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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. .....and speaking of scenario designers, I have just found all the designers we need! In fact, I have found an entire team of designers who have offerred to produce ALL the scenarios for our upcoming WineCape CMBB tournament. Our scenarios will be created by none other than the Boots & Tracks scenario design team!! The Boots & Tracks team consists of seventeen people and is headed up by Team Leader, Ted Quincey (Superted). SuperTed is enthusiastic about the project and is determined to give us the quality scenarios we desire. Each scenario will be delivered to me as an "Official Boots & Tracks Scenario", having met the high standards required for such a distinction. To find out more about Boots & Tracks, who the designers are, etc., go to BOOTS & TRACKS. Let's hear it for the Boots & Tracks Scenario Design Team!! Thanks, guys! Now we need only wait for CMBB to be released. At least I'm well out in front on this tourney. I can relax for awhile. I have a feeling we may have to wait some for the new game. The 3D modelling contest just ended a little while ago. How many new models will be in CMBB? 200? 250? How long does it take to do all that work? Anyway, we're all lined up and ready to go when the game hits. While you guys are getting familiar with the game, Boots & Tracks will be working on our scenarios. I'll keep this thread alive for people to get on the waiting list, and for people to bow out if Real Life goes on the offensive. Check this thread regularly for any new developments, my new Game Results and AAR Submission Procedures, etc.. This thread is the source for your CMBB tourney news. Thanks again, Boots & Tracks! Treeburst155 out. [ April 21, 2002, 11:12 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  2. M. Dorosh, Force picking rules for designed scenarios? Tripods for Russian MGs will NOT be available except for the little known lend/lease Brens. Combined Arms, You are number one on the waiting list. You will probably get in; but even if you don't there will be an overflow tourney that will be an exact duplicate of this one except for the prize. I will be providing the prize for that one. Rest assured you will play. The_Capt, Any scenario designers creating scenarios for this tourney will be made aware of who is on the player list so that they don't inadvertantly let a tourney player test a prospective scenario. This I have thought of. Treeburst155 out.
  3. All I would need to do that, Jarmo, is 47 scenarios. The deadline for completed games would be November 20, 2006. I say let's do it! Treeburst155 out.
  4. Nabla and I are in the final testing stages of the three playoff scenarios. Be patient, we want to get them right. It will be worth the wait. I'll keep you updated. Treeburst155 out.
  5. Yes, White4, you are a finalist. Nabla and I are testing the scenarios now. It may be another week or so. We want to get them right! Ricochet, I signed you up for the CMBB tourney. You are the last one for the main event. Anybody else will have to be on a waiting list. Some will probably have to bow out by the time it starts. An overflow tourney will be held for all the backups who don't get moved to the main event. Treeburst155 out.
  6. We have another Gladiator! Welcome, Kiwi Joe! Kanonier Reichmann is also in. Welcome, KR! The final slot in the main event goes to Ricochet who posted in the Wannabee thread his desire to play. Welcome, Ricochet! From this point on players will be placed on a waiting list. See my earlier large post a page back for details. Here is a tentative list of the final participants in the main event. Any who decide to bow out before the tourney begins will be replaced with backups in the order that they sign up. 1) Jarmo 2) The_Capt 3) Enoch 4) Kingfish 5) mPisi 6) JonS 7) redwolf 8) JeffWilders 9) Joseph Porta 10) John "Katyusha" Kettler 11) Thomas Norton 12) Cpl Carrot 13) Strider 14) Warhammer 15) THumpre 16) a1steaks 17) Wreck 18) redeker 19) Fate 20) StugIII 21) MrSpkr 22) CapitalistDogInChina 23) Holien 24) ciks 25) Ugbash 26) wadepm 27) Juha Ahoniemi 28) Fangorn 29) Scheer 30) Bimmer 31) Mattias 32) Jack Trap 33) Peter svensson 34) TexasToast 35) Michael Dorosh 36) Ali 37) Cogust 38) mike8g 39) Lopaka 40) Bertram 41) Tero 42) JPS 43) Torbhen 44) Mr. Johnson 45) Mick 46) Kiwi Joe 47) Kanonier 48) Ricochet ___________________________ BACKUPS 1) Treeburst155out.
