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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. I think for some people the MX might be a very good choice. You've been hanging around hardcore gaming sites. Many CMers don't fit into this category. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Apparently, 2x FSAA causes the same trouble with Ti 4200 and latest official drivers. I thought I had checked this earlier, but I guess not. I did today, and it doesn't work. Looks like I'm stuck with 4x. Luckily, it doesn't slow CM down much at all. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Due to Real Life we have lost Pilgrim from Tourney III, Section Three. He has been replaced by Nemo, the first on my backup list. Good luck to you, Pilgrim; and welcome aboard, Nemo! It appears the invasion of Normandy has been postponed due to bad weather over the Channel. The rock solid, official invasion date will be June 6, 1944. On this date you will begin receiving briefings and game files(if Germans). You will get your contact list and schedule of games within the next few days. Treeburst155.
  4. Kingfish, Tell John "Katyusha" Kettler that he will not be relieved of command unless and until, in his best judgment, he feels he should step down to prevent holding up the tourney. As a guideline I would say he should have his command post fully operational not later than June 20 so he can keep up. Treeburst155 out.
  5. Yes, a $1 money order to WineCape to help cover costs is a great idea. I'm in. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Yeah, send the boys some of the "Nectar of the Gods" if you're so inclined. I figure they've provided me with 1,400 hours of entertainment over the past two years, with no end in sight. All this for $45 US too. They deserve it. Besides, WineCape, you know I'm always willing to assist you with opportunities to give away South Africa's finest wines. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Visom, You will be getting the game files and/or briefings throughout the seven day period following the day I receive the scenarios from Boots & Tracks. To all, VACATIONS and BUSINESS TRIPS Now that we have the sections established, it would be nice to find out if there are going to be any major vacation/business conflicts between any pair of players that results in several weeks of inactivity. If there are some severe conflicts I will do some section switching. I should have addressed this issue immediately after I posted the sections, but I forgot. If you know you won't be able to send turns for ten consecutive days or more, anytime between June 15 and October 1, please email me. Just give me your forum username and the time period you will be gone. It would be better if you didn't post the dates here. Email is easier for me to work with than forum threads. Also, by keeping the info off this thread, the possibility of any "hanky panky" to manipulate one's section placement is removed. Only severe conflicts of several weeks or more will result in section reassignment. _______________________________________________ BACKUP PLAYERS Here is the list of backup players in the order they will be called to the front if needed. 1) Nemo 2) Beckman 3) Yankee Dog 4) Diceman Backup players should know that they may have to take up games already in progress. Both players must agree before a game can be restarted. Also, backup players should not feel obligated to accept a transfer to the front. You will not get on my blacklist for declining an opportunity. The list simply represents the first people that will be given an opportunity to participate should we lose somebody. Backup players who are called up, accept the offer, and finish the tourney, will become Rumblings Of War tourney vets in good standing even if they only play the last few turns of the games. This status simply means you will have priority over newbies for all future tournaments. NOTE: I will never be able to handle more than 72 players. I may very well have more than 72 vets in good standing at the conclusion of this tourney. Therefore, entrance into the upcoming CMBB tourney is not guaranteed, even for vets. However, future tourneys will not be open to newbies until vets have had a chance to sign up if they wish. _______________________________________________ It won't be long now. The invasion of Normandy is imminent. The Boots & Tracks guys are hard at work designing your little piece of the war, your own private hell. Can you emerge victorious? Treeburst155 out.
  8. Given any single unit type, the AI will ALWAYS target the most experienced unit it "sees". This is true even if the more experienced unit is further away and appears later in the turn. The AI knows which squads have panzerfausts too. I'm not sure about rifle grenades. It's safe to say the AI knows everything about your units the second they are spotted, and will select targets accordingly. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Be patient, gentlemen. The scenarios will be ready on June 1st according to SuperTed. I will be sending the files shortly thereafter. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Aaaah, it's good to see John back in the war. I've missed his battle reports. Treeburst155 out.
  11. Visom, I will send you the AARs. It will take several emails. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Beckman, I have your email. You are #2 on the backup list behind Nemo. Holien, The section assignments were completely random. Really they were. TOURNEY I just has lots of very good players in it. Hi WineCape! Treeburst155 out.
  13. I think Tourney I, Section Three may be the roughest section of all. The "underdogs", based on prior performance, would be Tero and White4. Also, based on prior performance, these two I would consider strong players. It's definitely a tough section to be stuck in. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Pilgrim has filled the last open slot (tourney III, section three). Welcome, Pilgrim! Steve Dixon, Pilgrim beat you by 1.5 hours. Would you like to be #1 on the backup list? Treeburst155 out.
