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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Bimmer, AARs are on their way to you, a few at a time. Treeburst155 out.
  2. The Finals scenarios have been sent out. The German players have been provided with the email addresses of their opponents since they start the game. In the case of Flag Rush Hill, both players were sent the same email so look for your Allied opponent's address in the "to" field if you need it. Hopefully I have managed to send the correct files to players. My fingers are crossed. The Wild Bill Finals are now underway!! EDIT: Wreck, the email address I have for you is not working. Everything just bounced back. The address I am using is: leonard@dc.net Is this address still good? Treeburst155 out [ March 22, 2002, 09:56 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  3. The Dickens Effect, I like that. I'm sure much can be learned by playing Leonard and studying his AARs. He's definitely the man to beat. It will be interesting to watch the top dogs battle it out in Section One of the CMBB tourney. Then we will get to watch the "lowly" Section Three winner crush the Titan in the finals!! Go, Capt, Go!! Treeburst155 out.
  4. Below is the schedule for the finals. Each player will play every other player one time. Each player will play each scenario one time. Each player will have his score compared to every other player one time (playing the same side of a scenario). Warren Miron will play the Germans all three times. This is unavoidable in order to meet the other more important criteria for the schedule. As always, the Allied player is on the left. A Ranger_Challenge Dickens Holien Redeker Miron Der_Berg Redeker Dickens Holien Miron Flag_Rush_Hill Dickens Miron Holien Redeker The two secured scenarios will be sent to the German player to start the game along with his briefings and passwords. At the same time the Allied player will be sent his briefings and passwords. "Flag Rush Hill" will be sent to both players as a "tourney saved" scenario. The German player will need to start the PBEM (default tourney save). Treeburst155 out. [ March 22, 2002, 08:44 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. Here is how players stack up overall, WITHOUT the AARs added in. This is the Nabla equivalent of the results list WineCape posted above (meaning no sections, no AARs). This is the list that will be used to determing what section you are in for the WineCape CMBB tourney should you wish to participate. 1) Dickens............... 12.83 2) Redeker................ 8.54 3) Holien................. 8.39 4) Miron.................. 6.47 5) Jukka.................. 2.56 6) Johnson................ 2.17 7) Kingfish...............2.01 8) Svensson................1.84 9) Gaspari................ 0.87 10) vonLucke.............. 0.38 11) Juha.................. 0.38 12) CapDog................ 0.35 13) Enoch.................. 0.33 14) Zalewski............. -0.07 15) Sowden................ -0.18 16) Kettler................ -1.52 17) Tom................... -2.58 18) TabPub................ -3.91 19) Travisano............. -5.19 20) Rohde.................. -5.23 21) Bertram ................-5.25 22) Moore...................-5.73 23) Pixelmaster............. -8.58 24) Georges_Mick............ -8.86 That's it for now. I'll be posting the finalists' schedule, and passing out the scenarios to the players HOPEFULLY tonight. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Here's how the sections stack up when all the AAR points are added in: Section One Redeker.............. 11.109 Miron................ 9.039 Jukka................ 5.129 Sowden.............. 2.749 Johnson.............. 2.170 Moore............... -4.999 Bertram............. -5.250 Pixelmaster......... -8.580 Section Two Holien...............10.959 Svensson............. 4.409 Kingfish............. 4.212 CapDog............... 2.919 Kettler............. 1.049 vonLucke............. .038 Tom .................-1.479 Georges/Mick......... -8.86 Section Three Dickens.............. 15.399 Enoch................. 2.899 Zalewski............. 1.215 Gaspari............... .870 Juha.................. .747 Travisano............ -2.621 Rohde................ -2.661 TabPub............... -3.910
  7. Here are rankings by section BEFORE AARs are figured in: Section One Redeker.............. 8.54 Miron................ 6.47 Jukka................ 2.56 Johnson.............. 2.17 Sowden.............. -0.18 Bertram............. -5.25 Moore............... -5.73 Pixelmaster......... -8.58 Section Two Holien............... 8.39 Kingfish............. 2.01 Svensson............. 1.84 vonLucke............. 0.38 CapDog............... 0.35 Kettler............. -1.52 Tom .................-2.58 Georges/Mick.........-8.86 Section Three Dickens.............. 12.83 Gaspari............... 0.87 Juha.................. 0.38 Enoch................. 0.33 Zalewski............. -0.07 TabPub............... -3.91 Travisano............ -5.19 Rohde................ -5.23
  8. Yes, Warren is the underdog so I will be rooting for him. Leonard Dicken's play was absolutely phenomenal! I knew he was big on the ladders, but I figured some blind scenarios where he couldn't pick his forces would bring him down. How wrong I was! I'll be studying his AARs when I get a chance. That's for certain. Pixelmaster deserves another Honorable Mention here. All his games were already in progress when he started. He was way behind the average as far as the number of turns completed in each game when he took over. In spite of this he managed to crank out the turns and finish in a timely manner. Thanks, Pixelmaster, for digging me out of that potentially serious jam. On a similar note I'd like to thank MickOZ for filling in for George who was forced out due to Real Life. Just a few more hours and I'll be posting the final rankings. It might be interesting comparing them to the raw totals WineCape listed. Go, Capt, Go!! Treeburst155 out.
