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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. My problem is I don't want to tell someone who asked to play, who is also qualified (a Titan), who I then invited to fill a slot, that they can't play now. If SurlyBen's email had come three hours sooner, I would not have offerred GravesRegistration the spot. Once done, however, I don't think it's right to go back on the offer. With GravesRegistration we have eight players. We could go to 10 and let SurlyBen and Skelley in, but we would be talking nine games per player. That's getting a bit ambitious I think. I looked over the parameters forms today. This is going to take some time to put together. I'm probably going to need some clarification on purchase rules and perhaps the scenarios themselves from some of you. In general though, they look good. When I send out the game files, I will send the appropriate parameters form also. The forms will serve as the players' briefings and rules reference. I'll be working on these scenarios. Keep in mind I have seven of them, and I want to do a good job on them, so be patient. Apparently, I've come down with a mild case of Real Life this week too. I've doubled my daily dose of various vitamins in hopes I can fight off the Real Life infection quickly. Treeburst155 out.
  2. I will begin the hunt for Cogust's replacement in about 24 hours. He will have had 48 hours to respond to my email by then. Don't worry, Redwolf, I doubt you will be the one holding things up in the end. Even if you are, I'll know why. It takes two to get the games done on time. Treeburst155 out.
  3. OK, SurlyBen is a no-show so GravesRegistration gets the slot if he's still interested. I'll email him within the hour. As for a timetable, I have lots of work to do. I have to build these scenarios for one thing. I will probably work the maps over quite a bit too (without changing the "flavor" of the map, of course). I'm also going on vacation from July 11-17. Let's just say I'll keep this tourney high on my priority list and we'll see what happens. I think I can be passing out games sometime next week. With all the vacations we won't worry about a tourney completion date for now. Just play when you can, and make sure your opponents are notified when you can't. Check this thread a couple times per week!! Treeburst155 out.
  4. TOURNEY III, Section 2: Is anyone besides Redeker not receiving files from EASY-V and GeneralSV? If so, post here. TOURNEY I, Section 3: I've emailed Cogust. He has 48 hours to respond or he is relieved of command. Treeburst155 out.
  5. Fionn has sent in his scenario form. We now have only SurlyBen to hear from. At 1900 (GMT -5) I will give his slot to Graves Registration. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Hmmm....I wasn't aware Skelley was interested. I must have missed the post. Right now I have six. The deadline has arrived. Fionn has asked for a 24 hour extension, which I granted. I might as well give SurlyBen the same 24 hours. GravesRegistration and Skelley are on the wait list, in that order. If Fionn and SurlyBen are both out then Graves and Skelley are both in. We'll know in 24 hours. Treeburst155 out.
  7. Only five hours to go! Right now I have six players. I still need battle parameters from SurlyBen and Fionn. GravesRegistration, If only one of the above two send in their battle, you are in. If neither one of them do so, then you miss out. I must have an even number of players. Right now I'm at six. Treeburst155 out.
  8. It looks like Cogust may be the only big problem here. I'll attempt to contact him. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Only 21 hours left to send your battle parameters to me at: mikeman@cablelynx.com Treeburst155 out.
  10. Let me say once again how great you guys are doing with final game reports and AARs. You are following instructions very well and saving me LOTS of time. I really do appreciate it. _________________________________________________ If you have not heard from one or more of your opponents yet, please post his name here so I can attempt to light a fire under him, or at least find out what his plans are regarding the tourney. Thanks!! Treeburst155 out.
  11. The deadline for Battle Parameters forms is 1900 hours on Sunday, June 23rd (GMT -5). If I have received six or eight forms by then we will hold the tourney with those people who submitted their parameters. If I have five or seven completed forms I will add GravesRegistration of Tournament House fame to get the necessary even number. He has expressed interest. At this point I have five Parameters forms plus GravesRegistration to make six. This means the tourney will happen even if SurlyBen, Ghost, and Fionn do not send in their battles. GravesRegistration, If, after the deadline, I have an odd number of players (not including you), you are in. We will know in 45 hours or so. Right now I have five. Treeburst155 out. [ June 21, 2002, 11:23 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  12. Hobo, I can confirm Ozzie has not received anything from you yet. He asked me about you today. Are you using this address for him? josbornesprint11@earthlink.net Treeburst155 out.
  13. I'm still waiting for three more Battle Parameters forms before I devote more time to this tourney. I need one from Ghost, Fionn, and SurlyBen. Treeburst155 out.