  15. Aaah, SuperTed is working through the night again, I see. Thanks for the update, Ted. I am also working late tonight. I have divided the 72 players (one OPEN slot) into their respective tourneys. I have printed out the names, cut them up, and put them in a hat (one hat for each tourney). Your names are now being picked out of the hat and typed into this post. TOURNEY I Section One 1) Ali 2) Ricochet 3) THumpre 4) Fate 5) Jarmo 6) Mr Spkr Section Two 1) Lopaka 2) mike8g 3) mPisi 4) John Jelinek 5) Jack Trap 6) Bimmer Section Three 1) Redwolf 2) Tero 3) Kiwi Joe 4) White4 5) Holien 6) Cogust Section Four 1) The Capt 2) Juha Ahoniemi 3) von Lucke 4) Wreck 5) Mattias 6) JonS _______________________________ TOURNEY II Section One 1) Visom 2) Big Dog 3) Strider 4) Wadepm 5) MickOZ 6) Uber General Section Two 1) Pixelmaster 2) Torbhen 3) a1steaks 4) J. Porta 5) Scheer 6) Combined Arms Section Three 1) Tom Norton 2) Kanonier Reichmann 3) JeffWilders 4) StuGIII 5) Tabpub 6) Warhammer Section Four 1) Soddball 2) C. Rohde 3) Bertram 4) John Kettler 5) Michael Dorosh 6) Ugbash _______________________________ TOURNEY III Section One 1) Sgt Gold 2) Gunnersman 3) Ligur 4) Jim L. 5) U8led 6) Kunstler Section Two 1) Silvio Manuel 2) Hoopenfaust 101 3) Heavy Drop 4) EASY-V 5) GeneralSV 6) Jeb Section Three 1) Cpt T 2) Jon L 3) Mikeydz 4) Vader's Jester 5) Pilgrim 6) R.C. Section Four 1) I-Man 2) Lord Dragon 3) Zipper 4) f1shlips 5) Vadr 6) Hobo So there you have it. Now you know who the enemy is. Shortly before you begin receiving game files, you will receive a Contact List containing the email addresses of those in your section. You will also receive the schedule for your section. This will tell you who your opponent is for each scenario and which side you will play. The German player will start the PBEM game with the secure file and password I provide him. In games where you are the Allies, you need only wait for a file from your opponent. You will receive your password and briefings at the same time I send the secure game file to the German player. I have MANY files to send out. It will take days to get all the briefings, passwords, and secured .cmb files out to the players. You will probably receive one game's files per day for five days. I must work carefully so I don't send the wrong briefings or passwords to the players. When I get tired I have to stop so I don't mess up. One file to the wrong person and security is blown completely and that scenario is ruined for two people. So, be patient once the files begin arriving. Work on what you have. The rest will be coming in due time. This tourney will be played under extreme Fog Of War. Lots of time and effort goes into making sure your opponents know nothing about your units, setup zones, and the contents of your briefings. Do not discuss the scenarios on the forum! NO AARs, DARs, etc. as others may not have progressed as far in a particular scenario as you have. This should be a fairly boring thread while the tourney is going on. If you leak scenario info, you are only helping the others to your own detriment. Mum's the word. This FOW includes final game scores! No player should know any final scores, except for his own games, until the end when I will reveal all. Leaking final scores can tip your opponents off as to scenario balance. Think before you type. If you have not yet done so, PLEASE read the last half of page one of this thread. There are some new procedures for reporting final game scores, submitting AARs, and reporting MIAs. These procedures are simple, but must be followed in order for me to manage 72 people efficiently. THANKS!! Treeburst155 out. [ May 22, 2002, 02:10 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  16. I have filled six more slots with vets from SuperTed's Newbie Tournaments. The latest additions to the player list are Hoopenfaust 101, f1shlips, Silvio Manuel, Jim L., I-Man, and R.C.. Welcome! This leaves only one more open slot. We're down to just a couple weeks until this thing kicks off, unless the designers want more time. How are the scenarios coming SuperTed? Treeburst155 out.
  17. Vader's Jester, You will be in the same group of 24 with Lord Dragon, but you would also need to be in the same section of six players. The sections will be chosen randomly out of a hat. Treeburst155 out.
  18. That's good to hear, John! Welcome back to CM. Fionn, That would be map B as Texas Toast said. Let me know if you still need it. Treeburst155 out.
  19. Bump. Just keeping track of the thread. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Just a bump so prospective newbies can find the thread. The second half of page one contains several consecutive posts by myself. These posts contain virtually all the information one needs about the tourney. The current player list is in the first post to the thread, and is updated regularly. Lord Dragon has been added to the list today. Welcome! Treeburst155 out. [ May 20, 2002, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  21. Quincunx FSAA is definitely my problem. Don't use it, no problem. (G4 Ti4200) Treeburst155 out.
  22. The cause of this problem appears to be Quincunx FSAA. Try using regular 2x or 4x FSAA. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Just a bump. How's the weather up there in the Nordic countries. Is it warming up yet? Treeburst155 out.
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