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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Big News from the front! Jarmo has defeated Ari Maenpaa on the infamous map A with a score of 68-32. Jarmo was the Allies. This will tighten up the standings even more with Ari losing a few points off his average. I will update the page within 24 hours. Congratulations, Jarmo, on a big win!! Treeburst155 out.
  2. I still have Dragoon19 on the books. Nobody has told me different. I assume Brath replaced Dragoon19 however. Keep me informed on the situation, please. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Games yet to be completed: ECONOMY OF FORCE Sesam vs Dragoon19 GOTTA GET UP Fate vs vskalex Kingfish vs Cogust THE AFTERMATH Fate vs Ari Dragoon19 vs Jarmo Cogust vs Juha keratar Kingfish vs Torbhen ENOUGH IS ENOUGH Juha Keratar vs Torbhen MEETING OF DEVILS Tuomas vs Dragoon19 Torbhen vs Cogust If any of these games are already completed somebody needs to send me the final score. I may have lost it somehow. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Ben, That's EXACTLY how I play. Trees get in my way. I only turn them on when I need to determine woods from tall pines. Too bad the bases for the two are the same .bmp. My buildings are stock CM. I have no time for fancy stuff. I'm trying to fight a battle here. Those don't look like stock buildings in your pic. Congrats on your mod! It is very ugly. You should be proud. In snow scenarios you'll notice that all trees display the "scattered trees" base. This is because visibility in winter through woods is greatly increased, more like scattered trees. Again, you'll have to turn on the trees to find the tall pines. There is just enough snow around (brush) to remind you you're playing in snow. Michael, Great idea! Having the option to toggle between ugly functionality and photo-realistic beauty would be great! John, I think I just zipped the file last time and it worked. File on the way. Treeburst155 out. [ March 18, 2002, 04:22 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. There will be more tourneys after CMBB is released. RELIABILITY is the main requirement due to the nature of the scoring system. You don't have to be a top notch player, or even a good player for that matter. You just have to complete the tourney in a timely manner. Dropouts have been quite a problem so new people will be screened carefully. We can't have people signing up for a tourney on the spur of the moment without thinking seriously about the committment. All the tourneys I manage are run right from this forum. Each tourney has its own thread. Many have a prize sponsored by WineCape, that being a half dozen bottles of various fine South African wines shipped to the winner at no charge. If you REALLY want to get into a WineCape tourney, you can probably get into one; but we will have to exchange several emails first so I can determine you are serious and realize the extent of the committment. I now have a list of about forty proven reliable people who enjoy these tournaments. I'm going to do my utmost to make sure they don't have to deal with disappearing opponents in future tourneys. Having said that, I don't want to have a closed club if I can avoid it. New blood keeps things interesting. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Ben, I think I noticed awhile back on an old thread that you use my rather unusual terrain mod for CM. That means there are probably two of us using it. What are we going to do when CMBB comes out? How will we see the humps and bumps in the terrain? We'll be handicapped like everybody else! We might even have to start using the lower views again!! :eek: I'll probably have to do it all over again. Editted for incorrect smiley spelling. Treeburst155 out. [ March 17, 2002, 04:17 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  7. So you did have an earthquake!! Let me know the next time your computer gets weird on you. I'm recording these events to determine the reliability of OUR earthquake prediction technology. I'm sure WE can make some money off this eventually. I will be your manager and PR guy. You need to get that computer insured for at least $250,000 right now! Keep me informed. We need to determine the reliability of OUR technology before we sell it to the US government for a ridiculously high price. Treeburst155 out.
  8. It's probably not your tactics, Michael. You are probably getting beaten in the force selection phase. The standings have been updated and it is VERY tight for second place. We only have five games left to complete. If John Kettler would get his computer running....
  9. Just a bump. I have several game results to process, which I will do tomorrow. I think we have 6-8 games left to complete. I will know for sure tomorrow. The scoring system has been finalized. Nabla is happy with it and so am I. It is an improvement on the system used for the Wild Bill tournament. Nabla is currently working on the second of two scenarios he will provide for the finals. I will be supplying the third scenario. You will enjoy them; that is, if you're in the finals. Do we have any missing officers? Don't hesitate to post here if you haven't heard from somebody in a couple weeks. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  10. Hehe....that's about right, Jack Trap. These tourneys are highly dependent on everybody finishing their games. We just have to wait it out. Nabla is working on the scenarios for the finals anyway. He's creating two, and I'm supplying the third. BTW, the final details of the scoring system have been worked out. It is an improvement over the method we are using for the Wild Bill tournament. It's the same basic concept, just tweaked here and there. Treeburst155 out.
