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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. ....or he can send the files to me and I will forward them to you compressed. Obviously, your games will go faster if he installs Winzip, but I'm willing to help out here if he would rather not mess with Winzip. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Kunstler, I've found that when the PC guy zips the file(s), Mac people are often spared various problems similar to what you describe. Are you having problems with files I sent you? Those were zipped. If you are having problems with one of your opponents, have them zip the files. Treeburst155 out.
  3. Mr. Clark, TacOps has a more than decent AI that will keep you busy in single player for quite awhile. The AI has several different plans for each scenario. You never know which one it will use. Some AI plans are purposely inferior, some are rather outstanding. Once you burn out on the AI, you can play PBEM, which goes much faster than CM PBEM. TacOps is not for everyone however. I would download the demo, read the excellent manual, and give it a good trial. If you like it, TacOps 4.0 will only cost you $25 plus shipping. Don't expect much in the eye candy department, but the sounds will grow on you. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Attention TOURNEY I, Section 3! Jazza will be replacing Kiwi Joe. You can expect an updated schedule/contact list within 24 hours. I will need to send Jazza his files too. He has nothing yet. Welcome aboard, Jazza! FrankV is now #1 on the backup list, followed by Yankee Dog. Treeburst155 out. [ June 06, 2002, 11:31 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. News from the front! You read right. Another Invitational game has actually been completed! Congratulations, Texas Toast, on your 77-23 victory over John! I believe you are finished with the tourney at this point. I will update the standings page as soon as I figure out how to do that again. LOL!! BTW, how many points were players allowed for purchases. Was it 1,500? Treeburst155 out.
  6. I agree, Redwolf. If it wasn't for CM I would still be playing TacOps 3.0. I enjoyed it that much. I will purchase 4.0 as soon as it comes out. I've been on the mailing list for some time now. It's going to be quite a game. I'm looking forward to making my own TacOps maps with the improved tool. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Another bump from so far back I had to use the search function to find it. Treeburst155 out.
  8. Um....none that I can think of. Some CMer may enjoy GI Combat when/if it comes out, but it won't really be competition since it caters to a different type of wargamer IMO. Few, if any, current CM owners will forego a purchase of CMBB in order to pick up GIC. All IMO, of course. Treeburst155 out.
  9. I forgot the story. How did Kirk get out of the no-win situation? He changed the game somehow, but I can't remember the details. I take it you simply created a similar map to show some of the features you liked about the map? Treeburst155 out.
  10. M. Dorosh, How did you edit a saved game file? Fionn, You're a cold, heartless commander. Don't turn your back on your men. Treeburst155 out.
  11. It seems one of our Titans has actually played an early version of one of the scenarios we intended to use. For this reason we will have to go with four scenarios from Boots & Tracks (The RoW II scenarios)and three "pick your own" scenarios. SCORING As each scenario will only be played four times among this group I think we should go with a variation of Wreck's scoring idea (a variation of the Nabla system for playoff games). I propose 3 points for the best score from each side of a scenario, 2 points for the second best, 1 for the third highest, and zero for the lowest score from each side of a scenario. The highest total wins after all seven games are tallied. For reasons of gamey play, any contested VL points need to be divided in some manner. There are two ways to do it: 1) Given a final score of 50-30 we could just add 10 points to each player (contested VL is worth 20) giving 60-40. 