  9. Enjoy your flying vacation, Tuomas! We will hunt down Dragoon19/Brath while you are away. Cogust, Can you send me the results of your game with Kingfish? He says he lost by a wide margin but he does not remember the score. If you already sent in the result then I lost it somehow. :eek: Treeburst155 out.
  10. I have determined that the AARs will not affect who the four finalists will be. IOW, I already know for sure who they are. AARs WILL have an effect on various other players' final ranking. Therefore, WineCape, as tourney sponsor will be announcing the four finalists sometime between now and 11 AM (GMT-6) tomorrow morning. After NOON tomorrow (GMT-6) I will post the rankings and scores for all, with and without the AAR points. The AAR deadline is still NOON on Friday (GMT-6) for AARs. And now, lets have a warm round of applause for our tourney sponsor, WineCape, who is approaching the podium with the envelope of finalists in hand......
  11. Hehehe....you guys have been chatting up a storm in here for weeks I see. This makes me happy. You guys had fun with the tourney, and still are having fun with it. That's what it's all about. We will have more tourneys after CMBB comes out. Editted because I wanted to. Treeburst155 out. [ March 21, 2002, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  12. WineCape, I think maybe you should announce the four finalists before I post the final rankings. It will be more dramatic than a page full of numbers. Besides, you're the tourney sponsor. It's your job I think. Will you be available Friday evening your time? That's when I will be ready. I can inform you of the results before I post them. Treeburst155 out.
  13. The highest tourney score before AARs is: 12.83 The lowest tourney score before AARs is: -8.86 A player would score zero if he was always on the median. Full credit AARs are worth .367 tourney points each. 7 x .367 = 2.569 points for seven full credit AARs The deadline for AARs is NOON on Friday (GMT -6). At that time the rankings will be posted for all three sections. If you are at the top of your section you move on to the Finals. If you have the highest 2nd place score you move on to the finals. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Below is the input to Nabla's scoring program. It contains all the raw CM scores. Players should check this over to make sure the input is correct. I have been known to make mistakes. IIRC my last mistake was in 1973; but it is still possible I goofed. The Allied player is always on the left. #We_Cant_Wait Bertram 19 Miron 75 Johnson 45 Jukka 55 Pixelmaster 37 Moore 63 Redeker 67 Sowden 32 Holien 54 Kingfish 41 Georges_Mick 30 Tom 65 Svensson 37 CapDog 63 vonLucke 37 Kettler 54 TabPub 35 Zalewski 60 Gaspari 56 Travisano 44 Juha 40 Rohde 51 Enoch 26 Dickens 74 #Duel_At_Dompaire Miron 69 Moore 18 Bertram 28 Jukka 71 Johnson 37 Sowden 63 Pixelmaster 44 Redeker 52 Kingfish 47 CapDog 53 Holien 72 Tom 28 Georges_Mick 46 Kettler 44 Svensson 63 vonLucke 27 Zalewski 45 Rohde 51 TabPub 31 Travisano 64 Gaspari 29 Dickens 71 Juha 41 Enoch 59 #Sounds_In_Night Redeker 83 Miron 17 Sowden 52 Jukka 39 Moore 50 Bertram 40 Pixelmaster 39 Johnson 54 vonLucke 53 Kingfish 43 Kettler 63 Tom 33 CapDog 37 Holien 63 Svensson 68 Georges_Mick 30 Enoch 45 Zalewski 55 Dickens 87 Travisano 13 Rohde 58 TabPub 42 Juha 56 Gaspari 38 #Resolve_At_Ranville Miron 53 Johnson 38 Jukka 85 Pixelmaster 15 Moore 21 Redeker 79 Sowden 46 Bertram 54 Kingfish 65 Georges_Mick 27 Tom 50 Svensson 41 CapDog 39 vonLucke 51 Kettler 42 Holien 58 Zalewski 37 Gaspari 54 Travisano 35 Juha 56 Rohde 18 Enoch 82 Dickens 84 TabPub 16 #Real_Guts Jukka 32 Miron 49 Moore 13 Johnson 78 Sowden 66 Pixelmaster 34 Redeker 70 Bertram 30 Tom 31 Kingfish 69 CapDog 75 Georges_Mick 25 Kettler 26 Svensson 74 vonLucke 61 Holien 39 Travisano 27 Zalewski 63 Rohde 37 Gaspari 51 Dickens 71 Juha 29 Enoch 57 TabPub 43 #High_Cost Sowden 33 Miron 61 Moore 34 Jukka 51 Redeker 51 Johnson 49 Pixelmaster 32 Bertram 68 Kettler 37 Kingfish 56 CapDog 46 Tom 54 vonLucke 59 Georges_Mick 41 Svensson 12 Holien 88 Zalewski 24 Dickens 76 Rohde 36 Travisano 50 Enoch 31 Gaspari 63 Juha 40 TabPub 60 #Crisis_At_Kommerscheidt Miron 84 Pixelmaster 16 Jukka 58 Redeker 36 Moore 60 Sowden 40 Bertram 37 Johnson 48 Kingfish 56 Svensson 44 Tom 65 vonLucke 35 CapDog 50 Kettler 44 Holien 81 Georges_Mick 19 Zalewski 40 Juha 49 Travisano 54 Enoch 40 Rohde 26 Dickens 74 TabPub 62 Gaspari 30 Treeburst155 out.