  14. John, It sounds like your section is going at this full time. You guys are really cranking out the turns. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Greg Redeker will be taking over for Silvio Manuel in TOURNEY III, Section Two. Welcome aboard, Greg! This coming Saturday I will attempt to determine how many MIAs we have, and who they are. I will of course need lots of help from you guys to determine this. Try to visit this thread this weekend if you still have not heard from one of your opponents. For this weekend we will define an MIA as anyone who has not sent you even one email since the tourney began. I will do this MIA assessment once per week from now on. The definition of an MIA will change as the weeks pass. What happens if you're on the MIA list? I will email you to find out what your plans are concerning the tourney. If you do not respond to my inquiry within 48 hours you will be replaced. Also, you will not be eligible to play in any future RoW tourneys. Let your opponents know when you are not able to take your turns for more than a few days. This way you will not be reported as MIA when I ask for that info. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out. [ June 19, 2002, 03:45 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  16. For all you gungho officers in the rear hoping to further your career with some combat duty I have an opening for you. You may have to take up some of these battles in progress. Only if both of you agree can the battle be restarted. In cases where no movie has been seen there should be a restart out of fairness. There is no good reason NOT to restart the game at that point. Here is how far the games have progressed: 1) Fire On The Mountain- your opponent has seen two movies at the most. 2) Ste Mere Eglise- your opponent has seen one movie at the most. 3) Another Day- perhaps as many as five movies have been viewed. 4) Polish Push-no movies, should be restarted. 5) Head For The Hills- no movies, should be restarted. If you would like to volunteer for this command, email me! Treeburst155 out.
  17. It's been tested at least 12 times under double-blind conditions too. Treeburst155 out.
  18. Hey, that sounds great, Aaron! I hope it works out. Thanks for taking a crack at a project like that. Treeburst155 out.
  19. A couple of things here. 1) I have received four completed game reports so far. Every one of them was done exactly as I spelled out in the "Manual". Thanks, guys!! 2) Speaking of the manual, I have edited the very first post to this thread with the entire tourney manual. If you have a question, try the top of this thread first. 3) If you have yet to make initial contact with one, some, or all of your opponents; please drop them a quick email as a matter of courtesy so they know you're alive. It's getting to the point where you need to move the tourney a bit higher on your priority list anyway. In theory, eleven percent of your time is already gone. Thanks! 4) TOURNEY III, Section Two- We lost Silvio Manuel to Real Life. You will receive an updated contact list when I find a replacement. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Yeah, CapDog, I think you will be among the last to get CM. I know of a CMer in Thailand however. He may be worse off than you. Treeburst155 out.
  21. Hobo, The scenario designers deserve all credit for a fun tourney. I just make the tourney run. Like right now...Cogust, where are you?! Let's get the lead out!! Redwolf, Wreck is going to play in the Titans tournament IF it actually comes together. I should know in a few more days. If the Titans thing doesn't come together Wreck knows he can jump into the first open slot in this tourney. Maybe he will end up taking Cogust's place.
  22. I was wondering the same thing. I have lots of terrain modding to do when CMBB comes out. Psychedelic terrain elevation colors, big fat black 20 meter gridlines, and incredibly ugly treebases all need to be done. My fans (all two of them) are counting on it. Treeburst155 out.
  23. I think in the early days of CMBO, when everyone was a rookie, the ladders were more gamey simply because newbies often aren't conscious of gamey issues. I was gamey as could be, and thought I was just using superior tactics. Those of us who did ladder play in the early days, then quit, still have that mistaken impression of gamey stuff on ladders. We just ASSUME the ladders to be gamey based on our ancient experience with them. I'm convinced this is not the case now among the ladder old timers. Treeburst155 out.
  24. Thanks, Kanonier. Update me again in the middle of next week. I need to stay up to date on possible MIAs. Some are natural procrastinators I think; but everybody should hear at least something from their opponents by the two week mark. As time goes on I will get less and less lenient with slackers. TOURNEY I, Section 4, Beckman has been replaced by Saport, who lives in Thailand. Welcome aboard, Saport!! Saport has been sent all his briefings and passwords, and you should all have an updated contact list. Treeburst155 out.
  25. I always ASSUMED ladder players were gamey. I thought it would be great fun to watch Wreck get torn apart in the Wild Bill tourney because of the double-blind human designed scenarios. I admired him for being willing to give it a go however. Then, much to my absolute amazement, Wreck cleaned up in that tournament. His performance was head & shoulders above the rest. So much for assumptions. The battles outlined above sound very ungamey to me too. After the Wreck experience, I'm not surprised. I'm sending the Parameters Form out now. Disregard if your battle is already approved, unless you want to change it. Treeburst155 out.
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