! Treeburst155 out.
  9. Oh Nooooo!! Nabla's brain is working in overdrive again! I can see the smoke curling out of his ears. You can only learn so much about a scenario's balance when you use players whose skill level is unknown. We are trying to determine an unknown (scenario balance) by using another unknown (player skill) and vise versa. There is only so much we can learn about either over the course of a tournament. This is a much more difficult thing than in chess. In chess, you know you have a balanced "scenario" with a straight win/lose/draw outcome. Even so, you need to play twenty games (the same balanced scenario) before your rating is taken off "provisional" status. At that point it is felt that the player's rating is a fairly accurate reflection of his skill. What we would need is an official community wide CM ratings scenario. All players desiring an official rating would have to play the scenario 20 times from each side. They would then receive two ratings, one for each side. Somehow, the already complex chess formula would have to take into consideration degrees of victory. An 85-15 outcome is far superior to a 60-40 outcome, but both are wins. Also, the rating would only be valid for that one scenario. Unlike chess, every CM scenario is an entirely different game with respect to setup. So the interesting problem of determining player skill and scenario balance is a huge one. Besides, do you really want to play a scenario twenty times from each side just to get a rating that's only valid for one scenario? The best way to determine skill would be to have a never ending tournament using Nabla's scoring system where the same twenty four people fight it out over and over again in round robin fashion (no Sections) with new scenarios for each round. Treeburst155 out. [ February 06, 2002, 06:12 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  10. Yeah, those email glitches can be a real bear to work out. SOMETIMES zipping the file works for me. SOMETIMES passing the file through a third party works. Other than email problems it looks like we're back on track, thanks to Uber General. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  11. Wild Bill, The tourney participants are now finished with "We Can't Wait" and "The High Cost of Real Estate". Feel free to make these available to the community whenever you wish. We will be done with "Sounds In The Night" and "Crisis At Kommerscheidt" soon if all goes well. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Calculating the statistics John suggests would be very interesting IMO. I, however, do not have the skills to do it. Since the results will be available for all to see, maybe someone will volunteer to take on this task. I know we have a few statisticians and mathematicians who frequent this forum. If the results from one side of a scenario swing wildly from say 20 to 80 points what does that tell us? The scenario could be highly dependent on luck, or the player with the least skill just happened to play a scenario from the same side as the very best player. The opponents of these two players would also be a factor. If our grade A player plays the Allied side against a grade D player, and another grade D player plays the same side of that scenario against a grade A player the two final scores could very well be opposite. It is interesting. Treeburst155 out. [ February 05, 2002, 03:15 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  13. WineCape, 83-17 is correct for the Greg Redeker/Warren Miron game. John Kettler, Interesting proposal, thoughts and comments coming as soon as I take care of other tourney related things. To All, "The High Cost Of Real Estate" has now been finished by all participants. Here are the results: High Cost (F) Jon Sowden 33 Warren Miron 61 Wade Moore 34 Jukka-Pekka 51 Redeker 51 Scot Johnson 49 Pixelmaster 32 Bertram 68 John Kettler 37 Kingfish 56 CapitalistDog 46 Tom 54 von Lucke 59 Georges (Mick) 41 Svensson 12 Holien 88 Zalewski 24 Dickens 76 Rohde 36 Travisano 50 Enoch 31 Gaspari 63 Juha Ahoniemi 40 Davidson 60 Feel free to discuss this scenario. We have only two games to go in "Crisis At Kommerscheidt" and two games to go in "Sounds In The Night". After that it will be time to crunch the numbers into official tourney scores. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Once you have completed all five games I will send you the updated results sheet containing the final scores for all finished games. If you have finished, and want this information, email me. Then I can simply "reply" and attach the file. The file is in .wks (Microsoft Works) format. If this will not work for you let me know in the email so I can send you a .txt version of instead. Once all 24 players have completed a scenario I will post the results for that scenario here on the forum. This won't happen for awhile yet. Treeburst155 out.