2) Another way (preferred by scoring experts like Redwolf and Fionn) is to award contested VL points according to the percentage of total player points scored by a player. For example: 50-30 would give the winner 62.5% of the total player points scored (80). This same portion of unclaimed/contested VL points would also be given to the winner. The adjusted final score would be 62.5-37.5. This maintains the final point ratio between the players. Method 1 will decrease this point ratio. Since level of victory as defined in CM is not of concern to us (only points in comparison to others who played the same side of a scenario),it does not matter which method we use. There will be some effect on tactics however. Anyway, this needs to be worked out. I'm open to a vote. THE SCENARIOS We will be using four new scenarios by Boots & Tracks. Nobody has seen them except for the RoW II people who are playing them now. One or more of these scenarios MAY be deliberately unbalanced. This does not matter. Your goal is to score higher than the others who played the same scenario from the same side you did. This is the nature of the Nabla system. Balance does not matter. For this reason, you should never surrender. Withdraw, and let the game auto-surrender for you. For all you know, your crummy 18 points will be the high score from your side of the scenario. Allowing your people to be captured in large quantities (surrendering) virtually guarantees you won't have the high score from your side. SECURITY No discussion of the scenarios is permitted on the tourney thread. This includes final scores because they tip off players as to scenario balance. You won't know what you are getting into with these scenarios. You need to assess the situation yourself, and act accordingly. THE "CHOOSE YOUR OWN" SCENARIOS These three scenarios will be played on custom maps. I will place the forces you choose on the final maps, tourney save the scenario, and send the secured file to the German player to start the game. Since these games will be scored using the same system, I think the same side should always start on the same side of the map. IOW, Allies always set up in the west, for example. Otherwise, there is virtually no similarity between the battles so a comparison of scores is impossible. There would be no "same side" really. I'm open to thoughts on this issue. I will need a copy of the agreements made by players regarding force purchases. In the case of disputes, this agreement is all I have to go by in making a judgment. Therefore, these agreements should be specific. Any grey areas that become the subject of a dispute will see the ruling go in favor of the accused. If an agreement fails to deal with an issue at all, don't bother lodging a complaint. You should have thought of that while negotiating. No editing of "free" unit attributes like HQ bonuses, ammo, fausts, rifle grenades, gammon bombs, etc.. I WILL be repurchasing your forces anyway, so you will be stuck with the random/default. Also, please select forces from just one month and let me know the month you used. Any other editing is up to the players to decide. All I ask is that you give me explicit purchasing instructions if you do lots of editing. It's sometimes very difficult to figure out how a player arrives at a certain force list at a certain point level when heavy editing is involved. I don't have the time to figure out the puzzle. Treeburst155 out.
  12. A couple little things here. John Jelinek, at least one person is having trouble getting through to you. ___________________________________________ I forgot to mention that "Ricochet" is now posting as "Ted". He feels you should all know the real name of the guy who is beating the pants off you, or something like that. ______________________________________________ Fionn, Ah yes, courage by coercion. That's gamey until we get to the Russian front I believe. ______________________________________________ The files for "Another Day" (Tiger Woods) are all sent. I have only two scenarios to go, along with taking care of Kiwi Joe's replacement. Jazza, are you out there? Treeburst155 out.
  13. Mr Spkr, I will send you your schedule/contact list. The gamey play post is simply something for players to consider and talk over with their opponents if they are concerned about running into gamey play. Using human designed scenarios, I have yet to hear any complaints concerning this issue. Players who are "sensitive" to gamey play should definitely bring the issue up with their opponents so there are no surprises. Consider the post above to be talking points for the combatants. To all, The files for "Another Day" are going out now. Remember, this scenario is called "Tiger Woods" on your game schedules. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Attention TOURNEY III, Section 3! Boris "Big B" Balaban will be replacing Nemo. You will receive an updated schedule/contact list shortly. Welcome aboard Big B!! ________________________________________________ Jazza, I have a slot available for you if you wish. I sent an email to the address in your profile. Please respond ASAP. THANKS!! Treeburst155 out.
  15. To German Commanders in "Fire On The Mountain", Lucio is in the east, not the west as described in the briefing in one instance. There is another east/west question I don't want to be specific about on the forum. I would also rather not have to put together an email to 36 people. The answer is: West, on or about turn 7. Treeburst155 out.
