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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. The player list (first post to thread) will be updated shortly. We have four new guys from SuperTed's Newbie Tournaments. All come highly recommended by SuperTed. Welcome!! Treeburst155 out.
  2. Peter Svensson has expressed interest in doing something with the AARs. Evidently all he lacks is web space and perhaps time. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Please see the new section I added to my large post near the bottom of page one entitled, "Reporting MIAs". Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  4. Mr Spkr, Do me a big favor and send me an email. Make the subject be "Mr Spkr". In the body of the email type in the address you wish to use for tourney related mail (turns, etc.). I need this confirmation email for organizational purposes, and to establish an up-to-date mailing list that I can associate with forum usernames. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  5. Hi guys! Today is the last day for Mr Spkr, Mr. Johnson, and Fangorn to send in their confirmation letters. They will be removed from the list tomorrow. Also tomorrow, I will begin filling the remaining Tourney III slots with new guys. Things will be picking up on this thread in a week or so. Tourney and section assignments will be posted, among other things, so try to check the thread several times per week. Take a moment to check out the new Boots & Tracks site. These are the guys that are hard at work on our scenarios right now. Without them, there would be no tourney. The link is in my sig. EDIT: I forgot. Tuomas, you have been removed from the list per your request. Have a great summer. Don't fly into any mountains, and we'll see you in the CMBB tourney. Treeburst155 out. [ May 15, 2002, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  6. Very nice, Boots & Tracks! Just one thing about the block party. You didn't supply a link to the beer. Treeburst155 out.
  7. ciks, I removed you from the list. Have a great summer, and we'll see you in the CMBB tourney. Warhammer, You are #14 on the list (see first post to this thread). You are good to go. I'm still waiting on four confirmation emails. I need to hear from Tuomas, Fangorn, MrSpkr, and Mr. Johnson if you guys want to play in this tourney. You have 48 hours to respond. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Hi Jeff, I'll be sending a letter to all the new guys on May 16th. By then I will know exactly how many slots I have available. Right now I'm waiting on tourney vets to confirm. Have no fear, there are plenty of slots in Tourney III. You will get in if you still want in after you read the letter. It just explains the time committment involved, the extreme problems created by dropouts, etc.. You'll get it on the 16th. Treeburst155 out.
  9. John, I have your confirmation. You're good to go. WineCape, The first post to this thread contains the tentative player list which I update regularly. We won't have a firm list until about May 20th. Slots 1-48 will be in tourneys I and II. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Jeff, I have your email. I'll be processing another batch of new guys on May 16th. If you still want in after you read my "Newbie Letter" then you are in. To All, I have updated the player list. I'm only short eight confirmation emails right now, so there will be a third tourney as originally planned. There are between seven and fifteen open slots in tourney #3. Treeburst155 out.
  11. Yeah, I will email those who have not confirmed in a few days. That's another thing on my "to do" list. Treeburst155 out.
  12. We now have 65 players on the list (first post), but 18 vets who originally signed up for a CMBB tourney have yet to confirm their desire to play in a CMBO tourney. They have one more week to send the confirmation email (SUBJECT: forum username BODY: email address). I may be able to cut it down to just two tourneys of 24 players. Rest assured however, if you are on the list with an asterisk, you will play. I might have to go on a recruiting drive or restructure Tourney III. As it stands now, there are anywhere from 7-25 slots available, depending on the eighteen who have yet to confirm. BTW, I added two names to the list today. SuperTed says Boots & Tracks is making good progress with our scenarios. It's gonna be a good tourney! Treeburst155 out.
  13. Vacations WILL slow things down. Consecutive vacations by both players, as described above, will probably happen; but only to a small fraction of the total games in the tourney. Players should be able to catch these games up IMO, if they really want to. If players make a serious attempt to send one file per game per day whenever possible they will not be the last to finish their games. Realistically, we'll be doing good to get the last games completed in 120 days. I ask for 90 so I can get 120. Visom, You might have a good idea there. Perhaps I will try to collect vacation info from the players. This way I could prevent any really bad vacation matchups such as you described. To keep it simple and easy I would just request vacation info from people who intend to be gone more than seven days. I have a couple more things I need to do before that however. Treeburst155 out. [ May 08, 2002, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  14. Vacations are no problem. Many will be doing this over the course of the tourney. Just be sure you inform your opponents when the time comes. Your other questions are all answered on page one of this thread. This vacation question reminds me that I need to come up with some quidelines for reporting suspected dropouts so the games in question don't remain idle for weeks on end. I will add a section to my post at the bottom of page one dealing with this in the near future. Treeburst155 out. Treeburst155 out.