  15. ...and the crunching of scores begins Here are the median scores achieved for each scenario. The first number is the Allied median, followed by the Axis median. These medians were figured AFTER adjusting raw scores for contested VLs. That's why they always equal 100. Were the scenarios balanced? The answer is below. We Can't Wait-39.5,60.5 Duel At Dompaire-46.5, 53.5 Sounds In The Night-57.25, 42.75 Resolve At Ranville-45, 55 Real Guts-50, 50 The High Cost Of Real Estate-40.25, 59.75 Crisis At Kommerscheidt-58.5, 41.5 More interesting numbers are coming. Treeburst155 out.
  16. Stefan, Since you have completed all your games I can send you my spreadsheet with all the game results received so far. These results are the raw CM scores BEFORE being run through the scoring program, but it will give you a good idea of who is doing well. Email me if you would like it so I can simply reply and attach. Anyone who has finished all five games can get the results sheet by sending an email requesting such. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Below is a list of all the people who have turned in AARs, along with the number of AARs I have from them. If you see an error, please email me so we can straighten it out. Redwolf-5 Ciks-3 Cpl Carrot-3 Jack Trap-4 Kanonier-1 Massattack-1 SGT Kelly-5 Warhammer-4 White4-5 Thanks, Treeburst155 out. [ March 20, 2002, 12:25 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  18. Below is a list of all the people who have turned in AARs, along with the number of AARs I have from them. If you see an error, please email me so we can straighten it out. Heibis-1 Jarmo-3 Juha Keratar-3 Mattias (section IV)-1 Stefan-5 Tero-5 Thanks, Treeburst155 out.
  19. Now let me see, where did I put my blacklist..... It's unfortunate this happened to you, SuperTed; but better you than me. You did the right thing to expose the rascal. It's the best punishment for cheating I can think of. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Well, it looks like things are moving along just fine here. Keep me informed on Dragoon19/Brath, please. Treeburst155 out.
  21. Excellent! I still have not updated the standings. Be patient with me, please. Treeburst155 out.
  22. The scenarios for the Wild Bill Finals will be: 1) "A Ranger Challenge" by Wild Bill Wilder. This is a new, unreleased, playtested, historical scenario. It will be secured to insure both players are completely blind. 2)"Der Berg" by Bill Hardenberger. With Bill's permission I have modified this publicly available scenario for use in the finals. It will be secured to insure both players are completely blind. The original version of this scenario is available for download at the Scenario Depot. I highly recommend it. If you are a finalist hoping to gain an edge by looking over the public version of the scenario, feel free; but be aware that due to changes made, the public version will only help you learn the map(LOS). You will get into trouble if you count on anything else being the same in the tourney version. 3) "Flag Rush Hill" by Treeburst155 This is a "CM Lite" scenario. A similar version is available at the Scenario Depot. It has been playtested several times against several people and measures up to my requirements in the "fun" department. Finalists will receive a standard tournament saved cmb file for this one so they can study the other side's OOB by playing the game from that side. It is only tourney saved to prevent the scenario from being modified. There you have it. I think you will find these finals games to be quite enjoyable. Treeburst155 out. [ March 20, 2002, 01:57 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. WineCape, Check your email for results update. Sorry about that. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Thanks, Tabpub! We're almost there guys! It's time to set a firm deadline on AARS. ALL AARs must be in my mailbox no later than NOON(GMT -6) on Friday, March 22nd. I will prepare the final input files for the scoring program at that time. I will be posting all the input for players to verify before I post the final results sometime on Saturday. The finalists' scenarios will go out shortly thereafter. It's gonna be a big weekend for me. EDIT: Actually TabPub, I don't have any AARs from you yet. Treeburst155 out. [ March 19, 2002, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  25. How are we doing on that last game? Treeburst155 out. [ March 18, 2002, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
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