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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Good idea, Ted. I will post game completion statistics today (not results). Lots of them. If you are a slacker, everyone will know it. It's time to get serious about making good steady progress. We don't want this thing overlapping the CMBB release by too much. MickOz may be the first person to finish. I'll have to check. He's finished because he's a freeloader...I mean freelancer...um...IOW, his wife thinks he has a job, but he doesn't. Treeburst155 out.
  2. Fionn's scenario has been corrected. I did have the zone dimensions backwards. Thanks, Major Taktiks. Treeburst155 out.
  3. The Capt, We are shooting for mid-September. That would be approximately 90 days from the tourney start date. To all, I will be trying to assess our MIA situation throughout the next several days. If you have not received any sort of email from an opponent in two weeks, post the problem child's name here. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  4. Map Info Swamp's Scenario 3 large flags, front: 2000, depth: 1040 Fionn's Scenario 5 large flags, front: 1000, depth: 2400, defender's zone: 1600, attacker's zone: 600 GravesRegistration's Scenario 2 large flags, front: 800, depth: 1520, defender zone: 1100, attacker zone: 250 Major Taktik's Scenario 3 small flags, front: 1440, depth: 3040, custom symmetrical zones. Deathdealer's scenario 6 large flags, front: 1440, depth: 1840, defender zone: 1000, attacker zone: 400 Broken!'s scenario: 7 large flags, front: 2000, depth: 1040, defender zone: 600, attacker zone: 300 Ghost's scenario: 2 large flags, 2 small flags, front: 1920, depth: 1120, zones: 200 meter square in players' right hand corner. NOTE: Setup zones are approximate. Major Taktik, I don't want to allow any changes to purchase rules at this point since players now know who they will be facing, and also what side they will be playing in each scenario. The allied side in your scenario will have to deal with Panthers. Treeburst155 out. [ July 26, 2002, 02:22 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. Hi Guys! I'm back in action with lots of catching up to do on my various tourneys. I ommitted a restriction from GravesRegistration's scenario. I have edited the big post with the purchase rules. No VT arty!! I'm unclear on the the SMG question for Fionn's scenario. We'll have to wait for him on that one. I will post all the map info for each scenario this weekend. Treeburst155 out.
  6. Hi guys! I'm back in action here with 136 emails. Redeker's replacement has been found, but I still need to get his files together. I'll be working all weekend on tourney stuff so if you're expecting a reply to an email, it will come this weekend. Treeburst155 out.
  7. I'm old and slightly color-blind. Grids weren't good enough for me. I went so far as to do away with the grass completely. I replaced it with fairly bright colors, a different one for every two elevations. I then put in a thick, black outline around every terrain tile for a 20m x20m grid. I can see the smallest dip and bump from view four while standing across the room without my glasses on. I tried a "normal" terrain mod awhile back. I've become so used to my mod that I actually can't stand the pretty stuff any more. It looks great, but I can't play!! The first thing I will do is get the "pretties" out of CMBB so I can play the game. I'm very worried about the doodads and wheat that hides 2/3 of the units. Hopefully I will be able to get rid of these things. I want to make war, not look at postcards. A grid that can be toggled? Not good enough for me, but any optional feature is a good thing in general. Having said that, I do use vehicle, rubble (juju), smoke and fire mods. Oh, and sound mods. I love to hear good sounds. Treeburst155 out. [ July 11, 2002, 01:41 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  8. Major Taktik, All is clear to me except for Chaffees. Are they counted in the 8-10 vehicles? On your scenario, small flags it is then. To All, Know your Panther 76 Rules!! That ruleset is used several times IIRC. Pay attention to the variations from the standard arty size limit in that ruleset. I believe people have specified custom limits. Treeburst155 out.
  9. Visom, If people only report win/loss record, and nothing else, all is well. However, if they post the name of the person they lose to, they have given the scenario name away to the rest of their section. This is a minor issue IMO. Why? Because players really don't know if they won or lost due to the scoring system. Just because a guy only scores 30 pts. in a scenario doesn't mean he lost. The median for that scenario may be 25, but he would report it as a loss. Likewise, he could "win" 65-35 but the median is 70, making him a loser. The important thing is not to reveal any scores. This can tip players off as to scenario balance. No scores!! Treeburst155 out.
  10. I'll be on vacation from July 11th-18th. I don't think you guys will notice my absence, but the thread needed a bump anyway. Treeburst155 out.
  11. I'll be on vacation from July 11th-18th. I don't think you guys will notice my absence, but the thread needed a bump anyway. Treeburst155 out.
  12. Major Taktiks, Scenario clarifications noted. Your scenario may present some problems. With so few VL points, it is possible that one or both players would choose to be very cautious and non-aggressive. It's entirely up to you however. It's your scenario. I just thought I'd bring up the possibility. To All, If a unit is not mentioned in the purchase rules for a scenario, it is allowed. Note that Major Taktiks has amended his rules above. I have completed six of the scenarios. The last two are the most time consuming and are well started. I started virtually from scratch on a few of the scenarios that the auto-generator just couldn't do a decent job on. Others are more or less auto-generator default. I will be gone from July 11-18. When I get back I will send you all a contact list and the schedule of games for your convenience. This info is currently available on this thread, as are the purchase rules and scenario descriptions. As of right now I have only received purchases from Deathdealer. This tourney will not be cancelled if CMBB is released while it is underway. The only thing that will cause the tourney to fold up is if I have dropouts that cannot be replaced by another Titan. IOW, lack of interest. In order to score the tourney with the Nabla system, all games must be completed. If somebody drops out, all his completed games count; but all the incomplete games must be restarted with the replacement. IOW, the replacement is saddled with his predecessor's record. We just can't wait for a mid to late stage replacement to play all the games. Needless to say, dropouts in this tourney can have a devastating effect. The later the dropout, the less likely we are to find a replacement. No replacement means no scoring means no champion. Unless you get hit by a train, you should not drop out of this tourney. We have set no time limit, so there is little pressure should Real Life intrude for awhile. Be a good sport! Finish the tourney and do your best to the very end, even if you think you are out of the running. Titans never quit! Besides, all final scores will remain secret until the end. This means you will not really know how well you are doing compared to the others. As distasteful as the subject is, you guys may want to discuss gamey tactics. Gamey force purchases are covered by the purchase rules (also some gamey tactics). I will not hear complaints about gamey play! I expect this will be a highly competitive tourney. Considering this, the temptation to stretch the game engine will be great. Questionable tactics will be rationalized. Be prepared! I'll see you on the 19th. Treeburst155 out.