  15. SS Obergruppenfuhrer, Email me at mikeman@cablelynx.com Gunnersman, The tourney will not begin until the first week in June, if all goes well. May 15 is just the date everybody has to send the confirmation email by. Speaking of which, I still need confirmation emails from 18 vets who originally signed up for the CMBB tourney. Subject: forum username, Body: email address. Treeburst155 out.
  16. No problem, Lunael. We hope to see you in the CMBB tournament. A note on the player list. New additions will not necessarily be at the bottom of the list. For example, Zipper is now on the list in slot 50, which was just vacated by Lunael. This is much easier than shifting everyone up the list. If an opening occurs in the first 48 slots there will be more shuffling as I transfer tourney vets into those slots. As of now we have only one tourney vet (unconfirmed) not in the first 48. Did YOU send in your confirmation email? Subject: forum username Body: email address. Treeburst155 out.
  17. Yes, players should check this thread often from here on out. How things will work has been established for this tourney. See page one of this thread for full details. Twelve newbies have been added to the player list. There are nine unclaimed slots in Tourney III, and eighteen vets from the original CMBB sign-up who still need to send the confirmation email. The player list is updated daily. It is in the first post to this thread. If you are on the list and do NOT have an asterisk by your name, you need to send me a confirmation email. Subject: your forum username, Body: type in your email address. Due date for confirmation email is May 15!! After that date you will be removed from the list. Tourney Vets not yet on the player list are no longer guaranteed a slot. Don't delay if you want in. Post here or send email. NEWBIES: Email me if you want in. We'll talk about it. Treeburst155 out.
  18. "Der Berg" by Bill Hardenberger can be found at the Scenario Depot, as can "Flag Rush Hill". I'm not sure if Wild Bill has released his "Ranger Challenge" yet. Treeburst155 out.
  19. Just a bump. I assume everyone received their files for all three playoff scenarios? Treeburst155 out.
  20. Just a bump. I assume everyone received their files for all three playoff scenarios? Treeburst155 out.
  21. Just one last bump for this thread. Some who are interested in the final outcome may have missed it. Treeburst155 out.
  22. Spinning, but still not working. I would try a new CD drive. I have lost two CD drives over the last three years. They DO quit occasionally, even name brand units. Treeburst155 out.
  23. I still need confirmation of desire to play in this CMBO tourney from the following people who originally signed up for the CMBB tourney: Jarmo, mPisi, JeffWilders, John Kettler, Pixelmaster, a1steaks, Wreck, Tuomas, StugIII, MrSpkr, ciks, Fangorn, mike8g, Bertram, Tero , Stefan Hendrikson, Torbhen, Mr. Johnson, Kiwi Joe, Kanonier, von Lucke, John Jelinek. To confirm, send an email. Subject: your forum username, body: type in your email address This is important to me for organizational purposes. The deadline for this confirmation email is May 15. After that date, you will be removed from the list! ___________________________________________________ TOURNEY VETS who are not yet on the list (first post to thread) have only until midnight tonight (GMT -5) to post here to receive a guaranteed slot. After that there are no guarantees you will get in. If you do post here, you will also need to send the confirmation email described above. ___________________________________________________ Newbies will be added to the list on May 4th. I have eleven newbies ready to go, and three more in the screening process. John Jelinek, Note that you are already on the player list. I will need a confirmation email from you. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Tourney vets who are on the list, and have sent in confirmation emails are ready to go. They have nothing more to do but wait for the tourney to start. They will not be subjected to my lecture on dropouts. Anyone who is on the list, but does not have an asterisk by their name needs to send the little confirmation email to finalize their entry. This is to help me keep things organized, establish an up-to-date address book, give me forum names to associate with email address, and to be sure everybody wants to play in another CMBO tourney. The original sign up was for the CMBB tourney. Tourney vets who are not yet on the list have through May 3rd to post here to reserve a slot. After that date, there is no guaranteed slot for vets. They will also need to send the confirmation email. Newbies need to email me so I can reply with my tirade against dropouts. The letter also contains further instructions for newbies. I know the process is a bit involved, but switching from a CMBB tourney to a CMBO tourney caused this, along with my special handling of newbies. Rest assured, if you see your name on the list (page one of thread) WITH an asterisk you are good to go. Treeburst155 out.
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