  7. That was easier than I thought. Mare Ichthys ended up well below the median due to two rather big losses (in relation to the median). The official Section One winner is: REDWOLF !! Congratulations, Redwolf! Thank you again, Uber General for making it possible for Redwolf and Mare Ichthys to finish all their games. You are a tourney vet in good standing should you wish to play in another. I've taken steps to prevent drop-outs in future tourneys. We won't let this happen again. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Well, looking over the scoresheet it does appear Redwolf did better than Mare Ichthys. I'd have to calculate it out to be sure however. I will do this in the same manner as I did for Redwolf later this evening when I get time. Uber General just misses out since his games were not completed. I guess this is the big problem I have. He tried so hard to get them done. He was also a replacement, thereby helping me and the tourney out by jumping in. Oh well, I guess one casualty due to drop-outs is better than four finalists missing out on their playoff, eh? I will post later with Mare Ichthys' score. We shall move on to the finals as originally planned! Treeburst155 out.
  9. OK, I refuse to let this tourney slip into the past without a proper final. We have six players. We will have three scenarios by Nabla. I have a couple that I think have some potential. So we have something to work with here. I need to hear from White4, Wreck, ciks, Redwolf, Uber General, and Mare Ichthys. Post here if you want a playoff. When I see how many of you are interested I will figure something out. It may have to be quite different than the Nordic Champ finals, but we will determine a Wannabee Champion somehow if you guys want. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Hi Mick! Welcome aboard. BTW, IT'S YOUR TURN!! There are now 2-3 slots remaining in the main event!! Treeburst155 out.
  11. Mr. Johnson of the Nordic Wannabee tourney is on the list. He will be among the Gladiators. 3-4 slots remaining in the main event!! Treeburst155 out.
  12. I was wondering about you Mr. Johnson. You did very well in this tourney. We need you for the Gladiator section in the big CMBB tourney. Sign up at the, "To All WineCape Tourney Vets" thread if you haven't already. Treeburst155 out.
  13. It appears my tourney structure is more limited than I originally thought if I want to keep it down to five games per player(not including playoffs), which is important to do IMO. We're going to have to stick to multiples of 24 players. Since 72 people is too many for me to handle in one tourney, and causes problems with the playoffs, we're left with a max of 48. I had no idea I was bound to multiples of 24! We could do 56 with each player playing seven games, but that makes the tourney on the long side, and requires eleven scenarios rather than just the nine we need for 48 players. This is a hefty load of work for designers. At present we have 44 players on the list, with one of those being unconfirmed (Ari Maenpaa). IOW, there are only four or five slots remaining. Anyone who signs up after that will be put on a waiting list for the time being. Chances are some of the players will have to back out before the tourney actually starts. The slots will be filled from the waiting list. Once the tourney is fully underway, and my workload thereby diminished, I will kick off an overflow tourney with the same scenarios for the orphaned tourney vets. I will CAREFULLY recruit people to bring the total to 24. We should be able to kick off this overflow tourney within two weeks of the big one. I need the two weeks to do proper screening of tourney newbies. I will sponsor the prize for this overflow tourney. So, all WineCape Tourney Vets still get to play; but not necessarily in the main event. ALTERNATES I will be recruiting at least 12 alternates for the inevitable drop-outs due to Real Life. The alternates will have some fun while they wait. They will be playing the Grand Finale scenario double-blind! Their scores will determine the median for each side of the scenario. When the two Finalists have their showdown with that scenario, the one who does best in comparison to his side's median (as determined by the Alternate games) wins the South African Wines. Alternates would be expected to finish the Grand Finale scenario even if they replace a fallen commander at the front. We MUST have that accurate median for the Grand Finale scenario. Some, who like to think of problems, may ask, "What if an Alternate turned Player makes it to the final showdown?". Well, I have a plan for that too. In that unlikely event (although Cogust did it in the Nordic Championships) the Grand Finale would have to be discarded. Instead, the finalist with the highest "regular season" tourney score will decide whether he wants to choose a scenario out of the eight already played, or if he would rather let his opponent choose a scenario out of the eight and instead choose the side he wishes to play. Once this has been determined, one finalist will pick the scenario, the other will pick the side. IOW, the final showdown would be a replay of one of the scenarios should an Alternate make it to the Final Two. Thank you, SuperTed, for the concept of "active alternates". If anyone can think of any flaws in my plan, feel free to speak up. I may have missed a drawback or two somewhere. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Here is a direct copy of an optional tourney output file that shows difference from the median and resulting Nabla score for each scenario. The CM game score is not included. Scenario [ Economy_OF_Force ] medians [ 77 23 ]. [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Thumpre ], difference from median [ -15.5 ] score [ -10.1104 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Ricochet ] difference from median [ 15.5 ] score [ 9.76722 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Massattack ], difference from median [ 8 ] score [ 6.23815 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Jack_Trap ] difference from median [ -8 ] score [ -6.23815 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ White4 ], difference from median [ 15 ] score [ 9.58166 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ a1steaks ] difference from median [ -15 ] score [ -9.86041 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Cpl_Carrot ], difference from median [ 2 ] score [ 1.87545 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ The_Commissar ] difference from median [ -2 ] score [ -1.87545 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Kanonier_Reichmann ], difference from median [ -20.5 ] score [ -12.6104 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Lopaka ] difference from median [ 20.5 ] score [ 11.3259 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Warhammer ], difference from median [ -19 ] score [ -11.8604 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Wreck ] difference from median [ 19 ] score [ 10.9102 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Mr_johnson ], difference from median [ 4 ] score [ 3.52228 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Combined_Arms ] difference from median [ -4 ] score [ -3.52228 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Scheer ], difference from median [ -2 ] score [ -1.87545 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Strider ] difference from median [ 2 ] score [ 1.87545 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ Sgt_Kelly ], difference from median [ -31 ] score [ -17.8604 ] [ Economy_OF_Force ] player [ ciks ] difference from median [ 31 ] score [ 13.3335 ] ________________________________________________ Scenario [ Gotta_Get_Up ] medians [ 35 65 ]. [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Massattack ], difference from median [ -8 ] score [ -6.23815 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Thumpre ] difference from median [ 8 ] score [ 6.23815 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Ricochet ], difference from median [ 12 ] score [ 8.33222 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ White4 ] difference from median [ -12 ] score [ -8.36041 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Jack_Trap ], difference from median [ 8 ] score [ 6.23815 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ a1steaks ] difference from median [ -8 ] score [ -6.23815 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Kanonier_Reichmann ], difference from median [ -2 ] score [ -1.87545 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Cpl_Carrot ] difference from median [ 2 ] score [ 1.87545 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ The_Commissar ], difference from median [ 7 ] score [ 5.62388 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Warhammer ] difference from median [ -7 ] score [ -5.62388 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Lopaka ], difference from median [ -13 ] score [ -8.86041 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Wreck ] difference from median [ 13 ] score [ 8.77604 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Scheer ], difference from median [ -17 ] score [ -10.8604 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Mr_johnson ] difference from median [ 17 ] score [ 10.2891 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Combined_Arms ], difference from median [ -12 ] score [ -8.36041 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Sgt_Kelly ] difference from median [ 12 ] score [ 8.33222 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ Strider ], difference from median [ -20 ] score [ -12.3604 ] [ Gotta_Get_Up ] player [ ciks ] difference from median [ 20 ] score [ 11.1918 ] ________________________________________________ Scenario [ The_Aftermath ] medians [ 59 41 ]. [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Thumpre ], difference from median [ 5 ] score [ 4.26881 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ White4 ] difference from median [ -5 ] score [ -4.26881 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ a1steaks ], difference from median [ -2 ] score [ -1.87545 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Massattack ] difference from median [ 2 ] score [ 1.87545 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Jack_Trap ], difference from median [ 2 ] score [ 1.87545 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Ricochet ] difference from median [ -2 ] score [ -1.87545 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Cpl_Carrot ], difference from median [ 11 ] score [ 7.85858 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Warhammer ] difference from median [ -11 ] score [ -7.86041 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Wreck ], difference from median [ 6 ] score [ 4.96836 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Kanonier_Reichmann ] difference from median [ -6 ] score [ -4.96836 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Lopaka ], difference from median [ -3.5 ] score [ -3.13042 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ The_Commissar ] difference from median [ 3.5 ] score [ 3.13042 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Mr_johnson ], difference from median [ 17 ] score [ 10.2891 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Sgt_Kelly ] difference from median [ -17 ] score [ -10.8604 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ ciks ], difference from median [ 2 ] score [ 1.87545 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Scheer ] difference from median [ -2 ] score [ -1.87545 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Strider ], difference from median [ 18.5 ] score [ 10.7624 ] [ The_Aftermath ] player [ Combined_Arms ] difference from median [ -18.5 ] score [ -11.6104 ] ________________________________________________ Scenario [ Enough_Is_Enough ] medians [ 56 44 ]. [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ a1steaks ], difference from median [ -15 ] score [ -9.86041 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Thumpre ] difference from median [ 15 ] score [ 9.58166 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ White4 ], difference from median [ 12 ] score [ 8.33222 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Jack_Trap ] difference from median [ -12 ] score [ -8.36041 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Massattack ], difference from median [ -5 ] score [ -4.26881 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Ricochet ] difference from median [ 5 ] score [ 4.26881 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Wreck ], difference from median [ -1 ] score [ -0.968193 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Cpl_Carrot ] difference from median [ 1 ] score [ 0.968193 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Warhammer ], difference from median [ 0 ] score [ 0 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Lopaka ] difference from median [ 0 ] score [ 0 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Kanonier_Reichmann ], difference from median [ -1 ] score [ -0.968193 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ The_Commissar ] difference from median [ 1 ] score [ 0.968193 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ ciks ], difference from median [ 3 ] score [ 2.72562 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Mr_johnson ] difference from median [ -3 ] score [ -2.72562 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Sgt_Kelly ], difference from median [ -9 ] score [ -6.81376 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Strider ] difference from median [ 9 ] score [ 6.81376 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Scheer ], difference from median [ -16.5 ] score [ -10.6104 ] [ Enough_Is_Enough ] player [ Combined_Arms ] difference from median [ 16.5 ] score [ 10.1207 ] _______________________________________________ Scenario [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] medians [ 51 49 ]. [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Thumpre ], difference from median [ 4.5 ] score [ 3.90161 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Jack_Trap ] difference from median [ -4.5 ] score [ -3.90161 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Ricochet ], difference from median [ 0 ] score [ 0 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ a1steaks ] difference from median [ 0 ] score [ 0 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Massattack ], difference from median [ -21 ] score [ -12.8604 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ White4 ] difference from median [ 21 ] score [ 11.4557 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Cpl_Carrot ], difference from median [ 12.5 ] score [ 8.55773 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Lopaka ] difference from median [ -12.5 ] score [ -8.61041 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ The_Commissar ], difference from median [ -7.5 ] score [ -5.936 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Wreck ] difference from median [ 7.5 ] score [ 5.936 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Kanonier_Reichmann ], difference from median [ 25 ] score [ 12.3552 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Warhammer ] difference from median [ -25 ] score [ -14.8604 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Mr_johnson ], difference from median [ 22 ] score [ 11.7029 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Strider ] difference from median [ -22 ] score [ -13.3604 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Combined_Arms ], difference from median [ -11 ] score [ -7.86041 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ ciks ] difference from median [ 11 ] score [ 7.85858 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Scheer ], difference from median [ -15 ] score [ -9.86041 ] [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] player [ Sgt_Kelly ] difference from median [ 15 ] score [ 9.58166 ]