  13. Scheer, I don't see any problem with sharing your win/loss record. Just don't say which scenarios you won or lost. To All, I will be vacationing in California from July 11-18. Internet access will be sporadic at best. Fight On! Treeburst155 out.
  14. Buuurrrrpp.....aaahh, that's better. Oh, I didn't know anyone was around. Please excuse me. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Some good stuff here. Since all players know 50% of the passwords, the potential for compromised FOW is already present. The more password sharing there is, the greater the chances of this happening. It's a "need to know" thing. I cannot stop you from sharing passwords, so it's pointless to make a rule against it. Let's just say I disapprove, but what I don't know won't hurt me. Just keep in mind that YOU could be the victim of a shared password. :eek: Visom also pointed out that a simple email error could find a password in the wrong hands. This is a very good point. Be careful!! TabPub, LOL!! Fight On! Treeburst155 out. [ July 09, 2002, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  16. I would be very careful with password sharing. That is the only real weakness in my security system. It is far too much work to assign different passwords to each of the 60 games in each of three tournaments. Suppose you trust player A, and give him your password. He tells player B that you were kind enough to do so for game review purposes. Player B then asks you for your password upon completion of his game with you, but you don't really trust player B. Now you're in an awkward position. When you share a password, you are sharing the password of 35 other players! :eek: Fight On!! Treeburst155 out. [ July 07, 2002, 09:32 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  17. Sounds like fun, John. I wish I could check it out. J. Jelinek, Your latest email received. I sent the turn again, and also another email. Treeburst155 out.
  18. You do not have to have your purchases in by the 20th. That is just the date I intend to be ready to start purchasing and passing out games. Whenever I get the purchases from both players for a game, I will send the game out. I have 28 games to purchase for. Each game will take at least 20 minutes to get ready (check for compliance with rules, purchase, secure, send with passwords. I will only be able to pass out a few per day anyway. Take your time and do it at your convenience. Just know that I will be ready to deal with purchases by the weekend of the 20th. Treeburst155 out.
  19. Ali, If you do TCP, make sure you use a long time limit. Also, I wouldn't do it unless you are the only one with incomplete games. IOW, I wouldn't do TCP/IP in a large assault unless I was holding up the whole tourney. Remember, nothing can be scored until every last game is finished. Unless yours is the last game, you are not holding anything up. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Sorry, Deathdealer, I missed your post. Yes, I have your troop selections; but I don't have any from the others. I have now completed five scenarios. I decided I just couldn't stand a couple of the auto-generated maps, so I wiped everything clean except for the elevations and started from scratch. I may go back and do this to all of them. The maps are fairly big however. It takes me two days to do one. The scenarios remaining will not auto-generate very nicely at all. They will require significant human work. I'm enjoying it, and I think it is worth it. After all, this IS the "Clash Of The Titans". Being realistic, I'd say I will be ready and waiting for purchases by July 21st, scenarios finished and final managerial tasks complete. I will be on vacation from July 11-18. Your goal then, is to try and have purchases in my mailbox by the July 20 weekend. Treeburst155 out.
  21. John, RTF files are fine. To all, Do we have any possible MIAs? I now have 34 game results, but only 3 from TOURNEY I. Treeburst155 out.
  22. J. Jelinek, I sent a move to you from Lopaka. I later received an email from you asking about Lopaka. To this email I replied. I think both Lopaka and I are having trouble getting email to you, with or without attachments. Treeburst155 out.
  23. Each of the 28 games will take some time to put together. I have to verify that all the purchase rules were obeyed by both sides, purchase the troops, and secure the scenario. For this reason the scenarios will just trickle out as time goes by. IOW, you guys just send in your purchases. I'll start sending out scenarios when both side's purchases are in for a particular game, and the scenarios are finished. I still have three to go, and may go back to a couple of them. If you do not wish to begin a scenario that I send you, just inform that particular opponent that you wish to delay the game for awhile. We'll just plug away at this one. You guys work on purchases, and I'll work on scenarios. No time pressure, just steady progress. I will have the scenarios finished by this weekend. If I have some matching purchases from you guys, I'll do my thing and send that game(s) out. If we all just keep up a comfortable, steady pace things will happen in good time. I suppose I should email you guys a contact list of all opponents and their addresses, along with a copy of the final schedule too. All this will happen. Treeburst155 out.
  24. On Major Taktiks scenario, 81mm or smaller for the two observers. Mortars and MGs that come with companies are OK. All points must be spent on medium/heavy armor other than what is specifically listed in the special rules. Treeburst155 out.
  25. Road movement for large groups of vehicles can be very tedious, but it's also very rewarding to watch it all work out. I've come to really love it. I only have fender benders now when the enemy interferes. I'm just a super-micro-manager at heart, I think. I consider convoy movement a game within the game. If I have a collision, I lose the little game. If I don't, it looks oh so beautiful watching two dozen vehicles operate in complete harmony in close proximity to one another. Treeburst155 out. [ July 02, 2002, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
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