  11. Ben Galanti continues his push for the top with a 90-10 victory over Michael Dorosh! I'll update the standings page within 24 hours if I can remember how to do it. I look at the code for that little webpage now and say, "How did I ever manage to do that?" Anyway, with 90 points Ben just might be pushing second place fairly hard. We'll find out tomorrow when I process all things tourney related. EDIT: Congratulations, Ben!! Treeburst155 out. [ March 16, 2002, 01:09 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  12. Wild Bill has sent me a scenario for the finals! I haven't played it, but I looked it over in the editor. Quick and nasty!! It could go either way as near as I can tell. The other two scenarios will be my creations. Now don't be too disappointed. Wild Bill has other projects that require his time. My scenarios will be challenging, albeit a little slow getting to the fireworks perhaps. I like 'em that way on occasion. As for balance, well, I really can't tell how they will play out. Maybe that means they're fairly balanced, eh? Remember, in the finals, you can earn a maximum of three points, one for each scenario. How do you get the precious point? You must score higher than the one other person who plays that scenario from the same side you do. If he scores 68 points and you score 67 you get ZERO points for that scenario. It's very competitive! BTW, disputed VL points will be split to bring the total to 100. You want to always think about your score while playing. You don't want to press on with an attack if you don't think you have a fairly good chance of increasing your final score by doing so. Then again, you don't want to be too timid either. When you think your score is as high as you can get it you should go on the defensive or offer a ceasefire. At least that's how I see it. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Redeker and Hiram, I would wait until the Ti 4200 is available. It has all the features of the flag ship Ti 4600, just a bit slower, and significantly cheaper. Did you read this article? http://www6.tomshardware.com/graphic/02q1/020206/geforce4-01.html If you page through to the game benchmarks you will see that the Ti 4200 is actually faster in most instances than the GF3 Ti 500 making it much faster than a GF3 Ti 200. _____________________________________________ Here's a report on Nvidia 23.11 drivers, Win ME, and Gainward GF2 Pro. I've just been playing with the 23.11s. There is only one minor anomaly with CM. When FSAA is enabled (either 2x or 4x) there is a little oddity along the edges of the display when in the game. This occurs on the left and top of the display in the area of the top left corner. The best way I can describe it is, "several line segments of light colored pixels". Do away with the FSAA and these pixel line segments go away. It is really very minor. I'm sticking with these drivers. The 16 tap anisotropy (Geforce Tweak) combined with full FSAA makes CM look gorgeous! Treeburst155 out. [ March 15, 2002, 05:50 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  14. Schrullenhaft, Are you saying that I can update to the lastest official Nvidia drivers from nvidia.com and have no problems with FSAA in CM? I'm running Win ME and a Gainward GeForce2 Pro. Thanks for being here, BTW. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Ciks, I'd say you have at least two weeks to finish any AARs. After the last game is completed I will still allow a few days for AARs to be written. Treeburst155 out.
  16. Good Morning, Nabla! It's hard to estimate when we will be done. I have no idea how far along the remaining games are, or how many files per week are being exchanged. Not all participants post regularly with updates. The Nordic Championships is behind this tourney in progress, but not by too much. BTW, don't forget we need to discuss the scoring program parameters at some point. I believe I sent you my proposal. To All, You probably won't be able to discuss the scenarios on the forum even when everyone is finished. The Nordic Championship is using the same scenarios and they are behind you, so let's not spill the beans. Treeburst155 out.
  17. We only have six games left to be completed. Unfortunately they are spread out among all the scenarios so you still can't discuss the scenarios. If you have finished all of your games I will send you the results spreadsheet containing the raw CM scores if you request it by email. It is in Microsoft Works '97 (.wks) format. Evidently most people cannot open this type of file. I have a text version too, but it's not real pretty. Email me and specify which version you want (or both)IF you have finished all your games. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Just a bump to keep track of the thread. Nabla has completed one of the scenarios for the finals. I haven't played it, but I looked it over in the editor. I think the finalists will enjoy it. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  19. Yeah, the AAR's can be quite interesting. Some of you have requested AARs. I will be working on this tourney in about twelve hours, updating results, processing AARs, etc.. After I finish that I will send the AARs to you. I will also post a progress update, games remaining, etc.. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Hmmm...I didn't know Dragoon dropped out. I assume he found his own replacement then. I like that. It saves me a lot of work, and keeps the tourney moving along. We're just going to have to adopt the pace of the slowest players I guess. Post here if you go two weeks without some sort of email from an opponent. I will replace them at that point. Players should realize that the closer the games get to completion the more difficult it is to find a replacement. We're to the point now where it's better if players are a bit slow due to real life than if they drop out altogether. Don't drop out unless you feel you can't even average a few files per week. That's less than an hour per week in most cases, I think. Treeburst155 out.