  15. Jack Trap, Auto-surrender itself is not subject to punishment by the scoring system. It all depends on how bad the auto-surrender causes your score to be in relation to the median. What you don't want to do is voluntarily surrender. You should withdraw your troops from the map until the game auto-surrenders you. Every unit that gets off the map robs your opponent of capture points when the auto-surrender takes place. Ideally, you would withdraw all your troops to a map edge, then step off the map with all of them simultaneously. This will prevent excessive global morale loss and the resultant auto-surrender until all have exited. This is not always easy to do, of course. In cases where both players are approaching the auto-surrender point, the player who first succumbs will definitely be hurt bad. If you're near auto-surrender (15% morale?), it's time to consider carefully your future actions. EDIT: In none of your games did you do poorly enough to have the "devastating loss" penalty kick in. -20 from the median is a sound trouncing. Your worst was -12. If I would quit posting and get to work you could see for yourself when I post individual scenario stats. Treeburst155 out. [ April 20, 2002, 06:51 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  16. Hmmm....I didn't know you couldn't use an iMac monitor with a PC. I'm to be forgiven for that mistake however. I've never even seen a Macintosh computer! Well, I guess John should just buy a new iMac then, if his monitor is good. He could avoid Windows that way too. Now Ben, quit posting, and get playing that game with Ari! Treeburst155 out.
  17. This is mainly for Redwolf since I know he is interested in the nuts and bolts of scoring, but the rest of you may find it interesting too. Relation to Median, equivalent Nabla score +40, 14.24 +35, 13.80 +30, 13.20 +25, 12.36 +20, 11.19 +15, 9.58 +10, 7.35 +5, 4.27 Median, 0 -5, -4.27 -10, -7.35 -15, -9.86 -20, -12.36 -25, -14.86 -30, -17.36 -35, -19.86 -40, -22.36 The vast majority of games don't differ from the median much more than +/- 20. You'll notice that at about -15 you start getting punished for losing badly. The effect doesn't become really significant until about -20. IOW, -20 hurts more than +20 helps. Compare the opposite values. At this point we are assuming haphazard play or a complete surrender has taken place. We felt it was best to punish the loser rather than reward the victor in such circumstances. We don't want the beneficiary of a premature surrender, or suicidal wreckless play, to pull way ahead because of it. Overwhelming victories are still rewarded with a little higher score, and the knowledge that you are really hurting your opponent's chances. From looking at all the completed tourneys it is apparent that any final score over 4.00 represents fairly solid play. Treeburst155 out. [ April 20, 2002, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  18. LOL!! You may not have to play Wreck. There will be eight sections. He may end up in the other Gladiator section. No matter where you end up though, you're going to meet some tough opponents. That's the thanks you get for playing well. Victory will be all the sweeter however. Treeburst155 out.
  19. You all have guaranteed slots as WineCape Tourney vets in good standing. The worst that could happen is I would have to split it into two tourneys, but I don't think that will be necessary. I have a plan! BTW, part of my plan is to have specific game results reporting procedures, and AAR submission procedures too. By following a few little rules you guys can reduce my processing time of incoming tourney mail substantially, and I would REALLY appreciate it. Less work, more fun for me! I will post these simple game reporting and AAR rules in due time. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Redwolf, No typo, just an interesting fact. Nabla has noticed this too. It IS interesting. To All, I will begin posting individual scenario results complete with the Nabla scores for the scenario shortly. I have finished doing this for the Nordic Championship. Now it's your turn. You will then be able to see who did the best in each single scenario. Of course, Section One will have to guesstimate. I think I will post a chart showing the Nabla score for various distances from the median. This will help Section One determine how they did. Geez, I'm full of good ideas. Too bad they take time to implement. I will do this before I post the individual scenario stats. Be patient, lots going on here at the Treeburst155 command center. Treeburst155 out.