  15. You guys in Section One need to contact Uber General and discuss whether or not you want to start over or continue the game. In his three games as Germans he has already prepared his setup moves if you want to start over. If you wish to continue the present games you need to send a move to Uber General. If you are the Allies against Uber General, and never even received a setup from Rother then let him know. He has a setup all ready for you. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  16. BIG news from the front!! Ari Maenpaa has trounced Michael Dorosh 97-3!! This will make Ari very difficult to catch. Congratulations, Ari Maenpaa!! The standings page has been updated. Ari, I have Jarmo's purchases for your game with him. We are waiting on you. Fight On! Treeburst155 out. [ February 03, 2002, 08:37 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  17. Uber General will be taking over the Rother/gibsonm games. He can be reached at this address: adam@golden-orb.com I will be sending him the necessary files and briefings within a couple hours. Welcome aboard Uber General!! Treeburst155 out. [ February 03, 2002, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  18. Kingfish, Your opponent in "Gotta Get UP" is Cogust. You can reach him at: connyf94@acc.umu.se Treeburst155 out.
  19. More news from the front!! It appears the lower half is making a comeback. Ben Galanti's Fallschirmjaegers have overwhelmed Texas Toast's GIs 72-28. Congratulations, Ben! The standings will be updated within 23 hours. Treeburst155 out.
  20. A note on the scoring system: Nabla has finished his latest version of the scoring program. There are three variables in the formula that Nabla and I will be determining the best values for. We are using the almost completed results of the Wild Bill tournament to aid us in this determination. The scores of this tournament are NOT being considered in this process. IOW, we aren't manipulating the formula to achieve a desired outcome. The Wild Bill tournament will be decided using an older version of the Nabla formula. Your scoring formula will be better because we have the Wild Bill tourney to analyze.
  21. A note on the scoring system: The scoring system has been revised significantly based partly on results in this tournament. This tournament however will be scored using the formula described at the very early stages (probably the first thread) of the tourney. This is necessary to allay any possible suspicions that the formula may have been manipulated to produce a certain result. The one fairly recent change to the scoring that will be implemented is the splitting of contested VL points so that point totals always equal 100. The scoring formula in place for this tournament is very good IMO, but we are always improving it since Nabla is a genius and keeps coming up with improvements. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Terve! Just a little bump here. Is everything progressing smoothly? No missing players? Nabla has finished his latest version of the scoring program. There are three variables in the formula that Nabla and I will be determining the best values for. We are using the almost completed results of the Wild Bill tournament to aid us in this determination. The scores of this tournament are NOT being considered in this process. IOW, we aren't manipulating the formula to achieve a desired outcome. The Wild Bill tournament will be decided using an older version of the Nabla formula. Your scoring formula will be better because we have the Wild Bill tourney to analyze. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  23. I think I've found a replacement for Rother/gibsonm in Section One. He doesn't have an email address listed so we'll have to wait until he checks the forum before I can brief him and send him the necessary files. As for fytinghellfish, it appears he is still with us since Redwolf has just recently received a turn. We won't make the Feb. 14 deadline, but we're making progress. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Sir Uber General, you are being transferred to the front!! You can expect at least five emails from me, one for each game. All will be explained. Thanks for helping us out! EDIT: I will need an email address for you. There is none in your profile. Treeburst155 out. [ February 02, 2002, 02:40 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  25. "We Can't Wait" has now been completed by all participants!! Here's how it shaped up: We Can't Wait (A) Allied player on the left Bertram 19 Warren Miron 75 Scot Johnson 45 Jukk-Pekka 55 Pixelmaster 37 Wade Moore 63 Redeker 67 Jon Sowden 32 Holien 54 Kingfish 41 Georges (Mick) 30 Tom 65 Svensson 37 CapitalistDog 63 von Lucke 37 Kettler 54 Davidson 35 Zalewski 60 Gaspari 56 Travisano 44 Juha Ahoniemi 40 Rohde 51 Enoch 26 Dickens 74 Treeburst155 out.
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