  21. There is only one game left to complete. I think it will be finished before two weeks from now. Treeburst155 out.
  22. The primary purpose of the AARs is to provide the scenario designers with feedback on their work. If you've ever designed a scenario for the community, you know how rare it is to get this feedback. Writing AARs is one way to express your thanks to the designer. Even negative feedback is welcome as long as it's constructive and not mean spirited. Another thing AARs do is help people learn to improve their tactics. Every scenario is played twelve times in a tourney such as this. There are eleven other people who had to deal with the same tactical situations you did. It can be very instructive to learn how others handled things, especially if you did worse than most. (BTW, all the AARs will be sent to you upon request once you have completed your games.) Lastly, by writing an AAR (feedback) you are doing the community a small favor. This is because the designer can tweak the scenario based on feedback before releasing it to the community. Having a scenario played twelve times by twenty four different people is a great test of a scenario. I think it's safe to say that very few scenarios get that degree of testing before they are put out to the public. They may get played twelve times, but not by twenty four different people, and certainly not under blind conditions. Those of us who enjoy these tournaments need new scenarios (security). In return for these scenarios the designers get the feedback they like. As for the scoring, I don't want the AARs to be worth so much that a person can win with a mediocre performance, but I want them to be worth enough to make a difference if the race is fairly tight. At 4% per AAR, this goal is achieved. It may be somewhat more difficult to win the tourney without writing a few AARs, but that's okay IMO since everyone has the opportunity to do the AARs. You do not have to write much to get full credit. A half dozen nice paragraphs is all it takes. I've let shorter ones than that slide through for full credit actually. I don't want to get into the business of grading AARs. It's either worth full credit or half credit based on length. Your writing skills are not being considered at all. EDIT: The final tourney scores will be posted both with and without the AARs included. This way players will be able to see how they did with the AARs removed from the picture. The finalists however, will come from the "AAR included" results. Treeburst155 out. [ March 06, 2002, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. Below is a list of all the players who have sent in AARs, along with the number of AARs I have on record for them. Please check this list to make sure I did not lose any of your AARs. Heibis-1 Jarmo-3 Juha Keratar-2 Stefan-4 Tero-2 Unless Nabla objects, AARs will be scored as follows: Each full credit AAR will be worth 4% of the highest player's tourney score (before adding his AARs). If you write five full credit AARs you will receive additional tourney points equal to 20% of the highest players tourney score. AARs will receive either full credit or half credit. You must write more than just a few short paragraphs for full credit. I will let you know if an AAR is too short soon after you send it to me. You don't have to write a book either. Just give us a fairly good description of how the game played out. You are not required to write AARs. You just get a few extra points if you do. This could put you ahead if you're in a tight race in your section. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Sections 2,3, and 4 are completely finished. All ten games yet to be completed are in Section 1. Below is a list of every player who has sent in AARs along with the number of AARs I have on record for that player. Please check this list just in case I lost some AARs. ciks-2 Cpl. Carrot-3 Jack Trap-4 Massattack-1 Sgt. Kelly-5 Warhammer-3 White4-5 Unless Nabla objects AARs will be scored as follows: Each full credit AAR will be worth 4% of the highest player's tourney score (before adding his AARs). If you write five full credit AARs you will receive additional tourney points equal to 20% of the highest players tourney score. AARs will receive either full credit or half credit. You must write more than just a few short paragraphs for full credit. I will let you know if an AAR is too short soon after you send it to me. You don't have to write a book either. Just give us a fairly good description of how the game played out. You are not required to write AARs. You just get a few extra points if you do. This could put you ahead if you're in a tight race in your section. Treeburst155 out.
  25. That's interesting about the earthquake detection capabilities of computers. It will be even more interesting if there is a quake somewhere out there in the very near future. Now don't go firing rockets to trigger the quake. That's cheating. Claymore, by whacky I mean....you know....whacky. It's good to hear from you. I hope you're working on some sort of whacky uber weapon to throw at the terrorists. Do us a favor and post from time to time. Treeburst155 out.
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