  21. LOL!! No Scheer, it is purely coincidence that you are at the bottom of the bottom. The names aren't listed in any particular order. So, no special recognition for you. You don't "stand out". You just stand at the bottom. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Here is your final scenario with the Nabla score inserted. You can now determine who did the best in each scenario if you want. Jarmo took the honors in this one. Everybody gets lucky sometimes. # A_Meeting_Of_Devils Juha_A 41 [ -5.30144 ] Fate 47 [ 5.30144 ] Ari 60 [ 8.77604 ] vskalex 27 [ -8.86041 ] Topi 55 [ 5.936 ] Heibis 33 [ -5.936 ] Tuomas 60 [ 8.33222 ] Dragoon19 29 [ -8.36041 ] Jarmo 70 [ 10.1207 ] Ugbash 30 [ -10.6104 ] Sesam 57 [ 3.13042 ] DrAlimantado 43 [ -3.13042 ] tero 39 [ -6.53063 ] Kingfish 49 [ 6.53063 ] Torbhen 37 [ -4.62427 ] Cogust 41 [ 4.62427 ] Juha_K 59 [ 4.62427 ] S_Fredrikson 41 [ -4.62427 ] PasiN 39 [ -6.81376 ] J_Porta 50 [ 6.81376 ] Pixie 37 [ -3.52228 ] Romeoman 38 [ 3.52228 ] Ali 50 [ -3.13042 ] Mattias 50 [ 3.13042 ] Don't forget to sign up for the new tourney if feel you have the time to participate. You are all invited. I don't think the four finalists will have to worry about any overlap of their playoff with the new tourney. Take care, my Nordic friends, and enjoy the nice warm summer up there. You know how short they are. Treeburst155 out.
  23. This will give you a hint as to who you might have to do battle with in the next tourney. There will be eight sections of six players in the end. I have just divided the players into four different brackets based on prior performance and guesswork. You will notice one new name, John Jelinek. John and I have exchanged several emails discussing the time committment involved. He has provided me with both a work and a home phone. I think he has the right stuff to finish the war. We have discussed his skill level, and I've a feeling he may be fairly tough to beat so he has been placed accordingly. Keep in mind this division of players according to skill is a lot of guesswork, even though I have scores for most players. We will have to play MANY more tourneys before skill can really be assessed accurately IMO. The Gladiators The_Capt Redwolf Wreck Redeker Holien ciks Cpl Carrot Mattias Cogust Ari Maenpaa Where the Iron Crosses Grow Thumpre MrSpkr mPisi Kingfish Svensson TexasToast Mike8g Fate Ali J. Jelinek Fangorn The Purple Heart Brigade Enoch Jon Sowden Strider Jarmo CapitalistDog Juha Ahoniemi Bimmer Jack Trap Lopaka John "Katyusha" Kettler Officer Candidate School Michael Dorosh Jeff Wilder Joseph porta Tom Norton Warhammer a1steaks StuGIII Ugbash Wadepm Scheer Treeburst155 out.
  24. Redwolf, Your final tourney score is 4.338. You would have scored fourth place in the Wannabee Tourney overall. I looked up a Nabla score for each one of your games and took the average. I only had to approximate one time. The figure is accurate to within +/- .100. You did a good job. For that, you will have to be in one of the more Uber sections in the CMBB tourney. Treeburst155 out.
  25. Redwolf, Medians for the scenarios, Allied on the left. Scenario [ Economy_OF_Force ] medians [ 77 23 ]. Scenario [ Gotta_Get_Up ] medians [ 35 65 ]. Scenario [ The_Aftermath ] medians [ 59 41 ] Scenario [ Enough_Is_Enough ] medians [ 56 44 ] Scenario [ Meeting_Of_Devils ] medians [ 51 49] Don't forget to make all your game scores add up to 100. Split the difference. If score was 60-30 then count it as 65-35, etc.. The Nabla program does this first, before working on the CM scores and determining the scenario medians. Treeburst155 out.
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