  16. The following was taken from the Nordic Championship thread. It states how I think you guys should handle the gamey question. There are no rules concerning such play because every situation is different. What might be gamey in one situation might be perfectly OK in another. There is also disagreement on what is or isn't gamey. There are however some tactics that are generally considered gamey. If you use such tactics you may detract from your opponents' enjoyment of the game. Below is a list of tactics generally accepted as gamey. Discuss this list with your opponents. You should know how he feels about the list. Gamey tactics aren't nearly as effective if you KNOW your opponent is going to use them. If you know he intends to use some of these tactics you can defend against the tactics or use them yourself. I cannot over-emphasize the importance of coming to an understanding with your opponents concerning this list. Be truthful with your opponents if you intend to use any of the tactics below. POTENTIALLY Gamey Tactics-Use at your own risk. Your opponent may not like it if he sees these things. 1) Setting fire to "squares" or buildings unoccupied by enemy troops, ESPECIALLY to deny a VL or covered access to one. 2) Advancing large formations along the map edge. 3) Scouting with AT teams, crews of knocked out vehicles or guns, MG teams, and anybody who is "low" on ammo. 4) Recon with light (cheap) vehicles well into enemy territory. 5) Exposing AT teams and FOs SOLEY for the purpose of drawing enemy fire. 6) Ordering vehicle and gun crews to participate in an attack or hunt down enemy teams or spotters. 7) Rushing the flag(s) in the last turn or two when you would have no hope of surviving were the game to go another turn or two. Avoid these tactics and you are safe. Use them and you have stepped into the risky gray area of "Potentially Gamey Tactics". GOLDEN RULES: Protect your AT teams until they have a target. Use half squads and spare HQs for scouting/recon. Keep your vehicle/gun crews alive. Ask yourself the following questions while giving orders: 1) Would the order be given in real life? 2) Would the order be obeyed in real life? 3) Will the results of that order affect the battle in a realistic way or will you be exploiting imperfections of the game engine? _______________________________________________
  17. Jack Trap, I'll see if I can dig up a previous post on the gamey issue. TOURNEY 3, SECTION 3 I've held back your files in hopes of getting a replacement quickly so I don't have to mess up my elaborate file distribution system. I will send files today regardless. TOURNEY 1, SECTION 3 Kiwi Joe has withdrawn from the tournament! I'll send you an updated schedule/contact list when his slot is filled. Evidently, he thought this was a CMBB tournament. CMBO won't even run on his machine. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Now that, Ari, I can understand. Soak up the sun while you can. I think even I would leave the house in the summer if I lived that far north. Here in Arkansas, we run inside and turn on the air conditioning in the summer. I won't go outside again until October. LOL! It's hot and humid all summer. I can make coffee out of the tap water from June-September. Winters are great here! Treeburst155 out.
  19. John, You have Michael Dorosh and Ari Maenpaa left to play. It appears you and Texas Toast are exchanging files at a rapid pace. I'm looking forward to learning the outcome. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Visom, The goal is 90 days from the date the last file is sent out. Let's say September 15th. We'll throw in an extra few days. I can almost guarantee you at least ten people won't make it by then, but we have to wait on them due to the scoring system. I've thought of penalizing players for being too slow, but it's often difficult to determine who is the cause of the delay. Many times it is both players who can't keep up the pace, I think. The Nabla Scoring System is the best there is IMO; but in order for it to work, the players must play diligently so as not to hold everything up. My fingers are crossed. Treeburst155 out.
  21. I'll have to pass on my game. I'm far too busy with CM to play CM. LOL! If I may, I'd like to donate my slot to one of the Cesspooligans. The MBT will probably have dozens of hilarious posts about the game. Also, it would not be wise to actually attempt to teach a Cesspuddlican any tactics. They might be banned from the MBT if they inadvertantly absorbed some tactical know-how. Play to win quickly and decisively! Nothing short of merciless mayhem should be the lot of the malodorous misfits milling in the murky muck! Treeburst155 out.
  22. Hehe....I can't send you screenshots to post because I'm using my ultra ugly "War Room" mod. Only Ben Galanti and I can stand it. Everybody else will go blind if they gaze on it too long. LOL!! Besides, it won't do the beautiful maps justice. I will ask SuperTed if he or his designers would like to supply sanitized screenshots. Treeburst155 out.
  23. I see know reason why screenshots of the maps should be verboten IF you don't show any units or setup zones. That's VERY important! Triple check before you post. Make sure no unit is selected. Come to think of it, the very nature of a shot not showing setup zones may give away the setup zones. The only way is to edit out the zones and units for screenshot purposes. You cannot do that with the saved game file you have. I will send you cleaned up maps for screenshots. Sound good? EDIT: The VLs will have to be removed too since they could give something away too. We'll have to be very careful here. Um......I will have to send you screenshots. I can't even send you cleaned up cmbs because of the parameters screen. Too much chance of a slip up. Treeburst155 out. [ June 06, 2002, 12:57 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  24. Scenario designer's names have been removed from the briefings to prevent tactics based on known design styles. When the tourney is over the scenario designers will be announced so you'll know who to blame for your wretched performance. Thanks, Boots & Tracks, for the scenarios!! Treeburst155 out.
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